@MadaraUchiha There is no way in typescript to define a type guard function matching a Foo<A> given an interface Foo<T> { val:T; } and Foo<A | B> so that it will exclude A from the generic in the alternate branch?
Sorry for the shortener, but otherwise it'd be too long: bit.ly/2BXg7Ij @MadaraUchiha
Can someone please explain to me the meaning of an optional argument 'double__encode' in the built-in function htmlspecialchars()?
According to the PHP Manual page on htmlspecialchars() double_encode : When double_encode is turned off PHP will not encode existing html entities, the default is to convert everything.
Please explain to me the role of this argument named 'double_encode'
@MadaraUchiha : It will return the string '&' as this is not a special character in HTML. Rather, it's itself an HTML entity, so no necessary for any kind of conversion.
@MadaraUchiha :How can I only use this parameter in code by keeping all other arguments set to their default values? I tried below code : echo htmlspecialchars('&', '', '', FALSE);
@MadaraUchiha : I get the warning as : Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 2 to be int, string given in d5yu7.php on line 2
@MadaraUchiha yeah, you cannot assume that with multiple uses of the generic parameter - but as long as it isn't reused (or in an array), it's perfectly safe to assume that
there is also no way to specify that A and B will be of the same type from whatever type union is passed
@PHPNut Read the documentation to see what the function accepts...
@bwoebi The notion of "the same type" is a bit blurry in TypeScript. You can say that one type is "assignable" to another type, (i.e. covariant or contravariant, depending on context)
For example, if I have a interface Foo { val: string; }, I am allowed to pass {val: string, another: boolean}
Ah, no, there's no way to do that that I'm aware of.
But that too is because types and classes are abstracted from one another in TypeScript
A class "emits" a runtime class, but also a compile-time type, a "type" has its own operators and manipulations that you can do (for example, keyof, mapped types, etc)
I have a question, I'm following Patrick's book and there is a Class that have getUrl, getTitle and these returns are readed by another class without calling directly to the method, via injection. Any documentation about this? If I create getName for example, I receive the value of name variable without calling to this method. Seems that is "automatic"
:45518302 I have this twig file that get submission values (https://github.com/goear/injector_test/blob/master/templates/FrontPage.html.twig) from the controller (https://github.com/goear/injector_test/blob/master/src/FrontPage/Presentation/FrontPageController.php) the values form submissions are received from Mockvalues are here (https://github.com/goear/injector_test/blob/master/src/FrontPage/Infrastructure/MockSubmissionQuery.php) Im using injector here: https://github.com/goear/injector_test/blob/master/src/Dependencies.php
@MGE I understand your question - the submission object is passed to the template. That is still a submission object in the template, and objects carry their methods with them, so you can call $submission->getName() in the template.
the question is that the method is not called and the values are in the template
and if I create a new method like.. getYear() { return $this->year; } I can use this is the template, but I cant see where is called, seems that is automatic
You can directly get method in twig:
{{ item.getErrorNum() }}
but if your errorNum property is private, twig himself call the getter of it, so when you use
{{ item.errorNum }}
twig is all the same get getter getErrorNum()
NOTE: For using item in twig you need to pass this object to the te...
Twig does a bit too much magic there IMO. I prefer to use method names in my templates, e.g. submission.getTitle(). However, I doubt you can change the template engine without changing the template in any case.
@Danack Friend, do say, if you are able to read / write go :-) (To a sufficient standard to understand go pointers, reflection, how things generally work in goland also)
if tracing is a sapi, we get all the zend symbols and their layout for free, if it's part of cli/cli_server/apache2 we get everything for free, no need for objdump/readelf/libelf/whatever ...
I'm just playing really ...
what gdb does is read symbols from various libraries using libelf, libdl ... what we could do, is upon initialization read from the target process into the local one, then execute some module (different modules for different things), having initialised the local process as if it were the target process, then when it comes to tracing frames, the process_vm_read is tiny, and we can afford to do it safely (attach/detach) ...
phpspy crashes a lot, it doesn't pause the target for reads, and says "it's not safe for production" ... it's the only safe thing to do as far as I can tell ... and all the proc_open for objdump is really very messy ... and not reliable ...
I haven't done any of the things I just said, a basic sapi that can attach and read frame safely is all I have at the moment, I've no idea how to windows any of it, and I've already decided it should be much different if it's going to be in php-src ... I don't know if any usable code will come out, it may not ... I may just use what I've learned to work on phpspy instead, since it already exists and mostly works ...
I spent friday trying it on real world network, it wasn't a good result ... and it's because it can't pause to do all the reading it has to do, and I don't think it's likely to change, since the option to pause is marked "unsafe for production" ...
well it's not really about edge cases, it's like the main case ...
I think he just meant it's slow, but it's not attach/detach that is slow, it's the code phpspy has to execute while it would be paused ...
if you reduce it to attach/read/detach, it can be fast, and it can be reduced to that ... but if you have to do that by a lot of objdump/libelf stuff, that's going to make init slow (don't have to pause for init, addressof executor_globals etc cannot change)
it only needs to read the frame, but because it doesn't know what any of the addresses are in the frame, it needs to read from those too - ie. it doesn't know what execute_data.func is pointing to, so must read sizeof(zend_function) from execute_data.func, it doesn't know what opline is, and so on ...
what I imagine is an initialization routine that initializes some translation tables, so that only the frame must be read, and the rest can be looked up locally ... we can do that within phpspy, but it would be very nice to have all of zend api (tables, structs etc) available ...
well you have them if you use ptrace as it's intended to be used ... you'll never see lldb/gdb saying it can't read some symbol, at least not for this reason ... you are supposed to pause ...
@JoeWatkins well, technically you may just pause while it's pushing onto the stack. Not sure whether we currently have consistency guarantees on the atomar level about the stack
well, if you can change the executor, you can add a label at that very place and reference it via &&label (and store that label address somewhere global)
@JoeWatkins ext/dom only implements dom level 3 specification, but it seems there is a dom level 4 from 2015, that has stuff like DOMParentNode interface with $firstElementNode, $lastElementNode, $childElementCount properties (this I have working now) and much more.
by glimpsing over the spec, it isn't even that much changes. The only thing that will be sort of impossible is implementing querySelector(All) as that requires a css selector parser and corresponding element matcher ;-)
no, just a random number ID, this ID will be visible to the user, and he could act like other user if he guess the token, because i will use it to verify the identity on websocket server. but i'm fine i now how to solve it
what you seem to want is a loop over random_int() with the $min $max chosen over the ascii range so that you can use chr() to get special chars as well