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Hey @PeeHaa I got a quick question
It's regarding the picture thing you helped me with earlier
If I assign a variable to a MySQL database row, to check if it's empty it will still work to simply do an if empty($var) check, right?
Works for me.
Can someone help me with this? pastebin.com/eQpcgqZ8
It returns both the if AND the else.
You mean it returns both img tags?
and it properly shows the image in the IF meaning the variable is set.
Nevermind I got it. I accidentally copied the image code of the placeholder and put it outside of the php code too
Thought so.
By the way, you need to specify all the src, width, height, and alt attributes to make the HTML valid.
I don't want to set both height and width cause I want it to scale
and I'll set alt, no problem
@AlexCastro You can get the width and height with imagesize.
What do you mean? I let the user upload an image of any size then resize it for my uses
@ShaquinTrifonoff You don't need to set the width / height
Opinion: By default assign a user NO profile picture, and do a check to see later if they have one.


Assign all new users a template picture (same as would be the failsafe if they didn't have one)
I guess the second one would save me having to do the check and I'd just echo everyone's profile pictures...
Stack Overflow uses the template approach (no, actually, it uses Gravatar, which does).
@orourkek . . . why?
@ShaquinTrifonoff in PHPMYAdmin there's an option for setting the default value of a column "As Defined:" with a text box. Is that what I want to set if I want to make it copy a value for every new entry?
Yes, you can do that.
@orourkek You don't need to mock php://input -- you need to simply have a method that accepts a stream (so you can pass in a stream that does whatever you want in the test) or accepts a string "file path" and register a custom stream wrapper that will be used when you open that stream inside your method with fopen. I answered a roughly similar question recently: stackoverflow.com/questions/11700397/…
I seriously cannot believe I did not get the accept vote on this one:
Q: Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in Form Check box

SteffBeen struggling with this some time now and is probably something simple... I keep getting the following error whilst trying to submit a contact form Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in .... on line 240. HTML CODE <input type="checkbox" name="socialmedia[...

@LeviMorrison You didn't provide the answer in a format that the OP could copy/paste directly and have it work without thought.
Sigh . . .
Rep-whoring is rough :/
It's hard because there are so many terrible questions. And it's depressing when questions like stackoverflow.com/q/760669/538216 can earn people 6 and 7 upvotes.
I would give that a
Got that in my review tool as well.
@PeeHaa me neither -- how widely supported is that?
@PeeHaa Only for XUL, not HTML.
Checking it out now
ok .. i need some sleep
No, maybe that is wrong, looks like it can be for HTML...
Feature	Chrome	Firefox (Gecko)	Internet Explorer	Opera	Safari
Basic support	(Yes)	2	9	10	(Yes)
It's just IE<9 that's the problem.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Just like many JS things.
IE still is a bit lacking, even though Microsoft has done IE++.
It's funny, I like to get rep by editing closed questions before they are deleted :-)
@Lusitanian naughty ... rep-whoring on an uber duplicate :)
questions like that make me really want 10k -- no way 50k rep users should be getting rep for answering Qs that have obviously been asked/answered many times.
There are indeed some filthy repwhores among the high rep users
lol. lovely comment :P
@rdlowrey hahahaha
@Lusitanian :)
@rdlowrey i got 4 upvotes, and one downvote
guessing that one was from you for my rep-whoring
Nope. I wanted to, but I don't like to dv answers when I'm on a nice round rep number (like my current 7175)
heh, must've been someone else anti-repw
@LeviMorrison lol, it's never a good sign when you start your question with:
> My question is similar to this thread:
Another item to check in your cv predictor.
All aboard the Exact Duplicate train!
@LeviMorrison my repwhoring method of choice for curl questions is this: "Too bad you hafta use curl. That sucks."
@LeviMorrison Yes! repwhoring on the SQL +1 :)
@rdlowrey Hey buddy, trying to rep-whore some stuff.
In his defense if you don't know the vernacular it could be difficult to search for the answer on that one.
^ That's mostly a cover-up.
Having taught myself everything I've ever known that even remotely involved a computer I have a low tolerance for that argument :) But the question itself is legitimate I suppose. I think I'll delete my comment in the interest of civility.
I'm going to sleep. Later whores
later :)
@rdlowrey By the way, chance for HTTP and network repwhoring: stackoverflow.com/q/12169998/538216
What is your question? You want something faster than the basic file stream functions? If you're reading network resources you're always going to be bound by the speed of the network. The exact functions you use are highly unlikely to compare to that kind of bottleneck. — rdlowrey 3 mins ago
I want milk to drink with my cinnamon raisin toast. But I don't have any. How do I get some milk?
This is what I mean -- when I rep-whore for too long I just become bitter and snarky and disenchanted.
URI rep-whoring ... yeaaahhhhhhh
sup guys
anyone ever dealt with Unix shared memory segments in PHP?
@rdlowrey gender-bias :P
@Lusitanian Nope. No way that "Jenny" isn't a 400lb dude.
rule 30?
Yes sir.
If i have a C/C++ app that creates, updates, and maintains shared memory segments in realtime can i read those shared segments in PHP without a problem? Or will i have any trouble accessing them?
I wanna use the shared memory option as a backup to reading data from mysql
while i may question your usecase
php does have the kitchen sink, so yes its possible
as long as you have access to the segment id
@Lusitanian don't ask. not even my idea.
@Lusitanian yeah i'll have the segment id. any issues if i'm reading while they are writing?
@Lusitanian cool thanks. let's see how this goes smh.
I rejoice every time I see a competent question like this: stackoverflow.com/q/12170297/895378
@rdlowrey omg that makes my heart skip
Oh wait, nevermind.
I don't think he has an actual question other than, "is this a good design"
Need to read it carefully to double check.
hopes were up
i'll read ina minute
@hanleyhansen depends on what part of the segment you're reading ;)
@Lusitanian that's my question. what would happen if we happen to be reading the same part of segment at any point in time because most likely they will be designating a segment that will never get swapped out so i will be rereading the same segment over and over and they will be updating it when needed. what if we bump heads?
you may run into a race condition if you're reading the area that the other proc is writing
you know there are much better ways of interprocess communication, right?
@Lusitanian please enlighten me
you're dealing with a relatively low-level unix feature from a high-level api
well the c++ is doing grudge work down there anyway so it's easy for them to manipulate memory segments at that level since they're in their anyway. that's why we even considered this option.
meh. my first thought would be unix pipes, but as for using them with php...
what's your usecase for this?
tbh you might want to set up a redis daemon on the machine and write to it from the C++ app/read from it from PHP --- that'd handle race conditions for you since it's obviously a high level app
@Lusitanian tell me more about that.
about what
redis daemon
@hanleyhansen redis.io
would that be as fast as using shared memory?
basically it's a really-effing-fast in-memory data store
no, nothing that's abstracted and has layers and actual structures on top of it will be
again, i don't know your use case so i'm taking shots in the dark
ok here's the usecase
read the entire php manual section on semaphores though if you really need something low-level
but tbh if you need something critically fast -- realtime fast, that is -- i don't know why you're using php
i gotta go though
ping me and i'll try to get around to responding
@Lusitanian i'm drawing js financial charts and pulling data from mysql to populate the charts (ajax with a web service i wrote). the client wants another option besides sql as well so my c++ developers accessing shared memory from my web service and dumping that back to the charts so we have 2 options, either pull from sql or read the shared memory segment with the data.
@hanleyhansen Sounds like to me you really need a well-designed C++ app that you could port to CGI.
@LeviMorrison you don't think shared memory is the way to go?
Shared-nothing architecture has become popular for a reason.
It avoids complicated problems and can scale beyond 1 machine.
@hanleyhansen In short: no.
that's true. redis is looking pretty interesting though
^ Thought that was a poor lambda symbol at first.
It's actually monitor.
hehe I thought it was a lambda too strategically angled trampoline
Never would've gotten to "monitor" without help.
It's on Ubuntu's website. Expected better graphics from Canonical.
Another marker of low question quality? a 10:1 ratio of code to non-code text in the markdown of your question. Code dumps === too localized.
Was thinking of different question.
And this one too ... same problem
I sometimes wonder if that's a result of a lack of confidence in English language skills for people who don't speak it well? I mean, I might do the same if I wasn't crap for English but had some code that didn't work.
> I might do the same if I wasn't crap for English
You are crap for English.
Colloquialisms floated in passing are not the same as carefully crafted questions to incite help from people who know what they're doing :)
You can use eval. — AVD 10 secs ago
@rdlowrey Not sure if serious.
I thought the same thing
Awesome comment if trolling.
Comment is awesome, answer is not.
> I think the easiest way to do that would be to use curl
You think wrongly, my misguided friend.
@LeviMorrison You were right, it was .
@ShaquinTrifonoff Perfect.
I didn't have time though, I read some comments, refreshed the page, and it was gone!
Maybe it's the universe trying to tell you that logic doesn't belong in templates? :) — rdlowrey 17 secs ago
@rdlowrey You are seem to be actively watching atm. Are you as disappointed as I am that people are not asking good rep-whoring questions?
@LeviMorrison yes. Seems worse than usual tonight.
@rdlowrey Indeed. I'm just waiting for Ubuntu to finish downloading. I've wrecked my Debian install too many times trying to use the testing repository. Need something more stable for school.
Thought I'd rep-whore php but the questions are so bad.
They are. I think I'm going to go fall asleep reading and offer up today/tonight to the gods of productivity and hope my sacrifice will inexplicably result in me not wasting my day doing dumb stack overflow stuff tomorrow.
@LeviMorrison I think I know what they want...
Hey guyz need the kodz. Pls. Urgent! Thanks.
@rdlowrey There should be a close option for 'showz me teh codez'.
@rdlowrey Seriously?
that would be awesome, though I somehow doubt it would really mesh with the "summer of love"
@ShaquinTrifonoff no, just joking. But I have seen stuff like that before.
I have too, @rdlowrey.
That is a good ad.
And this one too but I'll spare you the oneboxing ... stackoverflow.com/questions/9923433/…
@LeviMorrison Sorry, I just realised why I can't see the ad: I have AdBlock!
@ShaquinTrifonoff Cowards use AdBlock.
Why don't you use AdBlock? I don't like ads.
Question #1: Do they hurt my life? Not usually.
Occasionally I see a good one.
That's fine by me.
Question #2: Do I want to bother installing it for every browser on every machine I use? No. I use a lot of machines and a lot of browsers.
I just find the flashing ones annoying.
I don't really go anywhere so unreputable that they serve flash ads (youtube.com excepted, but don't mind)
Animated GIFs are the annoying ones.
They have two frames, flashing between one colour and another.
Get the idea?
I don't go anywhere doing that . . .
What sort of shady sites do you visit?
I agree -- if I don't like a site's advertising methods I withdraw my business (eyeballs). Adblock hurts the internet IMHO by damaging the main business model for the businesses trying to grow the greatest invention in human history.
some moron duplicating the same question from an hour or so ago: stackoverflow.com/questions/12171012/…
@rdlowrey Should be same, not some...
Who's there?
Well, that kind of flopped.
Good night :)
I'm having a hard time installing Linux on my newest machine.
What distro?
I can't even get Ubuntu's installer to load.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Tried several.
Any errors, or just a blank screen?
Blank screen.
I'm hoping vanilla Debian will work.
It's worked in the past, I just screwed up my install by trying to upgrade to testing.
Does it have that small keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen when you boot up (assuming you are booting from a CD/DVD)?
So... how did you wreck it?
Updated my repos to testing and then did dist-upgrade
I guess you would have to reinstall, then.
Yeah, it's not even bootable.
I have problems with the latest Linux kernel in testing. Not sure exactly what. Can't boot to figure it out.
@LeviMorrison do you see a black screen that never disapears while booting?
2 hours later…
good morning
@edorian freakin out with zf2
@markcial It's one it's use cases isn't it?
hahaah yup
heho :)
I would like to check if the current time is between a timestamp period:
if(strtotime($full_startDate) >= time() && strtotime($full_endDate) <= time()) { echo "YES"; }
Although this doesnt give me a YES,
2012-09-29 09:55:00 - 2012-09-29 19:00:00
And current time over here in Sweden is 2012-09-29 09:58:00
date compare
Ops shouldnt it be:
if(time() >= strtotime($full_startDate) && time() <= strtotime($full_endDate) )
although still not working
with an offset it should work
Howdy Y'all
[fires guns in the air like a cartoon Texas tycoon]
if ( $diff < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 )
Object of class DateInterval could not be converted to int
And whats 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ?
Hey Everyone, I want to get some of your advice. I want my members to register easily. So I was thinking without Captcha (I noticed facebook isn't using it either). Is there a way to prevent bots from registering? The reason being, I thought to insert a username as taken upon successful first step registration.
one day
and I don't want a bot to spam the server with emails and usernames that will never be activated.
Never do date logic using math. To many issues, leap days, timezones.. just don't
i thought it was a date compare function in php
How can i format to timestamp and not Y-m-d H:i:s
maybe i m mistakin the mysql one
btw @edorian american format will always represent a long number
@markcial you can say $x = new DateTime("..."); $y = new DateTime("..."); var_dump($x > $y);
2012-08-12 00:00:00 < 2012-08-12 00:00:01
but internally compares objects
doesnt convert to integer or string
What do i do ?
use Datetime objects and compare
I have,
btw what you want?
		$datetime1 = date_create($full_startDate);
		$datetime2 = date_create($full_endDate);
		$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);

		$now = date_create('now');
				if ( $interval->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') > $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') )
					echo "YES";
But this always return true
I have 3 dates, start date, current date and end date
how should i compare
current date should be a datetime object
$now = date_create('now');
compare check if its greater than startdate object
and lower than enddate object
$now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') > $datetime1->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') && $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') < $datetime2->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')
return false now always
$datetime_start = new Datetime($full_startDate);
$datetime_end = new Datetime($full_endDate);
$current = new Datetime();
if( ( $datetime_start < $current ) &&
( $datetime_end > $current ) ):
echo 'Yay!';
if you want to include both then =>
if( ( $datetime_start <= $current ) &&
( $datetime_end >= $current ) ):
echo 'Yay!';
Still return false
which format do you have in full_startDate?
@Karem is $current between the start and end dates?
'Y-m-d H:i:s'?
@salathe yes
@Karem show your code on viperpad.com and how it doesn't work
2012-09-29 09:55:00 - 2012-09-29 19:00:00
And time is currently 2012-09-29 10:15:00 over here
php > $sdate = "2012-08-20 00:00:00";
php > $edate = "2012-08-31 00:00:00";
php > $current = new Datetime();
php > if( ( $datetime_start < $current ) && ( $datetime_end > $current ) ){
php { echo 'Yay!';
php { }
maybe is server time
what prints date('Y-m-d H:i:s')?
in your server
maybe in your server is another time
2012-08-29 10:19:25
oh lol
the month
its not yet september xd
6 mins ago, by salathe
@Karem is $current between the start and end dates?
Although still nothing -_-
Its working
Thanks @markcial @salathe
yay. 700 "low quality" in i got one from this year :)
Good morning
Morning ! 1 question ! How to check if PEAR mail is installed in PHP. I googled it and I open 11 odd pages to find out that m still not sure how to check it. I checked phpinfo(); which shows --with-pear=/usr/share/pear in Configure Command. So according to 11 pages (i read) PEAR is installed on my server
require_once "Mail.php" is not working.
pear list
shows you all the installed packages
edorian where shall I write that command?
I have SSh Client called Putty can I use that?
set include path is correctly configured¿?
var_dump( get_include_path() );
@markcial it Returns string(17) ".:/usr/share/pear"
I tried checking it using my ftp ! there is no Mail.php file in it!
do you have the php code of Mail.php inside /usr/share/pear?
then it will not work
do you have the code of pear located in another folder?
Yea !
usr/share/pear is root directory ! Which I usually dont touch ! My PHP mailing code is in my wordpress folder
try that then :
set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, array_merge( get_include_path(), $folder_of_pear ) ) );
chdir to the wordpress folder where your pear code is located
do a pwd command there ~$ pwd
will output the folder you need
@markcial ~$ pwd? Where shall I input this command? I dont know! :(
uhm dont you said you have a ssh terminal?
is a linux command
go deep to the folder where the Mail.php file is located
but I cant find Mail.php file at all
then do a pwd to ask for the folder name
set that in the include path
ask your hosting provider for the pear installation folder then

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