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php.net/manual/en/control-structures.break.php#109050 is this because he turns off error reporting and can't see fatal error? Cause when i read this i tried(i tought it will behave like exit) but i get a fatal error.
Oh @NikiC: are you there?
An angel cries in heaven every time someone responds to a question in this manner:
Why do you reinevent the wheel? Use Something like Doctrine2 or an other ORM. — Stony Jul 17 at 14:11
i should do something that is actually a bit useful
Time to rewrite an OLD blog post of mine...
good evening, everyone :)
@ircmaxell which one ?
11 mins ago, by rdlowrey
Why do you reinevent the wheel? Use Something like Doctrine2 or an other ORM. — Stony Jul 17 at 14:11
@rdlowrey nice sentence :)
it would be nice if php "wheels" where even remotely round-ish
also , in regards of that comment : it would be nice if people stopped pushing their favorite square wheels on people who are not trying to make a wheel in the first place
@tereško You feel like answering a CSS question I have? :P I am too stupid for this ;)
i can take a look, but it has been 2 years since is considered myself a "css professional"
I don't think I need a professional. Considering the following html:
There can be an unlimited number of nested comment boxes (the textareas)
How can I make sure the textarea always is as large as the li it is in?
horizontally or vertically ?
i mean , getting it as high as LI will be kinda hard
horizontally (so that the textarea always stay within the green part)
As a last resort I can set the width of all the levels, but I get the feeling that's the stupid way out :)
I cannot use 100% width, because of the margin-left it has
@ircmaxell Yup
@NikiC Are you going to write an RFC about that random string function?
@tereško ha wrap that shit. Thanks!
@ircmaxell The interesting question would be where the randomness comes from
But yeah, I can write one if you want
Though needs a patch first ^^
you can extract and generalize the password_make_salt() function
@PeeHaa , you have to keep in mind that when you are setting 100% width on the textarea , the borders will force it to be larger then 100%
@NikiC same place it comes from with password_make_salt(), except I'd add a flag to make it crypto-safe
@tereško In my real application I've removed all borders, but thanks for the headsup
oh , and the LI will most likely need overflow: hidden; to contain the floated avatar
i am assuming that you know how overflow-hidden reacts on floats that it contains
ofc :)
there is no "ofc" since most of people still use some from of clearfix
@tereško I am an advocate of the overflow "hack" here on SO. :D
HI! Has anyone here used the Facebook Real Time Updates API? :)
anyone know any common issues with css @import ?
first post written
I am trying the following
@user1535882 , yes , it should not be used
@import url('C:/Xmpp/htdocs/html/mainpage.css');
But i wont get any response at all, i made sure that it was the first thing written in the page
But still nothing.
in IE7 (and most likely 8 too ) the @import resources are being fetched LAST
as in "after everything else" .. that includes images and flash files
also , you are supposed to have as few CSS files as possible, to speed up load time
Ok. But why am i not getting any response at all?
I am running on Chrome as well
tried ie also
@user1535882 , have you tried learning ?
it sometimes helps
have you tried teaching?
im just saying, its a forum you ask and want something in return
are you aware that other people cannot see your source ? or your filesystem ?
@ircmaxell What blog posts do you have lined up?
Yes so you wanna take a look?
"does not work" is not an error message
I d appreaciate it
the next one is a rehash of an old one I wrote on another blog of mine, about "Don't Reinvent The Wheel"
I'm working on one for the Shield framework, about fixing the cryptographic mistakes in it
and I'm still adding some more to the one on Classes and Objects in internals
from what i saw of that "shield" framework, i was not sure whether it was a joke or not
@tereško u know any common problems in chrome? Cause the response is the same in both browsers for me - Nothing at all
@ircmaxell btw, your changes there reminded me
of that one doc bug...
yeah, I remember that...
what's the status of that?
Because there seems to be some correlation :D
I'll handle that shortly
@tereško my immediate impression of github.com/enygma/shieldframework is ... enforced security is great. Eager-loading the entire application with closures for every single resource in a monolithic "god object" is a retarded ripoff of the Slim microframework (which suffers from the same problem)
@rdlowrey can you explain me this part ? github.com/enygma/shieldframework/blob/master/Shield/… .. keeping in minda that magic quotes were deprecated in 5.3 and removed in 5.4
@tereško Oops, when I said "Slim" I meant, "Silex", but they apparently both do that dumb "closure resource controller" trick, so it worked out. With all these frameworks I can't keep 'em straight.
@tereško yeah, kinda pointless.
also lines like $sess = $this->_di->get('Input')->getAll('session');
I didn't dig that deep. The readme file was all I needed to see to move on :)
php frameworks seem to have serious architecture problems ...
@rdlowrey How so?
i honestly hope you are trolling
For example ...
$app = new Silex\Application();

$app->get('/hello/{name}', function($name) use($app) {
    return 'Hello '.$app->escape($name);

@tereško Why? I'm honestly interested in learning more about what frameworks do wrong. I don't necessarily know every PHP framework like the back of my hand.
@rdlowrey Yea...
And unfortunately, almost every "micro-framework" I see written in PHP does this same thing. It's all so copy-cat.
Yea, I see a ton of "god objects"
The problem is that good architecture is hard ...
well .. all you need to know about Shield is here : github.com/enygma/shieldframework/blob/master/Shield/Shield.php
nevermind. I guess you could use error constants as a map, but still you should use the actual php constants and not integer keys ...
what did you delete ?
@tereško I originally lol'd at the private $_errorConstants in line 25
maybe someone should tell him that php already has those constants in the form of E_ERROR, E_WARNING, etc ...
naah .. the values there are not used as constants. There are for pretty error messages in the handler
i'm so happy! i did it :P
sup guys
@rdlowrey Just looking through your stuff now, seeing how to apply it to my question.
@ircmaxell that's awesome!
and working it up into a blog post
@rdlowrey stackoverflow.com/questions/11700397/… is what I'm trying to do. Obviously it's epicly wrong, because it just causes phpunit to hang. Just trying to figure out how to make it work first. Once that's sorted I'll worry about the dependency resolution :)
Oh, what did you guys think of the opening, by the way?
Hi :)
I'm stuck with a problem using preg_split
I want to split a text in words
I used a modified version of this answer (with more separators)
however, with some characters, it doesn't work well
example: my text is "Quel préfixe d'origine grecque signifie au-dessous, en deçà ?"
I get the following output:
[0] => Quel
[1] => préfixe
[2] => d
[3] => origine
[4] => grecque
[5] => signifie
[6] => au-dessous
[7] => en
[8] => deç�
The last word is wrong, it should be "deçà" instead
So far, I noticed this problem on some words containing "à"
No problems with other words or characters
$separators = array(' ', "'", '"', ',', ';', '\.', ':', '\?', '\!', '(', ')', '[', ']', '_', '{', '}', '\+', '\/', '*', '<', '>', '@', '#', '\|', '&', '%', '\$', '=', '°', '…', '€', '£', '²', '\^', '~', '’');
$exp = implode('|', $separators);
$tmp = preg_split("/((^\p{P}+)|(\p{P}*\s+\p{P}*)|(\p{P}+$)|$exp)/", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
If someone has an idea what could be wrong, let me know. Thank you
@rdlowrey silex only takes care of the controller layer. how you structure your application code is your own choice. if you put it all into the controller, then you're going to have a bad time. with any framework, actually.
how to match digits between 1-13 with regex.?
including 1 && 13
@BasicBridge /([1-9]|[1][0-3])/
@ircmaxell You called wordpress a framework :(
@BasicBridge Though you should try to convert them to numbers and use < and >.
not at all
just proof that "open source" !== "good code"
"Usually it's because they were in the right place at the right time (Ruby on Rails), or took a different angle on the problem as a whole (Wordpress)."
Oh...misinterpreted what that line was about
Every time I tell someone that Wordpress is poorly coded I get a very blank or insulting look back
@Truth this is good but also matching 123
I only do when I say that to fanbois
It really could use a complete re-write, but that would break all the poorly coded plugins.
@BasicBridge try /\b([1-9]|[1][0-3])\b/
@Lusitanian I say break them.
@Truth The thing is that it's such a widely used platform that so many sites would benefit
The thing is, Wordpress, much like PHP, is a CMS aimed at not developers.
@Truth Great stuff.
It has an incredibly short installation, and you can get it up and running in no time
even tempering with the templates is rather easy
@Jocelyn I get compilation failed, nothing to repeat at bla bla bla
However, that comes at a cost that everything aside what is meant to be changes (And sometimes that too) looks like s**t.
Hey man, don't say anything bad about WP, you can just copy paste code from wherever and it works... sort of...
what the hell is laravel
@webarto That line pretty much sums WP up.
I was just kidding you know... but really, you can C/P misc code, because there are no rules whatsoever... which means it is spaghetti code extraordinaire...
Other CMSs like MW however, can't use that excuse.
They just suck :(
anyone remember phpnuke?
@Lusitanian I think it's like Fule PHP
@Truth , what does the MW stand for ?
@Lusitanian some hipster new framework I gues...
@tereško MediaWiki
its for "web artisans"
phpnuke - the premium CounterStrike portal engine
laravel should be called "The PHP framework based entirely on static functions"
looking through this
gist: MediaWiki zalgo, 2012-07-28 18:51:16Z
@Lusitanian what about Fuel
chat doesn't support cthulhu.
@BasicBridge Fuel is awful
Laravel's ORM requires you to extend a base class
fuel is codeigniter with namespaces
Thus it's already doing it wrong
ActiveRecord breaks everything.
how much it is important to learn all these.
and the entire project relies on magic methods
@BasicBridge There are precious few frameworks worth learning, but you should learn PHP and development before touching a framework anyway.
I'm really getting sick of word framework... it's like facebook...
@Lusitanian that's what i'm doing. But thinking to learn some framework so which is best to learn.
That's a poison pill of a question
I'm writing an application that needs websockets...trying to decide between ruby and node
@BasicBridge , do you understand OOP ? can you explain LoD in your own words ? Or SRP ?
At least spell out the acronyms: Law of demeter/single responsibility principle
@tereško no
of he does not know what the acronyms stand for , then the answer to first question is "no"
@BasicBridge , then learn proper OOP
you should not touch any frameworks before that
Meh...sometimes I stare at an acronym for a while blankly trying to figure out what it stands for
Searching... Please wait...
@tereško I don't even know what LoD or SRP stand for :D
me neither
:D <<-- happy idiot face
we suck
11 mins ago, by Lusitanian
At least spell out the acronyms: Law of demeter/single responsibility principle
here is a potato
i failed to see the connection there
also, real potatoes dont look like that
@tereško :D
that is not a potato
i don't know what it is
but it's not a potato
@tereško Where did you learn OOP?
University or something? Or normally by yourself?
university taught the basics : how to write class (in c++ and java)
long time no gif
press ESC, make it stop, or ALT + F4, I'm sirius about ESC though
@Truth , mostly one learns OOP by read some good books , watching lectures and writing a LOT of code
@tereško Have some good books to recommend?
I don't say I'm bad at OOP, but I'm not at your level, and would like to improve myself with patterns and whatnot :)
@webarto . not everyone is running spyware as browser
@Truth , i kinda like Design Patterns Explained. It was a bit similar to "SQL Antipatterns" book in the way how it structured the chapters and then of course PoEAA book
i have never really read the gang of four book though .. it might be useful , but it was way too impenetrable for me
@Truth Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (P of EAA).
@webarto I know THAT one, thanks :D
@webarto , thing with PoEAA book is this : you need to have some background
@tereško I do have the background
yes, my brain is too stupid for that now... maybe in a few years...
I am strongly familiar with OOP, I know what classes are, what they are not, some patterns, DI, LoD, etc.
who isn't :P
@Truth , i will assume that you have seen the "clean code talks" already . While they are mostly focused on unittesting , it contains really gud materials on how to write good OOP code
@tereško I have, I've learned more in 2 hours than I have in 3 years with those lectures
yeah .. i had similar experience
you could watch vimeo.com/13439458 and vimeo.com/13702091 too
I didn't watched because it is not HD and I can see the pixels on my awesome retina display...
its from time when UncleBob had not turned into Rails troll yet
@webarto , you're joking , right
@igorw That has nothing to do with my point. Loading your entire application in closures is the ultimate in poor application design, but once Almighty Fabien did it all the sheep decided it was awesome.
@tereško common excuse of macfag wordpress hacker/rockstar
It doesn't matter that you only need one of those closures to handle a request for a given resource. CLOSURES! ALL OF THE THINGS! ... Lambdas are a very powerful tool, but that usage is just plain doing it wrong.
lol nice edit
time flies when you have a list of unfinished task... and they say time flies when you're having fun...
Addendum to my earlier statements: Just because it works and is easy to implement for someone who doesn't know what they're doing doesn't make it a good solution.
@rdlowrey so when you use methods instead of lambdas, everything changes?
@igorw I'm saying that you need one of those functional units to display a resource. But you're loading all the functionality for your entire application on every request. Want to see the /widgets resource? Well, let me just load up all the closures for every other resource on the site while I'm at it ... then I'll serve up your request.
Makes no sense.
@tereško you mean he doesn't like Rails or does?
he thinks that Rails is the end-all-be-all framework
@rdlowrey thanks for clarifying. honestly I don't think the overhead is too huge. especially when using a bytecode cache. after all, it's pretty much just parsing the code of the controllers. none of it has to be executed.
but it's a valid point
@igorw You're right -- it will work just fine for a small application. Not a big deal. It's just that from an architectural standpoint it's ill-conceived.
@rdlowrey have you tried/trying Dart?
@webarto I've been reading a lot of the language documentation lately but haven't written any actual code. It does a lot of things to make the developers' job easier.
@rdlowrey well, use the right tool for the job. but it's worth noting that you can use methods if you want to.
The main benefit is that it affords the opportunity to use the same language on both client and server side.
Hallo folks.
I have read, but not a lot... that is what wanted to ask... @rdlowrey but not a huge fan of JS (if it is JS like)
@webarto well it's in C style ... which is nice because I hate prototypal inheritance.
@rdlowrey cool, I wanted to learn basics of some other (mainstream) language, Python or Ruby or... but just basics, because I still don't have complete picture of PHP...
@webarto I don't think PHP has a complete picture of PHP.
heh, it never will... which is kind of cool... you can do whatever you want, just like in WP :P
@igorw Define "use methods if you want to" ... I'm looking at the Silex documentation and I see nothing to indicate that you don't have to define closures as your controllers. Perhaps a controller can be any valid php callable? In which case you're suggesting static class method strings or global function names as controllers? This would avoid loading all resources on every request but introduces an even worse problem: complete disregard for OOP practices. Poor architecture either way.
:P I'd recommend Ruby, it seems very pretty.
@Bracketworks I'm praying for PHP++ :P Yes, and money is good too :P
@webarto Haha, I was going to make reference of that :P
PHP++ has a nice ring too.
Though C++ raids will probably become more frequent.
@rdlowrey yeah, the feature is not very prominent. It's mentioned at: "There is also an alternate way for defining controllers using a class method. The syntax for that is ClassName::methodName." This only creates the object on demand.
@rdlowrey I faced a similar problem with my toy framework, using closures as handlers for URI segments. Solution: late-loading the subsequent handlers only on successful call of a given handler.
I just force end-users to load subsequent handlers from the current handler's body.

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