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Anyone else notice the "odd" offer when you go to peer1 from stack overflow?
"Get no setup with any hosting plan!"
Lol seems like they should re-write it a bit
where is the offer, where is the discounted price? :D @AlexCastro
i cannot delete a post it stops at deletepost.php neither does it show any error......
i have used a foreign key between comments and subcomments but i also have written ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, still why ar the comments not getting deleted
@webarto yay]
and w000000t im watsed
function cleanstr($input)

$filtrout=filter_var($output, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
return $filtrout;

function real_scape($dbh,$input)
return $output;
 if (isset($_POST['deletepost']))
 $query_dlt="DELETE FROM comments WHERE cmmnt_id='$delete_id'";
I meant to say: hiya all
bad girl, bad bad girl!
@Lusitanian crapster firgit all about the shit google produces
jquery boobs. i run an ajax and prepend a shirt to it....
@webarto ow you naughty naughty boy
@blackbee , please learn how to use prepared statements
@webarto lol
face expression when people realize that @Petra is a wasted Pieter
also , what's with the name
@webarto hahaha I lol'ed
@tereško (he|she) is looking after stackoverflow.com/users/148870/amber
and @hakra :D
@webarto Not sure I have seen that video or just drunk
what have you been drinking @Petra ol' chap :D
@tereško What is a name? p.s. only 30 more days :D
yes i am learning them..... but i thought i must actually test what i already learnt. and u see i am already facing so many problems... can u help.... ? why it is neither deleting nor redirecting
@webarto whiskey
And beer and smoking
damn x3
@tereško Excellent song!
.. damn i feel old (that song is from mid-90s)
you are old :D
@Nile last time for today....... plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I starred to remove this idiostars from right
i'm not sure it was appropriate
@tereško Not my cup of tea (the genre). But good music is good music. I tend to like lots of Metallica
i think their old songs have ended up in same pile as beatles, can and scorpion
Meaning good or not (I already judged)?
Can someone help with this: pastebin.com/yTP6tPjq . I have problem with $count. If $count >= 2 then I have 2*$count the same values but it cleans only one, if it's lucky :/
@blackbee what
try Mahakali from dissection
@Nile 1 mint
@MichałKról Hey!
Michal: array_multisort(): Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag
you should name function in English if you want help
I think you have a problem
@clone1018 ok sec
Have you seen a horror movie? @MichałKról
that's romanian ?
Multiply that by idiot and you would have your nameing convention
And yes my typing is wasted. sue me
@tereško they were in my town recently, probably the last time, and I didn't go :(
@clone1018 try this pastebin.com/GNdH0r5h
shame on you
@Petra my PHP is a horror . so yes
Undefined variable: iloscgraczy
$ilosckartgraczy = $iloscgraczy * 2;
@MichałKról Unjdefined idiot: Y U NO ENGLISH
so put $iloscgraczy = 1;
@tereško Prodigy in a month :D
@Lusitanian Inadiaq asking pattern
@Petra sorry :D
only without typos
@MichałKról Don't be sorry for me
@webarto , if would be a good idea to go , just because you can , and it might be the last chance
@Petra I'm sorry for not using english names for variables, not for you
@tereško prodigy was in 1995 and 2012 (will be), and probably never again ... skrillex (yuck) as an intro
@MichałKról Don't be sorry for your code. Just fix it. stackoverflow.com/questions/11908082/…
I also hate I missed RHCP
function puke() {} echo $justPuke; $_POST['just_puke']
@Petra what?
@MichałKról , don't you get it ?!? we dont know what that code does
@Petra you sure you haven't had some magic muffins? :D
thus, we cannot help you
@tereško I have random integers in my array, and I want to eliminate doubles
@webarto That was 2 weeks ago. And they were mushrooms instead of muffins
if there is 5, 7, 7, 15
i want to make the array again
@MichałKról what @tereško
@MichałKról snap je dit? nou dan?
and by "again" i mean new
@MichałKról array_unique?
@MichałKról english please@!
@Nile ............................................
I wasted 3 hours on this
@MichałKról yes???????????????????????????????????????????????
$result = array();
foreach ( $array as $key => $value  )
    $result[ $value ] = $key
var_dump( array_keys( $result  ));
If it wouldn't be the summer of live I would say: English or GTFO!
@tereško I just read that JLo is coming too xD
@Nile , that is a really bad idea
@webarto , noone cares about that one
@tereško using array_unique to get rid of duplicates?
or are you referring to something else?
@tereško that just means that she is near the bottom when she is coming to Belgrade
can I check if(array_unique($array) = false) { <generate new array> } ?
i mean = true
this is the deletepost form
echo '<font color="black">';
echo '<div style="float:right;font-size:1em;"> <form method="POST" action="deletepost.php">
<a name="'.$row['cmmnt_id'].'"><input type="submit" name="deletpost" value="&empty;"/></a>
<input type="hidden" name="dltpost" value="'.$row["cmmnt_id"].'"/></form></div>';
echo '</font>';

this is the validation:
function cleanstr($input)

$filtrout=filter_var($output, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
wow a downvote within a second :) stackoverflow.com/questions/11918497/…
damn you @brad ;)
@Nile , have you actually read the source of array_unique() ?
@Nile If I get rid of the duplicates, my array will not be complete, therefor I want to generate new one and check if it's good. My loop does that but only once. If by a chance, the new array has duplicates again I'm busted.. I dont know what to do next
@tereško I have not read the actual source of the array_unique() function.
@blackbee I'm ignoring your comment because half of everything is misspelled and you pasted a file into a chat box.
@MichałKról apparently you should not use array_unique(), so not sure.
the problem is - even if the new array has no duplicates, the $count (number of values from array_count_values()) is still more than 1, it doesnt "reset"
oh no...
i wonder why everybody get fed up with me......... shit happens
cmmnt_id, really?
@Nile : github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/standard/array.c#L2777 .. basically it sorts the array before starting to look for uniques
can I somehow restart the whole function from within the actual function?
@MichałKról Have you tried jQuery?
@tereško not that great at C, but I'll look. is there a better alternative? loop and in_array?
9 mins ago, by tereško
$result = array();
foreach ( $array as $key => $value  )
    $result[ $value ] = $key
var_dump( array_keys( $result  ));
@tereško what about it?
@tereško ohh, smart.
@webarto Doing shrooms and going into a crowd -> not a good idea. At best nothing comes out of it
@Petra why its not a good idea?
@Petra oh i get it
@MichałKról Doing shrooms is not social at all
@MichałKról is this a reply to me?
ah yes, you live in amsterdam. is there anything illegal over there?
its impossible to type reCaptcha though
while on shrooms
@Lusitanian owning an arsenal
@Nile what i am trying to say is i cannot Delete the user posts and comments
@MichałKról uhhm it might be possible. It's just not something you thing about doing
@tereško Notice: Undefined variable: array in...
@Lusitanian dried shrooms are, but friends of mine grow them themselves :P
@MichałKról get a book
when i click on the <input type="submit" value="delete" name="delete" />button
at this stage , i think, ANY book will do
shouldnt it be foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) or is it just second array?
@Petra I'm just dealing, not using :D (only smoked one joint in life, don't smoke, don't drink)
@brad tnx! I need people like you when answering questions on a Saturday night :D — Petra 10 mins ago
no no the delete query is perfect
@blackbee great.
but the problem is the browser window shows that the address changes from index.php to deletepost.php but after that nothing happens, nor does it display error nor any other statements i tried to echo
@MichałKrół nvm
nor does it redirect neither does it delete
so noone will help me then? :/
@webarto and tnx btw on the 17k :P
@MichałKról people already helped you
@Petra haha no problemo
if you cannot see answers, them maybe you should pick up a different hobby ... try gardening
@tereško I dont want to REMOVE the duplicates
i must tell you that in the two tables comments and subcomments the comment_id is the primary key in first and foreign key in second.. but i also used ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE when i created the table from phpmyAdmin
@tereško so I dont have to kill myself today? that's progress
I feel likje trolling
@Lusitanian wow. epic repwhoring. +1 to you
@MichałKról now when you suggested it , that actually would be the responsible way .. it would improve human gene pool
@Petra (;
@tereško > I suggested it
you're just mean to newbies
but I dont care
he's really not mean
@MichałKról You know what you need to do?
"you should kill yourself" - thats not mean?
if you ever have a boss at a programming job.............
oh...actually, yeah that is
where'd he say that
but who cares
@MichałKról Yet you are still here
You run on tigerblood mate
we are bunch of violent drug dealers and users highly proficient in PHP
because you deleted it after 2 minutes?
like a bitch that takes back her words
except that you can only delete messages within a minute
btw .. this one made me wonder :
May 30 at 15:29, by tereško
the cats are out to kill us
I would stabbed you after that words
1 minute than
@webarto I'll have you know I haven't dealt drugs in years
what happened to peetah, is that the same as @Petra?
@Lusitanian are u saying all women are bitches?
nope, not at all
just that @Petra is ;)

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