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Is anyone able to explain why, in composer.json files, people put PHP both in the "require" : {} section as well as the "config" : { "platform" : { } } section?

From composer's documentation: "Composer has platform packages, which are virtual packages for things that are installed on the system but are not actually installable by Composer. This includes PHP itself, PHP extensions and some system libraries."

This verbiage, would imply that putting PHP inside the "require" section, does not cause composer to install anything. So why add it? I must be missing something as many projects seem
@DarrenFelton the require version is meant to be for libraries to say what version they will run against. the config section is for applications, to tell composer "install the dependencies as if this version of PHP was installed".
i.e. when the compose update is being run outside of the normal container/vagrant environment of the app.
having both is kind of duplication.
which TLD should I purchase? .website (20 USD/year), .site (20 USD/year), .tech (40 USD/year), .ninja (19 USD/year). I'm hesitant on the .ninja one because even though I dress up as a ninja for halloween, I am not a code ninja.
kinda thinking .site
if there was a cat-related TLD that didn't require knowledge of the Catalan language or culture, I'd be all over that.
a .com is good....
@Danack it's taken, and costs like 70 dollars just to contact the person who owns it
get a version with a hypen in or similar?
I could do orcishtylae but I don't really want to
I like Tylae
@Paul So implementing the partial application...
Consider this function:
function fn($a, $b, $c) {}
If we do: $fn = fn(?, ?, $z);
We essentially create a parameter group that contains [UNUSED, UNUSED, $z].
Then when we call $fn($x, $y) we take those parameters and march over our parameter group, filling in the args of $fn into the UNUSED slots, from left to right, skipping any populated slots.
If we get an UNUSED slot which doesn't have a default then we error.
If we find an UNUSED slot which does have a default but has non-default args to the right of it, then we might also need to error. I don't think populating it with the default or trying to skip it somehow will work, especially for internal functions.
@Danack this makes sense. I agree it is a bit redundant, but does allow for a distinction between the two. Almost sounds to me like the "config":"plaftorm":{"php":"?"}} portion should be left to be in repositories meant as an app. Whereas (with that knowledge) I'll probably omit it from my library packages.

To be installing a main app for an environment, and have its dependent libraries "install as if this PHP version is installed" be different from what is configured in the application, sounds undesirable.
3 hours later…
@DarrenFelton Yeah- it's been drastic change. It felt really nice out today.
nn all!
Hai I tried $cmd = "gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$outputName "; to merge PDF files. It's working fine in my local system but not working in server.
it's possible to someone discover the IP of my VPS if i send a email from my website using the function mail()?
1 hour later…
@JoeWatkins Did not think of that name similarity until you brought it up just now.
it's a bit close, but not important to me if it's not important to you ... it's not a surprise when coverage things have "cov" in the name for users I guess ...
@rtheunissen ping
the bug opened in decimal ext means decimal will break in threaded SAPI's, there's some confusion about how to use zts/globals within the code ... I'll talk you through it ...
In case I'm not around when you get that message, in essence you must treat globals as per-request globals, they are not per process as the code seems to assume ... this means you gotta do your initialization of contexts in rinit, not minit ... minit should only memset global structure ... the reason it works in prefork sapis is because the fork happens after minit, but before rinit, so each forked process gets a cow address space from the parent ...
the next bit I'm not sure about but did look at documentation ... the context would appear to be thread safe, there is a large list of thread safe functions in the docs, and it would appear safe if the context you are storing in ze globals were a truly global symbol, but you will have to check that list ... I probably wouldn't do this even if determined to be safe, I doubt it would really make any difference and may make code harder to debug
I'm also not sure by what method that long list of functions is made thread safe, but if it involved any kind of mutual exclusion, then it will be faster to have a context per request anyway ...
if you'd rather not deal with this at all, I'm happy to fix it for you ...
1 hour later…
Something unexpected went wrong with the WOTD service: Allowed transfer timeout exceeded: 120000 ms
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis * (10**22) ....
@Gordon Saw your Instana plug. Educate me, does this remove the need for a correlation id in the application layer?
@NikiC ping
@JoeWatkins pong
abstruse difficult to comprehend : recondite
@JoeWatkins what am I looking at here?
see comment, SO just went down for me for a minute
any ideas ?
23/8/2 is zend_assign_add + cv + tmp_var, which should be fine
right, the point was a totally normal opcode, not a user op or anything strange
and it doesn't do anything other than set the executor ... I don't get it ...
@JoeWatkins does this happen with/without opcache?
with and without
I triple checked, definitely happens with and without
@JoeWatkins I think I see it
tell me it's not something about rinit, and it can be fixed in php-src ?
also, show me ?
@JoeWatkins I think there is a missing case in assign_* specialization for static props
function end_test($start, $name)
  global $total;
  $end = gethrtime();
  $total += $end-$start;
that's not a static prop ?
am I being dumb ? aware how it's bound, but I still don't get it ...
good morning, roomies
@JoeWatkins The bug is with static props, but it affects everything
@JoeWatkins github.com/php/php-src/commit/… try again
@JoeWatkins And don't ask me why we have two times exactly the same code that just begs to get out of sync and that only differs in the map used to do the final lookup
that fixed it
can you pull that into jit branch so I can carry on what I started with ..
Total              0.290
Total              1.059
without/with ... that seems like a very large difference ...
anything can be done about that ?
How do mathematicians scold their children? "If I’ve told you n times, I’ve told you n+100 times..."
@JoeWatkins about what? with/without what is that?
first time is without custom executor in bug, second is with it ... no other change
Also, we totally need a --with-bug option in PHP. That's enabled by default. And can't be disabled.
@JoeWatkins running bench.php?
@NikiC we're about to have it, we're calling it --enable-opcache-jit ...
@JoeWatkins part of the overhead here probably comes just from the fact that execute_ex is set
for your case, can you do that phpdbg magic where it unsets execute_ex again?
I knew there was a difference, but it's about 3x slower without opcache too, I didn't know it was that extreme ...
So it always stays in the same VM loop?
I was using that at first, bits of trace went missing
for pcov, that's how it traces ... so obviously bits go missing ...
@JoeWatkins I think the main overhead may be coming from zend_vm_get_opcode_handler_func (the bit that was broken just now)
can you see any way to improve it, even a little bit ?
It looks up the opcode handler function every time, for every opcode, while usually we precompute this stuff
hmm ... feels like a thing that could be generated ?
So it does two table lookups plus a bunch of math
yeah I looked ... I haven't looked at generator in years ... doable ?
okay, so the problem is this
When we're using the hybrid vm, there are "opcode handlers" which are labels in the vm and thus not callable as functions (used for computed goto)
And there are "opcode funcs" which are the normal opcode handlers that would usually be used and can be directly called
If hybrid vm is used, op->handler caches the opcode handler, while you need the opcode func
Ideally you'd want to opt out of hybrid vm at runtime
yeah, I was struggling to see a way around it, you can't use the computed goto ...
how practical is the opt-out idea ?
@JoeWatkins probably not very
@JoeWatkins You can try toggling the vm to CALL in zend_vm_opcodes.h
Just to check how big of perf impact this makes
I'll look now
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ sapi/cli/php -n Zend/bench.php
simple             0.023
simplecall         0.007
simpleucall        0.026
simpleudcall       0.028
mandel             0.084
mandel2            0.093
ackermann(7)       0.022
ary(50000)         0.003
ary2(50000)        0.002
ary3(2000)         0.041
fibo(30)           0.089
hash1(50000)       0.010
hash2(500)         0.007
heapsort(20000)    0.022
matrix(20)         0.021
nestedloop(12)     0.042
sieve(30)          0.015
strcat(200000)     0.004
pretty consistently get close to those numbers, so a difference, but not a huge difference ...
@JoeWatkins okay, then it's probably not worth doing something about this
Apart from handler lookup & vm reentry cost I don't have anything
ok cool, thanks for taking the time to look whatever :)
But you know, perf record :P
it's going to tell us what we already know, its going to be the handler lookup ...
looking anyway ...
perf missing all symbols, so not very helpful ...
it's a debug build (rebuilt) ...
@JoeWatkins you're benchmarking a debug build...?
no, I rebuilt to get symbols
$ ssh svn2.php.net
why would symbols be missing @NikiC ?
@JoeWatkins I don't know
There's not missing here :P
can you have a go at recording bug running bench so we can confirm what we expect ?
@salathe and now execute svn2git for once and always
@bwoebi that's the plan :)
@GabrielCaruso Did anything come out of that discussion?
diff --git a/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c b/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c
index c783977a43..6f3e7872b0 100644
--- a/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c
+++ b/ext/opcache/ZendAccelerator.c
@@ -2949,7 +2949,11 @@ file_cache_fallback:


-       if (!file_cache_only && ZCG(accel_directives).interned_strings_buffer) {
+       if (
+               !file_cache_only &&
+               ZCG(accel_directives).interned_strings_buffer) {
@NikiC @bwoebi disable-file-cache broken build fix for 7.4/master, is it okay ?
(and jit, dmitry will merge there)
it looks horrible, I know, but similar is done elsewhere ...
looks sane to me
though wondering why file_cache_only can't be simply set to false?
instead of inside the middle of the if()
it's only defined if the file cache is enabled, is global
that's what broke the build
@JoeWatkins yeah, I mean ... why can't you just define the file cache to global false by default?
I don't think there's a good reason to compile it out at compile-time, right?
I dunno, there's quite a lot depending on that ifdef, whole functions are not included when not defined
I'll submit a pr to drop it entirely and see what dmitry thinks
ok cool, thanks, I see how to do it, but still scared of changing opcache ...
I don't think I see the reason it's like that in the first place :s
github.com/php/php-src/commit/… ... I guess it's just an artifact
maybe just purely because experimental
yeah that
@NikiC ^^
Voting & Workflow RFC - update: yay, hopefully less of a blunderbuss approach to change. :)
@LeviMorrison that'd be disappointing
@salathe that won't stop me putting the abolish narrow margins to vote tomorrow ...
@JoeWatkins Good. :)
does anyone actually think there's something so horribly wrong with the way people are given votes today that we need to change it ?
I'm totally unconvinced that it needs changing at all, I don't see the problem ...
me neither, we even have that community part covered.. there are people with voting rights that don't have a vcs account at all (ie. fabpot)
@NikiC dmitry is happy to merge it ... I still think that shutdown is a bit strange ?
yeah I just can only see bad things being suggested and I'm not sure of the motivation, and definitely don't see that it will make anything better ...
@JoeWatkins if it's enough of a problem that it needs to change, then it should be enough of a problem that someone should have the guts to explicitly name the people who should have their voting rights stripped and why
@JoeWatkins It's strange but it's probably right
Some weird zts shutdown shenanigans
Also, I'm currently porting PEAR to PHP 8... what has the world come to
@NikiC huh ? _file_cache_only set to globally always available file_cache_only, I'm not sure _file_cache_only is needed anymore ?
@JoeWatkins ah
@NikiC :( another 10 years ...
@JoeWatkins I don't want to touch that. I have a feeling that that ts_free_id can somehow end up modifying file_cache_only or something...
And that's why it backs it up into _file_cache_only
that's not my understanding of that api, but okay, it works whatever, ship it ...
@JoeWatkins Some good news though, Travis nightlies should be be back
But probably with a completely broken pecl command...
if everything worked, we'd have nothing to do :D
Speaking of travis, I've made some progress with osx and a couple other builds, but I still have some things to fix
dumping logs on failure would be useful
@Paul people who haven't committed code in five years, no matter how many emails they have sent to internals in the meantime....
@tereško congratulations, that person has taken part in a campaign of intimidation that has included death threats - thinkprogress.org/… do you think they deserve a prize?
@Danack z himself hasn't made a significant contribution code wise since 2006 ... I don't tend to write code for zend anymore, but do spend a lot of time merging other peoples code, plenty of people have voting rights earned from being doc maintainers, which is totally legitimate in my view - often these people have a very deep understanding of how parts of php or all of it work because they've been reading the docs for years ...
it's not as clear cut as "if you don't commit, you don't vote" ... and cannot be ...
@JoeWatkins I was only very slightly trolling. There is a difference between someone who hasn't had anything to do with the project for years, and someone who has been organising stuff but maybe not just committing code.
But the whole point of this type of RFC is to look ahead at future problems, to set stuff up correctly now, so that there is less drama in the future.
There probably should be some mechanism for people who have not been active to lose their vote at some point - and Zeev probably has crossed into that territory. For him to be proactively removing the vote from other people, when not even considering removing the vote from himself, is highly self-centred.
well if they are not active, then they are not voting, so they can't effect outcomes ... if the only thing they do is vote, then they are active, and I trust that anyone voting has reviewed what is being proposed, if that's all they have time for then pushing those people away makes no sense ...
I don't like the idea of taking peoples votes away, they earned it, legitimately ... even z ... I wouldn't want to take his vote away either even though I tend to disagree with everything he says ...
I wish he'd do more than starting arguments, but whatever, it's important that people that have an invested interest have a voice, and that would appear to be the system we have today ...
Don't you love it when you buy something from the store a day before, and can't find the purchased item anywhere ...
you left it at the store
that's what I'm thinking
I'll have to buy more on the way :/
this beef stew is either going to be fucking amazing, or terrible, and I'm thinking the latter. Just been one of those mornings.
mornin all
I've got a question regarding Typed Properties - do they work with PDOStatement::fetchObject? And are those properties casted to proper types when they're injected by PDO?
I mean when I pass a class name wchich includes typed properties
@JoeWatkins I can think of other scenarios......the communications director at Codemasters where I worked had a pretty bad mental break, and started abusing the staff. Also, one of the teachers at one of the schools I went to went to prison for arson for setting fire to the school. I think people ageing and losing their marbles is something that a significant number of online communities are going to need to develop rules about.
@brzuchal it'd be bad if they weren't.......also morning.
they seem like really extreme cases to be used as justification for changing norms ...
@beberlei if you're around, and you still remember them, can you explain what the objects to the annotation/attributes RFC were e.g. why this is bad gist.github.com/beberlei/18db9f7d5f6157b817348a58fa2aee25 - preferably using short words so that I understand....
Morning, Room.
Well, I have another day off because of weather...
I guess this is one of the perks of working at a school? Plus, we don't offer working from home to hourly employees.
@brzuchal they should be weakly casted if possible
@bwoebi thank you
but to be sure, just try it out :-)
yes I plan to do that
btw.........just 'cast'.
@Danack It's a bit an E_MAGIC problem, it's not inherently bad
@Danack well, it will fail if you try to assign "foobar" to an int typed prop
php master shows wrong version – #77579
@bwoebi I think he means that the past tense of "cast" is "cast" (not "casted")
because english is stupid
@DaveRandom That's actually right... okay thanks @Danack for reminding me
@DaveRandom there are some cases where not having the exception would be quite stupid ... just spell "readed" :-D
yeh, although with "read" it's the same spelling but a different pronunciation
2 mins ago, by DaveRandom
because english is stupid
which is also stupid yea
we need a new modern english without exceptions :-D And word composition like in German
there have been campaigns for that since at least the 19th century (Google "ghoti")
@DaveRandom but…that's my favorite english word next to flabberghasted
I assume that "flabberghasted" is derived from germanic roots, at least "ghast" seems likely derived from "ghost" i.e. "gheist", something like "speech ghost"?
@Gordon seems like another "I know how to fix <pattern> (well .. actually what I was marketed as <pattern>)" article
will read, but the expectations are low already ... also I suspect that the author made a new acronym :(
"Floxinoxinihilipilification" is a good English word for doing linguistic wheelies
@DaveRandom and don't foget the Jabberwocky
yeh although I'm not sure Spike Milligan is a great canonical source for English words
@DaveRandom same as 'aghast'....also.
or Coleridge, who also liked stuff like that
and opium
@DaveRandom I was talking about Lewis Carrol though
> MVP (Model-View-Presenter) appeared, trying to fix the "everything is inside of my controller" problem with MVC.
oh I though the jabberwocky was milligan
@Danack yes although I think that's more like using "ghost" as a verb, "ghosted" (but more like "turned into a ghost" rather than "treated like a ghost" as in modern vernacular)
dunno, I didn't check any of that :-P
@Gordon TIL, although I will freely admit that literature is a weak subject for me in general
@DaveRandom it's a very large subject matter so you are excused
Im struggeling a little to understand this: Does PHP also offer a clear distinction between the frontend and backend layer? So when I connect to some urls and post some data around in a controller, that would be something that a client requesting a view that uses this controller would not be able to see, right? As it happens on the webserver, before the user is served it's HTML as result?
PHP has a very clear distinction between front-and backend
PHP is backend. Not PHP is frontend
So the views are also entirely rendered server-side (unless you use java script) and then delivered as html to the client?
I've just looked at my frontend in the mirror, it's covered in PHP ...
@PeeHaa so, you do not have a fully fledged framework which lets you write PHP for frontend like it would be real (and transpiling dynamic logic to JS while keeping state around)?
@bwoebi That still would be better than having to write javascript :P
@Mercious Yes. Either serve html or a rest api
I'm looking at a project and it somehow has kind of created a second "backend" lol. Is uses javascript in the frontend, namely socket.io and then a node.js server in the "Backend" and the view then communicates with that node.js server via javascript. Pretty confusing, I doubt node.js can do much that PHP in the backend couldnt do
@Mercious why do you keep referring to HTML as "views"?
I am not?
I said a user is requesting a certain view (actually he is requesting a URL that is bound to some view), the view is rendered server-side and then delivered as HTML. Where did I go wrong?
@Mercious hilariously, rendering stuff on the client can be too slow, so some projects move the rendering of JS to the server, so that it can be cached and also sent as one pre-rendered lot of html, rather than separate html + js.
That sounds ... really weird :P
@Jimbo there will still be a correlation ID but you don't have worry about it. we create if needed.
@Gordon How is that auto-gennd correlation id retrieved in the application layer, say if we want to log to elasticsearch for example to keep everything together - can we retrieve it from an injected header or something from instana?
@Jimbo in PHP it would be available via the $_SERVER array
but logging to ES seems kinda superfluous given that you got everything in Instana anyways ;)
@Gordon And in something like Go?
I knew you'd ask that :)
I have to check. I didn't write the Go tracer
Cool, I'm thinking env var but haven't had a chance to check
@Danack Oh yeah, thats a usual thing for single page application tho, not specific to java
@Danack search engines dont like single page applications, so there is this solution where your backend renders pseudo pages just for the search engine
And for that it typically uses headless browsers
cc @tereško You'll find that one interesting ^^
@Mercious Think about what you said for 1 second
It's a solution for a problem that should not exist in the first place
@PeeHaa But it's a problem in nowadays world nontheless
@PeeHaa Debatable. Single Page Applications / RICH client, however you want to call them have some real advantages
@Mercious Like?
@MadaraUchiha Not my problem though :P
SPAs got so much hype that people have forgotten that there's a whole class of problems that were solved with normal webapps, that now need to be re-solved
@MadaraUchiha hmm ... either bitcoin is going to go up in flame or AMD is going to release something good
@Mercious Give me the top 3 "real advantages"
@PeeHaa Scale ability, reduced network traffic which can be a real issue for certain customer types (farmes in many parts of the world for example) etc
@tereško Nvidia lied to their shareholders about how much crypto affected their revenue
@Mercious Why / how would it scale better?
When crypto crashed, Nvidia crashed much harder than expected
They missed their profits projection by ~500 million
hmm ... I was just guessing
@Mercious Reduced network traffic matter only to a super small part of the industry
@PeeHaa By delegating rendering and business logic work to the client you obviously scale a lot better the more clients you have than if everything was handled by your servers backend.
but half a billion is quite a lot
that's EA levels of missing-the-mark
@Mercious No it's not
@PeeHaa It matters for very specific customer groups, yes. However, acting like this use case just doesnt exist doesnt help negating my pojnt that it "can have real advantages"
Ability to scale does not mean doing less work
@Jimbo we offer an OpenTracing SDK in Go here: github.com/instana/go-sensor. You'd get the correlation ID via span.Context(). Unfortunately, this also means our Go tracer is not as automatic as our other language tracers. So not as advertised in my plug.
@PeeHaa ????
@JoeWatkins People in github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/3352 claim that PHPUnit does not work with auto_globals_jit=Off. I cannot reproduce that. Do you have an idea?
@MadaraUchiha wow
@PeeHaa "Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged to accommodate that growth." Using your clients resources (the browser) vs not using it at all is better Scalability , period. This isnt exactly a new statement, you can find this in 1000 literature books about single page vs multi
@Mercious Single page applications tend to fragment data excessively completely missing that goal of reduced network traffic...
> Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work
Yes, a growing amount of work, in my example = more clients
@bwoebi While that might be true, it has little to do with that the concept theoretically offers
> you can find this in 1000 literature books about single page vs multi
Those are marketing
@SebastianBergmann -d error_reporting=E_ALL?
It's fine though I will just sit here while the industry comes its senses and be reasonable about it again
And I believe they're saying the problem is auto_globals_jit=On, not Off
@PeeHaa I doubt it...
How many projects did you do based on SPA architecture, how good was your team and how bad did it fail? @Mercious
"It's marketing" is literally the worst excuse ever. There are a hundreds of books that have no interest in shilling single page and that are written by smart people that are in the industry since decades.
@PeeHaa I had one major project done in GWT, which is up and running well. The biggest hurdle was SEO, which was accomplished by similar things as you linked earlier. A phantomjs rendering views for the search bot in the backend.
How does that exclude them from doing marketing?
@SebastianBergmann I can reproduce it
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg -nqrr -dauto_globals_jit=On -derror_reporting=E_ALL phpunit --version
[PHP Notice:  Undefined index: _SERVER in /opt/src/php-src/phpunit on line 18]
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg -nqrr -dauto_globals_jit=Off -derror_reporting=E_ALL phpunit --version
PHPUnit 8.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
@StatikStasis Yeah, it's a big blow.
@NikiC error_reporting=-1
@Mercious So your scaling thing of doing less on the backend resulted in you doing more on the frontend and the same amount of work only more complicated on the backend
@Gordon Yeah, context is currently the global state go offers and it's pretty fucking awful :/ Why not env var?
And it serves them right.
@NikiC On is what I have in php.ini. With both On/Off I get the same result.
@PeeHaa "It's marketing" is just a really stupid way of arguing against a point. That way you can discard anything that was every written. The argument is valid, be it for marketing purposes or not. It has logical weight to it that you have to argue against.
@PeeHaa Yeah no, thats just wrong.
@MadaraUchiha that, combined with RTX failure with do interesting things
bob, why does web data extension disable auto_globals_jit, and then not enable it again ?
@Mercious Glad we agree
@Jimbo IDK. I am totally unfamiliar with Go
looks like a bug in phpdbg to me, precisely there^^
@MadaraUchiha I am assuming that the lack of GPUs available on the market due to crypto-miners increasing the demand, caused many of the usual NVidia consumers to buy AMD- so when the crypto market crashed they had lost a lot of their lifelong consumers? Is that what has occurred?
phpdbg -qrr -d auto_globals_jit=On -d error_reporting=E_ALL phpunit-8.phar --version
PHPUnit 8.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
wait, that can't be it, that's never entered ..
@StatikStasis I'm not sure why they crashed hard
@MadaraUchiha Ouch
The big issue is that they blatantly lied about it to everyone, their own shareholders included.
That's no good.
@StatikStasis remember how people were complaining that there are always a shortage of AMD cards and how Radeon VI was rumored to only have 500 cards produced?
Nvidia overextended + the RTX 2000-series is a mess
Isn't the Radeon 7 annoucement today?
@MadaraUchiha Benchmarks are supposed to be today, yes. I am looking forward to that.
@MadaraUchiha could be (I have a lot of videos about it in my youtube feed)
@SebastianBergmann try with -n so it doesn't load any of your config files ?
I'm not sure of explanation yet, still looking
@JoeWatkins It's related to Xdebug.
So ... is this an Xdebug issue? A PHPDBG issue? A PHPUnit issue?
^ this is what I am currently watching
I don't think xdebug is doing anything wrong, it's an interoperability issue between phpdbg and xdebug
@SebastianBergmann A PHPUnit issue
An interoperability issue between Xdebug and PHPDBG that hides an issue in PHPUnit's code then?
I don't think you can rely on _SERVER existing in that context
And depending on how the stars align it's either going to be there or not
The stars align! Fear their portents!
Because ultimately the auto globals jit stuff is just an optimization, there isn't really a guarantee whether or not it will trigger
So I wouldn't say that either xdebug or phpdbg necessarily do anything wrong
(Though that may also be the case...)
It's been a while since I "visited" Star Augur Etraeus ...
there's something not sensible about loading a debugger inside a debugger, that's for sure ...
I've never heard that you can't rely on super globals before ...
@NikiC why do you say that ?
@bwoebi @kelunik @Trowski what do you figure is the chance of ext/async landing in php 8?
I see it, I don't know how else you can write that ...
the optimization is meant to be that they are just-in-time populated, I've never heard they might not be populated at all ...
they should be there ...
@JoeWatkins You can write that as $_SERVER
@SebastianBergmann What's the reason for using $GLOBALS['_SERVER'] there?
@JoeWatkins They are only guaranteed populated if you access them directly, but not if you access them through variable variables (or $GLOBALS, it's the same)
I see, replace it with $_SERVER, that works ...
@NikiC I do not remember. But if I replace that line with if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { then it works.
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