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2 hours later…
hmmm... I feel like I should implement a php.net/random like wikipedia does
You know... in case someone feels like using a random function/class for the $hits and g1ggles.
2 hours later…
and on Fridays it "randomly" goes to rebecca
That would be cruel
Good morning
Morning all
anyone able to assist with a WordPress related question?
yo sup guys
@deSousa what's up
I have two tables which have relationship, can I put foreach loop inside another foreach loop the - each loop for different table
Two dinner tables?
Sounds like a terrible idea. Learn how to use JOIN instead.
Struggling with this question here:
Q: How can I hyperlink calendar days that have post

deSousaI have a class that is used to display a calendar. What I now want is the following: As the week days are shown, I want to hyperlink all the days that have post under category events. I was thinking of adding the loop inside the function that prints the days like this: function getWeekDays() {...

@taco dinner?
@PHPFan No, thanks. I already ate
I hope it was delicious
@Sherif Nice join might be the solutioin
JOIN is the solution.
@deSousa you might do better if you could post the for loop using a dummy array so people can debug your code. It's making me go cross eyed
@taco should I rather post the entire snippet I use to create the calendar widget?
No, I don't have time. I was saying make your question more generic
The question doesn't necessarily have to be more generic, but if you want to improve your odds of getting an answer it would help to focus more specifically on the thing you're actually stuck trying to solve.
From this I can't tell if the part you need help with is the calendar itself or the query you're using to generate the desired result, for example.
If I had to guess, you're probably stuck on both because you haven't broken down the problem enough into smaller and more manageable pieces.
@Sherif understood.
I edited my question anyway and will try to see if I edit again for something more generic as @taco suggested
@Sherif the calendar is displayed. Problem is to get the days hyperlinked if they have posts
@deSousa Well, the simplest approach is to first generate an array of dates that have posts. So write a query that finds all posts and selects them by UNIQUE date.
That should give you an array of dates to match against your calendar.
if (in_array($date, $calendarDate)) /* it's got posts ... */
that sounds like a good start
I'd post an answer for you, but I don't know squat about WordPress and I have no idea how your schema works. All this is doable with a single SQL query though.
if (is_real($crazy)) do { sanity(CHECK); } while($this->is->still->insane);
using sql might be the only way resolve this.
I have a few ideas from your suggestion.

If I var dump var_dump($this->currentMonthStart); it gets me the initial month.
(ie: 2019-08-01).
So maybe from a sql query can be ran to find all the posts in that particular month and get the post_date
just hardcode a few things for the question, so people can copy/paste it
@deSousa Right, you just care to know if any posts exist on a specific day, so the easiest way to do that is to SELECT UNIQUE(Date) ...
or DISTINCT or whatever it is in mysql
@Sherif the table that hold the posts is called "wp_posts" and in that table there is "post_date" which of type datetime
Cool so then SELECT DISTINCT post_date From wp_posts WHERE post_date BETWEEN ? AND ? should work
@taco not. following. What would you advice me to hardcode?
and maybe try wordpress.stackexchange.com instead
@taco mmm...unfortunately no
@taco tried already. have been after this since Monday/Tuesday :(
Well, it's telling you how to do it the "WP way".
`class calendarWidget{
private $weekDayName = array ("MON","TUE","WED","THU","FRI","SAT","SUN");
private $currentDay = 0;
private $currentMonth = 0;
private $currentYear = 0;
private $currentMonthStart = null;
private $currentMonthDaysLength = null;

function __construct() {

$this->currentYear = HARDCODE_ME;
something anybody could drop in a php file without a mysql db
or wp
if it's something that could possibly be fixed by reading wp docs, i'd take the time to post it to WP SE
Struggling to find a job still. Might just start a business
oh nice. delta hit me up
@taco Well, if you're actually looking for a job writing code, I'd strongly suggest you drop the habit of hard coding anything.
It's poor form and only serves to get you in trouble.
ha, i meant for his so example
so people could duplicate
I see no reason why hard coding the year will help him in any way.
I mean, providing a reproducible example should include the inputs needed to get the code working, sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean hard coding things.
Hardcoding the year wont help because I see othing when I var_dump such
private $currentMonthStart = "2019-07-01";
@deSousa Again, start by solving one problem at a time, rather than trying to solve 20 problems at once. Start with finding a way to generate an array of dates where posts exist.
@Sherif the select disctinct wont work. Need to try a select like to then just grab the year and month.
I meant hardcode the whole class and mock the data, not in production @Sherif
If you can that far, the rest is easy.
See you guys are wasting time. So I'll just leave you to it.
@deSousa Sure it will. Why won't it work?
because the variable I have is a date, and the post_date from the database if of "datetime"...like timestamp
But because I can get the initial monthstart, maybe I can remove the day and the dash and then run a quer
You can reformat the DateTime to a Date
@deSousa Trust me, focus on solving the first problem first :)
All right . What shall I do first?
4 mins ago, by Sherif
@deSousa Again, start by solving one problem at a time, rather than trying to solve 20 problems at once. Start with finding a way to generate an array of dates where posts exist.
@deSousa SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(post_date, "%Y-%m-%d") AS date FROM wp_posts WHERE date BETWEEN ? AND ?
The result set of which will be an array of dates you can check inside your loop like: if (in_array($dates, $currentCalendarDate)) /* BINGO */
@Sherif ok. and what goes in the place of the question marks ?
The first and last day of the month you're looking for.
example: "2019-07-01" AND "2019-07-31"
this will be complicated. Because I wont have how to get the dates that way.
I only have access to the initialMonthStart(2019-07-01)
Is there a way we can use the initialMonthStart?
Cause with that, maybe the "-01" can be remove, and the remaining data be put inside a sql search query
Sure you do.
@deSousa If you wanted to do the same in SQL it'd be something like DATE(DATE_ADD("2019-07-01", INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
Bleh @ DNS maintenance
@taco Thank God for Route 53 :)
Makes DNS maintenance easier.
@deSousa No, that's not even remotely close to the query I gave you.
You really oughta sharpen your SQL skills a bit more.
I personally liked Cloudflare before since it has the CDN layer and DDoS stuff. Is route 53 plain DNS
@taco Yes
Cloudflare is definitely a good idea
Can always rely on their cache if stuff goes down
yeah, I'm studying aws for an arch role, but have held off for now. I supported EC2, RDS, S3, IAM and a few other things, but not route53
For Turner Broadcasting. But more in an operational role
"arch role"?
I'm working on a few personal sites. 53 would be overkill
Since when did SRE become "arch"?
architect role. I have 24 years IT
It didn't
@taco I think you have that backwards. Route 53 would be the simpler and saner solution to managing a few personal sites.
@Sherif you seem really opinionated
I call it "experienced"
So to answer your question, Since when did SRE become "arch"... what are you talking about? I never mentioned SRE
anyways, it's cool. I wasn't in SRE
You mentioned managing IaaS, which typically falls under the realm of SRE, not architecture.
@Sherif ^Bad conclusion
@Sherif Another bad conclusion
Is it? When I hear architecture I assume you're talking about software architecture, which is a subset of software design discipline.
shrugs at you who cares
Seems like a fairly sound deduction to me.
Just chalk it up to a text chat. I'm sure we'd be on the same page in person
Why's that?
I see no evidence to support your theory thus far.
@Sherif LOL. None of this would have been if I had started a career as a PHP/JAVA dev immediate after finishing my academic qualification. But I look forward to an improvement
@deSousa What do you do?
@deSousa I'm not sure that's the reason given that in both PHP and Java you typically interact with a database on a regular basis (especially PHP). A career in either of those languages would normally offer you more opportunities to practice your SQL skills, not less.
@deSousa If you want a good book on the subject, I personally recommend SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code by C. J. Date
@Sherif whilst I was studying I knew the very basics of sql...but then started working as a front-end dev. The WordPress work wasnt beyond the basic. So I never got to explore things
PhP, a bit, but SQL, am closed to nothing
@deSousa Well, today's problem has presented you with an excellent opportunity to learn :) take advantage
That's why even for Laravl I would get stuck the minute I have to use raw queries
@Sherif 100%
@deSousa And each time you get stuck, that's another opportunity to start learning what you don't already know
That's how we learn
@Sherif I sign for that :)
We run into a new and unfamiliar problem in practice, we stop to read some documentation, and then we go back to writing some code and testing stuff out (rinse and repeat)
morning guys
BTW, the learning part never stops in this field. I've been doing this for nearly 20 years and I still learn something new every day.
@Sherif Agreed. But having some foundation is important and helpful especially for times like this when you get stuck
SO..I got a part of the query to work :) , and hope am in a better position to be helped
To paraphrase Doyle Brunson "We don't stop learning because we grow old. We grow old because we stop learning."
global $wpdb;

$this->searchDate= preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', $this->currentMonthStart);

$query = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_date` LIKE "%' . $this->searchDate . '%"');

From here, I want to have an array with post dates only
how would I accomplish that?
@deSousa much better
@deSousa By using the query I gave you earlier and this mess you just created ;)
by nowecho gettype($query); gives me an array and the post dates are included in the array
@taco $this->searchDate= preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', "2019-07-01")
still busy. I'll be free in 30
anyone got some time for a code review / upgrade ? kinda stuck on how to handle the upgrade
@deSousa I think wp_query has this functionality? developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/have_posts
@taco to use that I first and array of dates. That array will be used in the args array and then I'd be good to use wp_query
So, what I want now is to be able to grab the post dates only and put in an array
o, cool
so I have this:

$query = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_date` LIKE "%' . $this->searchDate . '%"');

How can I get the post_date only?
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name;
SELECT post_date....
All right
$posts = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT post_date FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date LIKE "%' . $this->searchDate . '%"');
that gives me an array of object
array(6) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#697 (1) { ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2019-07-01 13:19:49" } [1]=> object(stdClass)#696 (1) { ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2019-07-01 13:19:49" } [2]=> object(stdClass)#708 (1) { ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2019-07-12 12:52:41" } [3]=> object(stdClass)#710 (1) { ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2019-07-01 13:19:49" } [4]=> object(stdClass)#711 (1) { ["post_date"]=> string(19) "2019-07-15 11:36:11" } [5]=> object(stdClass)#712 (1) { ..
@deSousa I have no idea why you insist on making this so complicated when it's rather simple: 3v4l.org/Ecm4j
That will give you exactly what you're looking for.
What you're doing is horribly inefficient, and only further complicates your requirements.
He's not making it complicated. He's learning
Doesn't seem to have learned much of anything so far.
It's an array of stdClass objects
speculate to meditate on or ponder a subject : reflect
$this->post_date is how you access them
In this instance you are accessing the values with the post_date keys. You have a lot to learn, man. On top of that, it's in Wordpress abstraction layer, which literally adds another layer to your learning
@deSousa: Look my friend, see how simple this is sqlfiddle.com/#!9/a8767e/1
Notice you only get back a set of rows with the dates already formatted the way you expect them, and no duplicates.
This makes your job inside the loop so much simpler since all you have to do is simply check in_array($dates, $currentDate) to know if you need to link that date.
@Sherif When I change my query to inner join I get the first name (result) repeated
What the heck does inner join have anything to do with this?
My query was $sql = ' select * from projects';
now its $sql = 'SELECT p.project_name_english,l.location_name_english from projects p inner join locations l ON
l.project_id = p.id';
@PHPFan I have no idea what you're talking about right now. Notice my comments were directed to @deSousa. You seem to be having an entirely separate conversation on your own.
I will hae to test one answer at the time @Sherif
I tried what was suggested here: 3v4l.org/Ecm4j
@deSousa And?
So currently my code looks like this:
$currentDateFromCalendar = "2019-07-01";
$lastDate = "2019-07-31";
$firstDay = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("First day of {$currentDateFromCalendar}"));
$lastDay = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("Last day of {$lastDate}"));

echo $lastDay;

$sql = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(post_date, \"%Y-%m-%d\") AS post_date FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date BETWEEN $firstDay AND $lastDay');

@Sherif Did you remember your advise about join?
it gives me an empty array on the sql dump
@deSousa Then you have no posts on that month, most likely.
not possible @Sherif. Note from my previous code

$this->searchDate = preg_replace('/\W\w+\s*(\W*)$/', '$1', "2019-07-01");
$posts = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT `post_date` FROM `wp_posts` WHERE `post_date` LIKE "%' . $this->searchDate . '%"');

It gives me something
I open my phpmyadmin and see posts on the first of this month
@deSousa Well, you obviously forgot to quote the dates in that query. BETWEEN "$firstDay" AND "$lastDay"
You need to put those dates in quotes.
They're strings.
You should have gotten an SQL error otherwise.
@deSousa Also, you're using single quotes in that string (which offer no interpolation in PHP).
Clearly you have some basic debugging to do here.
@deSousa You should (read the manual)[https://www.php.net/language.types.string#language.types.string.syntax.single] about the differences between single quotes and double quotes in PHP.

Note: Unlike the double-quoted and heredoc syntaxes, variables and escape sequences for special characters will not be expanded when they occur in single quoted strings.
$sql = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(post_date, \"%Y-%m-%d\") AS post_date FROM wp_posts WHERE post_date BETWEEN "'. $firstDay . '" AND "'. $lastDay .'"');
boy I messed that up
This query works fine
$sql = 'SELECT * from projects';
$statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
$projects = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
foreach($projects  as $p)
echo $p->project_name_english;
when I change the query to inner join
$sql = 'SELECT p.project_name_english,l.location_name_english from projects p inner join locations l ON
l.project_id = p.id';
@deSousa Again, single quotes in PHP don't expand variables: So echo '$foo' will literally give you $foo and not the value of $foo
@deSousa Did you notice how in the example I gave you I specifically used double quotes to expand on those variables?
I get the name of the first project only repeatly
@Sherif Any idea?
@deSousa This would be a good time to read the manual and brush up on your PHP skills :)
Note: Unlike the double-quoted and heredoc syntaxes, variables and escape sequences for special characters will not be expanded when they occur in single quoted strings.
@deSousa: Notice the difference 3v4l.org/O32Vi
sup Jimbo
How Can I convert projects variable to an array
$sql = 'SELECT * from projects';
$statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
$projects = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
like this
$projects = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); ?
This code prints the first item only
$projects = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 foreach ($projects as $p) {
 echo $p['project_name_english'];
Maybe there's only one item in that array? var_dump($projects); and find out
hmmm there is only one associated item with table 2
@PHPFan Are you sure an INNER JOIN is what you want? It almost never is.
In case you want a quick reference to the various JOINs blog.codinghorror.com/a-visual-explanation-of-sql-joins with visualizations (it helps)
@Sherif User is not in sudoers file. This indicent will be reported.
or sudo make -j16 coffee
No coffee for you.
@bwoebi Damn it. Did you remove my user again?
I shall return a 418 HTTP response code from now on
looking for phalcon help
BREW kafo:/pot-0 HTCPCP/1.0
Content-Type: message/coffeepot
Accept-Additions: Whisky;32777,Rum;-1
Hi! I need some help with pretty urls. I'm using FastRoute for my webapp as the routing system and I want to implement pretty urls for my search form. I've searched the best way to accomplish this here on SO, but every test will fail. I've configured the route for the search form when submitted to /search with the GET method inside FastRoute configuration code, but in my `.htaccess` I don't know how to set the rewrite rules.
For now I've this set of rules, and I got an ugly url like this if a search is made
(see full text)
This is my actual .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options All -Indexes
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} event=([a-z0-9]+)

RewriteRule ^/search /search/%1? [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/search/(.*) /search?event=$1 [L]

#RewriteRule ^ index.php [L,QSA]

RewriteRule ^(.+)/?$ /index/$1 [L,QSA]
the form action is set on the route I've configured that is /search
I was thinking that maybe I need to add another route to make it work?
@LucasBustamante Yes, use function specific naming instead of random strings or enums.
Got a question, saw a merge into 7.4.0alpha3 with a forking ability in build CLI Http Server, is it going to be suitable for prod use someday?
@NikiC Is this paper complete or are they just select pages?
@brzuchal I sincerely doubt it. It was never designed for production use.
@Sherif looks complete
@NikiC hmm, why does it start at page 65 then?
@JoeWatkins ^-- First person wants to use the new fork functionality in production :P
@NikiC haha, I was looking for that remark by Joe as well :D Still can't find it tho
What? I already use it in production
@Sherif Part of conference proceedings, the rest won't have anything to do with php
This web server was designed to aid application development. It may also be useful for testing purposes or for application demonstrations that are run in controlled environments. It is not intended to be a full-featured web server. It should not be used on a public network.
@NikiC I see
@brzuchal i.e. you have a lot more considerations in production than whether or not the server is single threaded
Yeah, I know all of that warnings etc. It's just things would be a lot easier if it would be possible to expose HTTP server directly from PHP without a need of Nginx or any other Http server to serve a simple API without a need to serve static files.
@NikiC I assumed it won't be.
it would also be easier if PHP was a database-server. I think there's nothing wrong with specialisation - php is a good application-server - not a webserver
Dealing with separate containers for HTTP and FastCGI is annoying.
then put them in 1 container?
@Sjon did you even think about that?! shame on you!
Did you?
PHP is not out to solve your infrastructure problems. You're always going to have a ton of those and there are far far far more superior tools out there to deal with those problems.
PHP is trying to solve your application development problems.
Stick to what you're good at... to paraphrase Joel Spolsky
@Sjon I don't see anything wrong with PHP able to serve HTTP, it already can using amphp/http-server for eg. or React one - I haven't considered them for working with Symfony app, but would like to serve such API without a need to setup HTTP with FastCGI
amphp/http-server is an http-server build on top of an application server. I don't mind people doing that - but I strongly doubt it will have the same performance as a specialised webserver (esp for static files, rate-limiting, etc)
Consider a simple but highly scalable API app written in PHP - it needs to run PHP-FPM + Nginx (to deal with FastCGI) + Traefik (cause it can deal only with HTTP and they don't wanna implement FastCGI) that's quite much
@brzuchal no, it's for integrated testing of OPcache, and other shared PHP stuff.
Anyone can help me?
@brzuchal I think what you fail to take into consideration is that tools like NGINX are designed to solve an entirely different set of problems that PHP doesn't solve. Things like efficiently serving static content, load balancing, etc...
You seem to be focused on a very specific problem, which is fine.
But not everyone has the same specific problem.
@brzuchal I actually maintain a few highly-scalable API's written in PHP. Using nginx in front of fpm is vastly superior to amphp's webserver. I've never used Traefik
Which is why PHP is not a good "general solution" for HTTP
It's a specific one
apollo 11 source code is open now github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11
@Oshione I think you're learning why people prefer nginx over apache. But also, if you're using FastRoute, why are you re-writing so much stuff? Just do more pattern matching with fastroute maybe?
@NikiC imposibru, it's a secret
@Wes Finally!
I've been dying to take a look at 51 year old code.
and I had everything ready for my own moon mission, but was just missing the code ...
@brzuchal If that's a problem, just put them both in the same container? Maybe either with gist.github.com/Danack/3178784ca9b1f9c54e69f417f10d6080 or something better.
@Danack So i can avoid to use mod_rewrite right? I'm using apache on my dev machine, never used nginx
@Oshione avoiding all of the apache config is a nice 'quality of life' improvement...
Avoiding apache httpd in general is an improvement
@Danack Yeah, I know. I'm a bit confused with the FastRoute patterns, this because I'm using it from few time
@brzuchal I think you're taking a problem which can be solved using existing tools (running two programs in one container) and trying to solve it by expecting one open source project to suddenly start doing all of the work of another large open source project.
Reading the docs, if I set search as the form action, then the url will be written with the query string, this is why I was thinking about using .htaccess and mod_rewrite
@Danack Yes, I haven't told it's not solvable,maybe I disagree with running two different programs in one container, but regarding open source PHP uses a lot of open source libraries and I'm pretty sure there is an open source http server library possible to use, right? Win, win.
Even if there was, the inherent added complexity of having one thing do two things, instead of two things doing two things, sounds bad.
That's one case, secound would be serving a simple HTTP server for small embeded devices for eg. build using rpi etc. Simple HTTP server would be enought for them as well as for reverse proxies as Traefik.
there's onion, which is a pretty popular http server library
@brzuchal Just use amphp/http-server?
I done a sapi for onion, years ago github.com/krakjoe/ponion
the fact is, we're not that interested in web servers ...
@PeeHaa Show me an example to couple that with Symfony or Larevil ?
@brzuchal Why would you run either of those on your simple thing?
@JoeWatkins does that work?
@PeeHaa It may be not mine choice
Than why are you picking the webserver?
Someone may have put a gun to his head and told him to do it?
hi, is there a function to convert a multidimensional array to form input name/values?
Systemantics should be required reading.
Good Morning!
@Petah foreach's and echo?
yea, but with the whole converting nested arrays into square bracket notation
i could do a recursive foreach, but was wondering if there was anything built in
@Sherif it may be a ready to use open sourced project, whatever. You don't have to be rude, right?
like http_build_query but for form inputs not query strings
i guess i maybe could explode('&', http_build_query(...))
@Danack I'd say The Mythical Man Month should also be on that list.
@brzuchal although Sherif does need to phrase some things better, that phrase just means "being forced to do something against your will"....pretty sure it's not meant to be rude.
@Danack I felt like it was on purpose to distract from discussing the main subject we had a talk about. If not then I apologise.
You must get used to my sense of humor.
@Sherif or, maybe, you could take more care against coming across as unpleasant to people.
I could
@LeviMorrison no, does file ownership not tell you?
don't have my ssh keys with me
I think Joe has done a couple in the past
folder creation times with auth audit logs also
Does anyone have any advice on using multiple contexts in Behat tests? In particular I want to use a 'CustomerContext' to do stuff on the customer frontend, and then 'AdminContext' to do stuff in the admin section of the site, but combining multiple contexts in one suite appears to be a mess.
is there a way to automatically reset a class variable when you run a function? or just write $this->foo = ""; ?
@Naruto unset?
actually my question isn't complete, can you reset it on any function of that specific class automatically?
@brzuchal it's from php5, there was absolutely no interest in it, so I didn't update it for 7 ... but it did work, very well ...
@JoeWatkins Nice work, I've looked through the code and it doesn't look like a rocket science. The only thing is AFAIK would work only on Linux and FreeBSD as these are supported by onion lib.
@Naruto I can't think of one without some __call magic, I'd imagine, which is probably highly undesirable. It sounds like you might want an inversion of control somewhere.
@Sherif I guess you are right, the fact I have to reset it might also be bad class design on my behalf
maybe :/
most likely ^^
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