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12:09 AM
@LeviMorrison it's all about the elephpants, yanno
@salathe mailto:systems@php.net >> /dev/null
12:29 AM
@Girgias which list? I tried checking the list of mailing lists, but I think I'm subscribed to all the docs-related mailing lists.
1:10 AM
@Wes Did this ever become a t-shirt for sale
2 hours later…
3:08 AM
@Alesana not yet
@Wes Make sure to post it on here when it does!
3:33 AM
had not to look at it for a while in order to spot mistakes
brain is such an inefficient machine
..... especially my brain
4:09 AM
Heh I know the feeling
4:42 AM
ever been shaving so many yaks you start to forget what the original goal was
5:05 AM
morning all
I was wondering if inner classes/interfaces for PHP could solve the issue with namespace private class visibility discussed on ML.
If PHP could have inner classes and interfaces which can be declared inside normal classes and interfaces as protected or private then it would allow to avoid declaring @internal classes at all
At least I think it would
Consider an example I took from Doctrine Messenger Transport implementation slightly reworked and without unneeded statements etc. gist.github.com/brzuchal/2057266a1d2a22cdd3ffd397ea34436a
Currently this package has few @internal classes like PostgreSqlConnection and Connection
Which are used only as an adaptor used in factory to pass over to DoctrineTransport new instance, this way creation of protected/private classes is allowed only in declaring class and for protected in it's descendants
but their public interface can freerly satisfy the DoctrineTransport needs
I looked through a bunch of classes and found some @internal uses in PhpParser as well
There is a TokenStream which basically is used only in PrettyPrinterAbstract and it could be a protected class instead, meaning it won't be allowed to instantiate TokenStream outside if it's declared protected
Huh nvm there is too much to think about, for eg. whether ctors should be public protected or private and how does that work etc.
Sorry for my loud thinking
2 hours later…
7:04 AM
7:35 AM
@bwoebi Notice level is still used for some things you're supposed to suppress, like I/O errors (though also not consistently...)
Could someone link me the image about the email frequency on internals that was uploaded here not long ago? I just can't find it. :/ I'm currently compiling an in-house presentation about PHP 8.0 :)
@Girgias Looks like the imap leaks are gones, but there are two tests where LeakSanitizer itself crashes: dev.azure.com/phpazuredevops/PHP/_build/…
Might have to skip those tests under asan
8:06 AM
8:18 AM
Good morning.
8:29 AM
@NikiC yeah, but I/O errors should get better error handling mechanisms…
9:06 AM
@Sara Are we going to cut the PHP-8.0 branch next week?
9:19 AM
004- array(1) {
005-   [0]=>
006-   string(3) "foo"
004+ array(0) {
Wouldn't readline_clear_history remove the item from the array?
I guess it's saved to a file, cleared, then restored?
Only happens with libedit, not readline.
9:43 AM
Bah, can't step into libedit for some reason despite having dev headers. Oh well, will just switch to readline.
@NikiC Wasn't there a discussion somewhere on SplFixedArray being an Iterator instead of IteratorAggregate and changing that for PHP 8?
Pinging you because IIRC you were involved.
Good morning, denizens of r11
So soft-yes, but didn't merge in quickly. Unfortunate. Do you think we could still make this change for RC1 or too risky?
(obviously may need to involve others in that decision)
@LeviMorrison I'll have to check
I'm willing to take some time off in the next few days to convert a few of these to IteratorAggregate if the changes will be accepted.
So get back to me ASAP @NikiC so I can loop in Sara and others.
10:18 AM
is there a way write a markdown title in multiple lines? i have a very long title, over 150 characters
reduce your title
it's no longer a title, it's a paragraph §§
150 characters are not that much for a title, but thanks
you're welcome! always happy to help
10:35 AM
TIL @psalm-pure, that’s rad.


class MyAttribute {
    public function __construct(
        public string $a,
        public $b = 'b',
    ) {}

class Test1 {}

var_dump((new ReflectionClass('Test1'))->getAttributes()[0]->newInstance());
@beberlei ^-- This currently ignores strict_types
I believe it should be using the strict_types from the place that uses #[MyAttribute(3)]
Error when running buildconf ・ *Configuration Issues ・ #80132
10:51 AM
@NikiC same is true for var_dump((new ReflectionClass('MyAttribute'))->newInstance(3));
@beberlei That's just standard dynamic call behavior
i believe we used the same infrastructure in refleciton.c to do this, so that would be the culprit. I usppose we can store the strict status on the zend_attribute and apply that when newInstance() is called
I am trying to check if excution time of my foreach take longer than 9 minutes, in case of true then break.
I there a better way to do this than I have right now:
$start_time = microtime(true);
$microNineMinutes = 9 * 60000000;
foreach ($items as $item) {
    $end_time = microtime(true);
    if (($end_time - $start_time) > $microNineMinutes) {
@luffy microtime works in seconds.
$start_time = microtime(true);
$end_time = microtime(true);

echo ($end_time - $start_time);
// 5.0010528564453
aka you don't need to multiply by 60000000..
11:18 AM
i've always wondered how bad it is to express microtime as float, given the imprecise nature of floats
@Wes you have 16 bit in useful microtime information
but yeah, executing microtime(true) consecutively twice sometimes yields the exact same value
can't really quantify in bits... floats are really confusing
@Wes the precision loss is about 4 bit
you mean compared to microtime(false) ?
could also use hrtime()
11:31 AM
uh, didn't know that function existed
11:45 AM
7.3 material, it uses the internal clock, so looking at its number makes no sense, but diffing to hrtime's is better than using microtime
12:19 PM
@Tiffany The notes list
@NikiC Right, do you have an example of a SKIPIF section for that?
@Girgias php.net/mailing-lists.php errr, which one is that?
Doesn't seem to be on that list tho
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at lists.php.net.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

ezmlm-reject: fatal: Sorry, I don't accept commands in the subject line. Please send a message to the -help address shown in the the ``Mailing-List:'' header for command info (#5.7.0)
(subject line was "subscribe")
but also
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at lists.php.net.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

ezmlm-reject: fatal: Sorry, I don't accept message with empty Subject (#5.7.0)
12:24 PM
going to try with a dummy subject line
@Tiffany IIRC the address to subscribe is something like php-notes-subscribe@lists.php.net
@LeviMorrison Checked again, I think this should be fine to land. Impact should be limited, and it fixes a real bug (can't do nested iteration of SplFixedArray). Let's check with @Sara though, are you okay with landing github.com/php/php-src/pull/5384, which makes SplFixedArray implement IteratorAggregate instead of Iterator?
1:04 PM
I need help. I am fixing this bug: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=79375 and I fixed the part that was reported but the same problem is also present in php_mysqli_fetch_into_hash and in the mysqli_result iterator. However, I have no access to MySQL object in these functions and I can't throw an exception. How can I fix this problem?
@Dharman is that the same bug as bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=79914 ? It has an incomplete fix in github.com/php/php-src/pull/5937
1:23 PM
Close the other report as duplicate?
@Sjon Well, no. I read it and tested but I can't find similarity
My one is also about locks but the error message is different
@Dharman really? That it is also a duplicate of #77163 I'm pretty sure it's the 3x same bug
Can you check my proposed changes? github.com/php/php-src/compare/…
I would if I could - unfortunately I lack the C-skills
hummm how do you call some piece of code that is ran alongside the current domain's code but it is unrelated to the current domain's code. however it serves some purpose like improving performance, logging data, profiling, etc? i've read it somewhere, i think it's called meta-code or meta-tasks..... something like that.... do you know what am i referring to? :B
1:28 PM
@Wes auxillary code?
that's not what i recall reading. is it a generally used term?
i hate memory failing me
@Sjon #77163 seems to be a duplicate of mine but I fail to see how the other patch fixed this issue
looks like i could use "cross cutting code" or something like that. although that's still not what i recall reading 🤔
@Dharman I don't mean to confuse anyone ;) But while #79914 has some side-effects, it does fix #77163. If you get your fix completed we can probably close all 3 issues
The fix in 77163 seems to be fixing a deadlock error message in PDO but it doesn't affect mysqli. mysqlnd doesn't set the error message properly nor does it inform mysqli/pdo about an error in mysqlnd_stmt::store_result/mysqlnd_stmt::use_result
my bugfix is addressing this
however these functions get called from mysqli in mysqli_result::fetch_* functions as well as in the iterator
Interestingly, when running #79914 test case against my bugfix I get the expected result, which would mean that I fixed this PDO bug as a side effect accidently
Wasn't my intention becasue I didn't find #79914 before you mentioned it. Sorry, but that would mean that that #79914 is a duplicate of #79375 not the other way around :D
1:48 PM
well, they are still duplicates, the only difference is which was reported first - the others duplicate the first one right ;)
that means we can link these 3 together and keep my fix, right?
if your fix is ready and working we could test the other two and close all three. It's unfortunately quite difficult to create a multi-threaded unittest but a manual confirmation should be enough
yeah, for PDO I fixed it and I can whip up some tests. For mysqli I am only stuck onto the row-by-row fetching.
Nudge nudge @beberlei can you have a look at the DOM warning to error promotion PR again? github.com/php/php-src/pull/5418 :)
Hello I am trying to retrieve all images and attributes in an array including <img alt title and src. I did

```$regexp_images = '<img\s*(?:class\s*\=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?\s*|src\s*\=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?\s*|alt\s*\=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?\s*|width\s*\=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?\s*|height\s*\=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"].*?\s*)+.*?>';

if(preg_match_all("/$regexp_images/siU", $text, $matches_images, PREG_SET_ORDER))

foreach($matches_images as $match_images)

//Si on n'a tjours pas encore enregistre ce format alors on enregistre
2:07 PM
use DOMDocument and XPath
do not use regex to parse html
@Girgias you are wearing me down with that one ;-) will look, but its probably fine
@beberlei Sadly Nikita asked you to look into something and you haven't done it yet :P
@Girgias oh now i am feeling better :p
@NikiC That one says it's kind of a hacky, in-between impl. I didn't pour through it; shouldn't we go all-in on IteratorAggregate there? /cc @Sara
Looks like the PR wording is just out-of-date.
@LeviMorrison yeah, the PR description is out of date
2:20 PM
CC @GabrielCaruso too
2:35 PM
@DaveRandom Tks
We should adjust SplObjectStorage too. The others seem like iteration may be intentional, such as on a Queue.
@MateKocsis I think I'm going you to need to do a sanity check on the DOM Stubs
Also can we do class|string unions in ZPP now?
oh wait it's a variadic argument
2:53 PM
@Girgias @Girgias Yeah, it's variadic param which is validated somewhere deep. I wanted to refactor this into so that we can add the type declaration, but there was a conceptual problem with it: there are quite a few returns before argument validation, and it can't be postponed
Oops, sorry for the double ping :D
Actually that only pinged once :D
haha, cool, at least :D
But I think there are a couple of wrong return types (at least in regards to my warning to error promotion PR)
Sure, I'll try to have a look at it today :)
Allow reserved word 'list' to be used for namespaces (and classnames) ・ *General Issues ・ #80133
3:06 PM
@NikiC Looks good to me. Let's get this landed before RC1 though?
@GabrielCaruso My current intention is one week from today. Should probably poke @NikiC and Dmitry before hand as a courtesy though.
@NikiC Unless you are itching to do it, I can touch up the SplFixedArray PR.
@NikiC @beberlei just waiting for CI to pass before I merge the DOM warning to error PR
namespace Example {
    private class A {}
    $a = new A();
    goto out;
namespace OtherVendor {
Is there any particular reason for that code to be valid? Seems like an oversight to me.
Why would it not be allowed?
You can also jump into and out of blocks within a function body.
3:13 PM
"blocks" aren't a thing. I guess technically namespaces aren't either, but they do have a side-effect, which "blocks" don't.
Hi there, what are your thoughts about literal types? In the last few weeks I've played a bit with php-src and managed to have a basic implementation for something like this:```<?php

function setStatus("draft" | "new" | "deleted" $status): "draft" | "new" | "deleted" {
return $status;
basically, instead of having $status as a string, we could typehint it to a union of union types.
I would prefer scalar-backed enums.
Shouldn't that just be an enum?
What Levi said
Hmm... yeah, an enum could do the same thing as well I guess.
/cc @bwoebi
(Forgot who else has been discussing them lately)
To be, an enum is a finite set of values, and having full objects with methods and stuff is overkill (just use unions for that).
Or at the very least support both somehow (like Swift)
// plain
enum Planet {
    case mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune

// associated values
enum Barcode {
    case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
    case qrCode(String)
3:29 PM
@LeviMorrison but those aren't enums, they're algebraic data types
enum ASCIIControlCharacter: Character {
    case tab = "\t"
    case lineFeed = "\n"
    case carriageReturn = "\r"
and it's @IluTov and @Crell that you want to ping :)
To be honest, I haven't thought that much about enums; for me, at least, not having the possibility to typehint something like $status to a union of literals is a pita. :D
And I really wanted to try a new side project/challenge just for fun
@LeviMorrison github.com/Crell/enum-comparison there is a draft RFC on that repo
Someone from a job I had two jobs ago just casually asked me for my github login credentials
I don't know what they're expecting
3:44 PM
Pretty sure I'd be breaking some laws with that one lol
compile failure ・ Compile Failure ・ #80134
@BogdanUngureanu Hi hi! Iliya and I are working on robust native enums/ADTs. It's still in the design phase. We're hoping to get it into 8.1 but time will tell.
4:08 PM
When tests fail due to specific setup - in this case, running inside a docker container on a bind mount from mac os (apfs) host - is that worth a bugreport or not?
@makadev which bug? One cloning an iterator maybe?
...I meant which test.
@Danack some fs test regarding case sensitivity, symlinking (hardlinks?) and chown
@makadev I'd say report it, but also probably the right thing to do would be to check to see if the tests are running in that environment and maybe skip them.
4:29 PM
I have two PRs regarding parameter renaming. if you're interested, please give your opinion about the open questions: github.com/php/php-src/pull/6155 and github.com/php/php-src/pull/6156
4:40 PM
Hi @Crell, thanks for the info.
Hmm, I wonder if an implementation for literal types would pass given the fact an enum implementation would solve the same issue
Doubtful. Literal types would get complicated fast, unless we also add typedefs (which I also want, but are beyond my skillset). At which point you may as well just implement enums as they'd look almost the same.
If you want to see the Github repo above and help us flush out more corner cases in the design, that would probably be the best path forward.
@Danack Ok, thx
@BogdanUngureanu out of curiosity when you say "literal type" what do you mean?
@Danack I gave an example earlier
basically having the posibility to typehint a string like "draft"
@Crell, sure, I'll have a look :)
@Danack something like this: function setStatus("draft" | "new" | "deleted" $status): "draft" | "new" | "deleted" {
return $status;
enum Status {
    case draft, new, deleted;

function setStatus(Status $status): Status { }
^^ What we want to enable.
4:56 PM
@BogdanUngureanu cool....just been thinking about how to make wiki.php.net/rfc/is_literal be an achievable idea....
Yeah, with a literal type you would need to declare a type alias instead.
/totally different type of literal altogether
I have a mental checklist of things I'd love to see happen in 8.1, only a few of which I have any ability to help with. The rest I just hope to inspire/cajole/bribe/trick someone else into doing. :-)
Enums clearly is a more powerful feature, but a lot more complex to design and implement. There would be a lot of debate over it's behavior, which in turn it might cause the RFC to fail
5:08 PM
Hence why we want to get the design fleshed out early to short circuit a lot of those questions before the bikeshedding starts. :-)
5:28 PM
Memory leak - some data structure is not shrunk ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #80135
5:57 PM
If there is a public method getPerformanceData() and it uses several private methods which each execute a complex (more or less complex) SQL statement to get a data point, and I want to test this method by seeding the database and making sure the data it pulls is accurate, would that be considered a unit or a feature test?
I would say that it is a unit test because it is testing 1 public method, but since the database needs to be seeded and legitimately queried (using sqlite) would that make it a feature test?
@Alesana they're just names. They only have as much meaning as you want...
@Danack True, but it's convenient when everyone agrees that names mean the same thing :p
I will call it a unit test though
I have unexpectedly taken somewhat of a leadership type of position where I am now. Which would be a lot harder but since I'm working from home I can google something before I respond to someone so I pretend I know what I'm talking about :p
I want to tell someone they need to write a test but I don't wanna call it the wrong thing lol
Broken search engine doesn't find mysqli_fetch_field() ・ Documentation problem ・ #80136
6:16 PM
how to politely tell someone "no shit, that's why I posted this reddit thread, to get more people to help with the docs..." reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/ixm4zs/… -_-
Cool, you can do fastcgi_param X[1] a; fastcgi_param X[2] b; and you get $_SERVER['X'] to be [ 2 => 'a', 1 => 'b' ].
Sad it ends up in the wrong order but ksort can fix that.
6:32 PM
@LeviMorrison If they're singletons will there be a meaningful difference? Maybe from reference counting?
The problem is that we'd either have to make them just scalars, which means Weekday::Monday === Month::January (assuming they're 0 based ints) OR we have to introduce a new zval type which would probably be a gigantic change, internally and for extensions.
@Tiffany you don't, it's reddit, not a chat.. just ignore it ;)
I want to start contributing to the docs
I think I finally have some free time
7:03 PM
@IluTov Just because they are scalar backed does not mean they have to have scalar semantics.
@Alesana \m/
@LeviMorrison I think what we get at it if we want them to not be scalar aliases (C style fancy constants), then objects-with-a-clear-scalar-stepdown is the better way of doing that. Then it's just a question of what syntactic mechanism defines that stepdown. (And stepup, potentially.)
I think to pass it may have to be similar to swift enums where there are multiple types so everyone can use the kind they want.
@LeviMorrison Sure but how would you do it without introducing a new zval type?
Not sure what that means from an implementation perspective and design.
Maybe it does mean a new zval type.
We also get so many things for free by using objects.
7:10 PM
Aside from "raw values", what we are looking at now is very close to Swift.
getprotobyname and getprotobynumber fail since there is no /etc/protocols ・ Testing related ・ #80137
Raw values are critical. A proposal without raw values will not pass, I am certain.
Swift raw values allow for potentially invalid assignment, though, which requires an Optional monad, that's just way more than is in scope.
Why optional?
Even if there's a syntactic "Spade = 'S'" option, that still necessitates figuring out what that maps to in terms of "something other than an fancy constant." And that doesn't require a Maybe monad.
@LeviMorrison Swift lets you do:
let card = Suit(rawValue: "B")

Where "B" has not been defined as one of the legal raw values. So card is a Maybe<Suit>, not a Suit, and needs to be unwrapped. Swift has a native syntax for that.
That's a no-go for PHP, I think.
7:13 PM
I don't see why we have to permit this?
I wouldn't. :-)
You can throw an exception if there is no valid value.
I am guessing we would just throw, yeah.
Or go full PHP and raise a warning and return FALSE.
But, per yesterday's discussion, there are ways of doing raw-value-ish behavior other than an equals sign; and if it is an equals sign, we still need to figure out what those semantics mean.
@rightfold Wash your mouth out.
Like, is case Hearts = 'H' semantically equivalent to

case Hearts {
public function __toString() { return 'H'; }
Or something else? What's the step-up/deserialize equivalent?
(For that matter, are __serialize() and __deserialize() supported, and what do they even mean?)
7:17 PM
Are there any type flags still available?
type flags?
getservbyname and getservbyport tests fail if there is no /etc/services ・ Testing related ・ #80138
Basically, a zval is the size of two pointers. Are there any spare bits left in the type tag section?
No clue. What are you thinking?
I haven't thought it all the way through, so maybe nothing sensible.
7:19 PM
Although adding a new zval type is a large undertaking I think it may be the best bet.
It is a new "kind" of thing. It makes sense for it to have impact in the engine.
It would also be nice if we could support unioned values, but I don't know if that's feasible.

Basically, it may simply not be possible to support every feature of every language's enums. And maybe not even desireable.
enum Barcode {
    case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
    case qrCode(String)
I assume you map those to named, typed properties or something?
In the current plan, it's literally a constructor so you give it typed variable names.
upc and qrcode are different class types or..?
7:22 PM
enum Barcode {
  case Upc(int $part1, int $part2, int $part3, int $part4);
  case qrCode(string $bits);

$u = Barcode::Upc(4, 5, 6, 7);
print $u->part1; // Prints 4
@LeviMorrison ...I was also about to ask that, in the context of wiki.php.net/rfc/is_literal . Anyone have any clue if it would be possible to add an IS_LITERAL flag and store that for values that are generated from source code?
@Crell static methods or is this a new inner-class type of thing?
Implementation TBD.
The RFC in the github repo has a detailed description of the current thinking.
And for case matching?
Still an active discussion.
7:38 PM
@LeviMorrison Yes, each case has its own type
At least that's the plan right now.
ext/standard/tests/file/copy_variation5.phpt fails when run on bind mount ・ Testing related ・ #80139
@IluTov How do you plan to prevent direct instantiation? Or are you not?
@LeviMorrison Not completely clear yet. Bob has suggested making the class name "Barcode::Upc" (literally with the ::) so it will be impossible to instantiate. If you do new ('Barcode::Upc'), well...
The enum itself can be abstract of course.
7:53 PM
"impossible to instantiate" - you just summoned marco i am afraid :)
1 hour later…
9:08 PM
Including a file multiple times with anonymous class is leaking memory ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #80140
@Crell Thanks for the review comments! Do you have any preferences in case of the hash PR? Especially the $raw_output parameter of hash(). Nikita doesn't like my suggestion, and I am not fond of his ^^ :D
@MarkR Haha :D Although there was a tight competition among you, George, Tyson (2), and Michał (3), as far as I saw. ^^
@Girgias Do you have any suggestions where I should look at? ext/dom is huge!
9:29 PM
@MateKocsis Well that's a good question, I had a couple of now void things in Element which I hoped to have squashed so I think only the Node/Document probably needs to be checked
OK, I'll do it!
9:42 PM
Haven't looked at hash yet; got distracted by the thing I actually get paid to do. :-)
@GabrielCaruso I found that you have a few nice PRs which are not far from being finished :) Do you want to finish them? I'm mainly looking forward to see the voidifier PR get merged :D
@Girgias So far so good... Except that it seems that DomDocument::_construct() can return false according to this piece of code:
if (php_libxml_increment_doc_ref((php_libxml_node_object *)intern, docp) == -1) {
Or I'm missing something? @beberlei
Queue a wave of new questions: stackoverflow.com/questions/64017792/…
@MateKocsis I didn't check that so it might be something it does
10:13 PM
@MateKocsis The world just isn't ready for the truth I bring :P
Backticks shouldn't be a thing, namespaces help keep large codebases tidy and compartmentalised, and Joe Watkins in a pink skirt should definitely be the 8.0 mascot.
(unless Wes has finished his)
10:34 PM
@MateKocsis php_libxml_increment_doc_ref() always returns != 1, if the second argument is not null. In this case docp is apparently never to be null, so maybe make that an assertion (and don't add false as return type)?
11:08 PM
@Danack you're on a mac, right? could you screenshot me how you locate phpstorm inspections from Preferences? I've got a colleague on a mac who cannot find it at all :-\
it doesn't show up under Preferences | Editor, which seems... odd
11:26 PM
@Ekin if nothing else, there is a search box at the top of the preferences menu...
excuse the font...the latest phpstorm has a bug on font kerning.
11:44 PM
thanks <3 somehow it didn't show up there, even when he used the search. Turning it on and off again seem to have fixed it...
inspections, file&code templates, file encodings - these three were gone gone for a bit there for him, which was rather odd
@IluTov How would you distinguish it from static methods in the grammar?

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