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Mornin' tips hat
Nice day for fishin' ain't it? uha huh.
1 hour later…
ormings and happy weekend o/
2 hours later…
This is actually quite interesting: https://github.com/L3tum/php-router-benchmark/blob/master/Results.md

Is match() doing something fancy, or is if just so old that it's not well optimized, or is something else going on?
FastRoute really thrashed routers of its day. Nobody seemed to care about speed until Nikita published it, now everyone likes to compare against it :)
Anyone else just think of Bane?
Bane from Batman? I'm not getting the reference
> Nobody seemed to care
until I put on the fastroute.
anyone encountered this? bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81573 🤔
@SaifEddinGmati Yes, and it is intended behaviour, I don't recall the reason again but Nikita did confirm it
It's pretty weird behavior, it surprised me here: github.com/revoltphp/event-loop/pull/15/files, Driver defines a class that is part of an extension as a return type, but it fatals when Driver::isSupported() is called
I'm not saying it's not weird, because I also made a PR to change it lol
Hum, actually it was maybe only for object
and I'm going out so
It's okay, enjoy your time!
@kelunik i guess we fix it in revolt for now
1 hour later…
@SaifEddinGmati Yes, annoying behaviour, the reason is that inheritance is always checked. Could possibly be relaxed for inheriting from mixed, (because in this case it will never fail). But in general, if the parent class method type weren't mixed, then … do you want to check when linking (i.e. force autoload) or not?
@bwoebi but hasn't that always be the case? Why should mixed allow undefined types?
And once the object type is hinted, everything works, even with mixed.
@hakre I'm not sure whether it should - just that it could.
@bwoebi okay, use object, either in first place instead of mixed or place a sub-type in between that goes from : mixed over : object then to : UndefinedClass - shouldn't this normally suffice? I mean object? I was thinknig about where mixed for a return type annotation actually makes sense, as isn't it the default?
2 hours later…
@SaifEddinGmati Yeah, I think that's a bug
We require class loading for object for forward-compatibility with type aliases
The problem could principally also exist with mixed if void is allowed as part of a type alias
So, as there have been no explicit objections to externals.io/message/114300#116285, I guess we can start migrating to github issues...
@NikiC I suppose you were on holiday this week?

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