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Anyone know of a good approach to storing cascading records? By which I mean, create record A, create record B based off of A, when queried you get A and B+A. I guess I'd have to use hierarchical storage patterns in an RDBMS, but I dunno. NoSQLish solutions might be better?
@Bracketworks For a long time I struggled with whether or not to allow anything but class controllers. I went back and forth and finally implemented a class-only approach because it's a much more robust solution. I was okay with it because my built-in plugin system allows runtime alteration of the system so someone could use other controller types if they wanted to without hacking up the internals.
Q: OOP Terms - Please Explain

TruthI'm not new to OOP, however, English isn't my first language, and I've seen terms like Domain Logic and Business Logic fly around once in a while, but I never understood them. Could you explain what they mean? And if there are any other basic terms I forgot, please include them as well :) Now I...

If anyone wants easy rep on that site
remove smiley :P
@Truth "And if there are any other basic terms I forgot, please include them as well" Wow that's one broad request
@PeeHaa I don't mean "Class" or "Abstract"
I mean other forms of "Logic", like "Services" or "Providers"
Hi guys
can any body help me please, im trying to get data from let's say database and display to use in a drop-down list
after i display them, i want use able to select one of them then i want to show him what he selected
anybody :(?
@user1558223: "let's say" is rather vague. the actual process of putting the entries into the box is easy; just echo them out in the php that generates the select box. it's the getting of the entries that's even remotely difficult
I don't understand why question is closed... It is broad, but valid...
and that's highly specific to where you want to get them from
yeah i know how to put them in select box
use jQuery
i did
but how im going to select option and click button as the page will refresh...
there is a plugin for that
do you have the name for it please?
it's called "don't use a damn form if you don't want to submit".
im getting data from Facebook API, its working fine, just didn't get how to select and don't reload whole page...
ohhhhhhh lol
my bad sorry, thanks alot.
np :)
dafuq we just read :D
sorry for my bad English ><
your English is fine
A: Trying to test filesystem operations with VFSStream

rdlowreyIt seems to me you're overcomplicating the issue. I assume you simply want to access php://input for the purpose of accessing the entity body of HTTP requests. In this case I don't think vfsStream is the right tool for the job. First, the value of php://input will only ever be a string. Does it ...

@GordonM see above ^
btw guys is it bad practice to combine varriable in jquery with php ?
like var x = "<?php echo 'test' ?>";
not if your script is being generated by php. otherwise, it just looks silly and probably won't work
if you're gonna do it, though, learn to love json_encode
It's a bad practice to mix display logic with business logic. If that line is in a template, no. If your whole application is just a mix of php code and js/html, it's a terrible idea.
hmmm true, ok can i do like if() // in javascript and load php inside that if statment?
define "load php"
what's that?
Go go gadget tiny avatar
i'm asking you. you're the one that said it. :)
no, you are doing it wrong... use only if you need on-the-fly generated Javascript (e.g. for Google Maps pointers), other than that, you have JSON, XHR, etc...
i mean i want to get data depending on the selecting he set...
@PeeHaa :D
use jQuery
that sounds a bit out of the scope of view logic
what im trying to do is, get data from "Facebook API" then user select an option and after that i want display another selecting depending on the first option he selected...
using separate select boxes, i hope
yeah im using jQuery but its not really helping
jQuery doesn't help... hmm, that's a new one for me... it's good for all kinds of things...
wait...the facebook api...doesn't that hand you back json?
i know but in this case its not helping
yeah it dose
pfff, JSON
hey, you can use json with jquery. i figured you'd be fscking thrilled. :)
        foreach($fqlResult0 as $album_name)
          echo '<option>'.$album_name['name'].'</option>';
         echo "</select><br /><input type='button' id='album_select_click' />";
needs moar jQuery

var selected_index = $("#album_name").prop("selectedIndex");
now what :/?
yes, continue
how im going to get the varriable fqlResult0 in jquery?? because i need to display another Select depending on the selected option
ffs, leave it, thanks alot guys will try in the morning tomorrow :)
anyways, i made small game i need a lil bit of help in it too
I'm afraid your only hope is phpjs.hertzen.com
i think im just going to use Simply $_GET
@user1558223 have you tried learning javascript .. ya know , just to see how it goes
it can fix all my issues, but was trying to find better way
yeah i did learn JS
from where ?
im still taking curse at my unverisity :P
curse it is for sure
It's amazing how people can learn a framework without first learning the language
@user1558223 Epic typo is epic
^ there is a plugin for that
@Truth , is this your first day with php ? oh have you been visiting other planets for couple years ?
@ircmaxell Have you noticed the related questions section in this image? :D
best number is 42, as they say
@tereško No, it amazes me every single time
A: Am I using too much jQuery? When am I crossing the line?

Andy EYou're crossing the line if you're using jQuery to do things that can be done easily without jQuery. jQuery's purpose is to make life easier, but it shouldn't be at the expense of compatibility or usability. jQuery most certainly shouldn't be used as a replacement for CSS -- think of the users ...

Original question :D
come on people, he goes to college, he'll be a CS soon...
anybody knows CURL ??
@user1558223 , my recommendation : yuiblog.com/crockford lectures and eloquentjavascript.net/contents.html book
cURL is bad, jQuery is better
you can't post data with jquery
that's a lie
@tereško thanks
hmm really?
can you login to a website using jquery??
@Truth nope, it's been around a lot longer than that
@Truth I think I'm going to get banned if I post some more :D
@user1558223 , you can log in into a website using javascript
@webarto Put the tag in that question :D
@tereško using node.js?
jQuery is my favourite language
@user1558223 which part of "using javascript" was confusing ?
@webarto :D
no you can not post that simply with javascript.
Now to flag it so you get banned :D
can you create facebook post without using any facebook api using javascript :/?
what i mean is login to facebook and create comment...
@user1558223 You don't need to use jQuery for that though...
A: Can I use regular expressions to search for multiples of a number?

ircmaxellHere you go (In PHP's PCRE syntax): ^(0*|(1(01*?0)*?1|0)+?0{4})$ Usage: preg_match('/^(0*|(1(01*?0)*?1|0)+?0{4})$/', decbin($number)); Now, why it works: Well we know that 48 is really just 3 * 16. And 16 is just 2*2*2*2. So, any number divisible by 2^4 will have the 4 most bits in its b...

jQuery API was designed to work with JavaScript, not jQuery.
@Truth I have connectionz :D
@webarto I'll post "Not enough jQuery" and you post "you suck."
i don't get it, can you POST data with javascript/jQuery? post data to ANOTHER website....
@Truth trollus maximus :D
-1. Not enough jQuery. — Truth 8 secs ago
@user1558223 yes, but you need jQueryXDomain Plugin for that
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
    url = "get_data.php",
    params = "lorem=ipsum&name=binny";
xhr.open("POST", url, true);
@user1558223 , pure javascript POST
@webarto The fact that the question got 2 upvotes and a fav, and no downvotes amazes me.
That's on of my favorite woah, you can do that in regex answers...
@Truth needz 7 moar chars :D
"you suck" not enough
@Truth jQuery is the new JS :P
@webarto "-1. you suck! moar jQuery!"
even without -1 :D
haha what a saturday night :D
high five!
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
url = "get_data.php",
params = "lorem=ipsum&name=binny";
xhr.open("POST", url, true);
this code won't work if i enter url to facebook.com.....
that is because you are not using jQuery, it solves all problems...
@user1558223 I understand you're quite early in your curse, right?
nah we are at the end :P
In computing, the same origin policy is an important security concept for a number of browser-side programming languages, such as JavaScript. The policy permits scripts running on pages originating from the same site to access each other's methods and properties with no specific restrictions, but prevents access to most methods and properties across pages on different sites. This mechanism bears a particular significance for modern web applications that extensively depend on HTTP cookies to maintain authenticated user sessions, as servers act based on the HTTP cookie information to revea...
god bless our souls
yeppp origin policy
that's what im talking about
jquery has nothing to do with it
so at the end you can NOT Post to website that is has to origin policy accept your connection right?
are you really so stupid that you do not understand that jquery is written in javascript ?
using javascript i mean
you can use crossdomain.xml to policy accept connection
i have done it with crossdomain
but what im trying to say
is can you login to facebook using javascript
just a simple login to website that has no policy to accept connection...
maybe with jQuery, I don't think Javascript can do that
@user1558223 , please stop
you are either retarded or trolling
can you please give me simple javascript/jquery code that login to facebook page? and return return the result?
it can only return once, sorry
@tereško \s\XOR\OR
i mean once
in PHP CURL I can do this
@webarto , please , go read developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication and SHUT THE FUCK UP
$post = 'lsd='.$lsd.'&email=MYYYYEMAIL&pass=MUFBPASSSS&default_persistent=0&charset_test='.$charset_test.'&timezone=300&lgnrnd='.$lgnrnd.'&lgnjs='.$time.'&locale=en_US';
Yeah @webarto!
@tereško are you stupid? i said no facebook API!!!
@user1558223 Why the hell not?
i know how to do it in facebook api its simple :.
come on! someone give me the kodz!
enough .. i cannot take it anymore
@user1558223 "I want to stick a nail up my wall, but I know how to do it with a hammer, so how can I do it without one?"
ah, the peace and serenity of the ignore button.
@tereško you made me cry :'(
how about if you want to like some page from SCRIPT!?? you can't do that with facebok API
i did that with php curl, is it possible with javascript?
might be .. i was about to start throwing things
praise gods for "ignore user" option
@user1558223 You'll need to AJAX your server, your server will query facebook, and return the response to the client.
@tereško You've told @webarto to read the manual and shut the fuck up.
I think it's time to roll out this classic ...
May 11 at 19:39, by gosto
i thought i can find answer here quickly , but its the opposite , only advices
@webarto , sorry
i missed the link
@rdlowrey priceless :D
I logged into Facebook with PHP before it was cool :D
and what a noob was I :D
@webarto The color! my EYES! (ノ゜-゜)ノ ︵ ┬──┬
@Truth ;D
until I got banned that is :)
@webarto Now he'll ask "Do you have that in copy/paste version?"
can you please send me the full code?
that's what im really loooking for
yes passwords included!
BANG! He shoots he scores :D
Okay, this should not be this hard.
32 secs ago, by user1558223
can you please send me the full code?
ohhhh this is php ><
i thought you did in jquery
i did too with php
All I want to do is preload a vfsstream with data and then assert that my class can parse it. I don't need to test an entire directory structure or permissions or any of that crap. Just if I can read from a stream
The first time I hit the ignore button.
Maybe I need to ditch the PEAR vfsstream for the Github one... more likely I'm just doing it wrong
here is my password "iammthesystemadministratormyvoiceismypasswordverifyme" and they say it is weak :(
@GordonM really loved to help you, but don't know what you are talking about, for all things else, jQuery
@webarto try sha1()ing it.
@GordonM use jquery.
ok, now you are just trolling :P
Oh wait, there's an answer! reads
ah, too much whitespace Q
he went to c++ room to spam .. (saw the flags)
@Truth not sure if favorited because of trolling or sirius pokit.org/get/img/0e12ea1164be51dee813833b181108f4.png
@webarto One of them is mine, for future reference
The first one was there beforehand
@rdlowrey I might need to rethink my design then. I was planning on having a requestbody that could manipulate the body in a few different ways (parse it raw, write it to disk, attempt to parse it according to the Content-Type header, etc).
Here's the second user
makes sense :D
@GordonM well, you could still do that if you wanted. If you're adding functionality beyond simply wrapping a string then a data structure makes sense. The main thing I was saying is that you don't need to mock the php://input stream. Just create a test seam in the form of a method that detects the value of php://input and mock that method.
Besides, $this->detectRequestBody() is infinitely more readable (and semantically meaningful) than file_get_contents('php://input')
Mock detectRequestBody and you're all set.
It's getting late so maybe I'm misunderstanding, but do you mean that there needs to be a getter for the constant I defined for php://input? I did add getHandle() with the idea of mocking that to provide a handle to vfsstream instead of php://input
If you've got a getHandle method there's no need for vfsStream. After all, you can't do anything with the php://input handle anyway -- it's read only. There's no behavior you can mock on the resource stream, so you should use getBody (or something that indicates you're returning a string) and not getHandle
There's zero benefit to getting back the stream resource. Return its contents as a string instead.
I was thinking of cases where you're PUTting huge amounts of data. If you just read php://input into a string you could just hit the memory limit. Hence the RequestBody class
Also, there's no point in defining a constant to represent php://input as php provides an already open resource to php://input in the form of the STDIN constant.
Sigh, maybe I just overthink stuff. My way of compensating for the other PHP programmers I've ended up working with hardly thinking about things at all before they start coding.
Also, I ironically thought it would be a nice easy thing to practice using vfsstram on
@GordonM if you want to use vfsStream, just do git clone git://github.com/mikey179/vfsStream.git and register an autoloader for its classes like I said before. Don't fight with the PEAR install.
You probably are right of course, I'm just trying to find ways to learn all the testingstuff that I never get a chance to use at work because we need everything yesterday and tests are a waste of time.
Yeah, I've deleted my pear install and am pulling the github version.
Q: How do I convert a text file into a new text file based on a php array?

xtraorangeI have a text file that looks like: Line one Line two Line three I would like to convert it to: return array( 'Line one', 'Line two', 'Line three' ); And save it as a new file. I don't want to perform the same explode/preg_split over and over, that really doesn't make sense. I simpl...

I don't think the pear version's maintained anymore either, which doesn't help!
What do you guys understand from this question?
@GordonM Then I'd suggest making your life easy and make one very simple test case for a dummy class to get it working once before extrapolating to real testing :)
Like I said, I thought swapping php://input for a vfsstream would be easy :)
Also, is the case where you might want to write php://input to storage one I really need to worry about or am I just imagining use cases nobody's ever going to bother with?
Like I said, I over think.
Yes you do. Too much thinking hurts your brain.
And updating netbeans broke the file associations and now pHP files are opening in dreamweaver. Fffffffffffffffff
@Truth he wanted to split text into an array with \n, but he is an idiot at explaining...
@webarto That's not what I understand
I understand he wants to literally save return array(...) into a file.
he is an idiot...
on the end of the function he will do include 'file_with_return_array.txt', or even he doesn't know what he wants...,
@GordonM If you're accepting enormous request bodies you have other problems. That should be handled by the HTTP protocol for sending parts of data. You shouldn't be dealing with a request body so large you get a memory error in the first place ... it's the wrong way to solve the problem and should instead be handled by incremental HTTP requests. HTTP isn't FTP.
Re: the Content-Range header
Just model the request body as a string. Forget keeping it as a stream.
So no PUTting the blu-ray rip of the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy?
Q: Auto respond message when someone checks in at your businesses location

Jenna DaviesCan you set up an auto responder message for when someone checks in at your businesses location? So for example if someone checks in at a hospital, can you sent up an auto response to say check out our Facebook page?

not sure if troll or retarded
@webarto, please refrain from creating joke tags. — Charles 1 min ago
@Truth you traitor!
hey everyone
I sat down to do some real work and all I've done is SO.
Well at least I managed to prove my autoloader can handle autoloading for third party libs. :) Got that set up to autoload the vfsstream.
@Truth no no, someone snitched me for creating a "joke" tag, see link stackoverflow.com/questions/4908552/…
got a quick q about xml parsing
@rdlowrey If there's no meme for that there should be
@webarto lol
@GordonM hehe probably so
im grabbing something from an XML file and want to print it into json, running into un problema
@webarto I didn't snitch, not sure how he saw it... probably via the new tags tool
let me get this pastebin'd
@Truth why would you heh, probably
Yeah, from there :D
looks good :D
if you check that out you'll see doing echo $link just gives the link how i want, but putting the $link object into a json object gives it a bunch of extra crap i dont want
yay, ke$sha fan, me too!
@webarto <_< it was just a random one i got from lastfm's sample page
Yeah, the hell with this. Will just return file_get_contents the input stream.
@JMRboosties That's because you get an object
I'd have dearly loved to figure out how to make vfsstream actually work in this case though. :/
With a __toString() to return only the content :)
Use var_dump() for debugging next time.
a bit new to php, does echo post the toString() equivalent of an object?
@JMRboosties if the object has a __toString() method, yes.
ah, makes sense
What @rdlowrey said
@PeeHaa I win!
object(SimpleXMLElement)#3 (1) {
  string(5) "Ke$ha"
object(SimpleXMLElement)#4 (2) {
  array(1) {
    string(4) "mega"
  string(58) "http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/54948421/Keha+KPNG.png"
whats the uh
@rdlowrey I'll get you next time Gadget!!! :D
That's the output I get when using var_dump();
connector if you will between an object and toString? i'd think it is -> but eclipse is yelling at me when i do this
like in java its obj.toString();
$json['image'] = (string) $link;
my work here is done
@webarto oh just cast it
@JMRboosties You should be careful with that

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