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3:00 PM
I was thinking FFI and JIT.
JIT is not really an API, except if you are talking about the ini settings?
Fair, the four values are pretty confusing
Honestly, I don't know how that passed a vote. :-(
Ya'll weak. Back when I was a lad every file had to start with "on error resume next"
Morning / afternoon all
3:03 PM
@Crell magical thinking mostly...
@Crell I mean, if we have good reasons I'm ok with going against the grain. Lol, but that's why I thought maybe just doing the type pattern initially might be the least controversial :)
Which one, FFI or JIT? Both seemed pretty surprising
the jit ini settings have human readable values now btw
Oh, they do? That wasn't in the RFC.
Are they documented anywhere?
@IluTov "least controversial" LOL.
@cmb (and maybe @NikiC) should I go ahead and merge the Type Declaration page after cleansing the notes?
@NikiC Ah, merci! I'll include that in the updated version of the JIT chapter. :-)
@Crell @IluTov Read through the pattern matching RFC. I have some thoughts on specific points, but at a high level: Do we really need this?
@NikiC On its own? It's a nice-to-have. In combination with Enums? The're hamstrung without it.
Esp associable enums that carry values. We'll need to do something to match() to make those work one way or another.
I'm a big fan of pattern matching in some other languages (Rust), but the value proposition in PHP seems pretty low to me (and I can't say I ever really missed the feature while writing PHP code)
@Crell I think the problem may be having those in the first place :)
Which, enums?
3:12 PM
@Crell No, ADTs as enums
@NikiC That's basically true for every feature added after PHP 5.4 :grimacing:
That is the most robust way to do monads. And a lot of other similar functionality.
@Gordon As a php-src contributor I feel personally attacked!
@Gordon I think there were a couple of nice additions :P
Everything above assembly is syntactic sugar. :-)
3:16 PM
PHP 5.4 was actually the one version that added something with large negative value: Traits
Speak for yourself Gordon, I now suffer physical pain every time I write a service class and have to separately declare the properties :P
Yes, traits were a mistake. At least in how we got them.
@Girgias yes, please (have a look at the proper quote issue, though)
@Crell Hot take: The only useful monad is the maybe monad, and null together with various language features covers that well enough
Hard disagree.
3:18 PM
@cmb Quote issue? Can you point to that again please?
Traits === We don't want to solve multiple inheritance.
@NikiC For PHP alone, probably not. ADTs would become way more powerful with static analysis though. As for complex pattern matching, I do think a type pattern would mostly do it actually.
@cmb Yeah, that's intriguing I imagine that came from the C/C of the RFC content
allow casting to void (no-op) ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #80354
3:21 PM
@Sara Heh, I think the trait implementation is more complicated than multiple inheritance would have been ^^
@Girgias aha! I thought it was some auto-replace of your editor.
happy birthday @DaveRandom
@Crell That requires an event loop implementation. Can I at least link to test code in ext-fiber? This isn't like a syntax feature, it's more like FFI, where doing something actually useful requires a fair bit of code.
@cmb ... does PHPStorm do that? because it could in that case
3:25 PM
idk (I only know that Word and some other MS stuff does it)
@Trowski For that, perhaps. But again, "OK, I want to ping 50 sites in parallel to see if they're up. How would I do that in fiber-land?" is the question that needs to be answered. Right now I sort of read it as "Guzzle's devs will know what to do with this, don't worry your little head about it, you won't need to care." Which is not a satisfying RFC. :-(
@Crell PHP just doesn't have enough built-in things that don't block.
@NikiC Mostly it is: I feel this could be implemented more idiomatically and less redundantly with it. Yeah, we do not need this; we're used to not having it. But if we had it, I think we would use the pattern matching quite a bit.
It feels kinda sad to back out a feature that somebody contributed to Xdebug — but the code is a bit strange, nobody asked for it, and it makes debugging a lot slower due to excessive IO reads.
@NikiC Implementations are easy, young man. Consensus is hard. ((I've been listening to Hamilton entirely too much lately))
3:27 PM
@Trowski Indeed. :-) But at least with FFI, for instance, I could get a sense from the RFC enough of what I'd do, given that I had a C library already. Even if in most cases I wouldn't use it.
> Implementations are easy, young man. Consensus is hard.
That may mean you just need longer code examples, and we accept that.
@Tiffany it appears that Sara is reading my mind and/or DMs....
@Crell I'm going to try to add some docker to the RFC repo and some runnable examples there, so people can play with the code..
@Crell That's fair. The version with fibers only will be a bit ugly. I guess I can show that, then show what's possible with a framework.
3:31 PM
@IluTov sigh So what's our next step here?
@bwoebi I mean, I could shorten some instanceof checks to is, but I don't think I'd be using the rest much.
hi guys anyone can help me on react room ..it is empty so i'm asking someone to help..pls
@NoobDEV-GBL top-tip. if you're going to ask offtopic stuff, do it in a way that doesn't require any work to see what help is required.....in this case, a link to where you have already written out the full details of your question would avoid people having to ask "what is a react room?".
Okay, read through wiki.php.net/rfc/enumerations_and_adts as well now. Looks pretty nice overall
@NikiC Do you remember me asking about https://bugs.xdebug.org/1876 ? I asked for a preprocessed file and that line expanded to:

zend_throw_exception_ex(zend_ce_error, 0, "Maximum function nesting of '" "%" PRId64 "' reached, aborting!", ((xdebug_globals.base.settings.max_nesting_level)));
You'd expect that PRId64 to have been macro replaced too, right?
3:34 PM
@Derick yeah. Missing some include or broken headers...

React Native

React Native | Redux | react-navigation | react-native-android...
I do wonder how many non-USians has seen/heard Hamilton. I mean, I quite enjoyed Les Miserables and I'm not French last I checked.
It should come for a system header, and ... this is the only/first person to complain that Xdebug doesn't build on OSX...
@NikiC the destructuring part of pattern matching (variable binding) will come in as quite handy as well I guess
@Sara I haven't seen it yet :-/.
3:35 PM
@Derick That's one data point. I'm going to call this study complete.
@Crell @IluTov I think the next step is to do non-ADT enums along the lines of your proposal :) The nice thing is that the way it's laid out, extending it to ADTs would be a fully backwards compatible change
I think the ADT context is good to have to justify some of the design choices even for unit enums, but I wouldn't put that in an initial proposal
@Derick I think you'd enjoy it. You should at least find a way to watch the video version with Morag and a bottle of something nice on a cold winter's evening.
enum Day {
    case Monday { const NUM = 1; }
    case Tuesday { const NUM = 2; }
    // ...
@NoobDEV-GBL "to where you have already written out the full details of your question" - chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=50769636#50769636
@NikiC Fully agree on that - that's what I've also told them - design ADTs first, ensure unit enums are consistent within them, and then propose the unit enums to enable flawless extension
3:37 PM
Even for unit enums, an instanceof version of match() would be useful. (Which is what is provides.)
(Side note: Dear frickin' god I hate how Docuwiki uses a different syntax for everything than Markdown does. It's destroying my muscle memory.)
@Crell for unit enums equality is enough though
@bwoebi That
The number of RFCs this is getting broken into scares me. :-/
even if the whole of enums + pattern matching + ADTs ends up in one release, it may be easier to discuss the details of each proposal separately
@bwoebi @Crell @NikiC I mean, I'm ok with that. It does reduce our workload immensely. We wouldn't have to worry about ADTs, pattern matching, comparison (===), or even initonly properties.
3:41 PM
But I think it will have to happen. I think especialy with adding thsi associable case I'm zoning out and just going to say "no"
@IMSoP Agreed.
And, if one area is a deal breaker, at least we'll get parts of the work in the next release.
If you use the word "Monad" you're going to have to explain what it means.
@IluTov Exactly
@Derick Yay, more book sales! :-)
I meant in the RFC ;-)
3:42 PM
maybe you could keep a shared reference of "here's a grand vision we're working towards, which has guided some of our design decisions"
@Danack sorry for that
@IMSoP Yeah, that's what we're already trying to do. It's just a question of how small the pieces are. Also, there's no standard mechanism for "RFC Epics" right now, so we'd be basically inventing that process as we go.
Which... I'm OK with if everyone else is OK with me doing, since I'm basically PMing this effort. (Ilija is doing the actual work.)
@IluTov The only disadvantage is that you may get stuck with the partial solution in the end :) Which may also be good, as that indicates the full solution is not worthwhile.
@Crell small enough that the features can be addressed individually
"as small as reasonable, and no smaller" :P
3:45 PM
@IluTov Did you start any implementation work on enums?
/me goes to reimplement Jira tickets in Docuwiki.
can you reimplement them better in Jira while you're at it... ;)
@Danack 😂
That seems an easy ask...
I recently learned I was doing jira workflows completely wrong in tickets and had to fix a few
3:48 PM
I feel like a baseline enum implementation should be pretty simple under the proposed model, right? It's mostly desugaring.
I still want to build a startup at some point that is a PM tool based around tickets having dependencies, rather than pretending dependencies don't exist.
@NikiC If we leave off ADTs, then the main outstanding question is primitive equivalent handling.
@Tiffany "Copy (2) of Copy of New Workflow (revised) (new)"
Haven't encountered that fortunately
Anybody with OSX here, and can tell me whether PRId64 is defined in inttypes.h ?
But probably only a matter of time...
3:50 PM
@Crell yeah, it baffles me how badly most ticketing systems handle that; bugzilla (at least as Mozilla use it) takes the opposite approach and models everything using dependencies, which is also slightly bonkers
@NikiC Some, I started with a few things (mostly type patterns and __isIdentical()). Regarding enums/ADTs themselves, there's only some logic to desugar enums into classes. Most work though has been conceptual so far.
@Crell It there anything special to do there with regard to unit enums, which are uniqued?
I mean, it will need some special handling on the implementation side, e.g. during serialization
But on the design level?
@NikiC Yeah, I think so. The hardest part will be making them usable as array keys, which is probably something users would expect from enums.
@IluTov Yes, but that's a separate feature :)
enum Suit: string {
  case Hearts = 'H';
print Suit::Hearts; // Prints 'H'?
$cards[Suit::Hearts]; // What does this even do?
$c = Suit::from('H'); // This at least is pretty self-evident.
Suit::Hearts === Suit::Hearts; // This should be true, yes?

function foo(string $foo) {}
foo(Suit::Heart); // Is this OK or not?
Several question marks still in there.
Also, if an enum has no primitive equivalent defined, do we auto-make one or no?
3:52 PM
=== falls out automatically as long as you don't allow instances to be constructed
@Derick # define PRId64 __PRI_64_LENGTH_MODIFIER__ "d" from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/usr/include/inttypes.h
@Crell Ah, that's what you mean by primitive equivalent
Well, I can give a definitive answer to some of those questions
@bwoebi Thanks, that's what I expected. Do you have a /usr/local/include/inttypes.h too?
3:53 PM
with a few tricks around things like unserialize and opcache to look up the current instance
$cards[Suit::Hearts]; // What does this even do? ==> Once it's implemented, Suite::Hearts will be a "normal" object key, based on object identity
@Derick no
Suit::Hearts === Suit::Hearts; // This should be true, yes? ==> Yes, this should work automatically with uniquing
@Crell Doesn't this actually demonstrate that maybe the current enum scope is just too big?
foo(Suit::Heart); // Is this OK or not? ==> Of course it's not okay ^^
3:55 PM
@NikiC Lol, good :D
As for the rest...
@bwoebi I think my user from bugs.xdebug.org/1876 has an extra file (/usr/local/include/inttypes.h) that gets picked up before that longer file from the SDK
enum Suite {
    case Hearts { const CHAR = 'H'; }
^-- That would be my proposal, on how to handle "primitives" in a way that just "falls out" from enum cases being "normal" classes
@Derick yeah, /usr takes priority over Xcode SDK files
But where would that file come from? You don't have it
3:56 PM
And that also gives you a clear way how to handle multiple different values, e.g. and int and a string representation
@IluTov My concern frankly with too-small of RFCs is we get lots of "but what's the point?" like @NikiC just had for pattern matching; which legit is only really compelling in combination with enums. Right-sizing things is hard, especially when as a project there's not much history of RFC Epics, AFAIK.
@Crell I don't think there are any "what's the point?" question with regard to simple enums :)
@NikiC I don't follow. It needs to be bidirectional, remember.
I mean, from most people. Dmitry will think it has no point :)
@Crell I can see that. But I'm really not afraid this will come up for enums as it's one of the most requested features.
3:57 PM
@Crell Does it need to be bidirectional?
@Derick maybe he messed something up so that it ended up installed there … I don't know, in previous macOS versions, before it's all been in /Applications/Xcode.app, stuff lived in /usr/include (and not /usr/local/include)
yeah, exactly
@NikiC Yes, @MarkR made a solid argument for that. The 90% use case in PHP is going to involve dumping it to a DB field and reading it back. We need the "Reading it back" part to be as easy as possible.
@NikiC yes, I think so, esp when converting back from a protocol / external storage
enum Suite {
    case Hearts { const CHAR = 'H'; }
    static function from(string $char) {
        return match ($char) {
            Hearts::CHAR => Hearts,
3:58 PM
What @bwoebi said. :-)
(Also, look, a single-expression function!)
@bwoebi @Crell Does it need to be language-integrated though? Maybe just reflectible?
@NikiC I remember we talked about attributes for that
Allowing methods means we can ignore the "multiple serializations for different formats" use case in favor of just one primary supported one. If you want both a machine name version and a human-label, add a label() method.
The reflection API is too cumbersome. Going that route means anyone trying to read an enum value back from a DB record has to mess around with multiple reflection method calls. It's way nicer to just write Suit::from($value_from_db) and move on with your life.
Same with Suit::values().
@IluTov Making it separate RFCs also increases the chances of it ending up as 2 separate language constructs, which I was considering anyway but you hated. :-)
enum Suite {
    use EnumValue;
    case Hearts { const VALUE = 'H'; }
4:03 PM
@NikiC I don't think simple enums should be objects at all. Value semantics would be much nicer for performance and I don't think they need anything more than that.
@LeviMorrison We absolutely want method support.
@LeviMorrison "Value semantics" are not observable for simple enums at all
Even on simple enums? Really?
Even on simple enums.
I disagree.
I've used this feature in Java, and it's terrible, imo.
4:04 PM
There are plenty of use cases for even simple enums to have methods.
@Crell Why? We can just propose it as an extension of enums.
@bwoebi #[Derive(From)] :D
I sense some rust influence :-P
The disjoint nature of values() and from() sometimes working and sometimes not will become more apparent at that point. (They already are, in the current RFC.)
IMO it needs to be able to cast to a type not known at the call site, which is going to be bloody difficult for PHP overwriting the type
4:08 PM
@MarkR ... no
You don't get to say that after your last mail on strict_types
@bwoebi I think something along that lines might actually not be terrible though ^^
Take a simple ORM that has typed properties, an int gets replaced by an enum. The ORM layer would need a way to map a DB field to it without having to have it hard-coded, be it through reflection or something else.
Otherwise you can't build a general purpose data mapper without some standard interface
@Crell Doesn't YouTrack do that already?
ORMs can use Reflection, and I don't care if it's slow. It's about is "literally magic" as it gets.
@NikiC I'm honestly confused why you're trying to find even more complex ways to define an inbound mapping operation. A standard-named method is the simplest, and is consistent with what other languages do. Why complicate it?
@Girgias I've not used YouTrack. What is it?
@Crell JetBrains Issue tracker lol
4:12 PM
@LeviMorrison Well data mapping from DB to ORM is probably the single most frequented operation in a standard script script, at least it was with the ones I've ran through cachegrind
@Crell Because that requires giving enums a magic value concept
It's no longer "just sealed classes"
@MarkR You and I live in different worlds; I have never actually seen a production code base with an ORM in PHP.
I know they exist; my head isn't in the sand.
I don't see a problem with enums having a privileged primitive equivalent?
Then you must live in a very small world considering doctrine has something like 200 million pulls on packagist ::D
4:15 PM
@Crell It causes asymmetry. You can get only one privileged value, and only if it's a simple enum.
Some more general way, if it exists, would be preferable
@MarkR It's not a small one; just a different one.
Yes, that's what privileged means. And... yes, an ADT wouldn't have that simple equivalent.
You don't see stats for large enterprise/organizations that don't use packagist, but it's there.
Anything more general is going to involve more boilerplate for every developer to write. "Implement it yourself with a const" is, IMO, the worst option.
OK, no, making people mess around with reflection themselves is the worst option. :-)
@Crell It's the worst option if you actually need to implement the reverse mapping yourself
4:16 PM
Also, I'd argue Wordpress is the single largest PHP app, and it doesn't use an ORM... at least not in the same sense as doctrine.
@NikiC Not a fan of strict types for a future tightening of the language through editions?
Prepared statement broke with \ and -- characters ・ PDO related ・ #80355
For those that don't, from() and values() methods in a parent class in the engine are essentially zero cost.
@Crell But even if you get the from() method provided in some way, I would still consider using const VALUE (in this case with a fixed name) as the means to provide the values.
Otherwise you need to have a specialized syntax just for this purpose
4:20 PM
This is possibly a dumb and/or lazy question. Does fputcsv respect the separator as defined in RFC 4180? I know the docs for fputcsv says it writes to the file handle terminated by newlines, but I need to know specifically if it respects the separator
Then we're just arguing which of these syntaxes is less ugly:
enum Suit: string {
  case Hearts = 'H';

enum Suit: string {
  case Hearts;

enum Suit: string {
  case Hearts {
    const MAGIC_NAME = 'H';
@Tiffany No
The first is shortest, and consistent with other enum-sporting languages.
It also introduces the fewest magic names.
@Girgias 😰
4:21 PM
@Crell I like #1 myself
@Crell Please don't butcher my formatting
@Tiffany The league/csv library is a sanish thing to use.
@Tiffany Someone told me that and I was one of the reasons I started working on building a new CSV extension
But yeah as @Danack said, use league/csv
Not really an option :/
4:22 PM
18 mins ago, by NikiC
enum Suite {
    use EnumValue;
    case Hearts { const VALUE = 'H'; }
enum Suit {
    case Hearts { const VALUE = 'H'; }
It's certainly longer than case Hearts = 'H', but you don't need to bring your PSRisms into it
Eh, whitespace is whitespace. Besides you'd want to multi-line it anyway if you add methods. And it's still a magic, non-obvious constant name.
If I were PSRisming it, I'd have put all { on their own line. And f* that noise. :-)
trying to eliminate a method in a class that isn't used that much by children classes, but the method seems to rely on using a separator... it was suggested that we switch to fputcsv, but separator support may be necessary. I need to research if there's a way to eliminate the separator...
what exactly do you mean by "separator"?
might be able to convince to use your extension, @Girgias... maybe... probably not, but I might attempt it
4:25 PM
@Tiffany Have you convinced them to use composer yet?
@cmb CRLF, CR, LF... other details that I need to dig more into to give a more sufficient answer
@MarkR not really an option, composer is used on a very, very limited basis
@Tiffany It has some severe limitations, no streaming parser (which is a must for large files) and it doesn't return a generator only arrays
Also it's rather strict on input
there are a few classes that use some particularly ugly code, and a suggested fix uses array_walk and a reference call (though this was rejected), and I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible, a suggestion to me was rewriting it to use fputcsv though, and I'm looking into how that can be possible, or if other code needs to be refactored differently rubber ducking
I need to get back to it, but I will need to figure out how the streaming API works, and not sure I want to :(
Have fun with that :')
@Tiffany you can work-around:
fputcsv($stream, $fields);
fseek(-1, SEEK_CUR);
fwrite($stream, "\r\n");
requires seekable stream, though
4:31 PM
I'll look into it, thanks :)
@IluTov So... shall I go crazy on a bunch of mini-RFCs at this point?
@Jeeves why do these bugs come in just now? That issue is ancient.
@cmb ancient_aliens_users.jpg
That would likely also mean moving the enum RFC back to the wiki instead of github.
@NikiC Is there actually movement to make objects legal as array keys on their own? You seemed to hint at that before but that's news to me.
(Though I suppose as they're singletons you could use enums in weakmaps already.)
regarding these Google docs... I think they got Automatically and Explicitly backwards. Just Sayin...
threw me into momentary confusion
4:45 PM
@Crell someone might have snuck that in - wiki.php.net/rfc/weak_maps
@Crell I don't think so, I think he just meant that that can be postponed to a separate RFC.
@Danack Yes, I just mentioned those. :-)
if any of you guys can help on react it will be nice : chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/223792/react-native
@Crell So, which ones? At that point we'd just need the Hashable one but probably nothing else, right?
Do we need hashable?
4:47 PM
Oh sorry, no we don't xD
I should have saved the list from yesterday...
If we postpone it. So basically, we'd focus on simple, object-based enums, potentially with or without scalar-backing.
* Unit Enums (with scalars)
* Basic Pattern matching
* initonly or similar
* ADTs
* Advanced pattern matching
* I feel like I'm forgetting one.
Objects as keys ^^
Also, __isIdentical
Why won't it let me edit my message more than once...?
* Unit Enums (with scalars)
* Basic Pattern matching
* initonly or similar
* ADTs
* __isIdentical
* Generic objects-as-array-keys
* Advanced pattern matching
Oh, and we still need to sort out how list() vs values() works for primitive backed enums. :-(
I suppose we could just say values() returns an associative array in that case, and if you want it ordered that's what array_values() is for?
4:55 PM
@Danack Oh interesting, I was afraid we were gonna break the assumption that all traversable keys are int|string but it seems that's already not the case.
WeakMap is an object implementing ArrayAccess. Beyond that I don't grok its internals.
Although it avoids serialization, I wonder if we're gonna have to extend that. Anyway, I'm happy if we can deal with that later.
We haven't discussed reflection yet either...
Hey Guys,
Is anyone familiar with the google youtube Api v3? I'm trying to figure out a way to upload videos to my own youtube channel, without having to authorize/refresh on a regular bases.
Perhaps using the API isn't the best method, so if anyone knows of a way to do this, that would be great. And for clarity, I've thought of building the permission layer, saving the refresh token and getting a new accessToken on request.
I think Google have gone in pretty hard for OAuth, so storing the refresh token, and maybe offloading some of the details to an OAuth library, is probably going to be your best
as in, there's unlikely to be a workaround that doesn't use the tokens at all
even GMail's IMAP layer is close to requiring OAuth tokens (you have to enable a bunch of legacy tickboxes in the settings to auth by password)
@IluTov generators and iterators can also yield arbitrary keys: 3v4l.org/i3D5R
iterator_to_array doesn't like it much, though, understandably :P 3v4l.org/nhLun
5:18 PM
@Crell AFAIK, that is time-based only (you can edit as often as you like, but only for a certain time)
5:30 PM
...that's the best behaviour as it prevents shenanigans....
5:45 PM
Makes sense, but the timeout seemed... super short.
it's about three minutes
@Crell Nope
6:03 PM
> Converts the string encoded in internal_encoding to output_encoding.
> PHP 5.6 and later users should leave this empty and set default_charset instead.
6:35 PM
@DaveRandom Microsoft killing the control panel in Windows 10. //cc @PeeHaa (Cannot remember is you use Windows regularly.)
You mean the old one?
Source: youtube
seems legit :P
He is legit.
ah yeah
Well that was to be expected
6:37 PM
@PeeHaa It's official! Microsoft just put this out too! youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I love the control panel. =(
the UI for the control panel was lackluster, but there were things it could do that the newer UI is currently incapable of
if the things that the older UI have been moved into the newer UI, then I'm okay with it
i ate it
Oh... um... yeah. That was actually made from.... nevermind.
Is there a way in config.m4 of an extension to know if it's a ZTS build?
6:48 PM
@Sara I had a three cheese quesadilla for lunch. It was yummy.
@PeeHaa @StatikStasis next Among Us round?
(probably move that discussion to discord as to not disrupt stuff, I think)
Whenever @PeeHaa and @Ekin have time for us Plebs.
Yeah sorry guys
Been crazy days and the season only just started
I really want to do a couple rounds again soon
@LeviMorrison if test "$enable_zts" = "yes"; then .... fi
^ For example
@Sara Thanks.
7:12 PM
@cmb What about that?
@NikiC the iconv output handler converts from iconv.internal_encoding to iconv.output_encoding, but both settings are deprecated in favor of default_charset. Actually, just a doc bug (hopefully). :)
@cmb how would we go about changing this with respect to the current behavior? just do it tm? i think it makes sense to allow $element->attributes["class"] to access an attribute directly
@beberlei yes, I agree that we should allow that. Probably check whether offset is numeric; then call item(), else getNamedItem().
and change only for 8.0 (as bugfix), or master (BC should be acceptable)
@cmb Pretty sure they are still there, my PR for removal in 8.0 didn't land
yep, all fine there (internal_encoding and output_encoding already work; just the docs make no sense: "use default_charset for both")
7:23 PM
Ah, fair fair
so given i have the doc-en git checkout, how do i create the docs to see my changes? (sorry newbie question)
You need to have also doc-base to build them
I then symlinked doc-en as en (because of how it builds)
And then you would need to get PhD to generate them
a PhD? that sounds awful time sensitive investment :P
the doc-base README has the details, thanks for pointing me to that
the phd readme speaks of installation via pear, github.com/php/phd
Incorrect function return type ・ Session related ・ #80356
@beberlei i got fed up of, and gave up on making something easy to work on the docs work with docker out of the box, as there are too many performance problems with docker, github.com/Danack/PHPDocTool - but the build script is probably useful: github.com/Danack/PHPDocTool/blob/master/docker/installer/…
shakes fist at Apple
7:47 PM
@Girgias lol
no comment
Saw your email on CVS list
The process is slightly annoying to take a patch from git to SVN :(
I remembered to delete the file
But didn't add it D:
Sorry, the "...GOD DAMMIT" made me bust up
That was somewhat intended :p
7:50 PM
I don't feel as bad then
@Danack thank you
In PhpStorm, is it possible to map file/class associations different than what is usually expected via namespace? For example, I have a parent class named ParentClass, but the file name is Parent.php. At runtime, the class is autoloaded correctly due to some fancy logic, but PhpStorm is confused.
I want to map Parent.php to ParentClass so that I can ctrl+click on the parent class, plus fix any "undefined" properties
Unable to re-enable entity loader without triggering a deprecation ・ *XML functions ・ #80357
8:13 PM
@Danack cries in Microsoft
wow lol
that draft is like a day old
@StatikStasis *eventually :-P
@Tiffany it shouldn't make any difference, it doesn't care about autoloading, only about symbol definitions
can you elaborate on how it is "confused"?
i.e. what is actually not working as expected
Is there any plan on adding support for xpath 2 and 3 in DOMXPath? Not that I need it but was just wondering
@Tiffany what do you mean? doesn't it load all the files in a project and use the definitions and namespaces to determine the location rather than the filenames?
8:29 PM
Namespace doesn't match the file paths
I discussed the issue with a co-worker, found a somewhat workaround
what was the workaround?
And should it really matter what the filename is? shouldn't it still find the definition even if I have a dozen classes in the same file
@Tiffany that shouldn't matter though, in terms of PHP storm symbol resolution, unless I'm missing something
symbols are based entirely on parsing the contents of the files in the project, the names don't matter for anything other than incidental inspections
i.e. it shouldn't cause undefined symbols
yes, that's exactly what I am thinking
the only thing it should complain about would be "the name of this file doesn't match the class"
and that would be a warning at most which can be disabled from the preferences
8:42 PM
Temporary workaround is changing what the child class extends off to the correctly namespaced parent, and discarding the change in sourcetree before committing
Makes the property undefined messages go away at least
opens book on how many commits will pass before you forget to do the needful and check in broken code.
@Danack don't jinx me D:
It would hopefully be caught in code review though
I'm not.....you're setting yourself up.
... possibly ...
@Tiffany this seems weird, you should check your configuration
8:50 PM
if the parent class isn't in your current project, you can do stuff like create an git ignored directory, and check the other project out into that, and phpstorm will be able to find the class.
`usort($segments, fn($a, $b) => $a['start'] <=> $b['start']);`
Damn that's pretty.
or make a stub file that aliases the class.
9:09 PM
Just when I was getting into the flow of refactoring, three tickets are dropped on me. Oh well. This will have to wait until another day.
9:37 PM
meh getting an entities error when running doc-base/configure.php: ERROR (file:////home/benny/code/projects/php/docs/en/language/types.xml:199:31)
Entity 'language.types.declarations' not defined
9:54 PM
7 hours ago, by Girgias
@cmb (and maybe @NikiC) should I go ahead and merge the Type Declaration page after cleansing the notes?
@beberlei svn up again?
@NikiC i only have git chekouts :D
thats it though, new changes fixed it

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