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5:45 AM
coredump in set_error_handler ・ *General Issues ・ #79599
1 hour later…
7:08 AM
Respected members, I'm building an text editor web-app using php. So basically I want to display the content of a text file on a text editor that is already saved on the dropbox.
My question is how i may read its content from there or is there another way to directly read files saved on DropBox?
7:19 AM
7:33 AM
@LeviMorrison It is always inline because the use-sites are controlled
... as the name might indicate
The corresponding general use functions are zend_hash_func and zend_string_hash_func
Based on a usage grep, it looks like phpdbg is abusing it somewhat
8:09 AM
whew, not enough rfcs to break jeeves yet
@Tiffany I don't know. Maybe try seeing if the same info is on the guys blog if he has one.
8:47 AM
Regression in 7.4.6 when yielding an array based generator ・ *General Issues ・ #79600
@Jeeves pretty sure it's related to git.php.net/… then
I'm just surprised that we aren't covering such a simple code
i saw a comment on the release post on reddit that hinted at behavior change as well in combinatoin with a bugs issue: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/gjiwpm/php_746_is_released + bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=78434
ugh, really stupid mistake
There is one more "return" in the function that does not unset the DO_INIT flag
9:01 AM
It does pop up on the bughunt page but so do a lot of random other changes unfortunately. Plus I don't have capacity to re-run all scripts in new versions once released
@Sjon is that info available through a data feed, rather than a webpage?
@PeeHaa ^^ that's an example of the type of info that I think we need to be able to pipe into here.
@Danack creating json/plain output for that page is quite easy - but it depends on someone actually running that old script on the new version
@Sjon maybe you should add the minor version RC of the newest version as well, then you can possibly spot some regressions in the two weeks by chance
oh, eww
well, at least an easy fix
@NikiC did you already have time to check the case of non-matching parameter names with inheritance and named params?
9:18 AM
@bwoebi Should I try to check that statically?
@NikiC I would say so - or what did you have in mind?
Could implement it an run some test suites
... though this is not so easy nowadays with many things being not compatible with php 8
@NikiC and I guess a static analysis will be able to cover a much bigger dataset?
Yes. But will be a bit harder to implement than usual, because it's necessary to collect class hierarchies. But should be manageable if traits are skipped.
1 hour later…
10:23 AM
And bugs.php.net is down again...
bugs.php.net looks alive again
10:47 AM
Wrong ciphertext/tag in AES-CCM encryption for a 12 bytes IV ・ OpenSSL related ・ #79601
Does anyone know of any article or reasons for why so few people use the SPL datastructures?
because they're crap?
While true, I was hoping for slightly more details than that.
10:50 AM
inb4 very crap.
@NikiC doesn't that yield bug make 7.4.6 a high risk upgrade? wondering if it makes sense to announce that somewhere
@beberlei Not sure how significant it is in practice. It did not affect any of the heavy yield users (amp)
ahaa i am on PHP 7.4.5
@Danack I use SplDoublyLinkedList and so far as I could tell, there was no way of interacting with the nodes in it.
@NikiC would affect one yield in tideways codebase from a quick grep
10:53 AM
@AdiPrasetyo dude - chill out. You don't need to reply to every message.
@beberlei Does it use a yield from yield from array? The double indirection is important there
@NikiC gotcha, it must be "yield from"? yield $array works?
I just got nothing to do, waiting death is not that interesting.
@beberlei yeah
@AdiPrasetyo Please stop talking here for a bit then. Come back when you're in a better mood.
10:57 AM
@NikiC ok i find that being used only in tests in our vendor folder
@Danack Ds looks pretty good. I don't use it because having to convert back to arrays half the time for external APIs is pretty annoying... github.com/php-ds/ext-ds I wish it was more widespread.
Also I hate having to install extensions.
That would also largely eliminate the need for scalar extensions
Doubt it, I think most scalar stuff will probably end up being used extensively on strings, but i'd still expect a few billion ->length's and ->maps etcetc
Array manipulation is much more common than string manipulation if you ask me.
Except maybe string concatenation/interpolation but we have separate syntax for that.
Or lets say at least nested string function calls aren't very common. While 'foo'->find() would be nicer than strpos it's not an enormous advantage.
11:13 AM
I doubt it will matter, people will use it anyway even if it's just one call. There's not many people nowadays in PHP who prefer a more function-based procedural style vs OO.
@MarkR That's cool, I'd still be in favor of scalar extensions. But it would become way less important to me personally. What bugs me most right now are nested array function calls.
@AdiPrasetyo it probably feels really hard to motivate yourself to do it, but I think you need to look up some mental health self-help; maybe look at the links here: osmihelp.org/resources
depression and similar feelings are horrible, horrible, things
@MarkR Either way, replacing PHP arrays with Ds isn't happening anytime soon. My statement was more theoretical :)
PHP arrays will never be replaced. Substituted in new code, sure. But I only see that happening when generics come along and we get Vector<Class>
(or purely theoretical, German is leaking though ^^)
@MarkR Well, our arrays aren't generic either. Using classes would actually have the added benefit of not having to implement generics separately for scalar types.
But yes I agree, PHP arrays won't be replaced anytime soon.
11:21 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by that
an important thing I learned about depression: if you think "ah, but it's all in the mind", then you're right, but that doesn't mean it's not real, and it doesn't mean breaking the cycle is easy; importantly, though, breaking the cycle is possible; This Too Shall Pass
@imsop fyi, have you seen the "start a new room with this user" available through clicking their avatar?
@Danack consider it a Public Service Announcement for anyone feeling the same way
but to @AdiPrasetyo if you want to talk privately, feel free to open a private room with me
@NikiC amp uses barely any yield from $array, it's almost always yield from $generator
which is probably why it didn't break amp
@MarkR Since arrays and classes are completely different types I'd guess the implementation of generics would be different. Maybe I'm wrong.
11:24 AM
@bwoebi yup. I think most code is that way?
yield from is mostly used for generator delegation
most likely
wrong parameters to callback set via assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, ...) ・ *General Issues ・ #79602
@IluTov uhhhh a Swiss German :p
@Girgias Switzerland is mostly German, actually. But yes, Swiss German is.. something. :D
We also don't just have one Swiss German, there are many 😂
I mean I imagine is the same with German there are regional dialects
11:38 AM
True, but given that Switzerland is so small it's pretty crazy. Some of them I can barely understand myself.
Even though my Mum's is from near Stuttgart I have a hell of a lot of trouble understanding Bavarians, like I can but it takes a lot of effort
1 hour later…
12:46 PM
theofficeslack.com (US Version... sorry.)
1:16 PM
RTD collision with opcache ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #79603
1:48 PM
@Danack I have added an additional machine to process old scripts - if you ping me somewhere next week I'll report some stats and look into the bughunt output
@Sjon cool.
2 hours later…
4:01 PM
> Composer integration was a must have. And one of the ground reason why I started pickle in the 1st place.
Who is that a quote from?
That's in the pickle discussion, and is a really bad choice. Nothing that the PHP group does should be tied to composer.
Pickle didn't originate from within internals, though
true. but still a bad choice imo. Tying different tools together means that they can only evolve together, not separately.
4:05 PM
Being able to distribute extensions through Packagist and/or other repositories and install via Composer would be a great tool for userland developers
yes, it would be nice. But it should be integrated into composer however those guys want to do it, rather than the composer + pickle people having to discuss it first.
@PeeHaa o/
I'm pretty sure that one of the reasons it failed was that they all got bored of discusssing stuff.
4:08 PM
I suspect that's also why no-one wants to say why it failed, as they don't want to be dragged into another discussion.
its very complicated to distribute extensions through composer, you can of course put them into the vendor/Extensions folder or something, but how do you load them from PHP? that quickly goes into the realm of the distribution. and you cant suddenly run multiple composer apps on the same php process anymore if they have different extensions
essentially you might have to make a lot of assumptions to provide a solution, and that won't fit for everyone anymore
With FFI, it should be possible to do something akin to this right now through Composer. It would be limited, but I could conceive of a PHP package that includes a C header file that links to a shared object. It could even include C source files that could build using post-install events in Composer.
That means you have to have ffi enabled
So, ext-ffi would be in the composer.json
@beberlei I have a suspicion that for webservers, it might need a new sapi that looks for ini files + extensions in a per project folder, and a similar solution for cli apps.
4:11 PM
@beberlei 0/ Are you joining the Zoom session? :)
@SammyK damnit
yes :D
Yay! :)
/me waves to @SammyK
@ramsey some stuff you would want to do in an extension will not be possible currently and probably ever in a FFI loaded library. persistent connections would be one thing, stuff done during module and request init would be others. Plus of course extensions work....
@Danack I did say it would be limited. :-)
4:13 PM
@ramsey \0 Hey friend! :D
@PeeHaa In the middle of that project for a ticket system for anonymous suggestion portal for our company. So far so good- but had a question about the second part I am working on now. Want to add the functionality that allows those who respond to these tickets to be able to reply to the email address for the system, have a cron job that runs say... every 30 seconds which checks the email for the inbox via imap_open.
Will check if #close is at top and will close the ticket if so, otherwise will forward the email to the appropriate person and insert the message into the DB. Do you think running this every 30 seconds would be very taxing? We have 1,500 employees but I would only expect a handful of suggestions a day.
Recreating a light version of Spiceworks in a nutshell.
You would have to test it. When I worked with imap_* it was slow as fuck for me
Not really taxing per se. Just slow
You might just want to put it in a long running script with some supervisor to make sure it keeps running and let the script run itself every n seconds
What mailserver are you running?
^^ that. If the task is meant to run once a day, cron is fine for it. If not - just use supervisor and store a 'last run time'.
4:20 PM
@NikiC Do you think exit will be able to use an exception after all?
@PeeHaa imap/pop3 server with my webhosting company.
What mailserver is it? :)
Nothing special.
make and model :)
No idea. Need to check.
4:22 PM
It would be best if they have some api, but most server don't have that
Probably not- they were the ones who mentioned imap_open to me.
They would have probably mentioned otherwise.
yep probably
I reached out to them to find out the details- just in case.
@Danack So even though a cron job can run every minute... not a good solution? I do like this other idea about supervisor.
@PeeHaa Probably best bet.
@PeeHaa Last question for the day =) - who do you use for webhosting? Looking at some other options. Dedicated server preferably.
4:37 PM
@StatikStasis anything that requires a sysadmin to deploy slight tweaks slows down your release cycle. example for how to manage the supervisor files github.com/Danack/example/blob/master/readme_supervisord.md
Thanks for this @Danack
Does Dmitry hang out in here?
I don't "think" I have ever seen him.
But you never know who is lurking.
@PeeHaa Check this song out. youtube.com/watch?v=HZXsE0HD5ag&t=104m30s I swear no Rebecca.
4:54 PM
Since the PHP License 3.01 is now officially recognized by the OSI as an approved license, someone was asking me if I could get Dmitry to re-license the php-perl PECL extension under 3.01 (instead of 3.0), since (apparently) 3.01 fixes some issues the Debian community had, restricting them from including the extension in their repos.

- https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=527280
- https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=58778
@ramsey you can reach him best by writing him an email directly
php-perl sounds dangerous :)
I'm just a messenger
OR and || returning different results with arrays ・ Arrays related ・ #79604
5:10 PM
@StatikStasis We do aws at work
And I have no idea how any of that shit works :D
ah- we have for another project. But not for this. I actually just bought some certification stuff for AWS Architect, developer, etc.
@StatikStasis Are you looking for a job by any chance? :P
Not yet. =) But have a lot to learn about that topic. Bought 3 courses from UDEMY the other day while they were on sale because it was on my list of things I wanted to learn.
Learn it this month and ask me to hire you :D
brb shopping
5:26 PM
haha sorry
spotlight sometimes to decide to send keydowns triggers to multiple windows
hello everyone!
ReflectionMethod reports wrong name of aliased trait method used by a class ・ Reflection related ・ #79605
@Jeeves That seems like design
How would that work with the same method in he class...
Although traits are fucking it up anyway as usual
6:34 PM
@StatikStasis It's dangerous to go alone, take this: packagist.org/packages/danack/looping-exec
PRs with more tests will be accepted.
6:51 PM
7:01 PM
Hi! Does anyone know what the "roadmap" is for Swagger 2? How soon will be considered legacy/obsolete in favor of OpenAPI 3?
@PeeHaa mailserver is a standard exim and dovecot.
@anon phil sturgeon on twitter can probably answer that.
7:17 PM
@cmb @DaveRandom I need you guys if you have some time to help me (once again) with shell escaping in php :D
No matter what escaping I try to employ it alwasy fails one way or another
@PeeHaa escapeshellarg() doesn't work? (can't test since I'm not on windows)
Did you call that for each arg individually? How does it fail?
Wait. Didn't nikita fix some stuff in there to just bypass the shell by default and handle escaping
@IluTov It either escapes my command as C:^\Program Files^\PHP^\7.4.6^\php.exe or as "C:\Program Files\PHP\7.4.6\php.exe" both fail in a different glorious way
Requesting a VCS account is broken... how would I request? doc.php.net/tutorial/joining.php
7:30 PM
Holy shit @NikiC. Pretty sure it was you how fixed proc_open to pass in an array and I fucking love you
What do you need a vcs account for?
Editing documentation in manual.
Do you already have some patches made?
Minor Service Outage
Negative. Saw some broken links earlier and thought I could fix as I came across them.
The general flow for requesting a docs karma account is create a couple of patches before requesting karma. You don't need karma to create patches. You just have to ping one of us to commit them
7:33 PM
@StatikStasis submit them on github..... github.com/php/doc-en
Normally I would point you to the docs editor for some quick fixes, but honestly I have no idea what the status is of anything docs right now.
php.net/manual/en/ref.imap.php link to Programming Internet Email is broken. Just need to drop the /noframes.html
ah ok
Might need to submit github instead?
cc @heiglandreas
Incident on 2020-05-15 19:34 UTC
No you are an incident
8:06 PM
All issues have been resolved!
8:25 PM
Who would vote against the match expression without blocks (@bwoebi, @NikiC)? I think that will be the only option without the whole effort going to waste. I would make a follow up RFC for adding blocks to match amongst other things although I'm not exactly confident that'll pass.
@IluTov Might be that I'd abstain from that vote
Minor Service Outage ・ Git Operations has Partial Outage ・ API Requests has Partial Outage ・ Notifications has Partial Outage ・ Gists has Partial Outage
@IluTov at least as long as it is designed that block support can be really easily dropped in on top of that
Incident on 2020-05-15 20:38 UTC ・ Git Operations has Partial Outage ・ API Requests has Partial Outage ・ Notifications has Partial Outage ・ Gists has Partial Outage
8:49 PM
@bwoebi That's the plan. It's not my preferred choice either but I don't see any other way of this feature ever landing. Otherwise I'm giving up.
In short, I'd 1) remove blocks 2) remove secondary votes 3) keep the discussion open for longer.
@PeeHaa I emailed him. Looking at the xlink references has me feeling stupid. I'm glad it is Friday.
Incident on 2020-05-15 20:38 UTC ・ Git Operations has Partial Outage ・ API Requests has Partial Outage ・ Gists has Partial Outage
9:05 PM
it's all buggered
I'm going to go outside to see if the world has ended.
It just wants my question to get lost :( @Jeeves Why do you hate me?
It's nothing personal. He just hates everybody
Phew, glad to hear that.
9:18 PM
All issues have been resolved!
7 messages moved to Trash can
9:47 PM
What are the differences between static and immutable properties/variables?
Static properties are shared between all instances of the object
@GabrielCaruso static props is Classname::$prop … immutable would be, cannot be changed after a given event
An Immutable property cannot be change for the specific instance
Thanks boys, I was reading about Kotlin and I couldn't understand some of its examples because of this confusion :)
1 hour later…
10:53 PM
is there a way to chunk binary into groups with PHP? stackoverflow.com/questions/61829012/…
Why do you have the explode link in your question?
I am wondering if explode would be an option
Or you working with bits or bytes?
trying to group bits into groups, until the next 1 is reached... so a sequence like 01100101 would be grouped like (0,1,100,10,1)
explode won't help you in that case
10:56 PM
removed explode link
Nice I got an answer! Thanks guys / Nick!
That doesn't work on bits though
So you just have a normal string with 1s and 0s
a pattern of 1 , 0
That's still not working with bit
You are working with a string only containing 1 and 0s

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