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@cmb is it normal that in the COM doc VT_I4 and VT_I8 have the same value?
Also VT_UI1 and VT_I1 are in the wrong section
UI1 is with the signed ones and I1 with the unsigned ones
And same question normal that VT_UI4 and VT_UI8 have the same value?
1 hour later…
Everybody still alive? Nobody ill?
I had gastroenteritis this week
But not ded yet
Don't fart too much please, Greta will be angry at the extra methane
Should have told that to me 3 days ago :|
In the meanwhile, UK Twitter has @BorisTheButcher trending... twitter.com/search?q=%23boristhebutcher
Although it was mostly cramps and vomitting the first days
I mean his a clown but I'm kinda fed up with wannabe pandemic experts saying he's not listening to Scientists
He is
I'm sorry. You're feeling better now?
Yeah first day feeling better
I think that's overblown too. You can argue about the scientific evidence though, as there is so little of it
But, it's easy to go for the "simple" solution, and of course, there never is one.
Sure, but I do give a bit more trust into scientists which are going of models from other outbreaks and using that than Twitter/Reddit
Also aren't the Dutch also not doing containment?
Of course. I would just like them to see to provide the modeling :-)
Not sure what the Dutch are up to.
Which boils down that it's fashionable to bash the U.K. (which is understandable)
and easy...
@Derick here's a list from a Twitter thread twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1238418007824764930?s=20
Also lol
I just tried doing an Ocado order, as we often do. First delivery slot is in 8 days...
oh boi
I mean I was in for a shock when I did my groceries on Friday
No more Pasta
I'm glad we have about 4kg of it already
in all the shapes @Ocramius would not approve of ;-)
Currently only got Spaghetti remaining and Rice so will need to do with that lol
Just hoping my flight doesn't get cancelled next week
there won't be much traveling at all for the next 6 months.
You might get home, but that's about that
Well I'd rather be with my parents for the spring break than "stuck" here
Also my exams apparently are going to be done remotly so that's something
I need some snooze. Oidhche mhath
Just repeating that in Japanese is kinda lame, tbh
Better? :D
@Sjon 3v4l doesn't allow __destruct?
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Girgias That does not make sense, what did you try to say?
@Girgias thanks! That should be fixed now.
1 hour later…
@DaveRandom It doesn't require knowing the future. If the compiler is using a chain of temporaries it can encode information about whether it will reuse a value.
@Andrea what'd make more sense is decrementing rc of the lhs before the evaluation of all other ops on the rhs of the assign - then, within the functions we see that we are rc 1 and free to overwrite ourselves. (and only destroy within assign then as to maintain order of evaluation, if rc == 0)
2 hours later…
@bwoebi once we're assigning it's too late to reuse the object I think
@Andrea why?
as said, we decrement the lhs before the rhs is even evaluated
sure, once we assign, yes - but I'm proposing to move it to an as early point as possible
> and only destroy within assign then as to maintain order of evaluation, if rc == 0
this is what is confusing me
property_exists on Traversable ・ *General Issues ・ #79384
1 hour later…
@NikiC ah Indeed, forgot 寝る is an Ichidan verb, should have been 寝ない
Hi, what kind of polling mechanism does facebook/twitter use for their real-time chat/feed updates? Making an ajax request every x seconds doesn't seem to be very efficient.
@Girgias Are WebSockets the standard thing to do for this?
I don't know, I don't do stuff like that, but I'd imagine as it's keeping a connection open
@Girgias how do you guys have the free time/energy to learn such a complicated foreign language?? :D
Global Out-of-Bounds Read ・ GD related ・ #79385
Yes websockets are the way to go although you can do ajax polling (which is how I do it) if you hyper-optimize
@AsyncBot bit late....but that might need to be security hidden...
@MátéKocsis I was bored in High School ... And then I went to Japan for 4 month during my Gap Year and dated a girl who didn't speak a word of English lol probably the only reason why I'm still okayish at the language without much practice after 3 years
Could you speak Japanese?
I'm fascinated with the history of the Korean language. I know the alphabet, but I'm terrible at pronouncing them, and only know a handful of words.
I can take probably any English word and spell it in the Korean alphabet though
Spoken languages were something I always failed quite bad at myself.
Korean has something like... 20 vowels
English vowels are multipurpose, Korean has a letter for every vowel sound
It's one of the only languages that wasn't created organically... it was financed by an emperor to help improve literacy of the common person. It mas made to be easy to learn (at least for Koreans...)
and now it's mainly associated with underaged pop singers in school skirts
좋은 아침
feasgar math!
Ayup Derick o/
@MarkR I've had been learning it for 2 years, was also able to read some manga in Japanese made for children, didn't really speak it before going to Japan but the sounds aren't that difficult (except the R ones which are more like Ls)
Korean has one letter for r/l - ㄹ
So.....explicit defaults is on the internals list again. Can anyone please proofread this for typos and making sense before I send it? explicit defaults
@Danack Pretty sure: function echo_repeat_with_glue(string $string, int $count = 3, string $append) { is not valid code
Or maybe I'm confusig with variadics?
Oh yeah mb
Thanks, made the example clearer anyway.
ah the old vb6 days of just using arg1, , arg3
... i think that was vb6
@Danack looks good - and yea - I feel like named params should be first
@bwoebi I'm tempted to add some other 'biased' stuff..... it seems to be that the need for explicit defaults is way more important for people who are maintaining code that has organically grown over time, where more and more default variables have been added.
For them, named params are not so good, as it means updating a lot of old code....
And a few people's position on various RFCs are about supporting their terrible code base...
:| making decisions about an entire language based on your own small slice of code should lead to immediate revocation of voting privileges.
@MarkR Why are you being so mean to @Ocramius? ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑
@Danack yes and no. I means a updating a lot of old code if you want to use named params - but old code and code using names params can easily co-exist
He usually doesn't get that far, it seems we usually change the code so it doesn't break his stuff before it even gets to voting :P
I was pondering though, why is passing args a two step process of sending and then receiving, doesn't the engine know what it's passing it to from the zend_function?
You're referring to the inheritance example?
@MarkR the additional step is usually elided at runtime
but varargs/default params need to be handled specially
passing usually is directly to the slots the variables will reside in … and the first X (as many as we have args) ZEND_RECVs are skipped
Oooo, I thought it was the RECV bit which had the type checking in.
ah yeah, if there are type check they aren't elided either :-)
but that's not a ZEND_RECV, but a ZEND_RECV_INIT
I was trying to learn a bit more about the tracing jit mentioned yesterday and was trying to poke about to see if the type checking had similar kinds of checks / guards for type checking args
Is there something in there where if it has the exact same arg types as the last call it skips the checks, or am I going off on an erroneous tangent as to how things work
@bwoebi I may be wrong, but ZEND_RECV_INIT isn't the opcode which deals with default arguments? It was my understanding when I made a PR that is about the reflection of default args
@MátéKocsis It handles both things
If ZEND_VM_HOT_HANDLER(64, ZEND_RECV_INIT, NUM, CONST, CACHE_SLOT) is the right place to look, it seems like it's done every time, even when it's a default value derived from an AST which can't possibly change because it's cached?

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