@Crell Hi, for the auto capture closures RFC, did you guys consider the option of using a keyword like: $cb = auto function() { ... }; (similar to how we have static closures). Whenever I see fn in the examples, I see it as an alias of the function keyword
@Kalle We didn't, as that introduces a new keyword and a whole lot of additional questions about what it does and in what context. auto-what, exactly? Also, a big part of both RFCs is "less typing". So adding more keywords is counter to that goal.
@MarkR Can you post on the list with a more complete example of that code that we can clone into the RFC? There is a clear desire for more concrete examples. :-)
I just find the implicit behavior magical as it is very unlike everything else in PHP and the determining factor is just a shorter keyword that symbolizes the same thing
I would be fine with it if there had been a way to get rid of the keyword completely for short syntax
I understand why that was not possible, but in lieu of that we may as well adopt the shorter keyword to make e.g. method signatures a little tiny bit more readble
every little helps :-P
and conversely, there's no reason not to permit the long version in the same places if you really wanna do that
While I think most of what Rowan said was besides the point, I think the one good thing he brought up was that JS and its multiline closures does allow using let to define a new scoped var.
Hi everyone! I'm probably just being daft, but I'm getting a compile failure on PHP < 7.3: gist.github.com/alcaeus/0becdf8a1c5fb52408521a01e34a24ed. The offending line uses ZEND_STRL within a call to zend_hash_str_add. I saw that the latter is a macro on PHP < 7.3, but I'd think this should work regardless. Could someone please enlighten me as to what I'm not getting?
If SomeObject or SomeOtherObject are using SomeInterface (directly or indirectly), it would have been autoloaded at the first line. If if hasn't been autoloaded because it wouldn't be used, then instanceof can answer "false" without even bothering autoloading it.
But for this case in particular when I have a filterByInterface method, I prefer to tell my user "Hey this doesn't exists" rather than having him bang his head against the desktop for hours being absolutely unproductive and then explaining to him "Hey use a static analyzer"
The cross dressing seems a.... weird, and probably unnecessary detail to that exit strategy. Also, who's going to let you draw on their face while you're doing this?
Crossdressing by itself is only weird in the fact that the word exists at all. It implies a strict alignment of clothing genders, which when you stop and think about it is really really dumb.
@Sara So instead of doing that crap, I check what is needed to run, and if that doesn't complies, I just return or throw an exception, it does results in cleaner code, however I was wondering if it was in someway also more performant
Curiously, in this example: https://gist.github.com/sgolemon/dc1fedffc33fcf25741396cb4737a088 We're marginally more efficient to do the if-haduken
That said, I'm going to caution against running with this. The #1 concern here is code-readability. Let the compiler worry about what's more efficient (and if necessary, preform transforms during compilation to MAKE it more efficient).
And ignore 'utf8-encode' in the path, that's literally just where I left my terminal last
Actually, in this case, the ops are a fairly small variety, count might matter as much, largely the number they trace through.
Actually... rethinking about this. They're the same, aren't they? In both cases, not outputting a 5 requires failing either one or two conditional. Outputting it means passing two.
So the branching is the same, just inverted.
The trouble with contrived examples is that "example datum 1" starts to look a lot like "example datum 2"
My original statement stands though: Write what you won't hate maintaining a year later.
I remember a chess program I wrote in '91 that had a massive haduken-if in the bishop handling function because I was too young and shit at my craft to make a decent algorithm out of it.
The image of that indentation chain still haunts me to this day.
My GWBASIC era was in Los Angeles at the Boys and Girls Club, so... probably 8 or 9?
I remember they taught us the concept of variables as "Imagine you're at the library and every drawer in the card catalog has a name, and in that drawer is a sentence.
Since I work with adults mostly I tell them, hey remember that weird shit from your math class x = 2? Well that's a variable, why is it variable? because you can change it's value to whatever you want then I do the same with functions, they get it
I think that whether you are using a language which handles memory management automatically or not may slightly changes the habit. Also the reason why I use goto's much more in C than in PHP (thank you @Sara by the way ;-)).
I was going to mention a good RAII implementation possibly being influential, then I thought about where I use patterns like that and I actually still don't think it's 100% true.
Especially if you regard goto done; in C to do manual cleanup as equivalent to return; in C++ allowing the destructors to manage themselves.
Programming is such a well paid job, you'd have thought the pharma industry would have developed a pill that gets rid of programming-specific imposter syndrome.
@Danack I'm not sure why the Thai government would care about Catalonians wanting independence, or why a web petition site would bother them when there's literal riots in the streets. But I guess trying to understand the logic of politicians is a tough game even when they're legitimately elected.
Trying to avoid jumping into the threads, but I wanna offer thoughts on auto-capture in closures. $capturesAllByValue = function() use(*) { ...}; $capturesAllByRef = function() use(&) { ... };
This is (close to) how C++ does auto capture. (C++ actually uses = for by-value, but I think * fits PHP better).
But basically, that makes it opt-in with minimal new syntax
As to the argument about "BUT WHAT ABOUT GIANT CLOSURES?!?!?!" I think that's a strawman. Developers are, largely, responsible about how they use closures.
I disagree that it's not needed.
You're talking about adding new behavior, that should be opt-in.
Someone yesterday suggested just making fn and function synonyms in all cases. I'm not sure I like that, but I suppose it's technically possible, probably.
@Sara Disagree. The only other place 'fn' is used right now has auto-capture. It's not unreasonable to assume that a second use of 'fn' is also going to auto-capture.
@Sara It's difficult for us to judge what will be "obvious" to arbitrary PHP developers of arbitrary skill level. :-) (Hardly specific to this issue, of course.)
The best we can do is ensure that the syntax implications are internally consistent, which I believe we've done.
There's two subtly different cases here. One is "I'm capturing a whole lot of variables and repeating them is annoying." For that, 'use(...)' or similar would get the job done. The other is "this is a short function within a short function, just not reducible to a single expression, I can't be arsed to deal with what is contextually obvious in every other language I use." 'use(*)' does not help there.
Stupid bad formatting...
(Though I am personally more interested in short functions than the auto-capture closures, but I support both.)