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Did some work on phpvm, seems to be mostly working well now. Just need to add configure options and fix ini files, then I think it will work well
2 hours later…
@Derick Yeah; I wanted to fix this, but my IP changed, so I no longer can access the FTP server. :(
oh duh
lolwat, FTP?
is that still a thing?
That's all "a bit" legacy. ;)
@Derick At my job we integrated a 3rd-party service with our app last year. We had to use FTP to send the data. This is not a legacy app. =\
anyone uses Laminas Hydrator?
Been trying to figure this out for a while. I understand that getting and setting cookies in php needs to be done before any other output.
But even the basic examples from w3scools will not work on some mobile browsers and I can not figure out why. I have tried using output buffering, putting all my cookie logic before closing and cleaning the buffer but still if I put any other html or include statements any where in the file, even nested within logical statements I know will evaluate to false, the mobile broser will not parse cookies properly with php. IF it is truly no other output the c
If you try setting cookies after sending output, the warning message will tell you where the output was from. Be sure to have error_reporting(E_ALL) set
1 hour later…
@NikiC No rush, just not sure if you get GitHub notifications (or if you are like me you get too many and rarely keep up): github.com/php/php-src/pull/8327#issuecomment-1098476238 and github.com/php/php-src/pull/7345#issuecomment-1098497117
@Derick It's an extension delivered with stock PHP, ergo yes. It's a thing.
class Foo {
    public readonly bool $initializable;
$foo = new Foo();
$foo->initializable = true;
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot initialize readonly property Foo::$initializable from global scope in /in/QMmPX:7
Why this is forbidden?
readonly props can only be initialized in ctor
But what is the reasoning behind?
As is unclear to me
actually, they can be initialized using any method: 3v4l.org/CLIZb, as long as it's within the same scope as the prop
@SaifEddinGmati also this is not true
class Foo {
    public readonly bool $initializable;
    public function foo() {
        $this->initializable = true;
$foo = new Foo();
not only ctor
yea, i corrected myself in the next message ^^"
but still unclear to me why only within the same scope
this means a class with readonly props and no method is unusable at all
this just doesn't make sense if you cannot do anything with it
final class Foo {
    public readonly bool $initializable;
although it's completely valid class
Closure::bind(fn () => $this->initializable = true, $foo)(); // also not working
ReflectionProperty::setAccessible(true); // also doesn't work
(new ReflectionProperty(Foo::class, 'initializable'))->setValue($foo, true); // WORKS
@brzuchal from the RFC: "Initialization is only allowed from within the declaring class (modulo the usual rebinding and reflection workarounds). This ensures that these properties are always read-only from a public API perspective, even if they don't get initialized in the class constructor."
Rebinding closure didn't work
@brzuchal You need to rebind the scope, not the object
Dunno how
Oh, ok 3rd param
@NikiC Worked, thx

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