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I would've bought it as a hoodie, if it was a zip-up hoodie. I hate pullover hoodies, they pull my glasses off. :<
lol yeah zip is nice
hope you are all good
I am really enjoying the non employment
@RonniSkansing I thought you had a new job a month or so ago?
yea like 3 months
but I quit
It was lucrative but the legacy code base was... too hard if I should say it in a friendly way
...I know that feel
@RonniSkansing me too
I am a teacher and I have my own business too
I also have a side business with web security but nothing that takes too much time
for me too no much time
Man I do not like Go.
Man I love Go (=
I run into situations all the time where I have to hack my way around some library or other piece of code and dig and dig and dig for the interface to implement.
Maybe just immaturity of the libraries?
Maybe, it is not something I have had any problems with
btw I moved to gophers.slack.com instead of the gopher chan I started here
I also routinely run into 1000 line files of procedural madness.
@RonniSkansing Oh...cmon man. We could have made another 11.
yea, but that channel is already completely filled with really experienced gophers
the video i needed to go to bed youtube.com/watch?v=BReofCcAx-Y
gn all
someone implemented the mediator pattern
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Segfault with PHP built-in server – #77465
Good day all
Need your advice regarding this question:
Q: PHP divide value of variable to be variables

HiDayurie DaveI have this value from PHP variable. $a = "Temp = 22.378 deg C Pressure = 1007.26 hPa Humidity = 70.57 %"; Now I want to divide id to be: $temp = "22.378"; $pressure = "1007.26"; $humidity = "70.57"; How to do that on PHP. Is it possible?

@Wes wow, letter-spacing ... okay, that wouldn't have been my first hack to try, really not. Thanks!
2 hours later…
akimbo with hand on hip and elbow bent outward: to stand with arms akimbo.
2 hours later…
random segfault after fatal error – #77466
Oi Watkins, just clicked on your starred tweet... have you lost a ton of weight, or just become a photoshop pro?
Lost weight, I think. Other pictures he's posted would be pretty crazy to Photoshop
@bwoebi :D
@StatikStasis awesome :P
@Tiffany Good for him, the struggle is real over here
I'm still a bit fat ...
@Leigh my weight is okay but I'm horribly out of shape... I get winded easily and have little to no strength. I think I might start taking yoga again.
@JoeWatkins pshhhhh
@JoeWatkins if you weren't married :P
ha ... you could also be a guy ...
I've made an extremely fast code coverage collection extension ... it should have parity with phpdbg, because I copied some of it ... shall I keep it here or release it ?
/cc @bwoebi ...
@JoeWatkins show me
  | PHP Version 7                                                        |
  | Copyright (c) 2019 The PHP Group                                     |
  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
@JoeWatkins that's not ... fat. Don't take me as a comparison basis
@JoeWatkins did you copy some or nearly everything? :-D
the ignore bits
I mean it looks similar because it's doing the same thing ... but it doesnt generate the same output, and can't do function/opcode coverage, it just generates coverage that phpunit can use verbatim (I think)
where does PCG come from if I may ask?
the only other source file, the header ...
kk guessed as much
@JoeWatkins you are not fat, you just need to grow back your beard and you'll be sexy as hell :P
mind if I finish it @bwoebi ?
@JoeWatkins feel free, why not? :-)
some of it is borrowed, and there's so little code it makes a high percentage of it borrowed ... it feels like I need to ask permission ...
because I'm a fucking gentleman ...
@JoeWatkins the code ownership belongs to the PHP project ... which you are part of, so who do you want to ask? :-D
courtesy ...
you wrote it ...
@JoeWatkins totally irrelevant :-)
As long as my code is improving the world - feel free to credit me if you want to, but I don't care
@JoeWatkins by the way, I wouldn't mind either if we were to just simply split out the coverage from phpdbg and put it into a proper (default?) extension.
to generate file info you need to have collected the file code, hm.
which would be too much overhead for an always-active extension I guess
no you actually don't - you only need the currently active code
so you could indeed split this out
and give it a few APIs so that phpdbg can still use it (e.g. for the oplog)
the usual answer to this seems to be no... but, an ini directive instead of always having it enabled?
@Ekin nah, I realized it's doable without overhead prior to the first function invoke
hmm. what if it's a big-ish project?
what's the scope of 'currently active code'?
feels like this is an opt-in thing... I might be wrong
@Ekin I believe @bwoebi is suggesting to opt-in via a function call
Rather than an ini setting
So the functionality is always available, you just decide when to enable / disable it at runtime
ah I see
makes sense now
@bwoebi Will that really work though?
Wouldn't that require replacing executor hooks at runtime?
@NikiC I saw no reason why not
@NikiC Ah, right, it's hooking into the executor... Well. damnit
@JoeWatkins You're looking way healthier than the last time I saw you (which was some time ago), good work
Maybe it's the clean shave, and it's all just an illusion :D
@Leigh a man without a beard doesn't look healthy.
@NikiC Well, we ... well :-D ... we could replace the executor hook, set the EX(opline) to a custom handler, and restart the current stackframe at the active opline. And also do that when we leave our custom executor (so that the previous call of the stack is also run with our executor)
It'd require some real hackery, but it should be doable without resorting to arcane methods like C stack rewriting
@Gordon I'd probably reconsider mine if I knew exactly how many chins were under it
@mega6382 the cat's like "yessss, jump for me, puppet"
Constant as default class constructor parameter is unknown – #77467
You learn something new every day
@Tpojka Similarly, people without beards are just people with beards, only without the beards.
Exact the point. :D
@bwoebi An ini option kinda sounds better than that
Actually, I didn't get what you are proposing there
@NikiC so basically what happened in 7.3.0 is that a throw from within the autoloader made it continue to the next registered autoloader, and only after all autoloaders were executed it threw class not found error... something like that... in case you care knowing about it
no such thing happens in 7.3.1
can someone explain to me what CURLMOPT_PUSHFUNCTION added in php 7.1 does? can I use this to define callbacks that get triggered when a request is made in a curl_multi_exec call?
@NikiC FYI I commented on bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=77312 (not sure if you receive notifications for that)
zend_mm_heap corrupted – #77468
@NikiC essentially replacing executor hooks at runtime via a custom opcode handler.
@NikiC by the way, great that you've attempted to write a compilation for ??= :-) Looks overall nice at a first glance (the semantics)
hi ... question to all ... is laravel voyager suited for custom programming? -- about to convert a codeigniter project to laravel - mainly because of the pre-built admin panel
Hah, put /adming.php at the end of SO url, you will be redirected to youtube for a funny (random) video :-)
Support for multiple empty() arguments - like isset() – #77469
@bwoebi One thing I'm wondering about is what to do for $a[$b] ??= ($a = $other_a)
Right now the assignment to $a[$b] will see the overwritten $a
I could prevent this by forcing duplication for CVs as well
But I feel like this would hurt performance badly for a rare (and rather hostile...) case
@NikiC I do not think it is worth to specify a sane behavior here, as long as it's defined.
@bwoebi Is "doesn't segfault" defined? :P
defined as in: not crashing
yeah, that's basically my position as well
and deterministic
@NikiC But if you ask me, I expect the assignment to be executed after the ?? check, i.e. after determining what to assign to. It'd just be weird if $a ??= 1 + $a = 1; is having a different outcome that $a[$b] ??= 1 + $a[$b] = 1;
@bwoebi the question is whether the assignment in the null case uses the original value of $a or the overwritten one
@NikiC please re-express in code, not sure what you mean
$a[$b] ??= ($a = $other_a) can behave either as if (!isset($a[$b])) $a[$b] = $other_a; or as if (!isset($a[$b])) $other_a[$b] = $other_a;
The latter happens with the current implementation
To make the former work, I'd have to basically have to rewrite to $backup_a = $a; $backup_a[$b] ??= ($a = $other_a). Which I don't want to for performance reasons
@NikiC well, the latter is really unexpected
well, does it actually modify $other_a here?
shouldn't that be prevented by the cow?
or were you using that to illustrate?
Let me write it differently
if (!isset($a[$b])) { $a = $other_a; $a[$b] = $a; } you mean?
okay that's fine
I committed all I got right now, need to work on cleaning up on stop() ... and filters in phpunit don't work as I expected
That's even actually what I'd expect to happen :-D
@PeeHaa is it possible to allow Requestable to change user agent or would that be a red flag against Requestable?
> include will finally check in the calling script's own directory and the current working directory before failing
I dunno why you have to change two packages to add a driver ... I dunno why you have to change any at all ...
so include/require first tries __DIR__ . "/" . $relativePath, then if it fails, it tries getcwd() . "/" . $relativePath?
@Tiffany just set the user agent header?
i can't reproduce that. it only loads from cwd
@Ekin I see, custom header
didn't think about that
afaik include/require always used only the cwd to calculate relative paths
can someone double check what the manual is on about?
on another note, could XHR be blocked at a hardware firewall level?
it's bullcrap... christ how can a manual page so old and so basic be wrong?
@Wes strace seems to confirm the manual is correct
I see include_path first, then __DIR__, then cwd
for me it's include_path, then cwd, finally _DIR_
@Tiffany no
chdir(__DIR__ . "/bla/");
echo getcwd() . "\n";
require "cwd_test.php";
if both files exist, it includes /bla/cwd_test
can you check too @Sjon ^
I create `/tmp/actual/test.php` with contents `set_include_path("/includes/"); require "test/x";`
then I `cd /tmp; strace -e lstat php -n /tmp/actual/test.php`
output is /includes//test/x, /tmp/actual/test/x, /tmp/test/x
ignore include_path nobody uses that anyway, check only between DIR and cwd
maybe our firewall sees @PeeHaa's pornhub header and thinks its porn, so it's blocking me from using Requestable. I dunno, I'm pulling ideas out of my ass.
I'm going to escape computerland until tonight ... lata phomies ...
don't think command line's cwd is the same as php's cwd
can you try my code pls
@Tiffany it does look like firewall indeed
@Ekin can't load
but probably
shows up on /recent
the url I mean
it's also not working for me
I think it's more like @PeeHaa can't code/sysadmin
could be his firewall
@Tiffany It's most likely my firewall not allowing traffic on random ports
@PeeHaa blargh
I can check in s sec.But I am pretty sure I block everything by default
server uses 8910 because fuck Oracle HTTP Server
Checking now and can open that specific port for you
@PeeHaa bedankt
Also morning
the fact that if a required path doesn't exist it tries another is so fucking cheap. only a turd like php can have "features" like this. how is that even secure? and the overhead? what happens with opcache? i try not to be harsh on php given its age but goddamnit these weird as fuck behaviors on basic features are hard to digest
fucking turd
hey look at me i am php and i am going to execute some code from here and if it doesn't work amma gonna try something else over there... who gives a fuck whats what i'll just execute code until fucking something works
/end rant
hmmm probably not firewall, but selinux
@Wes seems you are correct, see this unreadable repro: 3v4l.org/Dv0jg
programs that work by attempts... what could go wrong
and that without mentioning include_path
why is that even a thing? and why is it still a thing?
also @Sjon is current dir PHP_SELF or the dir that contains the file that contains the "include ... " ?
@Wes I think failure for b/c changes is the biggest issue - thankfully that seems to be changing
@NikiC Am I blind or is this bogus? git.php.net/… - sure, there's a reference, but in this case we're processing the value itself?
because if it's php_self is even more fucking weird
@bwoebi Kindof. Dmitry asked me about it, and I said it's okay because we do this everywhere
We check for typed reference first and then for typed prop
hm. bit weird
That makes the error messages consistent everywhere. But I agree that it would make more sense the other way around.
@Wes does this clarify it 3v4l.org/Dt3jo ?
if` __DIR__` was first it should print "this is A" - instead it uses cwd() and prints dir/a
configure: error: cannot run test program while cross compiling – #77471
Methods in traits can unwillingly function as constructor – #77470
3v4l.org/E2Ndp @Sjon fortunately "current directory" is not calculated on PHP_SELF
it's just so stupid that getcwd() has the precedence... a global value....
@Jeeves pffft.. I guess it could be prevented but that's totally expected IMHO
@Sjon i mean you can make another require that works the correct way
with no include_path, no cwd ambiguities
Hmmz, when you have a package which requires return xyz::blabalbla('files.csv') as pseudo code.
Then my code will stop running @ that return point fcourse...
Is there way I can continu because I have to update values AFTER an export :-) thanks.
@Tiffany I just checked and it looks like I block it in 3 different places :P What are you trying to test?
also updating the machine atm
@PeeHaa a service we use that scans for broken links is reporting a 403 against one of our servers. I'm trying to track down why. I wanted to make sure that our server wasn't rejecting requests by user agent.
> IsDelegateCacheInstantiated() determines if the delegate cache is instantiated. If not, it instantiates the cache and returns it.
But now that you mention the issues you had with port, I wonder if the service we use is having the same problem?
@Tiffany Blocking ports don't result in a 403 though
What is the url being reported and the link that is 403ing? Can mail me if you don't want to disclose in public
what's your email?
or twitter dm or whatever
where mydomain is my actual domain :P
Looks like the service is down?
are you accessing from VPN? I know we region block some countries... I don't remember which
You block amsterdam? :P
k lemme test
@PeeHaa shouldn't
I need to ask for an updated list of countries we region block
posted on January 16, 2019 by CommitStrip

Just tested all three URLs without a user agent string, with a bogus user agent string and with a real user agent
All give me a 200 response
btw if you want to test yourself I would suggest installing postman @Tiffany
It's really useful for testing things like this locally
Only drawback is that it is locally
yeah, I need external and I guess my VPS doesn't recognize my work computer's SSH key, I haven't gone out and fixed it yet.
Is it an automated tool that checks the links?
yes (though it's not the only thing it does, it does check accessibility of our website which is damn useful)
Try getting the full exact request that they send and the full response that they receive (including headers)
I'm waiting on their level 3 tech support 😛 The first level wasn't able to get the exact response data from their spider
boss brought in the wobble chair he bought for me, I really like it but it's too tall :(
Mirror mailinglist unmonitored – #77473
Where’s that pic of danack on the horse?
@Jimbo .......do you think that's a nice comparison to make?
just search "boar" in this chat
Is anyone else in the Github actions beta? It seems......quite rough around the edges.
@Danack ROFL that's too much to say publicly
Anyone bought a new laptop recently you are content with?
He lives in Germany......scatological matters should be neither amusing nor embarrassing.
I guess I should ping @tereško for this.
I picked up a HP Envy for my mother a month ago
I trust your judgement, just throw me a 14" laptop for mainly programming and light gaming
she likes it, but I found out that it's shit for gaming (and the keyboard is odd)
In case you haven't noticed, I am not a middle-aged lady :)
I am trying to choose one from: Huawei Matebook X Pro, Asus Zenbook 14, Aeor 15x, Asus Rog Strix scar 2 and Dell XPS 15 9370
These are the best laptops of 2018, if you are familiar with anyone of them, let me know
well, the one I mentioned was this model: support.hp.com/lv-en/document/c06063308
but I am starting to lean towards the "external GPU" for laptops, when it comes to gaming
Actually, I have heard about this laptop, mostly good things. I didn't know it was shitty
@tereško Wow- I love that idea. I've never even considered that before.
Yeah, external GPU is a smart choice
@samayo I did not say it is shitty
it just tied to reach orbit, when I launched Civ6 on it (the GPU cooling is abysmal ... probably due to size constraints)
Teresko- what port does it utilize for that kind of configuration? (external GPU)
@StatikStasis usually - thunderbolt, but I have seen ones with usb-c
@StatikStasis watch this, I was going to buy it, but I didn't need to create a hole in my laptop youtube.com/watch?v=PJabK8TfyOA
I have been comparing laptops for a week now, it is strange we are finally at a point where almost all laptops are so good, it makes choosing one a difficult task
I am still at work
Sorry, laters then
when I get home (in about an hour or so), I will take a quick look at the 4, that you mentioned
Thanks, that would be a great help
but here is something you need to keep in mind
the specs are not the be-all-end-all
the cooling is really fucking important for laptops, if you want to play something
and if you want to go with an external GPU, then there is no point in getting one with a built-in 1080ti
Yeah, I was going to buy XPS 15, but the thermal throttling strayed me away, I think heat to be the #1 laptop killer out there
External GPU is a good idea, but which mid-range laptop should I go for then ...
let me know later
@samayo What's your price range?
is there a way to check if a path is absolute or not? i was thinking to just check
in particular, i don't want to use realpath... which is slow af.. just syntax check
actually that doesn't even solve my problem... i have to use relative paths
@Wes what if you do __DIR__ . '/../path/to/whatever.php'?
i am generating that file and i don't know where it will be positioned relatively to the file that requires it
ah wait, why wouldn't you know where it will be placed in the directory path?
i want too many features... i am just going to hardcode the path of the file relatively to the files that i want it to include
i think i know how to solve it but it's just too much work (for me and php) for essentially no gain
also @Wes have you tried a fitness ball or something instead of your standing desk? (that I know you got rid of)
replace chair with fitness ball you mean?
might work
I'm trying one out now to see if I like it. If I do, boss will buy me an expensive wobble chair.
@StatikStasis $1600
Anyone built microservices with php?
Good morning
@Wes +1 on the shirt design
anyway i still have the standing desk i still use it but not if i am doing sports
thanks :D @Orangepill
@Darius I'm pretty sure some people have.
I wanna try it, but everyone says to build microservices in different languages like Java, Python or Go(?)
considering whether or not it's a time to learn a new language
@Darius Why do you "wanna try it"?
It complicates everything massively
@Darius One of the advantages of microservices is that you can mix and match languages... no need just to pick one.
microservices for me is still a buzzword like reactjs
There are teams / companies where it makes sense and where it will work, but most things I have seen are fragmented, hard to debug, not my problem, solutions looking for a problem
@Wes was about to say that
@PeeHaa, been playing with Kubernetes and thought separation like carts, order, blogs, and yeah like Wes said, it's a buzzword that's been going around and commonly linked to articles about Kubernetes
@Darius That doesn't answer the question why you want / need it
21 mins ago, by Wes
is there a way to check if a path is absolute or not? i was thinking to just check
question is still valid... sorry for repost
To prepare for traffic surges for certain services
@Darius Do you actually need it?Is traditional scaling not enough?
@Wes stat
22 mins ago, by Wes
in particular, i don't want to use realpath... which is slow af.. just syntax check
@Wes Wouldn't checking for / as the first character work?
What is it with you lately and string-validating things that should really not be string-validated? :D
I don't "need" it, but it's something that's recommended to do from the get go when starting new projects according to articles/people
@Orangepill yes that's what the regex does :B (plus c:\ etc for windows)
@Darius do those people have your best interests at heart, or would they like to make money off selling you consulting services?
@MadaraUchiha dude. i can't do realpath() on something that doesn't exist yet
@Darius Sales and marketing what @Danack said
still i want to check if the input will result in a path interpreted as absolute or relative
@Wes It may be the case that I'm just too out of date with PHP and misremembering
But doesn't PHP have path utils in its stdlib that don't require filesystem access?
(Akin to Node's path module)
php is a turd
lately i am fighting with php a lot
@Wes Oh, you think? :D
the sad news is not really that but the fact that userland extensions are just as poopy
Good point, not sure. I'm pretty good at building decent monoliths, so would it be safe to just keep doing what I'm good at, and if the traditional scaling doesn't work for some odd reason, start implementing some microservices? The only one that I can think of that's reasonable even from the get go, is if I'm doing video encoding, send off the request to transcode to a different subset of servers
But PHP's turdiness aside, I would still expect a webserver oriented language to have such utils
Yeah, no, Chrome. Just no.
thanks for mentioning that though i will clone/port it to php
@Darius That's just background processing which I guess are microservices nowadays
And yes it could make sense being able to offload to another server(s)
for example i was led to believe that flysystem would wrap filesystem functions properly
it doesn't... dunno if that's expected but got notices warnings and stuff
@MadaraUchiha Is that a plugin for SO?
@Wes actually no, it's just having the line break behind "Veeery"
@bwoebi which is what it does if you remove the orange box?
i thought you wanted that
do you see a line break there? :-D
in the SHOULD part
@bwoebi found a solution but uses calc()
@Wes That's okay
Just needs to look fine in great browsers :-D
Nobody sheds a tear when IE 6 is having one line break more
firefox looks fine too
that's more like it
found another solution but that too won't work in old browsers
hmmm... old browsers... :)
I'm so working on prototypes I don't even verify caniuse anymore.
@Wes which one?
the calc() one has the problem that it creates a scrollbar, when it's too wide
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