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You heard of this cms that was built on top of codeigniter? I bet it's way better than WP.
In like, all the ways
ExpresionEngine ? or something like that ?
Pyro I think
Someone should write a new WordPress on top of CodeIgniter and CakePHP evil laughter
@NikiC Why Framework? Write it in pure PHP. Everything in one file!
@Donut , pure php is not a bad thing in it self .. codeigniter is written in pure php too..
And use procedural programming
@Chris Why functions? Use gotos and globals!
Or that
Hey ho
@tereško I know it is not that bad thing
@Truth Hello
@Donut , and includes
Hey ho
Someone should do a search engine in PHP 4
with safe mode on
@tereško Yeah, keeping source in txt files for better security
And don't forget mysql_*
mysql_, nah, text based database is way better
Nah, cache based db is ultimate victory
now, if we combine our knowledge ... damn, i'd ALMOST feel sorry for the world.
Let there be lags.
I guess noone can do this in one file.
What are you trying to do exactly?
Worst CMS possible
Than it must be in one file.
but you can do it in 2 files
for sho'
@Donut I really wonder why nobody is doing that
I mean, using goto instead of functions is clearly faster, because it compiles to a super-fast JMP instruction and doesn't need any stack pushes or creation of a separate execution context.
That is such a clear performance win
I'd have expected frameworks like CodeIgniter to rewrite their core components to use goto so they stay fast!
But globals :(
Not sure if serious or trolling...
@Truth Both ;)
@NikiC That's obvious that goto is faster
I.e. I understand that it is completely absurd, but I still seriously expected people to adopt it more
But imagine that code mayhem
Do micro-optimizers care about that?
@NikiC goto is just a stupid choice and should have never been added to php IMHO
Sadly PHP has only a very limited goto and in particular has no longjmp. I can't even imagine what kind of crappy code one could write with that. You know where execution jumps between functions...
For the very very very small amount of cases it may be useful I would say screw it
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Agree ;)
Really, not saying one should use goto
Just wondering why it didn't catch on with the micro-optimizers
Even micro-optimizers know goto sucks monkey balls
But sssssshhhh don't let the word out ;) I would hate to see SO flooding with goto questions
@Bracketworks Hello
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I'd guess a PHP dev was just trollin'
@Donut How's the day?
I'm sick again :(
Except that, cool.
Boo-urns on the sickness.
I probably used too much gotos
I've never used goto or @ in production.
I've done alot of stupid things, but neither of those.
the cats are out to kill us
@Bracketworks That was my exact reaction however when diving into it is meant like a serious feature. Everyone else think it is stupid but "some people" decided it was needed :|
Whoa, I don't know why noone wrote blog post about overuse of explode
At least google says so.
@Donut overuse of explode!? No way! Explode everything! Explode all the things!
@Donut People like explosions :) That's why we watch action movies :)
I'm actually factoring out borderline abuse of explode from a Router
Michael Bay!!!!
@NikiC Explosions are awesome indeed.
Our government tends to screw things up as well as showing some common sense
Question of terminology; given a path "/path/to/some/file.php", when we break down the path would "path/to" be considered a segment, and "some" or "to" considered a component?
I've seen these terms intermixed, and am wondering if there's something authoritative.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Estonia accepted it, then dropped it. Idiots I say.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa That's more than most government has to offer ;)
Usually it's just screw up with no common sense
@NikiC We also have net neutrality here which is also a plus, however...
We are blocking tpb :P
And the gov has a database of fingerprints which was mandatory to give when getting a new passport
we have that db as well
I had to give prints, too. It was weird as shit.
But piracy is still legal here
@Chris A judge said it was illegal here and now the gov says they are going to delete it -> right...
the only thing this gov is blocking is them illegal online poker sites
hmm .. the cv-ring is weak this month
Of course, stripped off my computer for the past 2 weeks
posted on May 30, 2012 by Christian Weiske

Using Apache's HTTP Basic authentication is a quick and easy way to protect your website with username and passwords: AuthType Basic AuthName "Please enter username and password" AuthUserFile /var/www/hostname/.htpasswd Require valid-user The problem I have is that AuthUserFile is not relative to the virtual host's document root, but to the server root,

-1 for htpasswd's - horrible for UI/UX
What has .htpasswd to do with user interface other than the alert prompt?
you don't control of the UI, browsers render it however they want
What versioning rules do you guys follow for web development?
Rules are for the weak
@EventHorizon , define what you mean with "versioning rules"
@Chris , this reminded me about old In Flames song
See, I am useful after all
.. sad that the soloist is unable to perform in lives =/
So, approx. 8 hours (probably more) is done now. My ubuntu experience is, well, pure crap. But in a good way.
I especially love the fact they bloody got a danged wireless driver that works perfectly with my machine so I get full speed at last.
And that is by the way by default, so it's a miracle.
Coding with VIM is darn awkward, but since all the GUI IDE's out there suck balls, VIM is the most minimal editor one can get. I hate clusterfuck so bad that when comparing clusterfuck and cancer, cancer is nothing.
vim is an editor
And please don't say "Netbeans?" - I hate that bulky piece of java dirt.
Yes, I looooove editors. I haaaaaate IDE's.
But unfortunately, editor or an IDE, when it's linux ... it's most definitely still clusterfucked.
so, you'll rather have cancer than clusterfuck ? :P
i think he's just tard
you can use all the php IDEs on NIX (except for PHP Designer, which is a windows only thing)
you should have a blog, Chris
@tereško can bite me.
@Sam I do have a blog.
rant on there often? It'll be good for you :)
it supports Komode, PHPstorm, Sublime (which actually is just an editor), Aptana, PDT , NetBeans.. and others
@Chris, so , please , stop bitching
ignorance is not an excuse
@Sam Nope, I actually suck as a blogger.
true.....but at least, it allows you to discharge your frustration/anger in a non-lethal way
otherwise, you might just start shooting ppl
@Sam , you might be missing the point
@tereško did you seriously think I want to code from a command fucking line? No, I do not. I want a beautiful, eye-friendly, clusterfuck-free GUI editor. Which by the way does not exist for Ubuntu (and probably for any other linux distro). That, my dear fucking enemy, was my point.
he wants to discharge his anger in form which would not be "on record"
otherwise people will point out how baseless his statements are
@Chris , which IDE does not exist on your Ubuntu ?
name it
lol...his won't be the first or last; but at least, it might make his neighbors safer
@tereško Are you like sleeping or something? Read again. Then read again. And again. I'm not talking of which thing doesn't exist, I'm talking of that whatever does, is downright ugly.
@Chris .. i'm still waiting for the name of that IDE you were looking for
I so very much want to stab you .. in the face .. with a kitchen knife. But I digress.
people , with pointless rants , caused by own stupidity and ignorance
I'm not sure what's going on as I have @Chris on my ignore list, but I can guess. :)
oh ... that's a thing
have a nice life , Chris
in a nutshell, someone's ranting; someone wants to stab someone else with a kitchen knife ...:)
Hey, it could be worse.
how so?
I've been developing on ubuntu virtual machines for the last few months. I wish I had thought of it years ago. VM's make life so much easier!
Anybody else tried it?
not here
@tereško I mean (Major).(Minor).(Patch) etc
I have a base machine with a basic setup of IDE and virtual hosts and just clone it for a new project. Much less setting up once the initial vm is done.
@EventHorizon It's all up to you
@Event_Horizon , i tend to like the [catastrophic].[major].[minor].[patch]
Whats up guys
meaning , that you should be able to semi-automatically migrate from 6.2 to version 6.5 , but migration from 2.7 to 3.0 should be architecturally impossible
baah .. you dont even have a single gold achievement
@tereško right so a 2.7 to 3.0 would be something like changing from raw php to a framework or something that would break the whole old site.
or vice versa, framework to raw php
and you have been registered here longer the me
@Event_Horizon .. well .. you could always go with chrome/firefox versoning strategy : [small change].[fixed typo]
my only issue is how do you determine when something is minor vs major, all preference or is there a general rule you follow?
idea would be that the first number signifies the evolutionary stage of application/framework
it means that code is incompatible at the core concepts , not just the code
@Event_Horizon major - change in API, minor - no change in API
Hello, gents. I have a question that I am having a lot of difficulty with. Perhaps approaching a bunch of strangers isn't the best idea, but I don't know where else to go with it at the moment.

Does anyone have any advice on how to convince my boss that utilizing MVC will benefit us greatly? (I'll explain more if anyone is interested)
major change is when "just updating" would cause the site to break
@tbowman Turn it into business value. If you can't show where the business is gonna make/save money then you're gonna have a hard road ahead of you.
@tbowman , i could list quite a lot reasons why it would be a bad choice
- additional costs from developer education
- additional costs from adaptation of new architecture
- additional costs from breaking the compatibility with old software
- additional costs from maintaining the legacy system
- loss of revenue while implementing new system
I'm not sure where to start with details without boring you guys entirely.
He doesn't really have "systems" in place, which is my concern. It is only him and I working at this office, so everything that he did was built only for himself. I'm jumping into it all.
FYI: codeigniter is not "utilizing MVC"
I'm not even a seasoned programmer, but I feel confident that there are a lot of things lacking with the way he develops projects. Rarely does he utilize OOP. He doesn't touch MVC.
they tend not to want to spend dev time on something unless it adds value to the product or significantly improves performance etc
@tbowman , MVC is not some magic sauce you can add to the application
you will be better of if you were to slowly migrate the codebase to proper OOP
the first question is this: do you or your boss understand MVC, and can you build an application with it?
and with "proper OOP" i mean "no global state, adhering to SOLID principles and using Law of Demeter whenever reasonably possible"
@Sam Understandable, but if we would like our company to grow, how else would we move forward? I can't understand how building something from the ground up would be faster or better, honestly.
Sorry, quoted wrong person.
@Sam , i suspect that short answer would be "not yet"
well, you shouldn't think of migrating until you know you can build an application with it; you can consider it, but don't jump ship yet
@tbowman , it is possible to edit posts in this chat
Yes, clearly I am not a professional programmer and I didn't come here to be criticized for my lack of knowledge.
What I am trying to avoid is moving in a direction that will ultimately cost the company more time and money.
@tbowman , then you should start by making a list of direct and indirect expenses in working with existing system
@tbowman are you always developing an existing system and never doing anything new?
you are not being criticized (at least, that wasn't the intention); MVC is great for a whole lot of reasons, depending on what type of applications you guys are building; and it's beneficial, both to the developer and the business, on the long run; howbeit, it still need to be built by someone
@MrCode There is no system... It's hard for me to describe because I am obviously new to this. I can identify the problems but I am not capable of identifying more efficient solutions.
@tbowman I just went through a code base rewrite. I can answer all sorts of questions for you.
@LeviMorrison What was the primary reason for the rewrite? If you don't mind me asking
code rot ( i guess )
@CharlesSprayberry The system was a huge mess of function calls. No objects in the whole system, and functions were not documented at all and had serious scope issues.
@LeviMorrison Sounds like my situation.
@tereško You could say that, but I doubt the code was ever in a good condition to begin with.
@tbowman Then I have some really, really good advice for you: don't start from scratch.
@LeviMorrison What do we start with if there is practically nothing to begin with? :/
i have a nagging suspicion about this all
That I don't know what I'm talking about? ha
i get the feeling that with "utilize MVC" you actually mean "use CodeIgniter"
@tbowman Start by refactoring the functions so that they are more understandable. Rename functions, move complex portions to new, solidly built functions. That sort of thing.
lol......not everyone uses CodeIgniter;
he does
@tbowman Once you understand the codebase a lot better and have cleaned up the functions a bit, you can begin writing objects that replace them, one by one.
@tereško You assume that based on questions that I asked months ago.
You know what they say about assuming...
@tbowman And don't worry about MVC. Worry more about writing SOLID (look that acronym up if you don't know it) code.
@LeviMorrison Thanks for the advice. Maybe I need to approach all of this from a different angle.
@tbowman not really , but i know what people say about kids, who use that phrase
@tereško You're so helpful.
@tbowman tereško is known for being impolite, but his advice is usually pretty good.
15 mins ago, by tereško
you will be better of if you were to slowly migrate the codebase to proper OOP
15 mins ago, by tereško
and with "proper OOP" i mean "no global state, adhering to SOLID principles and using Law of Demeter whenever reasonably possible"
@tbowman , i already told you, what i would do in such situation .. and , you might notice that it was mentioned by others too
@tbowman Also, I HIGHLY suggest you get a license for PHPStorm. I've used several IDE's such as Netbeans and Eclipse and when it comes to working with legacy code and refactoring, PHPStorm blows it out of the water. Worth the $$$.
@tbowman His advice was spot on, but I definitely understand why you didn't trust him.
@LeviMorrison Thanks, I'll look into it.
or you can download a fresh, free trial copy after every 30 days :D
thats a bad advice for two reasons:
- you are suggesting an IDE based on personal preference
- he is trying to minimize the costs
@tereško Actually, it WILL minimize costs. It is inexpensive and it will save more time than paying him to code.
The 'Find usages' and refactoring tools will save him money, trust me.
The real problem is that it's my father that I'm working with, so the situation is sort of unique.
And I know other IDE's have those features, but trust me when I say PHPStorm's are considerably better.
which is the easy to use php ajax file upload plug-in?
@tbowman , then get a different job .. and i am serious about it
@LeviMorrison Netbeans is just fine.
you have a really unhealthy environment there
plupload is very difficult to use.
@tereško I feel that way sometimes. It's a really, really tough situation. Leaving isn't an option, unfortunately.
@Bracketworks I've happily used Netbeans for a long time. I'm not saying it is a bad editor, but for working with PHP code PHPStorm is better.
I code in several languages so I was hesitant to leave Netbeans, to be honest. It was nice having the same IDE for all my projects.
@LeviMorrison , @Bracketworks please take this to a separate room
just got the latest Paradise Lost album .. semi-afk
@rdlowrey How's life?
@tereško I stopped listening after Draconian
@LeviMorrison Good ... I'm vacillating back and forth over whether to keep "eager-loaded" controllers (like the following) or just require RMR-type classes (which is the correct way to do it)
(took me a moment to decode if you are talkign about album or band @Bracketworks)
$router->get('/', function(){});
There's really no sense in allowing that when you support lazy-loaded class controllers
@tereško Their sound changed out of my taste. Icon was probably my favorite.
How's the new album?
@rdlowrey I like the ideas behind RMR, but I haven't actually seen a real implementation. The closest I've seen comes from peej.co.uk/articles/rmr-architecture.html itself.
class Resource {

    private resourceData = [];

    method constructor(request, dataSource) {
        // load data from data source

    method get(request) {
        return new Response(200, getRepresentation(request.url, resourceData));

    method put(request) {
        return new Response(405);

    method post(request) {
        return new Response(405);

    method delete(request) {
        return new Response(405);
@Bracketworks well .. my fist album was Draconian .. as for the new one , seems a bit faster , but i am still at the second song , so this is just first-impressions
@LeviMorrison Right ... that's how Atreyu is setup ... and if there's no method in the class that matches the HTTP verb you just get a 405 Method not allowed.
@rdlowrey There is this mystic getRepresentation function I have a problem with.
@tereško Cool; let me know.
@LeviMorrison Well, yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me either. The Atreyu controller methods are expected to return a Response object when invoked
@rdlowrey I like the response object, but I'm not sure you actually GAIN much by it.
.. i should get back to coding
Well, maybe testability.
@LeviMorrison The main use of the Response object for me is the decoupling of output. By returning a Response object you can very easily do things like cache the responses for requests. And it's easier to test things ... you can just mock out the controller method to return a generic Response.
And it gives you an easy access point for a plugin -- You can broadcast a "Response.pre-output" event.
so someone can easily develop their own output caching plugin(s)
@rdlowrey The response is essentially the view of the data, though. How often is that tested? And even when it is, it doesn't have to be tested directly from the resource, right?
@LeviMorrison It's rarely tested -- it's essentially the last thing that happens in the script. BUT if you're doing things like caching it's better to have it decoupled so you aren't mucking up your controllers storing cached versions.
If you have a plugin that operates on the response object, it's much easier to test the plugin if its constructor simply asks for a response object.
It's not so much that the core Atreyu code needs to run tests on things that require a Response, it's decoupling it for any other code that needs to do so.
@rdlowrey If you had actual code for me to look at, that might help.
@LeviMorrison You're right ... it's easy for me to say because I see it all in code I'm directly editing :)
@LeviMorrison I'm working on it. I've been fiddling with Config stuff today. I'll put that on hold and try to finish some concrete routing, controller and response stuff with plugin examples.
what does they mean by : Use full paths in includes and requires, less time spent on resolving the OS paths.
use relatives or absolutes path ?
full paths is absolute ?
who are "they" ?
also , i am not sure if it would matter, with opcode cache enabled
@rdlowrey I wrote some fairly complex code from scratch yesterday but never ran it. I just ran it for the first time and there weren't any code errors. Victory. Secondly, it seems that it is all running correctly as well. I'll have to write some tests to be sure, but all seems well. Love it when that happens.
@Bracketworks , well .. i like the new album
If I ever become a famous musician, I'm going to call my first album "cv-pls"
@GordonM +1
@LeviMorrison That's awesome.
is this page gives good advices chazzuka.com/…
@GordonM (+1) * 2
interface Response{

    function getHeader($header);
    function setHeader($header, $value);

    function getHeaders();

    function getResponseBody();
    function setResponseBody($value);

@rdlowrey ^ thoughts on interface?
@LeviMorrison How's the PHPUnit integration with PHPStorm? I've only ever run tests from the command line
@rdlowrey Awesome. :)
@LeviMorrison Is that supposed to be interface Response?
instead of interface Request ?
@rdlowrey What are you talking about?
I guess it needs to be able to set HTTP version, status, and status description.
interface Response {

    function getHeader($header);
    function setHeader($header, $value);

    function getHeaders();

    function getResponseBody();
    function setResponseBody($value);

    function getHttpVersion();
    function setHttpVersion($string);

    function getStatusCode();
    function setStatusCode($code);

    function getStatusDescription();
    function setStatusDescription($description);

That's essentially what I've got locally right now. I wasn't sure what to do about status description. I wasn't sure if all of those different headers fit under a setHeader umbrella or not?
I was originally thinking of 5.4 and just using the new http_status_code http_response_code function, but that will have to change
Well, if you look at a typical request, those 3 things aren't really headers in the same sense as the others. I wouldn't think to use getHeader('StatusCode') because StatusCode: 404 doesn't exist.
It's not a named pair, in other words.
I get that. I had left off any getters before because I wasn't thinking in terms of plugins wanting to do anything with them.
afk back in ~15
@rdlowrey Use __toString or something like send?
How can i use join? I can't write.. :( — Birlikisgu 1 min ago
@rdlowrey Yeah, I think 5.4 is a bit too new yet for you to be going 5.4 only on a framework. It'll be a while before the majority of PHP installs are 5.4
@GordonM I'm doing a 5.4+ fw right now :)
That's what I'll call my second album :)
I'm following the policy of "Take advantage of 5.4 features if available but keep 5.3 compatible"
@rdlowrey While http_response_code might be useful, headers_list shouldn't be used anyway because it will give the headers that will be sent or have already been sent. If you are returning a Response, then you don't want things to send headers to begin with.
@GordonM That's a good policy; I'm really leveraging rebinding, so I doubt there's much hope for backwards compatibility.
Fair enough if that's what works for you :)
hmm ... ok .. need an old member
<---- doesn't qualify
would "uses SO as free code generator" be a valid flag ?
@tereško lol
@GordonM You're right. I've come to realize that's the better strategy at this point.
stackoverflow.com/questions/10822641/… + flag as general reference question
what is the full form of GD ..php
@LeviMorrison How about the above interface + __toString() for echoing out the response body and a sendHeaders() convenience method to wrap all the header output methods into one.
The GD Graphics Library is a graphics software library by Thomas Boutell and others for dynamically manipulating images. Its native programming language is ANSI C, but it has interfaces for many other programming languages. It can create GIFs, JPEGs, PNGs, and WBMPs. Support for drawing GIFs was dropped in 1999 when Unisys revoked the royalty-free license granted to non-commercial software projects for the LZW compression method used by GIFs. When the Unisys patent expired worldwide on July 7, 2004, GIF support was subsequently re-enabled. GD originally stood for "GIF Draw". However, si...
> GD originally stood for "GIF Draw". However, since the revoking of the Unisys license, it has informally stood for "Graphics Draw".
@rdlowrey and send simply calls sendHeaders and echos the body? Or omit send?
@LeviMorrison Either that or just echo $response; followed by $response->sendHeaders();
Not sure that it matters too much
That's something that the framework will do for you automatically (unless you opt for the manual mode).
Basically I'm envisioning two different ways for things to work: (1) you specify a config file in a constant ATREYU_CFG that will basically let the program to run itself if the constant is defined or (2) you don't specify a config file and you can do everything yourself however you'd like.
@rdlowrey By the way, just name the constant ATREYU_CONFIGURATION_FILE or at least ATREY_CONFIG_FILE. No harm in a few more characters when it helps define itself.
@LeviMorrison Good point.
I'm typing up an early example of a config file for a gist ... just a minute
well .. mostly how cv-ring is dying
@LeviMorrison take this, gist one-boxing: gist.github.com/2838506
@rdlowrey Noooooooooooo!!!!! I see an XML config file :(
Nick is too tan for XML
@NikiC I only wrote that so it would be readable.
@rdlowrey Aren't you the one who always complains about people using template engines instead of just PHP?
Hey guys. Could anyone tell my whis echo date("H:i", strtotime('1 hour', 0)); passes me 02:00 instead of 01:00?
@NikiC Polymorphism in the ConfigParser allows config files of any format. The actual config class accepts an array or iterable object to load config directives
Well, here you are, writing ugly XML configs instead of simple PHP
@NikiC Like I said, it's only in that format so that the gist is easy to read
While I would only ever use a php file for config, I would leave the option open for someone else.
"While I would only ever use a php file for config" => okay, that part is reassuring :)
I already lost hope in you!
class ConfigParserFactory {
     * Generate a ConfigParser from a given file path
     * @param string $filePath The path to the app config file
     * @return ConfigParser Returns an instance of the ConfigParser interface
    public function make($filePath) {
        $info = new SplFileInfo($filePath);

        switch ($info->getExtension()) {

            case 'xml':
                $dom = new DomDocument;
                return new XmlConfigParser($dom);
now it's back :P
@rdlowrey Or you could declare an abstract load() class and subclass an XmlConfigParser, JsonXmlConfigParser, etc :)
@rdlowrey That's what I love this room for
We have clean code :D
@NikiC Yeah, I was like, "Oh yeah? Let me show you the factory code I wrote a minute ago that demonstrates I'm not just pretending I don't use XML config!"
Then again you already have the parsers, so... too many classes? :)

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