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@bwoebi yeah
@bwoebi how?
I don't think the jit function registration actually works in lldb
It's probably just ignored
@NikiC go one level up in the stacktrace and disassemble it?
I want to just jump into your live lldb session :-D
(lldb) disassemble
    0x402576b4: movabsq $0x5555562c50a0, %rax     ; imm = 0x5555562C50A0
    0x402576be: cmpq   $0x0, (%rax)
    0x402576c2: jne    0x40000040
    0x402576c8: movq   0x18(%r15), %rax
    0x402576cc: jmp    0x402572c1
    0x402576d1: movq   %r15, %rdi
or tell me what code you are using so that I can repro
@bwoebi php-parser phpunit
meh, I just need a lldb session to look myself
@Tiffany See @Fabor cat photo in starred list.
well at least someone of relevance agrees with me regarding the void rfc :B
@Wes who?
@Wes I do as well.
@Wes To be fair, the RFC is not entirely stupid :)
It's still wrong though :P
yeah, it's not that i am defending a lost cause obvs :D
@NikiC the phpstan author
@NikiC why?
because i wrote it. i am wrong by default
nikic disagrees because it is a very stupid thing to do changing void to non-void
and i can totally respect that opinion :B
how is void the absence of a type ? isn't it the absence of a value ?
seems to be a pretty strict type ...
@JoeWatkins As far as I understand it, a function returning void means that its return value is ignored
For instance (please forgive my TypeScript, but I'm more familiar with the syntax):
I understand it to be prohibitive of returning a value ...
@JoeWatkins But a function returning a value is a valid variant of a function that does not return a value
function foo<R>(function(): R $fn): R {
    return $fn();
For example, if I request a void-returning function, I can pass a value-returning function with no consequences
Because the function requesting and calling the passed function will ignore the return value.
@Wes I know I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here, with all of callable types, generics and void as generic type parameters
But in the above example, if function(): int is compatible with function(): void, then foo<void> would not be a type sound substitution
hahahah, that tweet @Wes
@pmmaga :D
function sideEffect(cb: () => void) {
In this example, I can pass a function that returns a string
But it would be ignored.
It's safe for me to do so.
I still have to look at it better but for now, my doubt is: Is a void return an Invariant? Because "Invariants of the supertype must be preserved in a subtype."
Unlike, for example, passing a function that takes a string and returns nothing, because I have no string to pass it.
@Wes btw, what is definitely wrong is your example that goes void -> mixed -> void. If void -> mixed is allowed (by your proposal) and mixed -> void is allowed (by covariance), then void -> mixed -> void must also be allowed.
We wouldn't want to make the inheritance rules intransitive
mixed -> void is disallowed, where did you read that?
only void to mixed is allowed
@Wes Because that's how it currently works, and that direction is sound
Unless you want to make that an error?
In which case you should explicitly call out that BC break
going from some return value to void is certainly not covariantly valid
why is this allowed lol
It's ... questionable
It's okay from a type perspective if you view void essentially as null
But the semantics are definitely questionable there
And it probably shouldn't have been allowed
The void rfc doesn't go into this
> A void return type cannot be changed during inheritance. You can see this as either because return types are invariant, or because they are covariant and nothing is a subclass of void.
It doesn't really consider the case of going from mixed to void
void in php isn't essentially null, it is null (though it reaches in with arbitrary restrictions on how null is returned)
@Paul Those restrictions aren't arbitrary and tie into it not being "just" null...
sure they are, the function still returns null
I think void really should be fully invariant
We should ask Andrea what she actually intended
I think void means "if you return something you're doing it wrong". And therefore it is invariant, because if you implement and use return $anything; you've violated the intent
yeah, that
intent isn't relevant. a return type says what type a function returns - that's all.
Types are all about intent?
@ircmaxell for me it means "if you use the return value you are doing it wrong"
@Wes It's both "if you use the return value you are doing it wrong" and "if you return a value you are doing it wrong" ^^
that is, the restriction should be at usage-site, not at the return-site
@hikari_no_yume We were wondering if https://3v4l.org/dWNWT is intended behavior for void. It's kinda okay if you view "void" as "null" and "null" a subtype of "mixed", but given that we explicitly differentiated "void" from "null", I feel like it should be an invariant return.
(and response)
types are about what you can do with things, they have nothing to do with intent
if you return int I can do int stuff to it, it doesn't matter what you mean by it
if you want to get intent across that's what documentation (and naming things well) is for
Types are to a very large part also documentation
yeah, they're the types part
@Fabor No....docker + nothing currently. But last place was docker and jenkins for building stuff, before deploying it with helm/kubernetes shite.
Ah furry muff
@NikiC yeah, agree with that sentiment
@matthiasnoback @OndrejMirtes I'm explaining as hard as I can :D think of it as a marker type that means "don't use the return value from this function, regardless it has any or none at all" -- as opposed to the current meaning: "this function does not return anything".
if you return int and say "I mean this is an error code, you can only use this as an error code" you can't expect a type system to enforce that for you. You're free to make an ErrorCode type and return that, and get all the type safety you'd expect, but that's not what we have with void - it returns null.
see… that's what you get for forcing types down PHP's throat. It was all fine and dandy with the type juggling before. now you got 99 problems when you just should have used java instead
@ircmaxell 100% agreed.
@NikiC It's ... bullshit. Fix this please ...
@bwoebi There's so many things to fix, i don't think this is what I'm going to spend time on ;)
I agree though
Not important enough
Dmitry fixed the jit issue
But considering this is bullshit, I think @Wes RFC is pretty sane
now time to benchmark
@bwoebi I think given that we have this bullshit, Wes RFC becomes infeasible
Because it will either require non-transitive inheritance rules (oh god)
just say it's a bug (which it is) and ignore it
@NikiC This was though what I was thinking of...
or it will be trivially unsound (because you could go :int -> :void -> :float)
no that's shit
if you want to make void mean what you want it to mean, then functions returning void can't be used in expressions.. but again that's not what we've got - we've got null
What does :int -> :void -> :float even mean?
What does it mean for a parameter (not a return type) to be of type void?
@Paul It's undefined behavior, happening to be null in most cases :-P
@MadaraUchiha we are talking about return types only
@bwoebi So what does it mean in the context of :int -> :void -> :float?
The way I read it it's a function that accepts an int which returns a function which accepts a void and returns a float
Actually my comment is not entirely right as you can't do :int -> :void
@bwoebi all is technically most, yes :)
@MadaraUchiha function():int substituted by function():void substituted by function():float
The example is wrong though
@Paul currently yes :-D
I think it's not possible to make something unsound from it, as long as only :mixed -> :void is allowed...
@NikiC it works in one direction, but not the other
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, the problem is that we already have :mixed -> :void in PHP.
@NikiC no, it isn't... except the :mixed -> :void step itself is unsound
There... wait for it...
void type is not covariant to mixed – #77566
what's funny is if void had been (appropriately) called null in the first place, you could've added an actual void today without breaking everything.. instead the rfc took this halfway approach that ended up wrong on all fronts
@NikiC That makes sense, :mixed is your top type
For that matter, in TypeScript if I asked for a () => any I am allowed to pass () => void
@MadaraUchiha so any and void are just aliases
@Wes No,
void is your bottom type
Anything can come in place of mixed, but nothing can come in place of void.
In TypeScript, you have any as the top type, and never as the bottom type, void being a sorta-kinda alias for never.
if you can pass void in place of mixed, and mixed in place of void it means they are the same thing
@bwoebi @kelunik remind me, what can I benchmark in http-server?
@Wes If I ask for a :mixed argument, I can pass anything.
anyway, i've had enough void for this decade :B
If I ask for a :void argument, I can't pass anything (i.e. no callsite is valid)
ah i see @MadaraUchiha so it depends on whether it's out or in
At least, that's how I would expect it to work intuitively.
@Wes Yes
Ah, hpack is a separate lib now
@Wes For that matter, disregard void for a moment
I have a Parent class and a Child extends Parent class
If I asked for a () => Parent am I allowed to accept () => Child? Or vice versa?
@NikiC hpack (its own repo), the websockets (also own repo) and the httpDriver implementations - if you want specific things. Otherwise you can do fullblown benchmarks as well, if you ignore syscall times then
@bwoebi hrm, crashed on hpack tests...
@NikiC well doesn't surprise me too much TBH :-D
@bwoebi did you do crazy things again bob?
@NikiC well, the hpack impl. to generate the state tables is a bit crazy, yes.
@NikiC Abuse of references, I'm not surprised if jit doesn't cover every case of references perfectly or if opcache misinfers something there
Barbara Liskov, under no circumstances read this #php RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/allow-void-variance #really #bad #idea
Hi guys, can I ask a react question here?
if yes, can you please have a look at

@JoeWatkins clearly nobody had the time to read it, but they all had the time to write how dumb i am
@wes you're definitely not dumb. And bad idea "in theory" is different from one "in pragmatism"
I doubt there are many 80 year olds reading internals anyway, don't worry about it ...
I'm sure the idea of recording sound was considered dumb too.
Does Composer have a lockfile?
@MadaraUchiha Yes.
\s don't cache a &nbsp; html decoded – #77567
@Wes I dont get the joke
@Gordon It's a "me, myself and irene" joke ( amovie)
I think I have seen the movie but I cant remember the plot
@Jeeves ...
@Gordon it's not a movie people usually forget tho :D
thanks @Danack you don't have to. i work in tech, i am immune to people thinking i am incompetent :B
PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

...............................................................  63 / 133 ( 47%)
............................................................... 126 / 133 ( 94%)
.......                                                         133 / 133 (100%)

Time: 301 ms, Memory: 8.00MB

OK (133 tests, 309 assertions)

Code Coverage Report:
  2019-02-04 15:30:17

  Classes: 27.27% (3/11)
  Methods: 76.62% (59/77)
  Lines:   90.06% (426/473)

note version ... I wrote a package that can clobber the xdebug driver and force pcov to be used in versions other than phpunit 8 ...
@Wes still don't like people who are 'senior' in the community making shitty arguments and expecting to not get called on it.
shall I put that on github ?
@JoeWatkins You said the JIT code is simple :(
well, I said that at some point, I'd be able to agree with the statement that it's not as complicated as opcache ... and the levels above the dynasm stuff are nice ... it's still a jit :)
I assume your stuck on something ... you know I can't be of any help at all ...
@NikiC How about the HTTP driver tests in http-server?
@NikiC What's your take? After looking at it and playing with it, do you think it's another opcache (where one person is the only real maintainer) or that it's more approcahable?
@ircmaxell I can't say yet, haven't looked enough
@JoeWatkins I just got to the ssa linscan regalloc code... It's scary
@JoeWatkins This would be a lot of work... and a lot of money... but you could always build a custom keyboard. The optional key colors do not get close enough to the pink you're wanting but if you scroll to the bottom of this page you'll see the custom designs which means you could create an overlay that is hot pink and upload the file to get exactly what you're wanting. wasdkeyboards.com
pcov/clobber because I can :)
@NikiC try holding a blanket over your screen, and only taking little peeks, if you get scared, just cover the screen :D
So, JIT does not support Windows or MacOS. But it does support using the x87 FPU :P
1 hour ago, by NikiC
@bwoebi did you do crazy things again bob?
I think he must have meant you...
@JoeWatkins @bwoebi You're all crazy. It's not a competition.
hehe, so long as one of us does something crazy every few days, I'm happy ...
por que no los dos? por que no los todos?
phpunit/dbunit is abandoned? Head Explodes
@legale It should be defined by the main php_config.h. Also, building exts in php-src individually is generally not supported. If it works, only by luck.
@Tiffany no puedo comprender lo que dices alli ...
@JoeWatkins "por que no los dos" is said to mean "why not both?" so I tried changing it to "why not all?"
@Tiffany ah yo pense significaste todos los dias, eso seria demasiado loco :)
@JoeWatkins eso seria loco
@NikiC haven't run the jit yet … how do I actually know whether it's running the jit? should be only --enable-opcache-jit, opcache.enable_cli=1 and including the zend_extension? right?
@bwoebi that and opcache.jit_buffer_size
@NikiC to what value?
I just set it to 32M
> (at least in nix)
is there some issue with windows?
possibly, wes mentioned it forces xdebug to load, but it doesn't do that here, and I don't have a windoze because allergic
here it just adds coverage_enable, which is ignored, but wes said it added -dzend_extension=php_xdebug.dll in windows and he couldn't change it ... though he didn't try very hard I don't think ...
i see
@NikiC I get no crashes, only a few uninit values by valgrind and quite a few test failures (where the strings seem to be cut off)
with jit on hpack
posted on February 04, 2019 by CommitStrip

in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 22 mins ago, by TylerH
@treyBake Hehe, this is what my friend Wes responds with as his reaction as a PHP developer when people tell him PHP sucks https://media1.tenor.com/images/f2e45d8e3272cf5b1daf8b94c5de95b9/tenor.gif
Happy Chinese New Year
Year of the Pig
@Fabor 2019 is the year of Peehaa. We know he's gonna make his move to remove Rasmus and take over PHP once and for all. #GameofInternals
@NikiC Thanks. At last i found what is the problem was. It was /usr/local/include/php_config.h headers directory. Shame on me. Everything was on the surface.
@Fabor Jay will be happy to hear this.
@bwoebi I think dmitry fixed the bug just now
No more segfault
@bwoebi 1.7x speedup on a huffman encode decode roundtrip of 10000 random bytes
But I assume you have a better benchmark lying around somewhere?
@nikic did changing the mail domain do the trick?
@salathe yes
I was told to use mailout.php.net for this, so it doesn't break when it changes next time
It’s guaranteed to break when it changes next time, for one reason or another. But, at least it’s working for now. :)
It's a shame this was broken for a whole year (maybe longer?)
longer.. complaints go back years
@NikiC, have you tried out the Azure Pipelines?
@NikiC I'm most interested in seeing if this has any significant benefit on the HTTP server as a whole. Are you able to run examples/hello-world.php in http-server?
There is a tool for benchmarking HTTP/2 servers if you have nginx installed: nghttp2.org/documentation/h2load-howto.html
Err… forgot that HTTP/2 requires TLS, so there's a bit of set up required. I can put together a script if benchmarking it interests you.
@pmmaga nope
Kind of hoping that someone else will :P
@pmmaga You're interested in doing that, right? ...Right?
I played with them a little, but had a hard time finding applicable documentation so a lot isn't clear
I do like CI stuff. I was thinking of trying travis for everything first and see how it behaves if you ask it for 5 concurrent builds
If they actually run it all in parallel it may be easier than moving to azure
@pmmaga You don't happen to be one of those macos users, do you?
@Paul not a good sign :|
@Trowski I'll check if it runs later
@NikiC Ok. You can test the HTTP/1.1 parsing without any setup.
For copy-on-write, do you separate the container or the accessed value? (Almost 100% sure it's the container but I didn't want to make any assumptions)
Or is it not that simple?
@rtheunissen can you be more specific? what do you mean by copy-on-write in this context?
I have an object, which I would like to implement copy-on-write, ie array semantics.
When modified, do I simply separate the object being modified, or the value that is replaced?
Like I said I'm almost certain that it's the container itself.
Nice to see you @shadowhand o/
@rtheunissen is this in PHP code or C?
C more-so
ah, then i got nothing for you :(
I have two dates, I want the difference between in hours and minutes - it only gives 2 days... there must be a simple way to do this without division etc?
@Trowski I just did a quick ab -c10 -n100000 against the hello world, I get about 6.0k without and 6.5k rps with jit
@rtheunissen You separate the object being modified
Though I'm not sure how you want to accomplish that on a technical level (without fat engine hacks)
woops, my neighbour just shouted at me, I went out and pit bull got out of house, then garden and stood at their gate barking at them ...
he could have just stroked her and played with her, but likely stood there shouting ... of course she will shout back ...
@NikiC Interesting. I've never been impressed with the numbers ab gives me. Do you have wrk installed?
I didn't know she could open doors ...
@Trowski nope
I can compile it though
Yeah, give that a try. Or at least add -k to ab so it uses keep-alive.
With 6000 rps you probably did…
@Trowski what are good options to pass to wrk?
@JoeWatkins maybe unaccustomed to dogs or pit bulls?
also crap, I just realized that I've been testing things against no opcache at all, rather than opcache without jit. Maybe optimizer makes a difference in some cases...
@NikiC wrk -c100 -d10 -t<CPU-count> http://localhost:1337/
@JoeWatkins i am fucking scared of dogs, and don't get me started on pitbulls :)
@Tiffany well she barks at him from the driveway all the time, but she was right at his gate ... he knows she's soppy, he could have done anything, but judging by the way he greeted me, he made it worse ... his gate is only 6 foot high, if she had wanted to attack him the gate would not have stopped her ...
@beberlei that's super unfair, pit bulls are really great pets, and amazing animals ... but I did used to be scared of dogs also, so I know how that feels ...
then I met one that changed my mind ...
I'm not accustomed to dogs in general. I'll pet and scratch them, but they're foreign to me.
had an absolute beast of a pit push her way into my yard a few months ago.. the hulk in dog form.. fortunately she was super friendly - if she had wanted me dead I'm not sure I could've stopped her
It (probably) doesn't help that I smell like cats too.
@JoeWatkins well i have zero contact with dogs, no friends or peers have one, instead tons of bad experience as a kid, and now as a regular hiker. i have thought of going to a dog training thing to learn how to "read" them.
How to generate text file from a template? I want to automate some tests, so if i had a template and variables defined, how do i generate them?
@NikiC For me, with opcache = 15,000 rps / without = 14,300 rps.
@NemanjaMilosevic probably read the documentation for your template library?
@Trowski I'm not a mechanic, but I think you're going to break your gearbox with those revs.
@beberlei my grandmothers dog bit my face when I was a really small child, I was terrified of them, would make friends put them in the garden and such ... then as an adult, a doctor suggested I get a dog for my mental health, to force me outside and give me a thing to focus on ... it really worked, they are still the only reason I go out when I get really down ...
Thing is i don't have a template library yet. How do i easily organize my templates and implement custom logic in final generation of those tests?
@NemanjaMilosevic I'd suggest using twig.symfony.com then. And see how that is generated.
@Danack Don't worry, the zend engine can handle those types of revs.
I'll show myself out…
@Dan php.net/manual/en/datetime.diff.php returns a DateInterval.
@StatikStasis DateIntervals are the hot new thing.
wait.....that's what you have.
@Trowski 9950 / 10750 / 11350 for no / opcache / jit
what the fuck, someone started a 50% vote
don't think it's going to be close....
Thank you @Danack Twig looks perfect for this.
@Danack Yeah just got out of a meeting and noticed no one responded to his question- hopefully helps him get started. =)
But good to have confirmation in case there was another/better solution I wasn't aware of.
.....btw I think was wrong again - the date time interval doesn't appear to be timezone aware...which means it possibly has timezone shenanigans going on....
roll on Friday, this has got to stop ...
@NikiC So about a 5% increase. I have a real-world app which performs a few redis and postgres queries, plus renders a twig template where I get 2900 with opcache / 2850 without. When JIT can compile on macOS I'll have to try it.
@Trowski Unfortunately it will not compile on macOS in the near future (it's in the same position as Windows)
@Danack good point
5% is actually really quite poor
@NikiC Eh, then I'll stick to public code others can reproduce. I'm not motivated enough to try in in docker.
@Trowski If you can tell me how, I could also give HTTP 2 a try
oh I thought this was the http2/huffman stuff ... still 5% ....
@JoeWatkins Huffman coding itself has a bigger improvement. This is end-to-end for HTTP 1.1 server
@JoeWatkins For Huffman encode+decode the numbers are about 1.9s / 1.6s / 1.1s for none / opcache / jit
that's more like I expected
So that gives you about 50%
@Jeeves ooof
I can see how @JoeWatkins is so concerned about those 50% votes, that's gonna be a close one...
it's more "doesn't change the language" ... I just don't know what that means ... if you are merging stuff into php-src, you are changing the language ...
Yeah I'd definitely classify that one as a language change
Because stdClass is a core type, not an extension type
But well, it doesn't seem like the question is going to be relevant
weren't you for that one?
@NikiC Here's a modified hello-world.php: gist.github.com/trowski/209c7f1f63c6b49ece057a1eddc455fb
@Paul yes
or at least yes-ish
not enough to vote for it though, or still on the fence?
@NikiC I'm using h2load -c100 -t<CPU-count> -n100000 https://localhost:1337/
@Paul I'll have to think about it more carefully. I can't help thinking that I must be in the wrong, given that literally everyone here disagrees
Hooray! I am moving into the new house on Saturday.
CC @StatikStasis
@NikiC will it be very difficult to give an object copy-on-write behaviour, you're saying?
@Allenph Congrats! Now you get to enjoy the joy of seeing how much stuff/crap you have accumulated since you last moved.
@StatikStasis Very much...
...enjoy the joy... I could have phrased that better.
At least until I realized that was the first of 6 boxes of machines.
@Trowski 2053.11 / 1943.74 / 2083.99 for none / opcache / jit, which can't be right, probably noise. It it normal that the numbers are so much lower, or is something going wrong here?
@JoeWatkins So I am a little behind on PHP current affairs... so Zeev did not like the new proposal it seems.
a non-starter even.
yeah but, don't mistake that for more than the voice of one very loud person, other people did say favourable things about it ... I think it would benefit from an RFC to iterate on while the discussion continues ... overall though, it doesn't really seem people are willing to go for it, but for very strange reasons ... it's noteworthy that those people saying they don't like it, don't really tend to use the rfc process at all ...
Wow... nice follow-up from @bwoebi. I love the ending.
@NikiC I think the fear is that if the RFC passes, it will give a feeling of "legitimacy" to stdClass, which seems undesired in that its use should be discouraged, rather than give another reason to use it.
it has -8 votes, i dont see how it will ever pass
@rtheunissen At least if by copy on write you mean that if you write $b = $a; $a->foo = "bar"; var_dump($b); then $b will not have foo changed.
That's not something you can do from an extension
(Unless your name is Joe or Bob, but you know what I mean)
did ... did you just say something is impossible from an extension ?
@JoeWatkins Dude, I added a disclaimer
@JoeWatkins Yeah everyone else (so far in my reading) seems really favorable towards it and @NikiC worded it very clearly and elegantly. It seems like a no-brainer.
I mean it's easy really, just have to overload all object related opcodes
@Tiffany Yes, that does seem to be the sentiment
why are you considering changing the semantics of an object anyway ?? you know when you do this (and I have) it really annoys people, and they spend several years opening bugs trying to force you to undo it ...
I haven't done that in particular, but when you deviate at all from what is expected, even for good reason, it's widely hated
@JoeWatkins I'm trying to determine what is possible first.
_"I think your perspective here comes about, because your use of the
RFC process is limited to rare..."_ Ouch!
@rtheunissen The best way to get copy-on-write for objects is to make them immutable :P
Then they're automatically copy-on-write
Would people support some form of deprecation for stdClass? (even if it's just documentation). It seems weird to reject making stdClass easier to work with on those grounds, but still 'promote' the use of it
@NikiC @JoeWatkins I'm trying to figure out and plan how to port streams/sequences kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.sequences
$m = map(); $s = $m->keys(); $m->put(k, v); $s->last();
@duncan3dc well there is need for it, in json_encode/decode for example
@duncan3dc It does seem weird. However I'm afraid that stdClass is in that odd limbo where (a certain type of) people agree that it should be discouraged, but at the same time it's way, way too widely used to deprecate it.
@beberlei it isn't needed for either of those
@beberlei json_encode/decode should be used with arrays :)
Well, I can kind of see how it is necessary
$s->last() should return the same value either way ($m->keys() is eager or lazy)
@NikiC It generally is worse, but I still get 8500 on my laptop. Something must be going wrong. Opcache being lower doesn't make sense at all.
Otherwise you don't get fine control over use of [] vs {}
well, lets say you want to encode ['foo' => []]; but the inner array is supposed to be a hashmap, so an empty object, because the target language equires it that way to unmarshal correctly
^ that

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