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gluten morgens
4 hours later…
Unexpected error for ArrayIterator::ksort() ・ SPL related ・ #79653
2 hours later…
I'm running a bughunt batch for 7.4.7RC1 - but I'm mostly busy fending off people that think 3v4l makes a great UUID generator
posted on May 29, 2020

Season’s greetings! With every bad thing ever coming to pass on a national and global level, it’s exactly the right time for me to talk about petty changes I’ve made to my computer! Since the repair of my power supply, I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time optimizing the crap out of my software. I’ve written a few small AutoHotKey and... [read more]

@Sjon just seed srand and mt_srand with current time?
@Sjon 3v4l.org/bughunt/7.4.7rc1/7.4.6+7.4.5 maybe you should exclude those where it's not been run yet
improper member use in zend_inheritance.c ・ Compile Failure ・ #79654
@bwoebi that's a different issue - I had to trash the whole batch but the bughunt wasn't updated yet. It is now
although there still are some results which seem incorrectly listed - I'll look into that
@Sjon maybe there is a business opportunity there......UUID generator as a service...
aren't uuids pretty much just random numbers? :-)
@LeviMorrison someone asked about the status of intersection types on internals.....and I am also curious as to the scope of the remaining hurdles for them. Other than 'calm down everyone, we only just got union types, one step at a time please'.
i am about to play around with realtime communication between clients and added a community vote to RFC watch for this, wondering if its a bit cheesy. for now i think its better to have the results only at voting time and then don't show them anymore, another approach could be hiding them during the vote and only when its finished reveal: php-rfc-watch.beberlei.de
@beberlei I think that's an interesting experiment, but is missing a key piece that would make it really useful. That piece is allowing your voting mechanism to use other projects 'karma' systems to allow you to see you to filter the results.
i.e. if you had something that allowed people from the symfony, laravel php-core, and random redditor communities to vote, and then break those votes down by community it would be a lot easier to separate useful signal from the noise of people who are just saying dumb stuff.
Hm i could introduce a regristration step for users to self identify
Voting is tied to github user ids
I will write my thoughts down more precisely....the key bit is to use someone elses identification system, so that you don't have to invent your own (mostly). Instead you can leave the other communities to manage themselves...
@beberlei for the record, I'm also working on a Voting tool, to make it easier for people to hold votes....that would integrate that ID/auth system eventuallly.
I was going to document how I think the karma system needs to be exposed as an API for the other Ben....I will actually get around to doing that today.
@Danack That's also a sad fact that installing extensions currently is a PITA and tied to global state
@Girgias Yep. That's a far more important problem to fix than namespace naming conventions.
Would agree on that front
hi , Can ask codeigniter related question?
yes. you can ask, but also people are free to not answer.
no body is free, we are here to help each other
Your system folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this:
i am getting this error
actually, I'm mostly here to post memes...
@Mannya I don't know codeigniter, but google codeigniter "Your system folder path does not appear to be set correctly" gives a page of results. Do those not address your problem?
i guess i have to leave this room
just waste of time
what do you think that i did not googled it before
@Mannya well, kind of. But also I can't read your mind, so I can't see why those didn't help you.
If the default list of results dont help, and you don't give any more info, you're leaving me to try to guess what the problem is.
@Mannya Actually, CodeIgniter was a thing some 7-8 years ago. But to try to answer your question, system_path is set in index.php file. Double check if it fits real location relative to that file. Disclaimer: I am talking about CI v2, CI v3, I didn't play with v4.
@Tpojka 'hypothetically', is it more useful to give someone an answer to the current problem, or to teach them how to ask better questions?
I anticipated next way: it should be working as a breeze by default configuration and in my head (without seeing the code) is probably changed custom location of directories or changed names whatever. I just pointed where possibly to check for further investigation. As much as I would do if that was my issue.
So I didn't solve the problem. I just tried to say: "Check that line, could be something else (needed in that string or really whatever but just check that line)." :)
Different behavior on windows and linux systems ・ *General Issues ・ #79655
@Girgias well, at least wrt. the former, the new Pickle release gives hope. :)
@cmb Need to look into that
But how does it work? Is it like composer where you have all the necessary extensions in a folder in your project?
In 7.4.6 semver calls it major.minor.patch
How would it be called underscoreNumber suffix as in 7.4.6_1?
@Tpojka bug fix probably.
@Danack hiya
@PeeHaa o/
I have been super busy lately sorry about that :(
I want to do some fun coding today
np. I know you don't twitter much, but maybe check my tweets for context about that copyright guy....
@Danack Thanks. Assumed but never stumble upon some widely used denomination.
he's totally nuts.
@Tpojka btw - how should I pronounce 'tpojka' ? Other than 'incorrectly' ?
Cyrillic-ish Troyka. (Number of three, group of three, trio...)
Btw. your domain gives 502.
that will need fixing...
FWIW, instead of doing _1, PHP would have done pl1 — it's supported in version_compare too → php.net/version_compare
@Machavity what was the URL for side wide activity on stack overflow / SE?
I remember saying some form of stream page, but cannot find it anymore
nvm found it
Yeah that copyright dude is a piece of work @Danack
@PeeHaa I learnt a new term today - Cluster B trait
as even though he's had the copyright law explained to him by multiple people, including github's lawyers, he still seems to think it's something optional for him to conform to.
@Girgias I don't think so, and I don't know if it's a real improvement on Linux, but it works on Windows (pecl doesn't for a very long time; pickle can fetch prebuilt binary packages, but also do custom builds of the sources). Also it is supposed to make package maintenance easier. But maybe the biggest advantage for php-src would be that we might be able to drop shipping pear sometime in the future.
Still something then
@Danack Am I a bad person when knowing what kind of person he is my just looking at his avatar :P
Maybe I am biased from previous thing I saw from him. But pretty sure I had the same thought when all this drama started
with a picture like that, they're either going to be really cool, or really not.
2 hours later…
@StatikStasis so i thought it was my pc or connection, but turns out i could record a video locally at high bit rate (basically loss less) no problem. it's youtube compressing it too much. any idea why that happens?
@Wes link to a test video? good chance it would be a noisy source, that youtube doesn't know/be arsed to filter properly.
if you don't want to share a test one, I'd recommend taking a test vid and running it through ffmpeg with a noise reduction filter.
@Danack youtube.com/watch?v=36OCepHlrTE becomes blurry when too much stuff is going on on screen
locally that video is basically the same as the original
@Wes So I haven't needed to this in.......the past two decades, so possibly this might be out of date info, but I would recommend trying i) figure out what data rate youtube wants to use for your video. This page seems right: support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171?hl=en-GB ii) Use ffmpeg to compress your video using two pass and variable bit rate but targetted at the data rate youtube wants.
What's happening is that when the frame changes too much, there is just too high a burst of data needed, and a single encoding pass is not good at that.
It's not guaranteed that uploading a VBR video will actually fix your problem...but at least you'll be able to control it a bit more.
i am not sure why i have to convert something youtube then converts again
Because they do it shitely.
makes sense
they do it in a way that minimises the amount of CPU time needed, as that's a major cost for them
It's not guaranteed that they will 'keep' your data rate....but it has a better chance of not looking bad. You probably ought to google this more.....fast frame changes are just annoying to encode.
and other people may have better workflows.
imagine if i tried uploading a 4k video
@PeeHaa You mean stackexchange.com/search?
quality preset (higher is not better):
( ) red
( ) blue
( ) potato
( ) yellow
(x) watermelon
every codec settings ever ^
@Machavity I meant this one stackexchange.com/questions?tab=realtime :)
Ah, the mega firehose
s/firehose/waste disposal/ but yeah :)
@Wes one of those options should be a "gauge theory" setting which has no documentation because all of the flags that can be used for it are "all obvious".
I will now be listening to the command !!debugging and will respond with:
@Jeeves I have missed you.
fwiw there is no acl in place so right now we have to police the creation of commands ourselves when it is abused
The syntax is in the deleted message above @Danack
!!wiki acl
Total number of search results: 10. Showing the first 5 results.
Jan 20 '17 at 13:46, by Danack
!!alias alias friday
@Tiffany access control list.
@Danack :D
google was giving me results on "anterior cruciate ligament" wasn't sure what keyword to add to acl to make it relevant results
@Tiffany sorry wiki failed me'
@NikiC I'm curious to know your reason for voting no to wiki.php.net/rfc/opcache.no_cache :-) Only thing I can think of that this isn't particularly useful, but otherwise does no harm?
@PeeHaa "access control list" is in the first link, which was the only one that sounded reasonable before Danack responded
Yeah the syntax is a bit bonkers too right now :(
Let me fix that for you
Try to *
!!uncommand sscce
I will now stop listening to the command !!sscce
fingers crossed
I will now be listening to the command !!sscce and will respond with:
If you are having a problem with some code and seeking help, preparing a Short, Self Contained, Correct Example is very useful.
@PeeHaa XML? o_O
fwiw the reason it uses such a convoluted syntax is that the bot is cross platform now
And I didn't bother implementing a proper MD parser yet
And yes XML was the most reliable and supported format I could come up with
3 hours later…
Hey, can someone explain to my why I can't grab this Symfony package? Composer require gives me "Could not find a matching version of package ...". I'm trying to include this: github.com/widicorp/MetronicDataTableBundle
@Jimbo what does your line in your composer file that requires it look like?
@Danack I didn't add it there I just ran composer require. Although I did try adding it into composer.json like: "packagename": "*"
Just tried with :dev-master and also the same error. My minimum stability is set to dev.
@Danack Solved it. Please don't ask. :-)
(fn() => func_get_args(null))();
//> Inaccurate func info for func_get_args()
Is that normal?
Happens when you pass any value to func_get_args(), discovered by change in a test.
(This is only printed with the DEBUG flag of course)
@IluTov no
@Derick It falls on the wrong side of the "quick hack vs proper solution" line for me
This change disincentivizes moving optimizer functionality into core
Which is something that really needs to happen, especially now that JIT is also bound to it.
@IluTov It happens when the return type in stubs doesn't match the one in opcache's zend_func_info.c
I think you have to remove MAY_BE_FALSE from opcache's declaration
@MátéKocsis Thanks, I'll try that!
@MátéKocsis Looks like it can actually return false if you call it from global scope.
Warning: func_get_args():  Called from the global scope - no function context in /in/v0GP5 on line 3
@IluTov But that is suppoesed to throw an exception :O
@MátéKocsis Docs say otherwise.
oops, no, I was looking at this:
zend_throw_error(NULL, "func_get_args() cannot be called from the global scope");
> Generates a warning if called from outside of a user-defined function.
@MátéKocsis Now I'm really confused. github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/Zend/tests/…
OK, I think I see it now where it comes from. There is a ZEND_CALL_NUM_ARGS call from func_get_args. Then probably that does this
Oh ok, so it should throw since PHP 8.0.
yes! and then the exception is emitted before ZEND_CALL_NUM_ARGS would be called
Removing MAY_BE_FALSE from zend_func_info.c fixes the issue. I think this is only triggered when you pass a value to the func because then the zend_try_compile_special_func fails and it falls back to a normal function call.
@StatikStasis soundcloud.com/user-892484758-236707652/… this one is a collab with the best girlfriend I ever had
@MátéKocsis @IluTov We should probably be performing the func info consistency check independently of whether the function gets called
I.e. loop through everything on startup
Assuming that doesn't increase startup cost unduly
@NikiC Isn't it possible to just create a test that invokes all the functions that are present in zend_func_info? (ie. by retrieving the list of functions that are defined in the extensions used in zend_func_info)
@MátéKocsis not that easily
you'd have to actually generate a file that contains those calls
Which I guess does work
Huh, interestingly the func_info warning goes away when the code is wrapped in a try/catch (which makes it extra fun to test)
So my idea was to call ReflectionExtension::getFunctions() for the specified extensions, and then call them dynamically.
Is this oversimplistic?
@MátéKocsis Calling them dynamically will not trigger the relevant code
It needs to be a compile-time resolved, cacheable use
oh, ok, I wasn't aware of that. But then creating a file and generation those calls seems easy, too.
I can give it a try late next week (if you're not faster) because it's vacation time for me from tomorrow \o/
So you're going to spend your time working on PHP? :p
I must say I think I've got a usage for the JIT engine, not surprising because it's maths related

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