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3 hours later…
@Wes I'm no Windows expert, maybe @DaveRandom is of more help there.
@Wes sounds like the child was launched detached from console, what did you actually do?
you can manually attach a console from within the child process, possibly also from the parent, there's no way in the stdlib but should be fairly trivial with ffi
1 hour later…
What is "unit type"?
Found it on Wikipedia, will need to do some reading
Something like 'null' where the type and the value are sort of one in the same
@Tiffany A type which only holds one value
So null is the "empty type" and false would be the "unit type"?
Or do I have it mixed up?
No, null is the unit typez
Pun unintended
False is an instance of the boolean type
never is the bottom type (which has no members)
I guess my confusion is why is false mentioned, but it may be answered in the RFC, so I'll continue reading
I mean, I rewrote the initial one in a haste to try to get this moving
It might not be the clearest
We could do with a "I don't care" type which is what void is in TS.
That's how I feel null is though
But null also has different meanings in PHP
@MarkR mixed?
Lol, I was confused
If you type hint it as mixed you have to return something
So... don't put a return type?
I don't understand what's the point of that, so yeah just don't add a return type then
It's not strictly our problem, but psalm complains about it. In TS if you say something is void, it means don't use this value. So things, often callbacks, use it as their return type to indicate it doesn't matter what they return, or nothing at all.
but you can do that with PHP
you can use void as a return type
I'm really struggling to understand what you're trying to communicate
Void is a return type?
If you use void as a return type you can't return a value, and that's a problem when using short closures.
Can it be unioned?
@Tiffany yes, and no it can't be used in a union
You can of course specify a return type on it suitable to whatever the short closure is doing, but there's no consistent way of saying "I don't care"
PHP's type hiearchy is.... a bit weird
@MarkR I'd argue that's a design issue with the short closure, not that we need a type to say "I don't care"
Use a doc annotation in the worst case
I'm wondering what the use case would be
Well I could give you about a billion examples of its use in TS
And I might tell you all of them are crap as that shouldn't be part of the type system
Then again, PHP doesn't have typed closures
Like having two unit types
Makes no sense
Silly question perhaps, but how much work have you actually done in languages that have them?
Have what?
I dunno, I'd almost turn psalm off for those situations, at least for complaining about the return type, instead of trying to make PHP fit something else
Well you say such things make no sense, but there's a reason they're widely used in the languages that support them. Someone, I forget whom, actually found a solution to it for PHP which was to define a single case enum.
@MarkR could this be caused by how TS/JS behave, rather than a design need?
@MarkR what reason?
It's by design, null is treated as a unit value, undefined is (meant) to be treated as the absence of a value.
Think of it as the difference between: Column A is null vs Column A is an unknown.
But why does that lead to needing an "I don't care" return type?
What migration library do you guys use.
Database migrations?
It's unrelated, Girgias was having a little dig at my other want which was for another unit type that could be initialized in properties etc to signify that data was omitted even in the presence of a value which could be null (e.g. any nullable foreign key in a database)
Current project uses Aura, but I haven't messed with it yet
@MarkR So what other language which is not based on JS has undefined AND null?
Typescript has the advantage of typed closures where you want to be able to say you don't care about what is returned from them.
Someone recommended me the Phinx package
Because as how I'm understanding it you basically want a Maybe monad
That's pretty much it, but doing that properly would need good ol generics and that seems unlikely. For now using a single-cased enum will get the job done, basically define my own undefined.
I have wanted to initialize a variable to assign a type, but not assign a value to it, null isn't perfect though
Like a local-scope-only variable
Consider, for example, a DTO that will insert a row into the database, the column is a nullable int, if you defined the parameter as null|int that's fine, as long as you wanted to definitely assign it. But let's say I wanted the choice to not pass a value to it, I could do null|int|Undefined and default it to Undefined::Undefined (ugly but yeah). It would act as the equivilent of a missing key in an array.
But a monad is not a type
Or you want never (/bottom type) to be usable
@MarkR this feels like "putting out a fire" kind of solution
Not that that's bad
I'm not sure what you mean by that, but using a value to indicate the absence of a value is common, it's usually null, but in some cases null itself is a valid value, hence the need for another.
Box it in a custom Either type by creating an Enum which has left which returns the actual type, and right which returns null and then you can have ?Either as you're type, where null represents absence of value
(or vice versa I don't remember what the convention is for right and left)
To do that properly requires generics, unless I'm not following you.
Give me 15min I'm trying to understand something in geometry and I'll try to write up a thing on 3v4l
... Is SplFileObject::getChildren() an inherited method?
@Tiffany Yeah, welcome to SPL
It's not listed under "inherited methods" under php.net/manual/en/class.splfileobject.php but wondering if I'm missing something
Oh no
I think it just always returns null
for some reason
Page says it can't have children, so it's always null
But like... why does the method even exist if that's the case
Because it implements RecursiveIterator
that's why
I remember why
So it's an inherited method
makes note to fix that when at PC
I don't think it's necessarilly inherited if the parent object does not implement the interface
@MarkR Okay I forgot that we don't have tagged enums yet, but you can write it as such (and yes proper generics would help, but you can still box it and use mixed and getters in general): 3v4l.org/q5hJ5
You can actually double match and use the return value by doing an instanceof check in the first thing now that I think about it
I get where you're coming from, although needing to make one for each isn't appealing. I was thinking along the lines of 3v4l.org/L1p0t#v8.1.3 the first two could be ?string and ?int but for the sake of consistency treating everything as an Unknown would allow more consistent reflection. It's not pretty though
I'd rather use the enum to represent the DB NULL tbh
But then again, I don't write professional code
A bit more of a hassle to map between PHP <-> JSON which is what we're going to be using it for. We need to create objects that can be hydrated for POST / PATCH etc and then be manipulated, while detecting only those fields which were passed, ideally in a consistent way
The problem here, is that the only thing what it tells me is the reason you want something like undefined is to handle JSON which is due to (IMO) JS's stupid decision. And you'd have this issue with any other language which is not JS
Because in other instances I don't see why you'd need anything else, where boxing it (or using a custom domain type) isn't the, IMHO, better/"proper" solution
undefined isn't part of JSON, it comes from how javascript exposes a missing object key within an object. { "abc": "1", "def": "2" } itself doesn't have an undefined, unless you were also expecting a "ghi" key that was not sent as part of the datastructure
If it was stdClass you could use property_exists, but naturally that doesn't have any typing or defined properties associated with it
if $foo['missingkey'] returned 'undefined' rather than 'null' you'd effectively have the same as how JS handles it.
Which thankfully we don't do, because doing that is batshit insane
Why is null any different? I mean, it's a warning, give it 5 years it may throw instead.
JS null and undefined should be one and the same
We need array_key_exists exactly because you can't tell using isset if an array key was null or missing
null is the absence of data that's the whole point of it
Yeah because you can't nominally define an array
I think the main reason we disagree is that you like structural typing and I don't
Either something should declare it has a member or not, and then you just know from the type that it has these properties
But how do you then handle data exchange?
You parse the incoming data to fit into your model? And if something doesn't define a property either you can't accept it or you assign it null
You do know that I'm coming from the "purist"/theoretical view instead of the potentially more practical way
Right, but as I mentioned, null can mean multiple things. It's the difference between an array with a key that has a value of null, and an array that doesn't have that key at all.
And that's why you don't use arrays :)
I mean array shapes would help, but that's basically a class so...
Which is why I'm wanting to use objects, for the typing, but I need a way to differentiate between something which has a value of null, and something which isn't known (e.g. wasn't sent in the payload for example).
Okay maybe give me a more concrete example.
So what happens if you have two different payloads as follows:

['abc' => 1, 'def' => 'foo', 'ghi' => true]
['abc' => 1, 'def' => 'foo']

Do you mean to create two different objects?
If they're dealing with the same domain, typically no. You would have one PHP class which would have all 3 properties, all of which would be unioned with Undefined. You would be able to tell that the ghi key had not been sent by comparing it against Undefined
HTTP PATCH is the main one, you only define the keys that you want to change
In TS you would have your full interface / structural type e.g. MyData with all its properties defined, and then the patch handler would be Partial<MyData> which automatically makes a new interface with all of the properties able to be undefined.
Which is quite handy because you can do const fullObject: MyData = { ...myDefaults, ...postedData }; and the undefined methods from the postedData don't overwrite the properties in myDefaults with undefined
And I suppose using ReflectionProperty::isInitialized() is a no go?
If the properties were set by injecting them all into prompted constructor, they would all need to be set or have default values, so they'd all be initialized.
I've been contaminated by the monad virus (after finally grasping them by using a different motivation), so I just wanna tell you to use one and box it (which cleary isn't practical given the use case)
Also too much depended typing at the moment
Also, doesn't isInitialized use PHP's equivalent of undefined?
Ah, no, nevermind, it checks the hashtable.
The static seems to: RETURN_BOOL(!Z_ISUNDEF_P(member_p));
But yeah you enum thing is pretty solid, but then you're adding this into the "higher" domain because you specifically need this for an aspect to handle the PATCH request
I mean the uninitialised state is über weird
And from my understanding it's just to not have the default null value which is written to properties
I mean in some sense you could say it's just a nice error instead of throwing a TypeError that you're trying to read null from something which is not of type null (but that breaks down when you consider nullable types also have this nice behaviour)
Aye, and ultimately that breakdown is usually where undefined comes in, to represent the unknown / invalid state.
Actually, I do wonder what happens when you get the mangled properties of an object with an uninitialised typed property
3v4l.org/KvemQ skips it
Ah, says it in the docs actually: "Uninitialized typed properties are silently discarded."
Evenin' Derick
I'd like to mention that Azure blob storage is a pile of smelly poo
Big uploads time out... all the time. S3 does not have this problem.

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