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@Danack trying to break imagemagick?
I wasn't actually trying to break it, no.
10 hours later…
Thoughts on this simplified approach for property accessors/hooks? gist.github.com/iluuu1994/4ca8cc52186f6039f4b90a0e27e59180 It assumes that you're vaguely familiar with wiki.php.net/rfc/property-hooks.
2 hours later…
is this a "feature" or a bug? 3v4l.org/uYJNn
@SaifEddinGmati feature.
it seems to be faster than calling array_values() and array_keys() in sequence :D
On very large arrays too?
didn't try that tbh
i think on a big arrays array_values and array_keys would be faster, if they just copy the keys/values without iterating, don't really know how they are implemented.
2 hours later…
@IluTov I doth not see mention of visibility in there if that's significant.
@IluTov yes! that's much better honestly, the only change i would propose to it, is using $$ instead of $value.
Anybody with a mac willing to have a look at github.com/php/php-src/pull/10173#discussion_r1059649243?
@MarkR Asymmetric visibility which is currently in voting should take care of that. It's not mentioned because right now because it hasn't been accepted. If it isn't accepted we won't support asymmetric visibility in that proposal, as it's not completely clear what the preferred approach would be, given that we intentionally left off the { get; set; } part now.
@SaifEddinGmati Thanks for the feedback! Not a big fan of how $$ looks but if people are happier with that that's fine with me. We can mention it on the ML once we've adjusted the RFC.
@IluTov I might skip voting on the one that's currently ongoing, but i'd much rather have the { get; set; } and have one way of doing it
@cmb The nightmare that are streams
Maybe we should drop support for macOS. /runs
Dropping ext/gd seems more sensible :p
@MarkR That means asymmetric visibility can't be used for arrays but that's an arbitrary restriction.
And as mentioned, the approach destribed in the gist doesn't do get set at all, there are no generated accessors.
So adding generator accessors just for asymmetric visibility that doesn't require them in the first place doesn't make much sense.
@MarkR If it's not clear what I mean I can try explaining in a gist. Would that help? There's a benefit to having it this way, but it's not completely obvious. Accessors disallow references and indirect modification (same in C#, it's just much less common there). Having the feature separate avoids that issue.
I'm adding a fulltext index over some rows and I am somewhat confused by an error message : Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry 'NULL' for key 'table.column'. I'm confused because as far as I know, NULL values are explicitly allowed in unique indexes, but also that specific column does not have a unique index, and also I'm not inserting, but rather adding a fulltext index, over different columns.
disabling foreign key checks does not seem to change that, but I'm not quite convinced I'm really hitting a duplicate constraint, so I'm not sure where I should look. Anyone encountered something like that in the past?
@IluTov found an easier way to make $a = $b = $c invalid for Ara, just make assignments unreadable like $a[] phpc.social/@azjezz/109654117370358401
@SaifEddinGmati TBH I don't think disallowing this is doing Ara any favors. I understand it's not a programming style you particularly like but lots of PHP code depends on it. I believe, unless you can provide a PHP to Ara transpiler that takes care of this work (which sounds non-trivial because hoisting the assignment changes execution order) adoption is going to be much slower.
In a perfect works, I'd like to be able to rename my files and slowly start using Ara features (TypeScript approach) or at least have seamless interop for new Ara files created (Kotlin approach).
And sorry, I'll stop saying the same thing now :D
@SaifEddinGmati Btw, any reason why PXP and Ara have now split? Different opinions? I haven't looked at PXP.
@IluTov PHP -> Ara is not something i really want to do, but I started working on ara-lang/define yesterday, which is a composer plugin that automatically generates Ara definitions for all installed dependencies, it uses phpstan docblock parser to generate generics .. etc.
Similar feeling here, I'm afraid with two competing options emerging at the same time people will suffer from decision anxiety and just stick with PHP. (Referring to Ara vs PXP).
@IluTov Yes, Ryan just wants a syntax that generates to PHP, no static analysis in Rust, also wants to keep compatibility with PHP ( like TypeScript ), i believe not doing any static analysis while providing features like Generics is wrong, and I believe for a new language, allowing the PHP features is not a good thing.
I also want to provide a WASM target for Ara in the future ( i.e compile Ara code to WASM ), allowing PHP dynamic features makes that much harder to do, but this is not something for now really.
@IluTov I don't know if you saw this: ara-lang.io/statements/using.html, that is probably what people want when they do if ($foo = foo()) { } in PHP, i.e using $foo = foo() if $foo is nonnull { ... }
@SaifEddinGmati Not saying 100% compatibility is crucial (especially with a transpiler that can tell you at compile time) but minimizing superficial changes (e.g. braces in if statements) sounds beneficial to me. You can of course create a drastically different language but adoption will depend on whether it is also drastically better (safer, faster, more ergonomic, interop with whatever it's competing with, etc). But yeah that's just one opinion.
Remember that even HHVM had a hard time being adopted, even though compatibility with PHP was quite good, and it had lots of attractive features. Maintaining definition files is a lot to ask from large library maintainers, too.
@IluTov stuff like removing parenthesis from conditions are extremely hard if you want to keep compatibility, e.g:3v4l.org/f22dG vs 3v4l.org/jDWK8
@SaifEddinGmati Yes, but Ara also doesn't need to remove the parentheses.
I get it, if you're requiring braces the parens are superfluous in terms of grammar disambiguation.
@IluTov yea, that's why i'm working on a composer plugin so no one has to maintain definitions, they will be auto generated, I agree that it makes it hard for people to adopt it, but i also believe HHVM/Hack problem was quite different, it's the same problem it has right now, almost no one uses Hack because it's extremely badly marketed from Facebook side, and has an extremely poor OS support ( IIRC, only Mac, Ubuntu, and 3 other Linux distros )
@SaifEddinGmati Well, I don't think they ever cared too much about adoption in the first place, that's proven more and more true as they are just mutating it slowly into the language they want with automatic migrations. This is just not something we can do with PHP.
also, I'm not trying to make Ara the defecto for PHP development ( like TypeScript for js ), if one day it evolves into that, i would probably just leave the project lol
@SaifEddinGmati Well, in that case all my arguments are void :D
@IluTov it's a much smaller language, with less focus on runtime, and much more focus on type safety and static analysis, it is meant to be as strict as it can be, but also keeping it as close to PHP as possible + to actually create TS for PHP, i would need much more resources at my disposal, mainly much more time.
+ money + a full team
Microsoft has that, i don't :P
@SaifEddinGmati Sure. Although there's also a chance the foundation might be interested to support this if it solves things PHP can't (easily), like generics. That's of course pure speculation and not something I have any influence over.
@SaifEddinGmati TBF I also don't believe we need a type system that is as crazy complex as Typescripts. The need there mostly comes from badly designed APIs. PHP, while far from perfect, is doing way better in that regard IMO.
i disagree, the PHP type system does need a lot of work, mainly:

- removal of callable ( now that creating closures is much simpler, this can be proposed )
- a way to define typed functions ( Ara uses `Closure<(A, B), C>` )
- better arrays: tuples, vec, dict, shapes
- type aliases
- literal types
@SaifEddinGmati Not saying typing isn't lacking, I'm saying the values returned in the APIs are less crazy.
JavaScript has some badly designed APIs that TypeScript can't improve, so all they can do is make the type system evermore complex to provide more safety for them.
> - better arrays: tuples, vec, dict, shapes
That certainly is a big weak point, agreed.
Yea, but Ara is not trying to mimic TS, it does exactly what i described above, adding new types.

and to give you an example on what i meant by stricter version, every line in this function results in error currently under Ara analyzer: https://3v4l.org/WedmX
( 4 to 24 are warnings tho, the rest are hard errors )
I don't see a need for literal types or removing callable. The rest of Saif's list I agree with.
I've bought a new VPS, but the apt is not recognized in the bash .. any idea why?
Noted that I've tested apt-get command either
This does not appear to be the right channel for your question, but the solution likely is that this isn't a Debian-based distro you're interacting with.
Oh, so the OS is no ubuntu .. got it thx
@Crell of the top of my head: 3v4l.org/5O1T3, and we already support 3 literal values: true, false, null.
@Shafizadeh You might be able to find out with 'uname -a' or 'cat /etc/lsb-release'
cat: /etc/lsb-release: No such file or directory
And the res of uname -a:
Linux server3.panel01.com 4.18.0-305.3.1.el8_4.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 2 03:19:21 EDT 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
That's most likely CentOS 8.
You were right .. I reinstalled the OS and it's working as expected now .. thx pal
@SaifEddinGmati null is not a literal value... is the unit type, false and true tho yes, and I'm kinda annoyed they exist just to be able to properly type the absurd internal functions
null is both a type and a value of that type. It's weird.
@Girgias it's both a type, and a value tho, $a = null; ?
@SaifEddinGmati That's the definition of the unit type tho
It's a type with just one value, itself
@Crell Non-closure callable types do suck as they are scope-unaware and the type check is slow. That said, probably to early to remove them as the (...) syntax has just been here for a year.
Also aren't there some bits where using the string name is still better for preloading/performances?
3 hours later…
@IluTov I wonder if the reference issue could be solved with a by-val copy-assign operator. $foo->bar[1] = 1; becoming an implicit byval get followed by set, much more overhead naturally and I could imagine problems with $foo->bar[1][2] given that bar[1] could be an instance exposing ArrayAccess
@MarkR Swift does that and I suggested the same to Nikita early on but he shot the idea down, given that this means any array operation will cause separation of the array. This would become extremely expensive very quickly. Also, sanitization of complex arrays in a setter is actually not that easy, and just expensive for simple ones (O(n)).
So, I think separate mutator methods for arrays is preferable both in terms of performance and ergonomics. As for asymmetric visibility, we can completely avoid these issues by not using accessors but solve them just like we solve normal visibility.
@IluTov Functionally what would the difference be between something doing public int $foo { get; protected set; } and accessors? Would get and set still become methods or would they stay as properties + visibility scopes?
I'd assume that with both autogenerated a ref would be returned in a context that was valid for set and a copy otherwise
@MarkR Short example of what I mean: 3v4l.org/jS4l9 The latter is much simpler.
Within accessors, given a default implementation (the get; protected set bit) would it still be property-like or method-like? i.e. can something within scope still acquire a reference to something with an inbuilt get / set, or no?
@MarkR That depends on how it's implemented. Normally, in our previous proposal, generated accessors would disable references and indirect modification (array [] modfications, basically). Theoretically for generated accessors this is not strictly necessary, but not having that semantic difference means they're essentially the same as normal properties, so they don't really have a justification for existing.
One of the reasons I favor the current syntax in the a-viz RFC is that it lets us use aviz without having to disable references.
The point of doing that is to provide compatibility in case you ever would need to add custom accessors or hooks. But the conclusion of the analysis is that this is almost exclusively the case for array properties. And since we believe array properties aren't a good fit for accessors we prefer not dealing with this at all and just dropping generated accessors completely.
I think the justification would be a slightly more unified system of visibility, the currently voting private(set) would become public int $foo { get; private set; } which would then be expandable with inline setters / hooks
@MarkR There are currently two main benefits for going with private(set): 1. We can use them with array properties without semantic inconsistencies and 2. That allows us to completely drop generated accessors. Syntactically, both options can cover all use-cases.
@MarkR Inline hooks can also be solved with private(set). public private(set) int $foo { get {} set {} } Note that this is exactly what Swift does, we didn't invent this syntax.
@MarkR That would not be any more or less "unified" than the current proposal.
@Crell It's two completely different syntaxes?
Because they're two completely different things.
C# implemented asymmetric visibility through accessors. That's fine but it's not necessary. We have at least 2 semantic reasons not to do that. The proposed solution doesn't have a redundancy (two things to do the same thing), that's the main thing to avoid IMO.
I am asking why they are two completely different things, why private(set) and { get; private set; } are not internally and functionally identical.
@MarkR The latter doesn't exist in our accessor proposal.
Just in case that wasn't clear.
Aviz is controlling "who can invoke a get or set operation".

Hooks are controlling "now that the action is going to happen, how does it happen?"
You can have a private(set) field without having any hooks, and you can add a beforeSet hook to a property without caring to restrict the visibility at all.
@MarkR As mentioned, they could be. However, semantically custom accessors don't work with references. Usually generated accessors are used as a way to also forbid references in case custom behavior is ever added, to not cause a compatibility break. If we don't do that for generated accessors, then they are useless as they behave identically to normal properties.
Instinctively, I look at the { get; private set; } and in the absence of a method assume it to work identical to an existing property with avis. If that's the case or not in the current proposal is a different matetr entirely
In actual practice, my guess (although I have no data for it) is that using both at the same time will be the minority case. You either allow public-write (so no aviz) and attach a beforeSet/afterSet to it, or you have public/private and then all writes go through internal methods anyway, so hooks are less useful.
@MarkR That's not true in C# either.
Try passing a property (not field) to a ref parameter. It won't work.
ref is just much less common there.
Because almost everything is a reference type.
@MarkR Does public private(set) string $foo not read to you as "the actual execution of the read/write is the same as it always has been"?
The postfix version would require having both "raw" and "set" as possible keys, in order to allow "aviz but without disabling references".
@Crell And absolutely nobody understood this so we moved away from that idea :D
It is hard to understand, based on how long it took you to explain it to me. :-) Hence why I favor the current syntax.
My suspicion is, given that we'll likely end up with both, we'll also end up with a degree of confusion about what's different about them, given that { get; private set; } does not feel like it's method-like vs property-like
{get; private set; } won't exist, period, assuming both RFCs pass in their current form.
Which is far from certain
If aviz doesn't pass, we'll most likely move forward with the hooks proposal without any aviz component. It's a separate issue.
The only reason anyone thinks they are is because C# happens to use the same syntax for them, and that's what Nikita's original RFC was cribbing from. But there's no conceptual connection between them.
@MarkR That's a given, because the chosen syntax would be public private(set) $foo { get; set; }. But with the draft I linked above we're discussing not offering generated accessors (i.e. the { get; set; } part) at all, because it's likely not really semantically different enough to matter.
(A given if a-viz passes in its current form, of course)
@IluTov If avis properties failed to pass, would you revisit the previous RFC to consider adding them, differentiating generated, or would you stick strictly with hooks?
4 mins ago, by Crell
If aviz doesn't pass, we'll most likely move forward with the hooks proposal without any aviz component. It's a separate issue.
I think that's where we disagree, you think it should be a separate issue, I don't.
@MarkR But why is that so important? Isn't it more important that it's semantically sound rather than what features are combined into what?
> 1. We can use them with array properties without semantic inconsistencies and 2. That allows us to completely drop generated accessors. Syntactically, both options can cover all use-cases.
Those are the main arguments IMO. Not having generated accessors removes a bunch of complexity. And we can have array properties with asymmetric visibility in a consistent manner.
And maybe most importantly, not all properties need to be switched to { get; set; }. Because that will take years, if people even do it.
One of the things Ilija and I found as we ran down the rabbit hole a few months back was that the two features do, or can, "slide past" each other. There are ample use cases for one without the other, and in practice, I don't think they're even likely to be used together that often.
Could the following be accomplished under the joint proposals: I have an ORM layer, I want a property to be publicly readable, but only writable from the protected scope, when I write to it I want to use the equivalent of the afterSet to store a modified flag.
@MarkR That's fine, you could do all of that.
public protected(set) $foo { afterSet { /* ... */ } }
Which is definitely more ergonomic than public $foo { get; protected set; afterSet { /* ... */ } } would be.
and question two, assume I don't want to use a backing properties at all, and want to keep my entire state within something else, such as an array I've read from the DB, while still treating them as explicit properties without __get / __set, is that possible under the current proposal?
@MarkR Yes, I've called them "wrapped properties" in the draft but Benjamin suggested calling them "virtual properties" because they don't get a backing store. Basically, you only get a backing store (i.e. memory in the actual object) when you don't implement a custom get or set, or when you're overriding a property that already has a backing store (which you can then access via parent::$prop).
The hooks are a bit different than what I / most are used to vs __get / __set, I would have expected more { get; protected set(&$backing, $val) => /* some operation here */ } but that's mainly because of how i currently use get and set
@MarkR gist.github.com/iluuu1994/… This here, basically.
@MarkR Yeah, we don't have that, section 5 tries to explain this here: 3v4l.org/jS4l9
Arrays just don't play well with that approach.
So adding a bunch of complexity for something slow and non-ergonomic likely isn't worth it.
@IluTov Given that syntax I think the first thing someone is going to try and do is protected set { ... } now we certainly don't have to do what would be people's first thought, but do have to make it very clear why
@MarkR I agree, C# is more widely known. It's a strong argument, but certainly not the only one we should consider.
I don't know why that's the first thing someone would do. 99% of PHP devs have never seen or heard of either of these features before. :-)
I say that because it feels like you're in a class body defining methods + properties, and we stick the visibility before the method
Having the visibility split between two different places is more confusing to me.
@Crell Yeah I definitely don't believe that 99% is close to accurate. Many people learn C# as part of their education.
@IluTov i learned Turbo Pascal at school :P
@SaifEddinGmati Wait how old are you? :D
Tangent but I think we should also consider get and set having different types :-) that comes in really handy in TS
@IluTov 23! until 2019, Turbo Pascal was the language used in high school here, i believe now it's Python
When I was at university 15 years ago it was Java and C#
( i believe switching to Python is worst tbh lol )
@SaifEddinGmati Lol. Also, respect for being at your level at 23!
@IluTov speed-running life
@Crell Consider the { } block after the $prop to be a class that defines methods, then tell me where you'd expect the visibility
@SaifEddinGmati Burnout and retirement by 30? :P
I went through school before C# existed. :shrug:
@MarkR that's the plan!
@MarkR I've been arguing to Ilija that we should allow the beforeSet callable to declare a type, and that type to be wider than the defined prop type. So you can accept both int and DateInterval, for instance, but beforeSet folds them both to DateInterval.
So far he hasn't bought it, but I still think it's a good idea. :-)
@MarkR get doesn't have a visibility. It inherits it from the property. set can be the same. Not saying the C# approach is invalid, but it's not really more valid in any meaningful way.
@Crell I'm not sure it's necessary in the first draft, maybe in a follow-up RFC :)

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