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@Pee maybe now, maybe 3 days :D
@hakra :*
@deceze haha
gratz @hakra
@webarto Sweet! I do not want to strengthen any prejudices, but do you have it in pink? ;)
I see you like pink, wanna buy meh rims? :D
You are from Germany so chances are 50-50 that you have/had VW
I live in partially Islamic country, so I think Pink Rims are against religion...
@ircmaxell Well, think of a good question you've got an ideal answer for, and I'll scratch your back ;)
what the hell
someone's been DDOS'ing specialized torrent sites
@tereško so that makes him what? asshole?
Oh you were talking about demonoid, that was days ago
I think they should move torrents to Bosnia, no one would give a f*, instead of SE etc...
i am actually talking about theaudiobookbay.com/
it's down
I still use TBP, it rarely lets me down.
/me kat.ph
I usually use TBP but when I can't find it there, I go to torrentz.eu
@PeeHaa nice profile picture sir
@Lusitanian Thanks mate :)
@webarto You mix that with Mississippi.
@hakre Hans from Missisissiispi?
P.S. anyone has an invitation for torrentleech?
@CarrieKendall According to @hakra it's "gender friday". So you have to be a man for the day.
@CarrieKendall good morning.
@PeeHaa "Gender friday" ... interesting.
Sounds like someone started drinking early :)
@Aleighzé @CarrieKendall I suggest "Carl". :3
@decereé I think Clarence
@rdlowrey I looked at the way that lookupmethod feature works -- in both spring and that symfony bundle, it injects the entire container and lazily loads the dependency from the container if its needed
but it injects the entire container thus completely defeating the purpose
@Lusitanian Oh, well if that's an official qualification then, no, I definitely don't do that.
I'm glad to hear it
I've always felt like Symfony's service container was a blatant copy of Spring
Hi Nikita :D
I don't know that it is entirely, but potentially
@NikiC morning niikita
@NikiC jumpnig on the bandwagon: morning nikita
Moar tanned gurrrls. morning @rdlowrey, @NikiC, @CarrieKendall, @Nick, @Truth, @all - and remember it's gender friday today.
@PeeHaa I see a new profile picture :D
@rdlowrey maybe it is to a degree. i like it when it's configured by PHP or annotation but yaml/xml mapping of dependencies is psycho
Morning @NikitaC
@NikiC hakre made everyone fruity
@Lusitanian Any dependency injection container becomes a service locator if you inject it into things ...
I see, @hakra :D
@NikiC you should see @hakre
@rdlowrey I know
@hakra Now I have to find me a picture of Hellen Keller or something
a TANNED Helen Keller
@rdlowrey I expect plain beauty.
And you will apply the secret Denise system on the male gender half of this chan.
@NikiC You like what you see?
@PeeHaa sure do :P
@NikiC So you are normal after all ;) good good
@NikiC your turn, NikitaC :D
What is the C for anyway?
@Aleighzé C++? Without the ++?
@Aleighzé I don't know ;)
It's a historic artifact.
Uh guys... Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Sep 9 at 11:39
@webarto I don't have to change no nothing. Everyone already thinks I'm a girl anyways :P
@NikiC lol why?
@Aleighzé There is only 1 guy in here
@Aleighzé Dammit. What have I gotten into?
@Lusitanian Don't you follow this room?
I got here pretty recently
so no :(
@Lusitanian I think primarily because of the name, but from what I hear it's common in germany
@Petra u sure have changed my views on female programmers LOL
@Aleighzé It's only a nick. You can also take a male gender if you prefer that for gender friday. Nobody says you must be female when male ;)
fridays, rainy weather, ofcourse ! :P
Morning all
@MikeB Morning Michaela
i had lost all hope but its amazing what fridays can bring :P
@MikeB Morning MichelleB
Q: ThinkGeek onebox support for chat

rlemonI think it would be fun to have ThinkGeek products onebox in the chat system. We already Have other shopping sites like Amazon there, and this site is directed towards 'geeks'. Albeit this wouldn't be the most useful onebox, I do think It would be fun.

@Chris In regards to codepad.org/jRiMrfAq it seems like that PHP was doing exactly that, converting 'password123' to 0
But I have to go to work now and I don't have access to chat. I suppose we could debate about it later tonight if you're still on ;)
@PeeHaa wanna do some teamviewer so I can look at what's happening with your http client usage?
@Petra I somehow knew that side of you, can I have ur numba?
@Petra oh god
@rdlowrey I'm at the office ATM. So yes, but no can do :)
I see you guys checking me out
@Petra no problem.
Everyone wants to do a team view
A naked team view, bow-chicka-bow-dow
@Petra The soundcloud credentials you sent me ... those are the client_id and client_secret I see in the API reference fields, right?
Is Niki going to go Nikita? I could go Christina....
@rdlowrey nopez. Those are to login to soundcloud
Danielle, Queen of the Tanned, coming up soon.
If I go transgender, I'm keeping my beard
@Chris hot
@rdlowrey the credentials are in the init file
@Chris Sweet. Wanna have some fun. I hear you like fun
@Petra k
Q: Why Doesn't preg_match return data? Design Decision?

dm03514I was wondering if there was a programmatic reason why php developers chose to not have preg_match return data. I'm mainly wondering if it is faster to reference variables that don't exist instead of returning values? Or is this just one of those "its just the way the function was implemente...

Well the comment should be the answer. It is because it is preg_**match**, so the match returns true/false. Capturing is a side effect.
The best language is jQuery! — Petra 4 secs ago
omg so sweet:
Whitespace is an esoteric programming language developed by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris at the University of Durham (also developers of the Kaya programming language). It was released on 1 April 2003 (April Fool's Day). Its name is a reference to whitespace characters. Unlike most programming languages, which ignore or assign little meaning to most whitespace characters, the Whitespace interpreter ignores any non-whitespace characters. Only spaces, tabs and linefeeds have meaning. An interesting consequence of this property is that a Whitespace program can easily be contained within t...
@Petra Yes, Whitespace Lang is pretty much the only valid reason for a programmer to use tabs.
@Petra Isn't that racist?
@decereé Blackspace!
@NikiC Aaaaaaand he went there. :D
-> Backspace
Why? Other people can have blackspace. Separation of concerns is important when programming @decereé
That would be a language based on what's not there
@NikiC Is that like carving a sculpture out of rock? Start with /dev/rand and delete?
@Petra Sadly, Truth has no gender (as it depends on the person he's standing in front of), so no change there :)
@decereé Yes. Yes, something like that :D
Androgyny is a term derived from the Greek words ανήρ, stem ανδρ- (anér, andr-, meaning man) and γυνή (gyné, meaning woman), referring to the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. This may be as in fashion, sexual identity, or sexual lifestyle, or it may refer to biologically inter-sexed physicality, especially with regards to plant and human sexuality. Gender identity For humans, an androgyne ( ) in terms of gender identity, is a person who does not fit neatly into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles of their society. They may also use the term ambigender ...
You wanna watch me enjoy myself? ;) — Petra 4 secs ago
haha damn
Another "SomeKittens jumps into a room and asks a dumb question" event:
@Petra loool
Should I be using XMLRPC-PHP? I'm getting a ton of depreciated warnings
@SomeKittens link to dat
Guys, in PHPStorm, how can I enable the PHPUnit library as acceptable syntax (so it doesn't give me class don't exists type of warnings in the IDE)
@SomeKittens Doesn't that already answer the question?
Why is everyone changing their names?
Oh Mikaela, how are thou?
Is there any other framework that works well for intra-site communication? Curl?
(I've played with CURL, just not sure it's appropriate here)
@SomeKittens that came out stupid ;)
@SomeKittens The latest stable release is version 3.0.0beta released on September 5, 2009
^ Uhm, yeah, no.
I want to send one Joomla "thing" to another
well then, time to upgrade!
even more :))))
@PeeHaa I'm looking at your code and wondering if your problem isn't that you're double-encoding the redirect URI ...
    $bodyParams = [
        'code' => '...',
        'client_id' => '...',
        'client_secret' => '...',
        'redirect_uri' => urlencode(curPageURL()) .'%2Fsoundcloud.php',
        'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',

    $request = new StdRequest(
        ['Content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'],
@Truth You just add PHPUnit as external library (or preferable, all PEAR).
http_build_query urlencodes the parameters for you, but you've previously url-encoded the redirect_uri ....
@hakra Thanks :)
just a guess
@webarto howdy :)
just chillax
@rdlowrey nopez not the problem. I don't do that in the real code. Just some copy pasta screw up.
k, just making sure :)
sup guys
Question, designing something for a project of mine currently. There is a way to parse a string that has a separator, and after so many separators it takes it as a new row, correct? I'm trying to make some data that my PHP can echo that my Java client can interpret. For example, it would echo something like this: "Ronny; Ginger; Eric; Blonde".
@PeeHaa I'm not seeing anything that would lead me to believe there's a problem with the http client
Let's say i have a string and i want to remove everything from the beginning up the the _ should i use regex to do it? Or is there an easier way?
@Alec explode + array_chunk? Should be good unless you have large amounts of data
@NikiC i can probably use the same! thanks
@Truth, seems I'm having a similar PHPUnit headache to you now, re: config files.
@Aleighzé I've solved the problem, maybe I can help you.
@hanleyhansen No, you should use strpbrk :)
@NikiC What would you consider a large amount? I'm estimating a maximum of 2,250 fields(as in the things that will be echoed, separated by ;).
@Alec that should be fine
@rdlowrey Lets just do a quicky when I get home tonight (or later this weekend) with a camsession :)
Would just be problematic if you have gigs of data and don't want to load all of it into mem ;)
@Petra lol
:4888051 I referenced your question, it didn't help. I literally have this

@Petra :D
@Truth getting the lib.php cannot be found error, when I name a test suite
Also, one last question. I just have a slight feeling it will interfere. Do ; marks in the text interfere with $_GET scenarios? Or is it just ? and &.
@Aleighzé Post the phpunit.xml file please
@Alec Not that I know of

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<phpunit backupGlobals="false"
    <testsuite name="Libraries">
@NikiC cool. that's even better. so i should do strpbrk($fb_post, '_') and then remove the first charater right? because i don't want the _
posted on August 10, 2012 by Anthony Ferrara

Or anyone else for that matter. Lately, I've been getting a lot of feedback about my posts that I'm suggesting things that are going to get less experienced developers into a lot of trouble. Or that people are going to use my posts as justification for bad practices. Or that people are going to cause major issues by putting experimental concepts into production. My initial response is "That's t

Good Morning
@hanleyhansen You wanna have a good time?
@ircmaxell ignored
@ircmaxell morning
@ircmaxell morning
@Petra what do you mean?
You know what I mean
@ircmaxell hi
@Aleighzé Have you tried <directory>tests/Class</directory>?
@Petra uhh sure lol
@hanleyhansen Hm, then it won't be so awesomely short anymore :( You could just do substr($str, 0, strpos($str, '_') + 1) then ^^
@ircmaxell morning
@Truth no change
@Feeds Pff, nobody's listening to you :P
@grmpyprogrammer Yes, I'm making a dangerous assumption that everyone should think critically. If that's dangerous, then it's very sad...
Does ClassTest.php contain any tests?
@Alec ; is NOT a valid URL character, actually.
@Truth PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception' with message 'Neither "Libraries.php" nor "Libraries.php" could be opened.' in /opt/local/lib/php/PHPUnit/Util/Skeleton/Test.php:100
@ircmaxene Morning
@Alec From the official URL spec:
reserved = | ; | / | # | ? | : | space
@rdlowrey You know what's it used for?
@NikiC nope, just that it's reserved
yeah, really, never saw ; in URL
oh dear
@Petra Yeah, you're really enjoying yourself :D
@NikiC got it. : ) `$replace = substr($str, 0, strpos($str, '_') + 1);
$post_id = str_replace($replace, "", $str);`
@hanleyhansen What're you trying to do there?
remove everything past _?
@Truth no remove everything before _
no, before _
@hanleyhansen oh, dammit, I wrote the wrong code
shouldn't substr be able to do it?
What I really meant is $replace = substr($str, strpos($str, '_') + 1);
The 0, was wrong there ;)
@NikiC essentially the same thing that i am doing with 2 lines right?
@hanleyhansen yes
@hanleyhansen You sure there is always a _?
@hanleyhansen $str = substr($str, strpos($str, "_")+1);
@Petra yeah. it's a fb post_id. Facebook returns the userid_postid and i just need the post it
@NikiC And no
That's not the same
@Truth yes, sure ;) What I meant is that it is what I meant in the first place :D
In the case of hello_hello_world you will find yourself with just world
@ircmaxell grumpy disagrees with you a lot :)
(because he's replacing hello_ with "")
Yes he does
@grmpyprogrammer I'll flip that around. How can you gain experience if you can't think critically about what you experienced?
@rdlowrey So should I use a \ as a seperator?
@Alec I have no context. A separator for what?
@Alec if you are passing something via URL you should just urlencode it ;)
@NikiC I wanted to, but I didn't know if there were any simple ways of doing it that would have the same results in both Java & PHP.
Unfortunately, if you're talking about using `\` in your URLs, that's disallowed as well:
The "national" and "punctuation" characters do not appear in any productions and therefore may not appear in URLs.
national { | } | vline | [ | ] | \ | ^ | ~
I know where I can get my experience. Who wants experience as well? ;)
@ircmaxell lol ... I can't win the argument because your valid points make mine moot. Instead, I'll throw up my hands and pretend to be exasperated.
@rdlowrey Would it be ok to _POST those characters?
@Alec yes, because POSTed data is not sent in the URL, it's sent in the request body.
Challenge #8: stop arguing with people on Twitter who won't change their minds
heh, I'm always fighting with jekyll
@ircmaxell As long as grmpyprogrammer does not take part in gender friday on twitter, I'd say that's only hot air.
For what it's worth, I don't understand how anyone could possibly disagree with blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/08/dont-listen-to-me.html
Oh, I was afraid doing a POST request in Java would be difficult so I was avoiding it. Apparently not. ( exampledepot.com/egs/java.net/Post.html ) Atleast that clears something up for me.
@decereé lol you crazy gender benders
@rdlowrey That's a paradox :)
@rdlowrey In that case, who am I? :P
I usually avoid posting something in chat when @ircmaxell is in here if it's a question or error; because he says something so intelligent that I feel mentally challenged. It's often a "You idiot!" feel because I didn't know about it. Just thought I'd be open. ircmaxell scares the babies.
Truth = Ruth
@Chris +1
@Chris Watashi wa Shinri da!
@Truth Ha, yeah, I know just what you mean...
@Chris Meaning "I am Truth!"
Jekyll is a piece of crap
Probably cuz it's written in Ruby
Ruby is a piece of crap too
P.S. Truth has no actual gender, he's an ethereal being outside those boundaries.
@NikiC I agree. I got halfway through writing a PHP platform to do the same thing but haven't gotten around to finishing it.
I love the idea of using static text files with basic plaintext meta headers to generate blogs, though.
Yes, but I really hate Jekyll
It does not work on Windows properly
And it is indebuggible.
I haven't ever used it on principle ... (Ruby)
Jekyll just eats my first sentence there
And I have no idea why.
Now, that was overly general
I guess if it didn't get eaten I would know?
@rdlowrey Yes, exactly
Oh. That sucks.
It's supposed to be "There is this one thing that I noticed recently and that concerns me: PHP devs don't use functions."
@grmpyprogrammer Today is Gender Friday and we like seeing you join it.
And last time I basically had to use binary search to find an error
I.e. delete half of the text, try
Delete another part, try again
@hakra lolol hakra
i.imgur.com/Lqn2Q.jpg using photoshop to explain scenarios since 2005
Until I reduced it to some small piece of markdown
Not possible with only HTML. You need something like jQuery for this. I think there is a plugin. — Petra 19 secs ago
@ircmaxell just reading blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/07/the-grass-is-always-browner.html... have you seen the blog youarenotsosmart.com? Reminds me alot of the Predictably Irrational type of stuff. Dan Ariely is on Marketplace (a talk radio show I listen to) frequently, he's awesome!
Yeah, his book is really eyeopening
I could have lived my entire life and died happy without having seen that, or known that it existed in the same world that I do.
@Chris lol meh, the reactions are worth it.
@Nick Awesome! Very apropos. :3
@decereé yeahhh, I thought it worked well with gender day
haha it has to be friday morning -> chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/4888898/history
hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/11883342/…
I think there's a jQuery plugin for that too. — decereé 7 secs ago
Is it really nessecary to rewrite my PHP counter to PDO? Does it have anything to say to a such small future of my site?
@decereé $.os.boot(); oh different question: $.fifa.play();`
Sorry about the hit-and-run question, had to change trains
Amtrak has wifi on the trains now!
@SomeKittens What's your question?
@AmazingDreams Use of mysql_* is discouraged. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used.
I know, but that's not the problem here
@Truth I asked it a while back, didn't realize XMLRPC-PHP was so old
Please, don't use mysql_* functions to write new code. They are no longer maintained and the community has begun deprecation process. See the red box? Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you can't decide which, this article will help you. If you pick PDO, here is good tutorial.
Thanks though
I am going to change it all
What's the best way to send data from one server to another? (XMLRPC's a no-go. I've tried CURL but I'm not sure if that's what I should be using.)
getting messages, jQuery right way
@webarto jQuery == right
lit. jQuery probably equals right.
you are probably right
@SomeKittens Huh? Unless you say why XMLRPC is a no-go, it's hard to make other suggestions.
@hakra It hasn't been updated since 2009
that is pretty much new stuff
@SomeKittens Well, it's feature complete.
And actually, it has been updated, which lead to SOAP.
Which is more strict and more keeping current and the library within PHP is better ;)
But I dunno if your browser has a SOAP client in javascript.
So there is also JsonRPC json-rpc.org .
I don't need JS, this is all PHP/SQL
dafuq ... I really dislike XML... for no particular reason... still you can use JSON...
Touchscreen! Ugh.
(thus asking in the PHP room)
@Chris same here bro
@webarto XML is too verbose and is REALLY irritating when people abuse it.
@webarto Agreed -- I don't like XML at all
@webarto I'm designing for a touchscreen, making a web-based kiosk
@Chris jQuery Touchscreen Plugin?
No, I am on a framework that is committed to mootools 1.2.4, so basically... rolling my own
Smarty and Mootools 1.2.4. Woe is me.
@SomeKittens it's just that "JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML" dat fat free always worked for me...
@Chris my condolences :D
Someday, I'll re-write this framework
That day will come when they have money to pay me to do it.
So I should be looking into SOAP then?
I'm using soap right now
I really like some of the concepts, but I'm afraid the implementation isn't as good as it could be. Plus, the absolute dependence on Smarty and mootools really makes it frustrating. If I could do it over from the ground up, I'd go with PHP templates and library-neutral/vanilla JS

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