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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@mega6382 we're getting rain... over top of the snow and ice we had, and it's supposed to go below freezing tomorrow, down to like -15C later in the week.
@mega6382 also, that's typically sleet :P
but I guess only the US calls it sleet, everywhere else refers to sleet as rain and snow
I hate funerals
@Tiffany We're supposed to have something similar happen on Thu and Fri of this week. It'll be awful
@CharlesSprayberry we had about three snow storms last week
first one had the most snow, second one was meh, third one was about half of the snow of the first one
@Ekin they are really depressing
@Tiffany That thing from reddit got published in marketwatch marketwatch.com/story/…
COM does not work in v5.6 – #77503
Yeah, I saw that, I am waiting for the forbes article now :P
lol, with the media publicity he may be able to make money to pay what he owes
that would be funny
lol, yeah
@MadaraUchiha When you are around can you explain to me why the dependencies assigned from the constructor are ignored in cases like this? jsfiddle.net/f643sc9j
streams/HTTPS cannot be used with WinSSL/schannel – #77505
@mega6382 you misread the error message. it's 'this' which is undefined. JS is just being terrible and losing the current scope: jsfiddle.net/1jznrsdu/1
@Danack Yes, you are right, but it still doesn't make any sense
Well, that's yours and Javascript's [problem] (github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/…)
> https:/ / github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/'this'-in-TypeScript
@Danack Seriously though this is so retarded, what is even the purpose if this, it is so confusing for seemingly no reason whatsoever.
1 hour later…
The default value of 'serialize_precision' seems to be '-1' in the latest code. – #77506
@Trowski absolutely.
@Ekin Me too. I just had one Saturday actually. Whose funeral did you have to attend? Mine was my aunt.
...and night. See you guys in a few hours.
@PeeHaa how is your composer fu ?
Laravel vs codeigniter which i should pick ?
@JoeWatkins Mostly meh I guess. What's the problem?
sec reading
@RahimShaikh pick a shovel, dig a really big hole, jump in, do not leave the hole ...
@JoeWatkins Can you try "sebastian/environment": "dev-pcov as 4.0",?
Thanks as in worky?
yes, how do you even know about that ?
never seen as
Working with amp packages where the guys patch stuff I need, but haven't released it yet
Loading composer repositories with package information
Failed to clone the [email protected]:krakjoe/environment.git repository, try running in interactive mode so that you can enter your GitHub credentials
I can't do anything about that, right ?
Is that rate limiting?
Or private repo clone?
its not private
must be rate limit
afaik you can create an access token for composer to use
Let me see if I did this
 Problem 1
    - The requested package sebastian/environment dev-pcov as 4.0 exists as sebastian/environment[1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.8, 1.3.x-dev, 2.0.0, 2.0.x-dev, 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.0.x-dev, 3.1.0, 4.0.1, dev-master, 4.0.x-dev] but these are rejected by your constraint.
Change it to dev-pcov as 4.0.1 maybe?
it worked locally, but so did 4.0, I'll try it
fwiw re the github rate limiting @JoeWatkins getcomposer.org/doc/articles/…
trying that
that didn't work
Loading composer repositories with package information
Reading composer.json of github.com/krakjoe/environment (master)Reading composer.json of github.com/krakjoe/environment (1.3)

  No valid composer.json was found in any branch or tag of github.com
  /krakjoe/environment, could not load a package from it.
What command am I running to test what you are doing?
also hold on. You just pushed your api token to github in public github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/pull/661/commits/…
I doubt you want that public :)
so how do I do it?
I guess dump it in a travis environment variable and use that in your config
I don't know how
travis shows env vars though doens't it ?
Not if you make them private
and I can't change env settings on a build for a pr either
Set up travis on your fork instead
Let me fork your fork and dick around with it :P
composer makes one thing easy ... but ...
I mean, what a huge waste of time this is ...
Yeah it can be annoying when you hit things like this
I set GH_TOKEN in env, that's right isn't it ?
Guess so yeah
getting annoyed, this is a waste of my time
"require-dev": {
    "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.4.4"
if I change that to dev-master as 7.4.4 will that work ?
@StatikStasis grandma
@JoeWatkins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it looks like a problem in the phpunit composer, I don't know if I can work around it with the circular nature of these dependencies
what a shit way to start the day ...
@PeeHaa did you have any luck at all ?
No mention of Zend in the announcement
adrenalize to stir to action; excite: The promise of victory adrenalized the team.
@Ekin I am sorry for your loss
@kelunik your composer fu is pretty strong, right ?
@Ekin that sucks ...
@JoeWatkins Not really, but just ask ;-)
so I have a pr open in php-code-coverage that depends on a pr in environment, and sebastian wants ci on the pr in php-code-coverage ... I've got forks of php-code-coverage, environment and phpunit, and branches called pcov in all three, but can't figure out the composer to make it work
php-code-coverage requires phpunit, which requires php-code-coverage, which I need it to get from my repo when pulling in phpunit in that repo ...
I've got a headache ...
@JoeWatkins You need to add your repository under "repositories" in composer.json and then require "vendor-name/php-code-coverage": "dev-branch-name as 1.1.1" (assuming the current version is 1.x < 1.1.1)
I tried that, and it failed with the phpunit install for require-dev in php-code-coverage, because it requires a specific version not aliased in it's composer.json, so I created a branch of phpunit and used as X in there too, but it still failed :s
that's what I ended up with
I also tried "phpunit/php-code-coverage": "dev-pcov as 6.0.7",
@JoeWatkins Does it work if you do dev-branch-name as 1.1.1 where 1.1.1 is the current version?
I tried that ^
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/phpunit$ composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 0 installs, 2 updates, 0 removals
  - Removing sebastian/environment (4.0.1)
  - Installing sebastian/environment (dev-pcov d09af81): Cloning d09af814fc from cache
  - Updating phpunit/php-code-coverage dev-pcov (bc9e7eb => 038a418):  Checking out 038a418bc2
Writing lock file
Generating optimized autoload files
it works locally ...
@JoeWatkins If you build php-code-coverage, you need the "repositories" defined in the composer.json of php-code-coverage.
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/phpunit$ composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Package operations: 27 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.8.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing phar-io/version (2.0.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing phar-io/manifest (1.0.3): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (1.0.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (0.4.0): Loading from cache
it was, but I removed it because I couldn't get it working
right I've pushed all the composer.json's ...
that's where I end up ... no such package ...
this just isn't true ...
Any idea how can I write this code better?
    $orderObj = Order::join('order_product as op', 'orders.id', '=', 'op.order_id')
                ->where('orders.type', 'online')
                ->where('op.product_id', $this->id);
    if ($isTomorrow){
        $orderObj->where('orders.delivery_date', '>=', 'CURDATE() + INTERVAL 1 day');
    } else {
        $orderObj->where('orders.delivery_date', '>=', 'CURDATE()');
    return $orderObj->count();
I missed making the s on https optional, but you can fix that :)
@Shafizadeh Laravel? Your querybuilder should have a select, otherwise it's going to select * from the query
yeah I know .. I almost want to select all columns
$date = $isTomorrow ? 'CURDATE() + INTERVAL 1 day' : 'CURDATE()';
$orderObj = Order::join('order_product as op', 'orders.id', '=', 'op.order_id')
->where(['orders.type' => 'online', 'op.product_id' => $this->id, 'orders.delivery_date', '>=', $date]);
return $orderObj->count();
If you wanted things a bit simplified (or prettier?) you can eloquent relationship if you don't want to use querybuilder
ah .. thx
Or use when() method. Check in docs for "queries#conditional-clauses".
$isTomorrow can never be true :)
@Tpojka neat .. when() is a good option
:P .. well it is a bad naming probably ..
@JoeWatkins Watch Edge of Tomorrow again, please. Thanks. :D
No fatal error when implementing interface method with parameter type declared – #77507
i have a stupid question, why i cant format this string to datetime - $dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y,H:i', '23/january/2019,19:00'); - $dt is returning FALSE. i tried 100 things
what i am doing wrong?
m is wrong
!!docs datetime.createfromformat
[ DateTime::createFromFormat ] Parses a time string according to a specified format
@DaveRandom isn't "m" stands for "month" ?
rtfm ;-)
m is numeric ... ^^
aw, yes, u r right, it should be M, thank you ,all!
@Dimitar for future reference, you can use this to debug date parsing problems. The output isn't always all that useful, though, I don't think it would have helped much in this case.
ok, thanks. i will bookmark this page @DaveRandom
you should also bookmark this
and this
why yes, yes I was
I wasn't btw, I just google image searched "vase of bacon"
lol "financing available" didn't notice that, I'm going to buy a dozen bacon roses on finance
I can see why you clarified ... because searching for "bacon roses" would be really weird, but searching for "vase of bacon" is totally normal ...
there's an image that @ircmaxell had on a slide in the middle of a presentation years ago that I was looking for
I don't think it was a vase it was like a sundae glass or something
i have other stupid question :) in which cases the trim function will not trim my string?
when i use the trim i end up getting this - string(35) "24 january 2019, , 19 "
at the end of the sting i have some white space
if you give it an actual ball of string, it will not trim that ...
but otherwise, it does what it says in the manual ... which is quite easy to find ...
Snow day!
thanks! :)
@JoeWatkins what if it's like one of those weird unicode spaces?
there is no such thing as unicode
actually it is :)
because the text originally its written in Bulgarian and it is unicode white space
but i cant catch it yet :) lol
You need to use PHP 6 if you want Unicode support.
i am using php7
when we realised there was no such thing as unicode, we removed support ...
@JoeWatkins Dork
$string = new UString("24 january 2019, , 19 ");

var_dump((string)$string->trim(), trim("24 january 2019, , 19 "));
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/ustring$ php -dextension=ustring.so ustring.php
string(21) "24 january 2019, , 19"
string(24) "24 january 2019, , 19 "
haven't looked at it in years, may be unfinished or terrible, and so on and so on ... but there's a way ...
I believe you can use preg_replace to remove / trim unicode whitespaces.
I started reading a post about that and got bored ...
There's like 5 different solutions to mb_trim in the notes on php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php - no idea if any of them work tho =D
What do you guys think? github.com/php/php-src/pull/3760 /cc @Leigh - we talked about it some time ago
thanks for the help! i will let u know for info how i manage to make it work
aren't the most useful ones the ones that aren't implemented ?
wouldn't you need them for your suggested use case of self containment ?
@JoeWatkins ah, no unshare is enough for it
setns allows you to join a previously created namespace (would be useless by itself)
no, I mean wouldn't you need CLONE_FILES and CLONE_FS support in unshare for self containment ?
not without clone which is the only way to to enable that kind of sharing. so, CLONE_FILES/FS only revert clone effects
once clone is implemented, unshare should definitely implement those as well
your suggested use case of self containment would require clone, and it would require unshare to support CLONE_FILES and CLONE_FS, am I wrong ?
it looks fine by the way, I was just not sure about whether that's the best use case to bring up ... bring up a use case you can use it for right now, and don't mention the future and things we don't have ...
I think clone is pretty nontrivial thing to implement, so don't make this a thing we need/want for the future, make it a thing we need/want now, on it's own ...
the future is a scary place ...
@JoeWatkins hmm.. for instance, for a child process to share the FDs of the parent, you need to call clone with CLONE_FILES. fork has no such functionality. So right now, it is impossible to create a child that will have that shared. As such, allowing CLONE_FILES on unshare right now is useless (you don't have a way to share them, so you don't need a way to unshare them)
fork definitely has that functionality, and I'm pretty sure it's the default ...
fork calls clone ...
hmmm.. I have to look at that more closely, I was guiding myself by the man page:
> Unlike fork(2), clone() allows the child process to share parts of its execution context with the calling process, such as the memory space, the table of file descriptors, and the table of signal handlers.
Either way, including FS and FILES is trivial, I just thought there would be no use case
I like source code ... and experience tells me that fds/fs are shared when clone is called by default, that's why unshare exists, afaik ...
yeah, I'll probably just add them again. I'll have a longer look at that code later
because i promise to write it down how i manage to fix it and i all know u cant wait to see i used urlencode and then remove the white space and the urldecode to get the string back to how it was
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int pid;
	FILE *fd = fdopen(3, "w+");

	if (!fd) {
		printf("cannot open 3\n");
		return 1;

	pid = fork();

	if (pid == 0) {
		/* I definitely have the file descriptor table if this succeeds */
		fwrite("hi", sizeof("hi")-1, sizeof(char), fd);
	} else {
		int status;

		waitpid(pid, &status, 0);


	return 0;
gcc -o fork fork.c
./fork 3>&1
that's totally normal behaviour, and what I expect from fork ... it doesn't occupy the same address space like a clone ...
it's half one in the afternoon ... I'm ... I'm drunk ... I blame composer ...
@JoeWatkins If I understand it right, this means that without the flag, the FDs will get duplicated which would explain why you can still write to it. Adding an unshare call before the fwrite also seems to make no difference. Adding to that, calling fclose both on the parent and on the child works fine (and would fail if it were actually shared). Right?
that looks right ... I think what you want to find out is the meaning of github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/kernel/fork.c#L2311
that's where I see syscall fork() being defined, and my guess is the flags will depend on the CONFIG_CLONE things from kernel, which will depend on distro ...
but you might look at the most common to get an idea
because I've never had to dup() an fd, I assume that the files table is cloned by default with fork, but I could be wrong, or it could be a default I've been relying on ... I dunno
@JoeWatkins nice, will do. thanks for the feedback :) I think the wisest choice is just to support all the flags that unshare supports. Whether or not they make a difference for your use case is up to the user.
yeah but you'll have to document this don't forget
a fork doesn't occupy the same address space, but gets a copy-on-write copy of it, it could be that the streams are dup'd at a layer I don't see (afaik the streams layer in c is v thin), but I'm sure I would have come across bugs that contradict my impression of how this works, and I've never had that happen ...
you gotta love kernel source ... "Not implemented, but pretend it works" ...
@pmmaga I think I see what is happening ...
no scratch that, I don't ... and this is really stupid code
 * Unshare the filesystem structure if it is being shared
static int unshare_fs(unsigned long unshare_flags, struct fs_struct **new_fsp)
that doesn't make sense, right ?
Buenos Dias!
@DaveRandom "Financing Available" ...
hola mi amigo, que vas a hacer hoy?
hola mi amigos y amigas, que van a hicieron hoy ?
as good as I think I'm getting at spanish, I went for a meeting a town hall yesterday and if I hadn't had a native speaker with me, I wouldn't have got anything done ...
Yendo al dentista
as it turns out I didn't get anything done because of red tape, but I understood that nothing was going to get done ...
When I go to Dominican Republic I can order food, get a room, get extra towels, order coffee and frozen lemonadas... the basics.
ay no, odio al dentista
my vocab just failed me, I understand the structures they are using but am missing so many verbs ...
I guess it takes many years to build them up ...
it's annoying to see 5 year old children communicating with their parents with more complex language than I can manage ...
^^ me tambien
Yeah- the verbs take a while to learn.
I know I sound like a 3 year old when I speak.
@JoeWatkins There does exist CLONE_FILES on clone(2) - but if not set (as it's the case with fork() and vfork()), the fds are dup()'ed
In English would sound like. "I want the chicken. I want the... points to thigh chicken."
@JoeWatkins only special case is with FD_CLOEXEC, but that just impacts the exec(ve) family of syscalls
and this is not distro specific behavior
@StatikStasis I understand a little, pero cuando el gente comenzando a hablar sobre los requisitos del ley, I got nothing ...
I only know he was talking about the requirements of the law because there was a native speaker there with me ... words I've not heard before and don't remember ... except ley ...
@bwoebi /cc @pmmaga
so that's what happening, they are dup'd ...
and that's basically what unshare_fd does, removing the sharing state and duplicating (e.g. when calling execve())
I read that at least six times before I questioned it out loud ...
and I read
Unshare the filesystem structure if it is being unshared
unshare_fd, not unshare_fs :-)
@JoeWatkins unshare_fs is related to CLONE_FS option on clone(2)
I just read the wrong wordses ...
which is pretty much unrelated to that
@JoeWatkins ahhh that explains your confusion :)
yeah but I thought I wouldn't have to admit it ... and then bob came along ...
@JoeWatkins we... just need to invent a time superposition where multiple states of time coexist
well it sounds like you have that totally figured out, so I'll leave it to you ...
this I've read more than 6 times, and I genuinely don't understand it, nor do I think it understandable, but I'm going to ask again ...
  Problem 1
    - Installation request for phpunit/php-code-coverage dev-14e8eed61b9b1b09d94bdc076fffd64ffc75698d -> satisfiable by phpunit/php-code-coverage[dev-14e8eed61b9b1b09d94bdc076fffd64ffc75698d].
    - phpunit/phpunit dev-pcov requires phpunit/php-code-coverage dev-pcov as 6.1.4 -> satisfiable by phpunit/php-code-coverage[dev-pcov].
    - Can only install one of: phpunit/php-code-coverage[dev-pcov, dev-14e8eed61b9b1b09d94bdc076fffd64ffc75698d].
    - Installation request for phpunit/phpunit dev-pcov as 7.5.2 -> satisfiable by phpunit/phpunit[dev-pcov].
Can only install one of [A, B]
installation request satisfiable by [A]
am I reading this wrong or something ?
uh, what does your composer.json look like?
there are so many
this is all about making the php-code-coverage pr work on ci, in case not clear ...
I'm not sure why we need to make it work on CI, but whatever, apparently we do ... even though a bunch of the builds will fail php version requirements ...
@Ekin I'm sorry. =(
@JoeWatkins Most of the time they talk so fast that I can only pick up on a few words.
I'm getting better at that, youtube is actually helping, I let spanish ads play in between songs ...
mostly they are all spanish or non-verbal ...
@JoeWatkins where does dev-14e8eed61b9b1b09d94bdc076fffd64ffc75698d come from?
did you actually specify that anywhere?
I'm not helped by the fact that the language the officials actually use here isn't even spanish, it's valenciano, which I don't understand any of, all the phone line messages are valenciano ...
no @bwoebi it just appears as if by magic
@JoeWatkins because 14e8eed61b9b1b09d94bdc076fffd64ffc75698d is the HEAD of pcov branch
I guess there's something messed up with composer
but but, but but but ... but ... I didn't, I don't ... it's not ...
so what you're trying to say is, that I've been trying to do this for about 8 hours, I've pulled team members of tasks to help me with this, and there is a bug in composer ...
Because it's apparent that (given you haven't specified commit that anywhere explicitly), composer is using dev-pcov as dev-14e8eed61b9b1b09d94bdc076fffd64ffc75698d, but forgets about the aliasing later.
well this is quite annoying, but at least I'm not an idiot or doing it wrong ...
> Even so, it is not a debatable point, but a linguistically objective fact, that it actually is a Catalan dialect.
...I bet people do still debate that.
I'll bet there's not enough people fluent in valenciano to actually debate in it ...
> The lowest numbers are in the major cities of Valencia and Alicante, where the percentage of everyday speakers is in single figures
this is why it makes no sense for phone lines and staff to answer in valenciano, nobody understands it, I'm in the middle of valencia and alicante ...
they don't even do "to hear this in spanish, or a reasonable language, press 8" ... they just hang up, after having spoke a language that nobody understands for five solid minutes ...
@JoeWatkins I guess it's time to learn these. It will drastically improve your conversations.
@JoeWatkins I think best to actually ping Jordi about this...
yes, I intend to make noise
@Gordon I can only remember a few swears ... luckily, there's a bunch of things you can imply with just one word in spanish ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_profanity
damn. spanish is sexy, even when swearing
I wouldn't be surprised if they had their own category for that at the place where @JoeWatkins works
I was given a valenciano phrase book to learn from, and I can read it, but when I hear people talk it, it sounds like russian ... I can't break it down at all ...
it is a beautiful language ...
yeah, they are like apples, but worse ...
more spiteful ...
@yessure don't hold your breath for the announcement ... you will die ...
what's supposed to happen now, is that everyone just forgets and carries on with their lives ...
My PC is acting weird today.
Jan 19 at 15:59, by Joe Watkins
A security breach has been found on the http://pear.php.net webserver, with a tainted go-pear.phar discovered. The PEAR website itself has been disabled until a known clean site can be rebuilt. A more detailed announcement will be on the PEAR Blog once it's back online.
@DaveRandom I took that photo
@ircmaxell oh, that'll be why I couldn't find it :-P
looking for it now
nothing like an unexpected picture of bacon mid-keynote
thanks a lot :-)
looks scaring
@ircmaxell That... is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life...
@tereško Where does express.co.uk rank on accuracy? Any idea?
hmm... Nostradamus prediction in sidebar may have just answered my question.
You cannot TALK about the DAILY Express without capitalizing random WORDS! Also, old but STILL good (and probably still JUST AS true): expressbingo.org.uk
oh wow!
@AllenJB Working at these places would be as bad as working for a debt collection service imo.
omg this is funny! politics.theonion.com/…
@Allenph How is the new house?
Or have you moved in yet?
Debating on whether to go to gym or skip it today.
go, you know you'll be disappointed in yourself if you don't
Hello everybody.
Is there any lawyers here?
I have a question about PHP license.
Only thing i need to do is to specify that the code is from the PHP code and repeat the license text?
@legale What do you want to do? Why do you think you need to do anything?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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