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Who is here good with JWT?
I received JWT from Firebase Auth after signing in and I sent it to my backend, But after that don't know what can I do because I'm new with JWT, Anyone can guide me?
1 hour later…
@TahaSami I'm also unfamiliar with JWT, but speaking in a "break problems apart" mindset, what you can do, depends on what you want to do...
Well, a JWT is "just" JSON-encoded token. There's a bit more to it than that but basically it is a token that combines Authentication (who you are) with Authorization (what you can do) and expiration (how long you can do it). What you could with a JWT would be based on the API that gave it to you
@CharlesSprayberry Check this
Verify ID tokens using a third-party JWT library
I don't know what to ask because in my mind a lot of questions and I'm confused
@CharlesSprayberry In the link above
Firebase said
Finally, ensure that the ID token was signed by the private key corresponding to the token's kid claim. Grab the public key from googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/… and use a JWT library to verify the signature. Use the value of max-age in the Cache-Control header of the response from that endpoint to know when to refresh the public keys.
I don't understand this step
could you explain to me what they mean exactly?
Unfortunately I don't have the time to guide you through this process. To be honest, it sounds like you should go read up on the basics of JWT. The token is going to come to you encrypted, because the token includes sensitive information most of the time. Verifying that encryption is an important step and one you'll find tutorials and step-by-step guides on how to do.
2 hours later…
@CharlesSprayberry JWTs are used to prove that an authority has granted a set of claims that can be represented with a token. They're rarely encrypted, when they are they're called JWS. The important part to JWT is that the contents of the middle bit, the payload, are signed with a get from the authenticating party.
The resulting string can be provided by one party to another, and then that party hands it to another (or the original) to prove some kind of condition. The idea being that the original party will only provide the token if it's performed some verification you're meant to have it
Think of a JWT as saying "I can't prove who I am to you, so here's a token where someone you trust vouched for me to have X, Y, Z"
That's the common approach, you can also sign your own JWTs if the recieving site trusts your certificate or secret key.
i.e. your "API secret" could be used to sign a payload that includes the current time ("iat") and a one-time code ("jti") and that can be used in place of sending the original password.
... I don't even know if the person is still around to read this soooo :P ill stop spamming now
lol, thanks for the edification either way!
Don't you mean education? :-P
It can be both!

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