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Is there a good, historical reason that preg_grep() has a PREG_GREP_INVERT flag, but array_filter() doesn't have a ARRAY_FILTER_INVERT flag? I think it would be handy to have something like array_filter($array, 'is_null', ARRAY_FILTER_INVERT).
Is there a concerted effort to minimize the number of constants that PHP has in its core? What about, say, PREG_MATCH_NO_FULLSTRING for ALL the times that I have no use for the fullstring match?
@IMSoP I must admit that I am a fan of the functionality of =>. It only gets a little bit cringey when used with preg_replace_callback_array(). example ... it starts to look like a school of fish are swimming to the right of my IDE.
2 hours later…
@mickmackusa static function(?string $v) : bool { return !is_null($v);} the 'function' implementation is not flexible enough for all use cases
1 hour later…
Morning folks. Trying to add Windows builds to a PHP ext I maintain. I'm totally unfamiliar with Windows compilation, so I'm just trying to use `cmb69/setup-php-sdk` GH action, which I nabbed from the APCu ext. Getting this error though, not sure what "rc" is, and it's quite difficult to search, wondered if anyone might know how I can fix this - IDK if it's "rc" that is the file it can't find, or something that rc can't find that I'm building

rc /nologo /I D:\a\scout-apm-php-ext\scout-apm-php-ext\php-dev/include /I D:\a\scout-apm-php-ext\scout-apm-php-ext\php-dev/include/main /I D:\a\scou
@Asgrim rc is the resource compiler; not sure what's wrong there, but I'll have a look ASAP. One issue might be that you're using cmb69/[email protected]; I suggest to update to v0.5 anyway.
@ln-s I'm not sure the point you are trying to make. I am fully aware of how to craft an anonymous function. I think it would be handy to be able to invert the return value so that more functions could be called via their string name.
@Asgrim The problem are the angle brackets in CREDITS. I wanted to fix that a few years ago, but that was rejected by Anatol, reasoning that there should be no angle brackets in that file. Might be something we should reconsider.
@mickmackusa the point being that 'function' as a string is not flexible and works only for functions which take a single argument, adding functionality to something which is not able to be extended feels like beating on a dead horse, personally I think the 'whatever_function' stuff should be removed
I understand what you want
@cmb wow, that is a super obscure thing haha. Thanks for checking into, don't think I would've found that for quite some time :D I removed it now, that got me past the build - thank you!
It's basically like passing an unescaped $ to the command line on Linux.
that makes sense, thank you
@ln-s technically untrue, but you are entitled to your opinion.
Good Morning! o/
Bitcoin has lost 21% of its value in 7 days. (>$24k)
Queen said it better: Easy come easy go
@cmb is there any howto/guides you know of on how to set up the same/similar environment/tools for a local machine please? I tried getting github.com/php/php-sdk-binary-tools running on a Windows development VM, but it doesn't seem to find VS (Visual Studio 2022 seems pre-installed on the VM)
@Asgrim there is some info in the README of that repo, and also in the Wiki. In your case the problem might be that you try to start something other than vs17; the PHP-SDK is closely tied to some specific VS version for every php-src branch.
And VS 2022 isn't really supported so far, at least not wrt. the dependency libraries.
ah I see
@cmb thank you - I'll look into this one, cheers!
3 hours later…
@Danack This was only about $this
The RFC itself is fine and addresses all my previous concerns
3 hours later…

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