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It's PHPF day for me tomorrow.
I've got a project due in 2.5 weeks and then I am taking a week off from PHP.
I probably should sleep.
Hi all! Is this a safe solution? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6981010/how-to-pass-php-session-with-xmlhttprequest

I'm looking to use the same session across xmlhttprequest but not sure whether its safe to store the session id in a cookie which will help maintain a request.

At the moment I have a SAML gateway where the SAML IDP sets a session on the remote server secure.example.com after successful login, but when attempting to make XHR requests to check if logged in, they all say 'not logged in' because its a different session ID from the XHR request (from test1.example.com to secu
8 hours later…
@FĂ©lixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier That is often caused by missing dependencies; ext/decimal needs libmpdec.dll, and that file needs to be in the path, or for CLI and (F)CGI in the same folder as php(-cgi).exe. You can check that by running deplister php_decimal.dll (deplister.exe is contained in all PHP binary packages).
@cmb Are the windows binaries done? I only see 7.4.28 on the windows.php.net downloads page
@cmb Oh, seems there now, but not the source code link/file?
@Derick Oh, right, that file has been forgotten. I'm catching up that.
nice - i'm just waiting for php.net to update so I can announce it
@cmb Oh, btw - i fyou see any date/time related issues or prs, feel free to just assign them to me.
Will do.
I remember somebody saying we have a CLion license, where can I find it?
@IluTov I'll link you on Discord
@Derick Thanks!
What are these new things in the stubs for:
/** @tentative-return-type */
@refcount 1
(I give up on formatting)
@bwoebi this feels way better than trying to implement all the different type combinations. The only ones that wouldn't be trivial (or at least casting wouldn't truncate properly) would be division, modulo, and right shift (due to sign propagation for signed types). To properly implement right shift, we'd need to parse the size of the type and the signed-ness, then explicitly implement it, since PHP's right-shift is always arithmetic
though for division & modulo, we could just do it on cdata objects by including math.h and calling ldiv (and casting appropriately)
and we could do the same for right shift giving us a logical right shift (just ldiv($value, 2)) which we can turn into an arithmetic shift, though we'd need to still know size and signedness
@Derick @tentative-return-type adds the ReturnTypeWillChange attribute to the function; @refcount is used for optimization.
Formatting as code requires a separate message and to indent with CTRL+k.
@VojtechStas Did you read the rules? No jokes. Spaß ist verboten.
Half of the starred messages are totally not dad jokes.
@bwoebi just looking at the test case, should we just add a method to all types ->asVoid() to simplify $testCase->free(new void_ptr($str->getData())); to $testCase->free($str->toVoid());? Or heck, even just add a free() method to the type itself, so it becomes $str->free() which internally calls $this->ffi->free() on it? And throws if it's not a pointer type (or just not compile the method into non-pointer types)
nevermind, ldiv doesn't seem to exist...
oh, it does. interesting...
if we can measure the size of the type, and proxy to ldiv or lldiv for division, we can single-operation divide everything except an unsigned long long. That would require two custom implementations (one for unsigned long long / signed long long and unsigned long long / unsigned long long). downloads.ti.com/docs/esd/SPRU514/… Same thing for modulo. So that just leaves right shift as the only "difficult" (for now)
is php a good idea for semester project?
Like Content Management System
Main focus is on database
@ircmaxell yeah, I totally agree that casting should be easy. thinking of maybe also accepting void_ptr generally as alternative arg on any function?
@ircmaxell yeah, there's FFI::sizeof() to determine the size of the types. for integer division we can though also just call phps intdiv I guess - should be the same thing as long as we're not doing unsigned long long stuff...
yo o/
@cmb yes, precisely! I didn't know of deplister, thanks!
Today is "Maundy" and Thursday 🤔
@FĂ©lixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier I guess it should be documented. This issue happens so often.
On the other hand I've looked at the github repo and kinda shrugged the libmpdec very explicit dependency as "probably installed" so, yeah. it is however, extremely clear with deplister that the dependency is not installed :)
@FĂ©lixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier That's a typical difference between POSIX systems and Windows: on the former you usually build the extension, and that won't work if libmpdec is missing (including some error message about that), while on Windows you just download some binaries, and then get the unspecific "Unable to load dynamic library".
@bwoebi accepting void specifically, yeah, I think that is reasonable. Actually, we could go one step further, and add a Voidable interface to all pointer types, and then for any typed pointer argument accept pointer_type | Voidable, and if it's Voidable cast to void then to the other type? On after thought, no, definitely don't want to do that
@bwoebi well, and depending on the level of completeness we're after, we would likely need to do a check for 128 bit integer support as well as just unsigned long long. But if anyone's doing that here they be dragons (heck, we could even just document that as a limit)
@bwoebi the other issue with FFI::sizeof() is that it's a runtime determinant (the compile step currently doesn't instantiate FFI, so we can't choose ahead of time which path to go down in an implementation (unless we do instantiate for that reason)...
can someone help me out on this thread please stackoverflow.com/questions/71798269/…
to cut a long story short, the code i posted under "Update" is what im working on at the moment
but the line starting with $checked i don't think is correct, i am echoing it and getting nothing
and its not checking the boxes
@ircmaxell technically we don't need to actually instantiate FFI, but can just do the static call. It's just about figuring out the size. (because we'll have everything already resolved to native sizes)
@ircmaxell yeah, I wouldn't support SIMD instructions or int128_t… for now at least, I don't even know if FFI would properly work with int128_t…
Bonus points if you end up with PHP being able to compile itself into PHP
@bwoebi does it work statically? I thought it needed to parse the definitions...
@ircmaxell native types work statically, yes
@MarkR oh god, I can just imagine that... And no, no support for inline ASM, etc
@ircmaxell we have fallbacks for about nearly everything except fiber context switching …
and maybe even that has a fallback on linux I believe
so technically … there's nothing really preventing this, except that 100% correctness of every C semantic is not so trivial / expensive
It would just be totally slow :-D
@bwoebi did you remove isOther on purpose? github.com/ircmaxell/php-object-symbolresolver/commit/…
@ircmaxell I don't recall but I don't think so
ok, broke things on Linux since it's expected. I'll push a fix
thanks :-)
that fixed most of the errors. One left
1) FFIMe\Test\InlineFunctions\BasicStrings::testBasicStringManipulation
LogicException: Unknown operator <

#if defined _FORTIFY_SOURCE && _FORTIFY_SOURCE > 0 \
    && __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 1) && defined __OPTIMIZE__ && __OPTIMIZE__ > 0
@bwoebi ^^ that's the current failure in /usr/include/features.h for the test you just added to ffime. I won't be able to debug for a bit, but just wanted to toss on your radar?
@Derick, I just noticed that the PHP 7.4.29 builds still use old dependencies, so I removed the builds, and asked Dale to do new ones.
@ircmaxell can do that, sounds like a preprocessor bug right now
@ircmaxell It's bitshift not being implemented yet
/me originally read that as "it's bullshit not being implemented yet", and figured we were talking about PHP...
@Crell me too :)
fixed it
though now I have a weird problem
which one?
I apparently have gcc 7 and 8 installed (at least both folders exist), pushed a fix for that
PHPUnit 8.5.26 #StandWithUkraine

.....E                                                              6 / 6 (100%)

Time: 293 ms, Memory: 12.00 MB

There was 1 error:

1) FFIMe\Test\InlineFunctions\BasicStrings::testBasicStringManipulation
PHPCParser\Error: Syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER(__filename), expecting ')' on line 174

@ircmaxell probably somewhere deep down in headers?
yeah, likely a pre-processor issue burried somewhere in there
stopping for today, but will poke on the weekend at some point
the parser definitely needs to retain not only line numbers, but also source files, that's a bit annoying
@ircmaxell okay cool :-)
@bwoebi was thinking exactly that
I think it does on the token level...
which is tough because it's hard to see the combination of tokens which could be from different files
@cmb Oh, boo :-/ You know how that happened? And do we need to re-announce?
I'll also add a "render this line of tokens when hitting the error" so you can see the full exxpansion
@ircmaxell Ideally you'd see the whole expansion chain of a token and not just the current filename
yeah, precisely
Possibly it's as simple as just adding a file/line pair to the token location each time token expansion happens
only the root tho, the first source of token expansion
scratch that, the full tree
yes :-)
I'll focus on ffime for now to get a bit better compilation, using cdata containers for a couple more things, support intdiv, literal structs etc.
how do you want to think about "done". is there a lib you want to target, want to write the goal? some subset of a spec?
@ircmaxell The initial goal why I dove into ffime at all was writing quiche bindings for PHP sockets - so that I can access the resource of a PHP variable, extract its stream resource and fd … and then bind that around to quiche… I believe this should be nearly doable by now. But other than that I haven't thought much about "done".
At some (early) point I realized that FFIMe has still a lot of parsing deficiencies and such and decided to just improve on it because it's a cool project
But I think a proper goal for it would it just be usable as a swiss army knife for easy integration with some more involved libraries as well as self-manipulation of PHP internal state.
And ultimately also simplifying prototyping an extension
@Derick Probably a wrong call to fetch the deps. Dale is currently rebuilding. Not sure if we need to reannounce; I could do this on windows.php.net, but nobody reads that.
@bwoebi totally. Just thinking my prior struggles with the parser. "X works on my machine" is a nice end state, but also isn't quite useul, so just worth discussing
I'm mostly worried about people who've downloaded the binaries already and think they've the security-updated dependencies.
If anybody needs to check: php -i | findstr /i openssl.*version. Should state OpenSSL 1.1.1n
but where are people to learn that they need to do this? :-) The whole point of making this release was so that nobody did have to check and just upgraded to the latest version.
@ircmaxell yeah, though targeting everything (esp. on the ffime C->php side) is a bit too much given the slightly different semantics in some regards. But a goal should be supporting compilation of basically all possible ASTs (with the obvious exception of assembly) to PHP I think. 100% correctness for all inputs is a different beast (I think?).
And duffs device as well as comma operators outside of for statements might also be a bit complicated to support :-D Not sure about function pointers to global functions.
@Derick Yeah, sorry that it went bad. Feel free to re-announce; maybe right now, even if the new builds are not yet finished.
Wouldn't it be better to wait until the new binaries have been uploaded and are available?
How scary are these security issues?
@bwoebi I wonder if anyone has any C parser test vectors we could use...
no idea :-)
but parsing should definitely work for about everything… a single header function somewhere not compiling is okay … but it parsing fails nothing works
hey someone closed my thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71798269/displaying-all-check-boxes-from-database-even-those-that-have-not-been-selected
for reasons of clarity. I have edited it and I believe it should be re-opened
@Derick I have no idea about the OpenSSL issue, but the zlib issue looks scary to me.
explains what? the issues?
oh, that's your Dale :-D
@cmb The OpenSSL one is bad.
Not "drop everything right now"-bad, but still pretty bad.
@cmb I think we should make a 7.4.30. Which sucks.
@Derick Dale would not like that, I guess. Anyhow, is it really so bad? The downloads only have been available for a few hours.
And actually I'm more concerned regarding PECL exts which still use zlib 1.2.12 (and still no rebuilds in sight).
Does anyone know what is the correct approach to parsing LARGE json files without having memory issues?

I need to read the json file, decode it, add more items to the array and then encode and write it back to the file. There are over 48k records of products with alot of key value pairs in them. The file will eventually get really large. Rn my fucnction stops at 6k products and i don't know what to do about it. Increasing memory is not an option.
I can't find any good topics about using a json parser for this kind of problem, all i've found is reading from the json file but not writing to it
Rn my script is fairly simple

$import_path = dirname(__FILE__). '/import.json';

$import_file = file_exists($import_path) ? file_get_contents($import_path) : null;
$import_array = !is_null((bool)$import_file) && !empty($import_file) ? json_decode($import_file, true) : [];

$this->tmp = array_replace($import_array,$this->tmp);
file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/import.json', json_encode($this->tmp));

$this->log('WRITE COMPLETED', 'PRODUCTS TOTAL: '.count($this->tmp));

return $this;
@cmb OK. Windows is your responsibility ;-)
@drpzz I would look at streaming JSON encoder / parser libraries
I've actually looked into them but i can't find anything that would work for my situation. Do you maybe have any recommendations?
Why did they not work for you?
Aside: If you control the creation on the file you're trying to modify, you might want to look at LDJSON, and/or using multiple files (in a zip/tar archive)
@AllenJB It's because i need to read the JSON file and replace all the keys that are in the new array i'm appending and then at the end write that data back to the json so i could rerun the function after another iteration
But i'll look into LDSJON, haven't heard about it, thanks
When dealing with large files, you want to avoid holding the entire file in memory. You should organize your code so you read in a portion of the file, modify that portion if necessary, then write it out before repeating for the next portion.
@Derick Well, 7.4 is certainly not mine. :)
@AllenJB what if what you write is longer than the portion?
Thats actually what i'm tryin to do, i just now realized that it wouldn't work for large files so i'm looking for ways to manage the issue.
You write out to a different file than you're reading in, so differences in length shouldn't matter. You can delete the original file and rename the destination file at the end of the task if necessary
@AllenJB I think you catually gave me an idea, thanks!
5 hours later…
PBS Frontline: United States of Secrets. Really good documentary on YouTube. 2 Parts- 3 hours. About the revelations of Snowden and the NSA. Interviews a lot of the individuals involved.
@cmb 7.4.29 seems to be there again, but again no source code?

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