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@LeviMorrison which is helpful (at least when I see it). I wondered more about {closure} in stack traces while there was no closure involved (PHP 7.4.x). But I could not dig deeper.
now after writing that, perhaps the error handler itself (which is an anonymous function)... .
8 hours later…
@Dharman Looks pointless
And confusing. I wasn't aware that these are no-ops that can't fail
2 hours later…
Hi Everyone!
Does anyone know about a php library that allows me to add file nodes to MEGA.NZ, which is NOT https://github.com/smartinm/mega-php-client ???
This one depends on mcrypt, which is nasty

@NikiC No wonder it's so difficult to understand mysqlnd if there's code that does nothing. I am considering removing it, but I'm afraid Andrey might voice his concerns.
The big problem with mysqlnd is that 50% of the code is no-op
The compiler might optimize it away, but for maintainers it is a nightmare
Revise languag in substr docs about negative offsets ・ Documentation problem ・ #81318
Language in issue ticket could be revised for greater clarity
Ohai all
@AllenJB good point. I was wondering if perhaps the negative offsent language in the protype description should be revised for better clarity, but I just realized there is an example included. So I'll close the bug.
3 hours later…
Languag in substring issue™ is nice touch.
4 hours later…
@cmb I added .vscode/** in %USERPROFILE%\\.gitignore but it still shows in git. Is there some format to the path or some other setting I need to enable?
I have just the following in that file:
That works well for me.
hmm, that doesn't work for me
I wonder what I messed up
Ahh ok, it should be ~/.gitignore cause it's git bash
@Dharman did you get a chance to try out the local build tutorial?
@Tiffany I looked briefly into it, but my problem is I don't know how to provide XML data to PHD. I have no idea where it reads the data from.
It should read from doc-en in my opinion
but I don't know how to do that
the instructions step through the directories
the older tutorial was cloning into a directory that phd wasn't checking
I changed it to specify that doc-en clones into en, amongst changing the tutorial to make sense with the current build in git/github
I was using php ../phd/render.php --docbook ../doc-base/.manual.xml --package PHP --format php -o C:/wamp64/www/web-php/manual/en from within doc-en
the repos should all be in the same working directory
all 3 are in D:\projects
doc-en, doc-base and phd
doc-base, en, phd?
what is contained in doc-en?
the en repo
move en outside of doc-en and into the same working directory as doc-base and phd
I don't have a directory called en.
I have a directory called doc-en
Should doc-base be inside doc-en?
is doc-en the cloned github repo?
you probably need to rename doc-en to en
@Dharman No
symlink doc-en to en
or that
ok, one second
hmm, ok I have a little bit of a mess here. Maybe that was why... let me do some cleanup
the original tutorial didn't help with that
I cloned a fork
I cleaned that part of it up
shouldn't matter though
I tried to clone a fork one time, I ended up with a spork
too bad it wasn't a spayde splayd
Ok, it worked this time. I recloned into en from upstream and then moved files to web-php directory
@DaveRandom Something a bit different youtube.com/watch?v=b9fUdJdlExU All the subwoofer.
Is there a way to point the output into C:\wamp64\www\web-php\manual\en instead of creating new directory called php-web?
If not then, I will just create a symlink
I think you can use a flag, aybe --output foldername ?
-o doesn't work
--help ?
Well -o should work in theory
@Tiffany I think this mklink /D en \your\path\to\output\web-php was meant to be mklink /D en \your\path\to\output\php-web
but the output folder is called php-web
ahhh, right
I'll need to go through and fix it when whatever my head is currently doing resolves... not sure if this is a caffeine headache or headache or what but it's interfering
need to make sure I didn't get it mixed up in other commands :|
@Dharman pretty sure there isn't a shortcut, pretty sure it's --output
I settled for symlink
it works and I don't feel like playing with settings anymore
the tutorial looks good, but I obviously messed up my folder structure initially
hands up if you have or know of a publicly accessible test suite that is quite slow, doesn't depend on anything exotic and declares strict types ...
(and just in case not obvious, does not use network or other external data)
context: I'm testing something new
hrmm... what do you mean by "quite slow"?
just not something that's usually done in a second ... a good few seconds or more of testing is good
github.com/labrador-kennel/async-unit has 700+ tests and normally takes about 6~ seconds to run
cool, if anyone has any more suggestions, please paste (I need several)
I'm afk, going to bed ... but I'll check back tomorrow ...

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