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I has the photo too
2 hours later…
@YourCommonSense (side)effect of bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81744 ?
Yes, seems so. So it's already fixed.
morning all
are there any known SAPI's for PHP similar to php-fpm but without FastCGI and HTTP instead?
haven't checked for a while if something has changed that's why I am asking
I was using RoadRunner for a while but there is a different handling model which I wanna avoid, had to replace that in favour of good old FPM
@brzuchal FrankenPHP I believe.
posted on February 21, 2023

2 hours later…
Who's our build tooling expert?
No-one's falling for that trap.....say the problem before asking anyone to raise their head above the parapet?
Looks sensible, but then I don't know anything about that stuff :D
@nielsdos I feel like I'm missing a PR of you that I was planning on merging...
@Girgias :thinking: I just checked my open PRs, I think you got them all, and I'll rebase the run-test tonight so that's all of them ig?
Okay good, must be a PR from someone else, of well I'll find it soon enough or I'm just imagining stuff :')
I just noticed that the 8.2 NEWS file didn't get my 2 new fix entries though while 8.1 did 😅
@Girgias I think I know where your confusion might come from. I think kocsismate tagged you in one of my PRs to ask your opinion of something. So maybe you saw the notification and you thought it was for merging :p
Ahhh possibly yes
I'm thinking that trying to get my oop5 to oop change merged would be more convenient now, while I'm unemployed, but I need to decide if I should wait before or after I move... I guess it would depend if I can get it merged in the next week
Also means updating it with master branch, preparing necessary translation PRs, and ... not sure what else
2 hours later…
Hey folks, I've got an internals question and I could use a pointer in the right direction.
I've got a PHP_METHOD that takes a couple arguments which I want to store until request shutdown and I'm having some use-after-free issues.
Throwing a Z_ADDREF_P(myArgument) at the problem helps and makes the problem go away - but I'm not sure if that's the right approach.
@edorian can you link the code? or too private?
> until request shutdown
Private. But I can extract the meaningful bits to help illustrate the point for sure :)
tbh it sounds right.....and maybe if you're not seeing any problems then it's not a problem.
And after the unset in the test the content is also gone from the store and i get some use-after-free from asan and/or segfaults. I've looked around a bit and it seems to be pattern. Only found phpinternalsbook.com/php5/zvals/memory_management.html so I thought I'll jump in and ask if I'm overlooking something :)
@Danack Thank you :)
Z_ADDREF_P(foo); // adding this makes asan issues go away and
    storage->thing = foo;
Imagick has:
ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&callback->user_callback, user_callback);
Which apparently I committed nine years ago, and I do not recall why it was needed.
But ZVAL_COPY_VALUE apparently is a thing.
So if it's refcounted, increase the count. And then copy. Ok. Makes some sense. I'll look at copy_value a bit longer until that all makes sense. Great pointers. Appreciated.
@Tiffany I'd say give it a shot and see if you can get it ready quickly. If it looks Hard(tm), wait.
fair enough
/me waves at @edorian
I'll be spamming again in the next few days, but I think a few of the folks in this room will be at Confoo in Montréal this week! It'd be amazing to all meet up for a drink / coffee / tea / anything really and maybe take a group selfie. If you have any questions about Montréal feel free to ask, I've lived there for a while.
2 hours later…
"If you have any questions about Montréal feel free to ask" - have you as a people gotten over the timezone thing? Or is inviting Derick an opportunity wreak vengeance? - mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2016-April/thread.html#23551
(I can't find the best quote - there was one about the invasion by the US still being a sore point...)
...it doesn't seem Europe/Frankfurt is even a thing
My god. "The point is that the zones that are "merged" are obsolete" rarely have someone 7 years ago bodied me so hard
this is excellent.

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