I still have to look at it better but for now, my doubt is: Is a void return an Invariant? Because "Invariants of the supertype must be preserved in a subtype."
@Wes btw, what is definitely wrong is your example that goes void -> mixed -> void. If void -> mixed is allowed (by your proposal) and mixed -> void is allowed (by covariance), then void -> mixed -> void must also be allowed.
We wouldn't want to make the inheritance rules intransitive
> A void return type cannot be changed during inheritance. You can see this as either because return types are invariant, or because they are covariant and nothing is a subclass of void.
It doesn't really consider the case of going from mixed to void
I think void means "if you return something you're doing it wrong". And therefore it is invariant, because if you implement and use return $anything; you've violated the intent
@hikari_no_yume We were wondering if https://3v4l.org/dWNWT is intended behavior for void. It's kinda okay if you view "void" as "null" and "null" a subtype of "mixed", but given that we explicitly differentiated "void" from "null", I feel like it should be an invariant return.
@matthiasnoback @OndrejMirtes I'm explaining as hard as I can :D think of it as a marker type that means "don't use the return value from this function, regardless it has any or none at all" -- as opposed to the current meaning: "this function does not return anything".
if you return int and say "I mean this is an error code, you can only use this as an error code" you can't expect a type system to enforce that for you. You're free to make an ErrorCode type and return that, and get all the type safety you'd expect, but that's not what we have with void - it returns null.
see… that's what you get for forcing types down PHP's throat. It was all fine and dandy with the type juggling before. now you got 99 problems when you just should have used java instead
if you want to make void mean what you want it to mean, then functions returning void can't be used in expressions.. but again that's not what we've got - we've got null
what's funny is if void had been (appropriately) called null in the first place, you could've added an actual void today without breaking everything.. instead the rfc took this halfway approach that ended up wrong on all fronts
@NikiC hpack (its own repo), the websockets (also own repo) and the httpDriver implementations - if you want specific things. Otherwise you can do fullblown benchmarks as well, if you ignore syscall times then
well, I said that at some point, I'd be able to agree with the statement that it's not as complicated as opcache ... and the levels above the dynasm stuff are nice ... it's still a jit :)
I assume your stuck on something ... you know I can't be of any help at all ...
@NikiC What's your take? After looking at it and playing with it, do you think it's another opcache (where one person is the only real maintainer) or that it's more approcahable?
@JoeWatkins This would be a lot of work... and a lot of money... but you could always build a custom keyboard. The optional key colors do not get close enough to the pink you're wanting but if you scroll to the bottom of this page you'll see the custom designs which means you could create an overlay that is hot pink and upload the file to get exactly what you're wanting. wasdkeyboards.com
@legale It should be defined by the main php_config.h. Also, building exts in php-src individually is generally not supported. If it works, only by luck.
@NikiC haven't run the jit yet … how do I actually know whether it's running the jit? should be only --enable-opcache-jit, opcache.enable_cli=1 and including the zend_extension? right?
possibly, wes mentioned it forces xdebug to load, but it doesn't do that here, and I don't have a windoze because allergic
here it just adds coverage_enable, which is ignored, but wes said it added -dzend_extension=php_xdebug.dll in windows and he couldn't change it ... though he didn't try very hard I don't think ...
@treyBake Hehe, this is what my friend Wes responds with as his reaction as a PHP developer when people tell him PHP sucks https://media1.tenor.com/images/f2e45d8e3272cf5b1daf8b94c5de95b9/tenor.gif
@NikiC Thanks. At last i found what is the problem was. It was /usr/local/include/php_config.h headers directory. Shame on me. Everything was on the surface.
@NikiC I'm most interested in seeing if this has any significant benefit on the HTTP server as a whole. Are you able to run examples/hello-world.php in http-server?
For copy-on-write, do you separate the container or the accessed value? (Almost 100% sure it's the container but I didn't want to make any assumptions)
I have two dates, I want the difference between in hours and minutes - it only gives 2 days... there must be a simple way to do this without division etc?
also crap, I just realized that I've been testing things against no opcache at all, rather than opcache without jit. Maybe optimizer makes a difference in some cases...
@Tiffany well she barks at him from the driveway all the time, but she was right at his gate ... he knows she's soppy, he could have done anything, but judging by the way he greeted me, he made it worse ... his gate is only 6 foot high, if she had wanted to attack him the gate would not have stopped her ...
@beberlei that's super unfair, pit bulls are really great pets, and amazing animals ... but I did used to be scared of dogs also, so I know how that feels ...
had an absolute beast of a pit push her way into my yard a few months ago.. the hulk in dog form.. fortunately she was super friendly - if she had wanted me dead I'm not sure I could've stopped her
@JoeWatkins well i have zero contact with dogs, no friends or peers have one, instead tons of bad experience as a kid, and now as a regular hiker. i have thought of going to a dog training thing to learn how to "read" them.
@beberlei my grandmothers dog bit my face when I was a really small child, I was terrified of them, would make friends put them in the garden and such ... then as an adult, a doctor suggested I get a dog for my mental health, to force me outside and give me a thing to focus on ... it really worked, they are still the only reason I go out when I get really down ...
.....btw I think was wrong again - the date time interval doesn't appear to be timezone aware...which means it possibly has timezone shenanigans going on....
@NikiC So about a 5% increase. I have a real-world app which performs a few redis and postgres queries, plus renders a twig template where I get 2900 with opcache / 2850 without. When JIT can compile on macOS I'll have to try it.
it's more "doesn't change the language" ... I just don't know what that means ... if you are merging stuff into php-src, you are changing the language ...
@Trowski 2053.11 / 1943.74 / 2083.99 for none / opcache / jit, which can't be right, probably noise. It it normal that the numbers are so much lower, or is something going wrong here?
yeah but, don't mistake that for more than the voice of one very loud person, other people did say favourable things about it ... I think it would benefit from an RFC to iterate on while the discussion continues ... overall though, it doesn't really seem people are willing to go for it, but for very strange reasons ... it's noteworthy that those people saying they don't like it, don't really tend to use the rfc process at all ...
@NikiC I think the fear is that if the RFC passes, it will give a feeling of "legitimacy" to stdClass, which seems undesired in that its use should be discouraged, rather than give another reason to use it.
@JoeWatkins Yeah everyone else (so far in my reading) seems really favorable towards it and @NikiC worded it very clearly and elegantly. It seems like a no-brainer.
why are you considering changing the semantics of an object anyway ?? you know when you do this (and I have) it really annoys people, and they spend several years opening bugs trying to force you to undo it ...
I haven't done that in particular, but when you deviate at all from what is expected, even for good reason, it's widely hated
Would people support some form of deprecation for stdClass? (even if it's just documentation). It seems weird to reject making stdClass easier to work with on those grounds, but still 'promote' the use of it
@duncan3dc It does seem weird. However I'm afraid that stdClass is in that odd limbo where (a certain type of) people agree that it should be discouraged, but at the same time it's way, way too widely used to deprecate it.
well, lets say you want to encode ['foo' => []]; but the inner array is supposed to be a hashmap, so an empty object, because the target language equires it that way to unmarshal correctly