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12:25 AM
Why would my question be vague? I've explained the MVC implementation that I've learned and asked for opinions as well as tutorials/code samples/books where a proper mvc implementation is used... And that's where the problem is. No one seems to know.. One says 'go learn a framework to understand mvc', the other says that's just the thing not to do... Here's my answer reformulated, hopefully less vague: Please point out some resources where I can learn a proper MVC implementation in PHP. — user1440560 40 mins ago
And what can you tell to someone like this? It's either "there are no good materials on MVC for web" or "here are 20 different books, lectures and publications in which you will find nuggets of information about web-based MVC implementation"
but what OP actually wants is a single magical tutorial to learn it all
12:45 AM
1:42 AM
1:54 AM
@hakre SOA == Service Oriented Architecture
It's mostly a marketing term for "Hey, we developed our software in a loosely coupled fashion and didn't tie it to the delivery mechanism. Therefore, you can use it in many different contexts."
That's IMHO, though.
@rdlowrey Except the SOA Registry at BYU is full of applications specifically for the registry, lol.
@LeviMorrison hehe well then it makes sense.
Whenever I hear business types talking SOA it's straight from the marketing department and the people don't actually know anything about what it means.
2:01 AM
Also, sorry for the disorganized commit to get everything uploaded. When I had all my OS problems this past weekend I had the files backed up but not the .git directory so I lost all my commit information :/
It's k.
I'm still setting up my Ubuntu VM and then I'm going to get to work on an API using streams.
I'm actually kind of excited about that.
I would have a lot of use for a good stream-based library to replace things I presently do with cURL
With the Response and Request interfaces, we already have nice structures to use for transfer.
We just need a client.
Which, I'm going to name Artax\Http\Client
Yep. The adherence to the spec is the most helpful part.
2:04 AM
Sounds good.
I'm about to figure out the application bootstrap merging. Aside from that the other things that aren't tight right now are ...
The config package -- totally untested and not even remotely stable. It's basically a placeholder to get a test app running.
And the other thing is the Artax error handling system with the system exception, error and shutdown events. I need to completely overhaul it.
Everything else is stable and completely decoupled from everything else, so if you see anything you think requires modification, knock yourself out.
This Ubuntu VM thing seems less stable than when I dual boot it.
No wonder people who try out Ubuntu in a VM don't like it.
2:09 AM
Yeah, my experience is that no matter how powerful the system a VM is never quite the same. It might be in my head, though, because I know I'm in a VM :)
My scroll wheel doesn't work in the VM.
2:24 AM
Ah, it just doesn't work in screen capture mode.
I have to lock my mouse into the VM for it to work.
If it would go fullscreen properly then that wouldn't be a big deal.
which VM software are you using?
Virtual Box.
I could get a Microsoft product for free through the MSDN alliance.
2:31 AM
I've never used any others besides virtual box and I've never had any issues so ...
! Just got fullscreen mode to work.
BRB, shutting down everything in Windows to move to Ubuntu.
. . . and I'm back.
2:58 AM
@LeviMorrison In case you were unaware: from the base project directory you can do phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml to run the full test suite and can subsequently view the full HTML coverage report at Artax/test/coverage/index.html
But you have to have xdebug installed to get coverage data
3:28 AM
I can't get PhpStorm to install on my VM.
Maybe netbeans will be better
3:38 AM
Yay for Debian!
@Bracketworks Yay for Ubuntu VM, actually.
It works fine when I dual boot.
Stupid Virtual Box.
Yay for Ubuntu @LeviMorrison ;)
I use VMware Player. May not be as feature rich, but it runs really well.
I'm just happy I finally got a Debian install up and running for dual boot off an external.
I was gonna go Ubuntu, but I've played with it before already, and figured it's time for something more... "complicated"?
Well, no luck for NetBeans either.
Looks like my workspace on my VM is vim + terminal.
I know you're probably used to Ubuntu but CentOS is really easy if you need a quick VM *nix system and I've never had any problems using it ...
And the remi repo makes it a piece of cake to install the latest php releases with the yum package manager
4:03 AM
@rdlowrey Would you rather that the HTTP client had onError and onSuccess callback functions or it just returns something on success and throws an error on failure?
I want this completely decoupled from the event system.
I personally prefer the return/exception combo.
Also, I'm definitely with the decoupling -- Code Complete made me realize how important it is to have the packages inside an application decoupled from one another ...
If this was asynchronous then sure, the callbacks make sense.
All the "framework" functionality that ties together elements from the individual packages lives in the "Framework" package now.
4:06 AM
My website has a limited bandwidth
i have an out of topic question
@rdlowrey if allow_url_fopen is disabled, then what exception should I throw? I am currently using a RuntimeException.
are there any file sharing websites with direct linking other than dropbox
please help
I'm tempted to say LogicException because it's an ini setting that should be verified before the code ever runs ... but for reasons I can't explain I think I would say RuntimeException because it somehow feels more correct.
And a LogicException is really for a code problem.
4:12 AM
@rdlowrey So . . . Look at Artax\Http\Request.
It only has URI methods . . .
Well played.
HTTP Message interface gotchya :)
I felt like it made sense to put the commonalities between request and response in a parent interface since both responses and requests are HTTP messages of the same format
Well, they are defined to share that functionality in the RFC. Definitely makes sense.
And by that I mean that's how the RFC defines them :)
As far as header storage ... there are some header fields that can take multiple values. I opted (unlike Dart) not to store such fields as individual entities internally because I didn't see much benefit for the increased internal complexity. The relevant RFC paragraph from rfc2616-sec4.2 says:
4:19 AM
> Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each separated by a comma.
> The order in which header fields with the same field-name are received is therefore significant to the interpretation of the combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST NOT change the order of these field values when a message is forwarded.
So if you're dealing with one of these fields, you should be aware of it and call, for example, $response->setHeader('Vary', 'Accept-Content,Accept-Charset');
Instead of calling Response::setHeader twice and expecting it to append.
I've considered adding a Response::appendHeader method for that purpose, but didn't feel like it was pressing. That can easily be added anytime. Just FYI.
Does anyone here have a clue as to what happen to my joomla site... Etalenthunt.com.com
4:22 AM
@rdlowrey So, I'm not quite sure how to send all these headers in the stream context.
I think it takes a numerical array.
@LeviMorrison I ran across a good tutorial for doing that a while back and I may still have some code around for it. hold on.
Each array value being the header-name: value pair.
@rdlowrey The API is inconsistent on this point.
@rdlowrey Not helpful.
I tried :)
4:33 AM
@rdlowrey Feature request: StdResponse::setStartLine.
Feature request: StdResponse::setRawHeader.
But, that's me being lazy.
I'll parse it, I guess.
you mean like $response->setRawHeader('Content-Type: text/html');?
sure, sounds good to me.
Could remove a source of user error.
And provide an easy API for creating one from a stream meta-data wrapper-data.
And likewise, $response->setStartLine('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');, yes?
4:38 AM
Also, do you think they should pass in the response? Or make one inside it? The former option means they have to give me a StdResponse, not the interface. The latter means I create one, but works on an abstraction.
I've gone back and forth in my head three times in thirty seconds :)
Each way espouses and breaks good programming principles.
I vote 51-49 for the latter because of the benefits of abstraction.
Reasoning: I think the importance of dependency injection can be slightly downgraded in this case because we have full control over the library.
4:46 AM
The importance as compared to the benefits of abstraction.
And the object I'm creating can easily be tested.
My thoughts exactly. Testing won't be a problem in this case, but not abstracting it could be a limitation.
So, my virtual box is being very tempermental.
I can't get most apps to run.
I'm going to commit this, but (as usually seems to be the case) I haven't even run the code.
At least this time I have a good reason.
I'm going to reboot into Debian and try and test it.
That surprises me because my virtual box has never given me any problems. And it's not like I'm running on monster hardware either.
If I don't get it finished, you'll know I had problems.
4:51 AM
What can ya do
At the top of w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec6.html#sec6.1 regarding the Start-Line, it's unclear to me if multiple spaces are allowed between sections. For example:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
One space.
4:56 AM
Okay, wasn't sure if maybe I was missing it somewhere
> SP = <US-ASCII SP, space (32)>
lazy me
We make a good team. We are familiar with different parts of the spec.
Are you good with InvalidArgumentException for malformed arguments to setStartLine and setRawHeader?
The simple fact that everyone is always asking everyone else which SPL exception to throw is proof that they were not well-designed.
5:01 AM
@rdlowrey I think I am more familiar with them than anyone besides their creator, and even I ask.
I think InvalidArgumentException is correct in this case. InvalidTypeException doesn't apply, it's the correct type but the wrong format.
Unless we wanted to make an InvalidFormatException.
Or something.
Could be a useful generic.
I know that "later" usually means "never" but that's something I'm okay with tagging with @todo and thinking about another time. I'll go with InvalidArg for now
Also, I've decided to go to bed.
However, since I hope to use this tomorrow at work, I promise to work on tests then.
your inability to spell bed makes your decision seem like the right one :)
hehe later dude
5:07 AM
G'night, coder dude.
hey guys
setting up cookie user log in on my site and have this
Q: re-login cookie (will it be secure enough)

ert3So my website is setup to destroy sessions after 30 mins and i want to throw in a remember me option for users. Essentially it would work like this, please excuse me for psuedo code setcookie("sitename[id]", $userid, time()+60*60*24*30); setcookie("sitename[pass]", $hasedandsaltedpassword); set...

5:24 AM
@rdlowrey Do you know what changeable in PHP_INI_SYSTEM means?
There's a page describing it, but I can't find it.
@LeviMorrison I think it refers to an ini directive that can only be changed in the ini file and not at runtime but I could be wrong.
So, the problem I have is that if allow_url_opendoesn't exist, it WILL let me make a remote call. However, it it doesn't exist, a call to ini_get('allow_url_open') will return FALSE.
Wait, no, that's not it. What I described would definitely be php.ini only
@rdlowrey Maybe it's ini and .htaccess only ?
Found it:
5:28 AM
> Entry can be set in php.ini or httpd.conf
I wish so much of php wasn't tightly coupled to apache ...
Well, it is what it is.
@LeviMorrison I'm not sure how to get around that off the top of my head
@rdlowrey ini_get_all and check for existence. The question is really: is that worth it?
5:33 AM
@LeviMorrison How useful is the error output if you turn it off in the php.ini to test?
@rdlowrey It fails pretty obviously. It just leaks the abstraction.
Probably useful enough. It's pretty straight-forward to just mention that "THIS DOESN'T WORK IF YOU DON'T HAVE allow_url_open ENABLED"
I'm pretty sure they would have to remove the entry themselves.
I'm okay with ignoring the check
Well, good night.
5:35 AM
I'd just mention it in the class level docblock
(I mean it this time).
@LeviMorrison one more quick question!
@rdlowrey :) Okay.
while I'm at it should I implement Response::setAllRawHeaders to dump in the entire batch of headers at once from a string format?
Or just stop at individual raw header strings
5:37 AM
@rdlowrey I guess you could. In that case I would NOT allow it to take the start line unless you changed the name to something like setRawHeaderData.
Dart's named constructors are starting to make a lot of sense.
I don't know. It might be more trouble than it's worth. I'll hold off for now. Keep that in mind in case you think it would be useful in the future
You have permission to not be a vampire and sleep now.
Response.fromRawData(string data);
^ kind of nice.
@LeviMorrison Yeah, I think it would
I'll get around to it at some point.
5:39 AM
Good night. I'm excited to test the Http\Client!
me too! will look forward to it.
My first incredibly useful, reusable piece of PHP software!
:) See you tomorrow!
5:48 AM
Hello, Have you people messed around with Facebook API? I wonder what would be the best way to post automatically news from my website to a page wall..
5:58 AM
(ノ゜-゜)ノ ︵ ┬──┬
6:13 AM
Happy new day everybody!
It's still the old day for some of us :)
happy old day :)
6:35 AM
thank you!
6:57 AM
yeah, happy old day for some of us :)
I've seen you folks were still chatting while I had sweet dreams.
I think this synonym makes sense: stackoverflow.com/tags/phpdoc/synonyms
So cast your vote if you can :)
7:09 AM
Ohayō gozaimasu! ^_^/
7:20 AM
UGT (ノ゜-゜)ノ ︵ ┬──┬
@webarto Whatcha doing with that table there?
flippin' tables like burgers
@webarto 【・_・?】
you and your UTF-8+ :P
7:24 AM
____━━____━━╰O--O-O--O ╯
my new favorite filter functions
(^ー^)─∀☆∀─(^ー^) Cheers!
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); # x`;DELETE FROM users;--
$query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name` = `$name`";
@deceze very rare, but some quote values with backtick :)
@PeeHaa who is he? Except he is a hacker.
@webarto Same principle though, no?
7:39 AM
yeah, what are we drinking? :D
@webarto According to his profile his works at Mozilla and he has answered my question to get my cv-pls ff addon working again :)
good guy canuckistani :)
yup :)
@webarto Nothing. :( Good point, will go have some breakfast now.
bon apetit, as they say in Japan
7:43 AM
Gracias, as they say Sweden.
7:59 AM
in Lounge<C++>, yesterday, by DeadMG
@refp Java is the worst language ever designed, and PHP is the worst language ever.
If you move your mouse-cursor over the downvote arrow, you see a description. — hakre 31 secs ago
8:18 AM
@hakre Upvote stackoverflow.com/a/4421121/508666 of that dupe please. date() should die
@PeeHaa I'm not biased, however, well, PHP must die! :)
PHP is not cool anymore :(
8:35 AM
php function to retrieve only specific files from a directory ?
@PeeHaa hmm, is it sane, always? stackoverflow.com/a/11556878/367456
@Subhransu Yes there is one. But PHP has problems to look into your brain to see the same kind of specificity as you see in your inner eye. - glob glob
... all you need is love. all you want is f. all you have is pr0n.*
A: echo <<<HTML in PHP

draconisThis is called Heredoc, you can specify an identifier and then use this instead of Double quoted strings so you wont need to escape double quotes because you already have a different delimiter for your string anymore. It has same escape rules and parsing rules with double-quoted strings (e.g \n, ...

is this a good answer for heredoc?
i dont know any other differences between double-quoted strings
8:48 AM
Any zend framework 1 user here?
Q: Testing strategy. PHPUnit mocks whithin zend framework controller integration/smoke tests

jamiI have a complex backend application, using zf 1.11.11 and phpunit 3.5.15. The application has some complex communication components (soap, rest, etc.). In the CIS or dev testing environment I have to mock this models, because I can't established a connection or a request to the productive 3rd pa...

I'm a newbie
this question doesn't seems good for SO but not sure : stackoverflow.com/questions/11557101/…
@draconis Meh, very borderline. I wouldn't want to inflict it on SU users either, really.
@webarto Welcome to SO. What have you tried?
@deceze pokit.org/get/img/ba548fdbb74f845bef4ba97dce07dd37.png I tried flipping table, didn't work
@hakre yes think about the children
8:56 AM
@webarto Hmm, you should maybe ask a question on SO about that. ┐(´-`)┌
11 hours ago, by webarto
3341 < 62481 = 1
42069 > 3341 = 2
15166 < 42069 = 1
**3623 > 15166 = 2**
47147 > 3623 = 3
52199 > 47147 = 4
75105 > 52199 = 5
25007 < 75105 = 1
74570 > 25007 = 2
I broke PHP
@webarto ?
explain it
ム━━━[○・`Д´・○]━━━ヵ EXPLAIN!
9:02 AM
so code works for testcase 1, and not for testcase 2, it "breaks", because it says 3623 is larger than 15166... I'm 100% it is PEBKAC :P
 Alice is a kindergarden teacher. She wants to give some candies to the children in her class.  All the children sit in a line and each  of them  has a rating score according to his or her usual performance.  Alice wants to give at least 1 candy for each child.Children get jealous of their immediate neighbors, so if two children sit next to each other then the one with the higher rating must get more candies. Alice wants to save money, so she wants to minimize the total number of candies.

@deceze code on this line?
@jami ?
i thought it was your question
9:07 AM
Imma not gonna tag my own questions, thankyouverymuch. :)
HELP F1 !!11!
I hate it when "business" people can't speak understandable English.
Dunno where to even begin... phphunger.com/2012/07/… (・_・;)
@deceze I like his motto though
@PeeHaa True. Not sure why he posted his question then.
Maybe to test us.
9:16 AM
lol he suggest mysql, apache, php and then WAMP
why not windows?
@draconis "10. Any Operating System preferably Windows or else Linux"
wow that "article" is full of shit :)
lol didn't see it.
[11:06:21] X: okay. So not sure I connected with you
[11:06:29] X: You have imagemgick experience?
[11:08:15] D Yes, I have some experience, not much, but I can cover most of it: net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/…
[11:08:53] X: would yo uhave done any graphic or image editor
[11:08:55] X: ?
[11:09:46] D do you mean online editor or some desktop software? I work primarily in PHP
[11:10:11] X: nope online
[11:10:22] X: online canvas
[11:10:28] X: to manipulate images
so that means we need them both "twice"
9:16 AM
not sure if troll...
Well, WAMP without PHP is quite useless now, ain't it? ;P
@deceze Do they have PHP Ninjas in Japan?
as long as there are good developers like this, I will have a job :)
@web If so, they're hiding really well, of course.
and what about Gurus and Masters? :D or Meister, as they say in France
Them too. :-/
9:22 AM
@deceze Are you japanese?
Proud owner of the Triple Yellow Stripped Black Belt of PHP Hacking.
Well, I have only limited exposure to the job market over there, but I haven't really met a lot of really great programmers, and none of them PHP.
@draconis Nope. Just half living and working there.
Perl is surprisingly popular still over there...
@hakre PHP black belt, day one :P
Yeah, it is because they are not technologically advanced.
@webarto Hehe. The weird thing is, they are, and at the same time can be terribly backwards.
For the most part they seem to have a hard time adopting the web.
OTOH, they have awesome hardware in everyday life.
9:26 AM
and they can do drift
I was just trolling :D I tend to buy only Made in Japan stuff :)
Like tereško said, pretty "ugly" websites they have.
when i hear about japan that reminds me drift
and horror movies/games.
@draconis I tend to think of crowded streets.
@draconis yeah Japan is all about games, manga, anime and sushi... and drift!
Right, everyone is drifting around the city with ginormous eyes while munching sushi. Totes normal over there.
9:32 AM
That was funny/good talk, now have to go, Cya later @deceze and @webarto
@webarto ( ^_^;;;) ( ー_ー;;)
you have emoticon for everything :D
9:35 AM
So I do. v( ̄∇ ̄)
just ignore it
aar forget to scroll down
totally out of context
;jsessionid means Java, right?
Hi @NikiCWrittenInItalics
9:46 AM
can u help me
Hi @DonutWrittenWithoutItalics :P
@NikiC morning
can u help me? @jay
Hi @NikiC
9:48 AM
i have some problem in mail sending when i send mail but it's look properly in gmail but when i send to hotmail id then its not proper it is used html tag
@webarto hello
@jay hello
can u help me? @webarto
@Greg Stop pinging everybody
@Greg my PHP isn't working also, can you help me?
@webarto no i need help
9:51 AM
lol I think this is getting a trend :D
@Greg GTFO!
@Greg no i need help too
everybody making fun of indian people ^^
how long until someone tells him to sudo rm -rf / ?
@NikiC if you do not want to help. then dont be fun ok
9:53 AM
@jay your problem is not related with PHP, it is related as same as the Apache, so I suggest you go there and ask them.
where i should go?
@jay If you have a specific question please ask it on stackoverflow.com, but it is very difficult to help you out if you don't actually present any information to us.
go outside, as far as I'm concerned
@Greg Please help me
9:56 AM
The problem is not related to php
i ask specific question ok
I hate this to become like IRC, but...
php related please
1 min ago, by Greg
@jay If you have a specific question please ask it on http://stackoverflow.com, but it is very difficult to help you out if you don't actually present any information to us.
can u help me?
9:57 AM
49 secs ago, by Greg
1 min ago, by Greg
@jay If you have a specific question please ask it on http://stackoverflow.com, but it is very difficult to help you out if you don't actually present any information to us.
10 secs ago, by webarto
49 secs ago, by Greg
1 min ago, by Greg
@jay If you have a specific question please ask it on http://stackoverflow.com, but it is very difficult to help you out if you don't actually present any information to us.
33 secs ago, by PeeHaa
10 secs ago, by webarto
49 secs ago, by Greg
1 min ago, by Greg
@jay If you have a specific question please ask it on http://stackoverflow.com, but it is very difficult to help you out if you don't actually present any information to us.
25 secs ago, by Greg
33 secs ago, by PeeHaa
10 secs ago, by webarto
49 secs ago, by Greg
1 min ago, by Greg
@jay If you have a specific question please ask it on http://stackoverflow.com, but it is very difficult to help you out if you don't actually present any information to us.
9:59 AM
@jay listen to webarto, greg and PeeHaa. Otherwise they are snared in endless recursision

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