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9:00 PM
@LeviMorrison Also, whaddya think? Shall I nix the defaults for status code and description and require code specification with auto-defaults? From a framework perspective it's tremendously easy to create an auto-200 response code + message plugin if someone wanted to forego the strict status setting and have 200 OK assigned if they're empty.
@rdlowrey Dunno.
I think auto-setting 200 Ok could be nice.
I'm not sure.
I kinda like the idea of making it strict by default and have a plugin that's enabled like $cfg->auto200ResponseOnEmptyStatus = true to rescue you from errors if you want.
Yeah 200 OK is nice. And pretty much fitting in 99% of all cases.
I was a bit too strict with my last comment I'd say.
You mgiht want to provide a default exception handler or shutdown function that is able to react to error cases with a general 500 error "handler".
And just have that listen for the __sys.response.beforeSend event.
@hakre already done.
9:04 PM
@rdlowrey kewl, that's how PHP is doing nowadays, too. I'd say that's somewhat clever.
@rdlowrey I get an error when I fire it at a redirect with max redirects = 0.
@LeviMorrison I don't. Let me double-check my setup.
isn't it business of the client to follow (or not) redirects?
@rdlowrey But yours seems to be ignoring redirects, yes?
(or rather, doing them magically)
<--------- MORON
9:05 PM
When I said I was firing at the redirect resource I meant I was actually firing it at a resource that doesn't redirect.
I had 3-4 PEBKAC moments today, so you are good
@LeviMorrison When I fire at a redirect resource with $client->setMaxRedirects(0) I get the RuntimeException from Client.php line 87 as expected
@rdlowrey As expected, meaning, good or bad?
I did not expect a RuntimeException. . .
9:09 PM
It seems expected to me. I request a resource and the response I get is 302 with a location header saying "go to this other place," but we've told the stream context not to redirect at all, so it can't complete the request. As a result the fopen returns false and the exception is thrown
@rdlowrey This means I CANNOT access the 302 body.
That is definitely a bug.
Unless there's something we've missed.
Yeah I forgot to mention that: When I allow redirects I don't see the body of the 302 response (which I specifically added to the response) anywhere in the dump of the meta data
I encountered it in the second test I did . . .
Wait, because:
38 mins ago, by hakre
RFC 2616 10.3 Redirection 3xx: "The action required MAY be carried out by the user agent without interaction with the user if and only if the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD." (automatic redirection)
9:13 PM
That doesn't change it.
Let me try using a different verb like POST to see if it gives me the entity body for that.
PHP may be ignoring it because the second request method is GET
Because it's an allowable behavior in that case
I should still be able to get the body of my request. Just because it's a 302 I'm not following doesn't change the fact I should be able to get the body of my request.
I agree with you, but it also could be due to the 302 specifically because a Location header is expected:
9:14 PM
39 mins ago, by hakre
And further on, more specific with 302: "The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s)."
That still doesn't change anything.
There SHOULD be a location header.
I know, I'm just trying to find logic in the chaos of the http stream wrapper.
If I found a legitimate bug in PHP, I'm excited, but peeved at the same time.
I'm going to try with different verbs and methods just to make sure I can't tease out the body text
@LeviMorrison There is a flag that you do allow errors and get body instead of FALSE. See the head first with PHP stream post on my blog. That probably is that case.
It's a HTTP stream context option.
9:21 PM
my firefox nightly from just a few months ago is 3 full versions behind...
@hakre Good find. Testing.
It worked.
Jolly good.
Thanks, @hakre.
@hakre Nice work!
@rdlowrey By the way, I'm not sure how to test some of this client stuff.
Whenever I deal with network connections, things seem to get bad.
9:25 PM
So I just received a spam email (talking about viagra) to my account from frank_thomas@MYDOMAIN.com....so i checked my cpanel and that email account doesn't exist. I guess anyone could just put any email address in a php mailer, but is there anyway for me to lock things up?
@LeviMorrison Create your own stream wrapper mock.
@NikiC basically, it'll take a single string, and covert it to a JS statement and safely execute it. So instead of var foo = "foo.bar.baz";, it'd run var foo = execute("foo.bar.baz"); which would be somewhat identical to var foo = window.foo.bar.baz
You can override PHP stream wrappers with your own (including file:// ;))
@LeviMorrison It's okay. I've started to get very proficient at crazy testing scenarios. I kind of like doing it at this point and don't mind filling any gaps.
@ircmaxell lol
and what's that good for?
9:27 PM
safely allowing dynamic insertion of variable information outside of the page
Namely for configurable tracking metrics
that way the CMS can allow users to enter values that lookup javascript variables...
@rdlowrey Well, I've committed my changes.
I haven't fixed the multiple headers deal.
Anyone interested in helping someone with some simple OOP questions?
I'm also leaning towards manually redirecting people and providing the content of all the responses.
@radleybobins what do you want to technically lock up? I mean headers are just text, it's like putting some sender name onto an envelope, you can write Ms. Sarkozy or Merkel Ferkel, I mean you can not prevent that.
I'm the someone :)
9:29 PM
@ImmortalFirefly Unless you do not ask, it's counter-productive I'd say ^^
Well, I'd rather be safe then sorry ;) Here goes...
@LeviMorrison I think I am too. I don't see a problem with that because you're providing full access to each stop along the way and giving the user the choice of what to do.
and then I deleted it and put eval in its place
I created a custom class that extends PDO. In my custom class I included some custom functions...blah blah blah
I left the construct alone in my class so it defaults to PDO's construct.
You mean you did not overwrite it, right?
9:31 PM
@ImmortalFirefly That's probably not a good design. Extending PDO is probably a bad idea.
I have a separate class in my app that calls my class to instantiate a new PDO object. All that is fine.
@LeviMorrison Well, let's see what actually is the issue before jumping to conclusions :)
My dumb question is that I have to pull in variables for the connection/host/user/pass from another config file
I know it has to do with scope, I just don't know how to include those in my new class.
@hakre It almost always means they are directly using PDO in their logic code.
@LeviMorrison well it's my first attempt at OOP
It probably is bad
I heard that the basic mysql_* commands are getting deprecated so I'm converting my app to PDO, and I have to learn OOP in the process
9:34 PM
well, classes !== OOP
@rdlowrey Added one more change. The PHP streams default to HTTP/1.0, needed to set it to whatever the request was.
@ImmortalFirefly That was a good decision.
@LeviMorrison Cool. It's much nicer to write:
$request = new StdRequest('http://localhost:8096/test', '1.1', 'POST', array(
    'User-Agent' => 'IntegrationTest'
@LeviMorrison Thanks, now I just need to cover some of the basics of OOP
than have to create a monstrous url and request instance to get the first parameter of StdRequest ...
9:35 PM
@ImmortalFirefly Can you tell more what you mean about scope here?
@ImmortalFirefly I happen to live in Provo. Good to see someone else from my part of the country.
Are you concerned about loading the configuration data?
@LeviMorrison Sweet
@ImmortalFirefly And by the way, I like your profile picture ;)
@hakre Yeah, I don't want to have to type out the user/pass/host/etc every time.
9:37 PM
@rdlowrey I still have to sort out the multiple headers. I had it working but then I reverted it to make some changes.
I'd say that is worth a question on SO. Good and useful example of PDO and how to create that object within an application.
I need to go have meet someone right now, but @ImmortalFirefly I hope to see you around more, and @rdlowrey thanks for making Artax. It will be used in-production on an actual, real service in the next month.
It's like that one part of your application should be about creating objects, and the other part about using them.
So you have two types of objects you can say.
@LeviMorrison we're getting there ...
for instance
class Sql extends PDO {
//blah blah

// This is fine since it pulls in the variable from the previously included file
$DB = new Sql('mysql:dbname'.$database.';.......);

class GetInfo {
$connection = new Sql('mysql'.$pull_in_this_var.'....etc);
9:39 PM
@rdlowrey Glad I could help out with PHP 5.3 compatibility.
my thing is about the $connection in GetInfo, how to pull in the db vars into that bad boy
@LeviMorrison + kickstarting the HTTP compliance
@LeviMorrison thanks about the profile pic
You write "every time". Is that more than once per request and database?
@ImmortalFirefly what the hell are you trying to do ?
9:40 PM
@rdlowrey Oh, I guess I maybe had something to do with that.
@LeviMorrison The HTTP support wouldn't be even remotely as efficacious without your contributions.
I can't type.
Oh, one last thing @ImmortalFirefly: The user known as @tereško is smart but often rude and inconsiderate. I promise he is trying to help you.
@tereško The second class makes a call to the db to set $_SESSION vars
Good day, sirs.
9:41 PM
@LeviMorrison ha, awesome. Thanks
@LeviMorrison: Have a nice time meeting friends.
I'm repeating myself, but I just have to say this: Globals suck.
@NikiC Well, globals only suck from global namespace, that's all :)
@tereško If you read up, I'm new to OOP and trying to figure out some scope issues.
9:43 PM
I must wonder about scope because actually in OOP there is the scope of an object and that's it.
in that case , why are you messing with PDO ?
And what especially sucks is functions modifying globals
@hakre well how should I bring in a variable from an included file?
@tereško He want's to use PDO
@ImmortalFirefly Which variable do you mean? And do you know that include can return ?
@NikiC Eat some pizza, and I promise you'll feel better.
9:44 PM
well , yes , but why would one extend PDO just to use it ?
@hakre I have a config.php file that defines the connection vars, I think I need to bring those vars into my class to start a new PDO instance so I can connect to the database, pull out some data, and set some $_SESSION vars
@ImmortalFirefly Then start without extending from PDO and just use the PDO class.
Write the basic PHP code to get it done, like:
$dbconfig = include('config-db.php');
$db = new PDO($dbconfig['pdo-dsn']);
@hakre continuing on with your though
`$db = new PDO($dbconfig['pdo-dsn']);
oops..... stinkin shift key
Press the up-arrow to edit a previous chat message of yours (or use the mouse)
does git automatically remove files from the repo that have just been added to .gitignore? Amazingly I've never come across this before
9:49 PM
@orourkek No it does not. But it won't remind you about the changes in the future. You can add with force later on then.
.... (pretend it's continuing ;) )
class Example {
     // how to I pull the $dbconfig variable in this class ?
     $new_db = new PDO($dbconfig['pdo-dsn']);
@hakre so I'll have to remove them manually then commit the "changes"?
Okay, you should learn about dependency injection then. Because actually Example should not care about creating the PDO object (as written, there are two sort of objects, those who care about creating objects and those who just use these objects)
In your case the Example is of the second type, of just using the PDO object. As it needs it, it has to ask for it:
@hakre Well.....then how could I pull in the $db var you already created?
class Example {
    private $db;
    public function __construct(PDO $db) {
You just inject the dependency.
And voila, you don't need to care about that any longer.
At least not at that place.
9:53 PM
Well that's new for me. Do you just define a class in the contruct as an arg and then by having $db to it, it assigns it to $db?
So however you will pass the configuration data into your application, most part of your code does not need to care about that detail.
@ImmortalFirefly Exactly. You fully got the idea.
Well let's try it out in my app and see what blows up......
please , read some tutorials before you start writing code
At least you will get one step further. You can write Example without caring about how to configure (or create) PDO. However at some point you will still need to create the PDO object. But just go ahead until you run into that problem.
@tereško Hmm, that's a bit misleading. There might be thousand of tutorials of which the largest share give bad advice.
9:57 PM
That's hard to filter with google if you're new to the subject.
@tereško I've been reading up and trying to do PDO and OOP for probably 10-12 months and finally have the opportunity to actually start implementing it. Reading about it and doing it are two different animals
i am way too hungry to not get flagged ATM
@tereško Eat some pizza and you'll be ok
sure .. you could order one for me =/
and I'll let you pay for it
10:00 PM
I can only repeat: Salvia + Garlic + Plaice into a pan, heat it with oil and butter. Serve with rice.
Korean food sounds good right now...... :9
Koreans love barbecue. Good culture they have with grilling stuff. Delicious.
Don't even get me started.......mmmmmm
Reminds me of having a freshly imported fruit still left over in the fridge. Should I break it?
Is a frogs butt water tight?
Do cookies crumble?
Is the sky blue?
10:05 PM
Hmm, I also have biscuits from the same island.
I kill the other fruits first.
I don't know their name.
They are of the size like a smaller (or mid-sized) cherry.
But they consist mainly of a stone.
If it's not made in america, it's probably pretty good ;)
Only a very thin cover of the part you can eat if you remove the skin.
It's from america, just not US :)
So now back to your code. I'd say you should be more precise about what Example is actually.
Because as we already found out, creating a PDO instance is fairly straight forward so mainly a non-issue.
Hi....I am designing a REST api. After a user is authenticated I issue a token to the client applicaiton. Now, my dilemma is whether I should ask the client application to send the security token in header or as query parameter with each request. Please help me which one will be better.
10:11 PM
@sudip Psst: A query parameter is part of the request header.
I'm researching dependency injection now..... it seems fun and the answer to my problem. My end goal would be to have a static function called like $var = Example::getSessions(); and try to leave it so I don't have to do Example::getSessions($db_connect_var);
@hakre query parameter is a part of the url.
Well the secret about dependency injection is, if you do it right, most parts of your application do not know which part is a dependency and which part is injected. They just exist.
@sudip Sure, you know where the URL wents into?
@ImmortalFirefly Even I like the tone in that answer, I'd say it's a bit more on a larger scale. But it nails it pretty well probably. In case of your link-pick it is some sort of a so called dependency injection container.
If you want to have some more view from above (but not that long), see martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html
10:16 PM
it make sense, I may need to sleep on it for it to sink in.
@hakre You just earned the mentor award :)
@PeeHaa at 47.8k rep it's about time..... :)
@hakre For ex., I have a resource, say, post. I can access the resource using : GET domain/post. I want to expose it only to the authenticated users. So, as I told in my first question, I will issue a security token on a successful authentication
thank you...
@ImmortalFirefly hehe
@sudip You just has answered the question your own. Pass it as an additional request header, for example opt for basic auth as it is easy to implement. You can even pass username and password along with the URI -or- you make it a requirement that the token is a request header (probably preferable in your case).
10:20 PM
@hakre thanks a lot....This is the first time I am designing rest api and on every decision I cany stop thinking whether it is the best approach or not.
If you wonder how you can check a request header with PHP, please see the post of Nicolas Grekas which has indepth details.
@hakre I know how to check the request header with php. You are so helpful...
@hakre Thanks for your help. My heads gonna explode. Cya later.
Sorry updated link is here: Advanced handling of HTTP requests in PHP
@ImmortalFirefly Please do not explode :) The hard thing is to keep things simple (as always) Have a nice time.
your first link was also valid. I started reading it. Its really a great article. Thank a million.
10:24 PM
@PeeHaa Thank you. Do you need my postal address? :)
@hakre Not right now, but when I'm going to Germany again I'll ping you :)
@PeeHaa You were here but you didn't say? In any case if you need a place to sleep and you want to have some fun time, you're welcome.
I have good internet connection here and enough office space just in case.
And good coffee normally ^^
@hakre I haven't been to Germany recently, but sales is busy trying to get some clients there. So if I have to go to a client over there I will come by
@PeeHaa where are you usually?
@PeeHaa Which kind of client does your sales team need?
10:29 PM
@webarto Netherlands, belgium, UK
@hakre Rich ones ;)
@PeeHaa I think you mean rich ones spending money which is a difference.
@hakre 100% true
@PeeHaa Well actually sometimes sad :)
Anyway, if everybody would be spending money like hell, the sign of crisis would be obvious.
@hakre You're right, however I don't think we can complain. We got (/ are getting) through it pretty good
Considering we have some clients in some really bad sectors we still seem to be able to get new clients and let old client invest
@PeeHaa Ah, compared what the investors of facebook did (incl. that guy himself), makes many looking pretty childish these days.
@PeeHaa Keeping existing clients always is a key value.
And getting new ones always is necessary. So what to add?
10:33 PM
@hakre Yeah. talking about a bubble ;)
It's relatively easy to finalize a company nowadays in the sense to kick all clients. Most will just go away immediately if you raise prices.
@hakre Yup. We just got a pretty big client who's all over the world. Hoping it would be my client so I can go for "business" visits :)
@hakre Well that is something we notice. Sales has to jump through hoops to get clients to invest
@PeeHaa Well, that can turn into stress after some time. However, do that, and take care it's not fully business only but you also have some free time if doing so.
@PeeHaa Yeah, you need to be pretty well with customer care. There are things that money can't buy and you need to concentrate on the customers who know that, too.
@hakre I like to travel for the job. Getting to know people. Going to places. Ow yeah and do some work while I'm at it
Yeah, I like that too. Also I like it if I don't need to do it alone.
10:41 PM
I don't mind doing it alone. It's different, but not bad perse
No I don't wanted to say it's bad. It's probably that I'm getting older :)
And doing it alone has benefits, too. So well, it was more about the social part probably.
You know, for example with business trips I like it more if I do those with a nice friend, either for the whole trip or at the location where you go to.
posted on July 18, 2012 by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.4.5 and PHP 5.3.15. This release fixes over 30 bugs and includes a fix for a security related overflow issue in the stream implementation. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4.5 or PHP 5.3.15.For source downloads of PHP 5.4.5 and PHP 5.3.15 please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can b

@hakre Yup those are fun trips :D
Anyway. Going to bed. Last day tomorrow :) later @hakre
but wow on the PHP release. If this goes on, we will see PHP 5.5 released pretty early soon.
I can only hope :)
10:51 PM
Probably we should do a service release once a month.
I wish I would be helping more with testing.
@hakre Is there an actual PHP 5.5 roadmap yet?
@GordonM I'd say the roadmap is about iterative improvements which (IMHO) is a good thing if we can improve testing and integration with Linux distributions.
Well if it's iterative improvements, multibyte strings without having to use mb_* would be a good start :)
@GordonM that exists since long-time and is called overloading and actually a pretty bad idea :)
However I can understand why you ask for that. It's just that it is not that simple.
11:02 PM
k now I'm really off. nite @hakre, @GordonM
gn8 @PeeHaa
have fun
My work-around so far more or less is using the preg_* functions.
@GordonM +1 for those of us that run international sites :]
@orourkek For the log: php.net/manual/en/mbstring.overload.php - but I'd say you should demand UTF-8 save code from your devloper(s).
11:06 PM
@hakre that would work on a codebase that wasn't a complete mess
I know the whole UTF16 thing was the main reason PHP6 died, so I'm aware it's not easy. But wouldn't UTF8 be less frightening to implement? It is a strict superset of ASCII after all and it's what everyone seems to be standardizing on these days
Or should we just go with EBCDIC? :)
Well, part of it is that 90% of the code was written before I got here (procedural, of course)
I'd say UTF-8 is the de-facto standard in the web. I always wondered why for PHP 6 there was the preference of UTF-16 and some material exists about that, incl. that the one somewhat mature C-lib uses UTF-16 internally which can be a pretty solid argument.
@deceze explained encoding here kunststube.net/encoding
From what I see nowadays with DOMDocument, SimpleXMLElement and preg_* functions, I must admit that UTF-8 practically works pretty well.
Taking into account that mb_* / iconv for encoding conversion works, too, for utf-8 I don't see that many problems.
Those libraries that need to support multibyte character sets do it pretty okay.
For HTML, PHP strings are binary safe so this all works.
Even MySQL has better UTF-8 support nowadays.
11:10 PM
Any one able to help me out?
Q: PHP imap_open failing, but OpenSSL connects

PetahIm trying to connect to a POP3 server via imap_open imap_open('{mail.domain.com:995/pop3/tls}INBOX', 'user@domain.com', 'password'); But I get these errors: Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {mail.domain.com:995/pop3/tls}INBOX Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 secon...

@Petah What does imap_errors give you? (not that it is always helpful, but please ask it)
@orourkek Encoding must not be that complicated, so it should not matter much if it is procedural or object oriented. You can mess with both types of programming with encoding anyway. Especially with PHP.
@hakre it's more about the speed at which such changes can be made. The fact that most of the code is not OOP is part of the issue, but not all of it
plus there's enough stuff that's actually broken to occupy my time :}
@hakre i tried var_dump(imap_open(...), imap_errors()) but got the same message, as i think PHP times out before it gets to the imap_errors part
@orourkek I'd say that are two issues. The one can be solved by just running a regular expression based search and replace. Eclipse is very good with that on multiple files. The other issue with occupying the time. I'd say you need to do some decision what you want to improve and what is not necessary with the codebase.
I can not tell you as I don't know the code-base and not how much time you can budget for the changes.
However I really suggest you should do something to improve the codebase without breaking it.
There is always some room for improvement normally.
@hakre Yeah I agree. I'd love for mb_* to be less of a hassle, but the benefit of that wouldn't really outweigh some other work that I could do instead, in terms of array_rand(array("security", "extensibility", "efficiency", "quality of life", "readability"));
11:22 PM
@Petah PHP does not time out for imap_errors, it's just that it already outputs the error messages. As written imap_errors is not helpful often.
Looking again at your error message I must admit that I have not much of a clue what stands in your way.
My usual goal is just to leave a file cleaner than it was when I opened it
all the while doing maintenance/bug fixes
@Petah It probably is not TLS but something (similar) but different?
@hakre the openssl versbose output says SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1
@orourkek If you do a fix, just do the fix. Or you have decentral version control. If not, just do the fix. If yes, just do the fix, but try out the improvements in another branch. Also - if you have a team - discuss which parts are most worth to improve. Strategic changes in an application are different to "just" fixing issues (which is a day to day work in maintenance: bug fixing). Try to locate things worth to fix that will help you with maintenance in the long run.
@hakre I upper the timeout to 300 and got this error: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {mail.domain.com:995/pop3/tls}INBOX
11:28 PM
E.g. if encoding is always an issue, add your own library that has some handy functions to deal with encoding issues (the library itself should be well tested.)
@Petah Okay, that is TLS
@Petah Anayway just try with /ssl if you did not so in the past.
@hakre good point. Our version control is... interesting - it's basically just one branch. Although now that I'm trying to aggressively change the worst issues we have I'm getting some resistance, which is frustrating
e.g. md5($password)
@orourkek which version control software are you using?
it isnt anything to do with the -crlf? as the openssl command only works with that switch. But i couldnt find any info about crlf in the php imap_open docs
plus, I'm the only one that uses commit messages on everything
@Petah good point, it caught my attention, too. No idea if the imap functions offer something here but it can make sense because the server expects more to come in while the client thinks all has been send already (albeit CRLF is the standard separator)
@orourkek oh,
okay, I'd say that you should keep changes minimal and you need to get the rest of the team into the team.
11:33 PM
@hakre It's an endless push towards best practices, but I'm perfectly happy doing it as long as progress is being made
Tell them you think it's worth to change more than "just necessary" to prevent more problems in the future but you need everybody else to be "on site" with you.
For example the security issue with non-salted MD5 hashes for passords. That's a bummer.
^^ that's my plan
@hakre thanks, using the ssl switch instead worked, despite instructions from the provider, and the output from openssl
I think @ircmaxell would have had a heart attack if he had seen some of the snippets we've got we had floating around here :P
11:35 PM
put an answer on my question if you want the rep :)
anyways I'm off to home, later guys. thanks @hakre for the thoughts
@Petah Sometimes you just need to try some variations :) I can't tell you exactly why I pointed to that but I think that solved me an issue in the past.
@ircmaxell Share your thoughts ircmaxell, relief your soul ;)
@ircmaxell again?
11:36 PM
yea i tried lots of variations, clearly just not the right one :P
spent the last 2 hours trying
@Petah Well with imap functions you need to try a bit, there is not that much good information available.
But the library itself is powerful.
I used it more than once and it does a good job.
@NikiC to @orourkek
@ircmaxell: Well just a does not say much. Might be the avatar picture for example.

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