@Sara directly using socket_recvmsg and socket_sendmsg? :-) To be fair, fwrite is doing too much magic sometimes. With all the implicit buffering going on there under the hood sometimes. Have you read gist.github.com/bwoebi/d9c114b7d69fdf6bc1cc0b507a0237d6 ?
@Sara Ah, now I recognize you. You wrote "Extending and Embedding PHP". Okay, my bad, I was lacking some context there when I linked those links, which I see now were completely unnecessary.
No. Use the onSignal method to listen for the SIGINT event. The event is triggered when you hit Ctrl+C... without an onSignal listener you don't have any code setup to respond to it.
prompt_toolkit.output.win32.NoConsoleScreenBufferError: No Windows console found. Are you running cmd.exe? looks like it doesn't like to be executed from amp