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yeah, but how fast does is segfault ?
any thought on this guys? news.php.net/php.internals/103708
As you know, my thoughts on that :p
@JoeWatkins sorry, I don't quite understand? I get a Seg Fault message right on the __getTypes() call
@Wes what's the reason it can't be done in userland?
@Danack interface IterableFactory extends IteratorAggregate, Array{} ? :B
funny that i needed iterable to realize that i didn't actually want iterable, but array|iteratoraggregate instead
@Wes why does it need to extend those two? Why can't it be completely separate?
for the same reason we introduced iterable?
array should be an iteratoraggregate itself... but it cannot be
it's not another type
First thought: it should be named IterableAggregate or something. Factory? Get outta here!
of course if you can make array pass the iteratoraggregate type hint (and have the method callable too) then i am also fine with that
@LeviMorrison any name will do for me
iterable was introduced to be able to pass the things around that are going to be iterated over. But a factory to get the actual object should be completely separate from the thing that is being 'got'. Perhaps I've become confused by the name factory.
class Wes implements ConfusionFactory{}
@tereško no. but it does start nicely :) ta
IteratorAggregate::getIterator() is a factory.
@Wes yes, but why can't the factory method be separate from the IteratorAggregate? And definable in userland?
interface IterableAggregate{}
interface IteratorAggregate extends IterableAggregate{ function getIterator(); }
class Array extends IterableAggregate{}
i'm not sure if that helps, because i can't understand your answer
i can do anything in userland sure, but it would suck
right now i am writing assert($x instanceof iteratoraggregate || is_array($x), new TypeError()) all over the place
iterableaggregate would shortcut that
the getIterator() isn't always going to be valid for things that you can iterate over. e.g. streamed data that you can't rewind. If you make the factory object be separate, and wrap only things that can support getIterator(), you can pass that factory object around and have your code be sane and valid.....
anyway, that's my thoughts.
it's not about getIterator() at all though
but maybe i am not understanding
I don't see how iterable except no iterator is helpful.
he's all about that iterable, 'bout that iterable, no iterator
meh, doesn't really roll off the tongue
Yo is in Canadia?
@Allenph wtf is canadia?
The land of syrup and moose.
I believe that's Canada :P
:P yes, I be in Canada
Yes. I'm being facetious.
Printed anything cool lately? Mine has been sitting unused for a while.
properly, it's Cañada
@PaulCrovella I thought that properly it was "Lumberjack Country" :P
Do you know what Canadian children tell their parents after they get their report card?
Look! I got straight ehs.
I'll admit it got me a chuckle
@Allenph not really. a few plant pots
vase mode is my new pet peeve
I've never tried it.
Are they pot pots?
I haven't yet began growing pot, no
@FélixGagnon-Grenier then what's even the point of living in Canadia, huh?
He obviously wants to wait months to see a doctor Mega.
Good thing there's no literal middle ground.
more seriously, it's not quite clear yet how the law will be about private growing. Federal law is ok with it, jerks in Québec government want to impose restrictions. waiting a bit to see how that unfolds
whilst on the topic of canada: preview.redd.it/…
..what kind of pain killers
Opiates they bought from us. Obviously.
it's an irish pub in Netherlands
seems a decent way to start the day
@Danack somewhat like that thanks, actually it was overriden by a class being inherited and having implicitly setup propery in a class header , parent had public $propertyArray = [], child had public $propertyArray = [a,b,c]
lol, that's amazing
the perl thing?
nah, canadian breakfast :) but that too
just realized it was a bug report though, but I still think it's valuable
I ain't even gonna judge, it's one big slippery love fest over there
yeah? I haven't been witness to that yet. At least it seems more contained than Android, be it only because of the relative unpopularity of it
I just flipped through the most recent few pages.. a 2 is like a slap in the face there
oh wow them scores. I'm on my way
wear protection
and shoes
WTF are you guys talking about?
@Wes It hit my spam filter -- recently a number of internals emails did :(
doesn't matter you guys think it's stupid so... just ignore it
@Wes Way ahead of you there
@Wes It's not entirely stupid, it's just stupid to go for that at this point
If we could redesign the whole iterator system from scratch, it certainly wouldn't be looking like it does now ;)
damn, the rare nikic burn
In other news, I believe typed properties is done
done in the good way or done in the bad way
@NikiC was about to ask, seeing that you've pushed the UPGRADING entries :-D
and thanks a lot!
so I googled for PHP fibers and found php-fibers.com
> industrial filament yarns whose origins extend back to 1899
some old-ass yarns
@FélixGagnon-Grenier This is a fucking gold mine.
Hey I am implementing Microsoft Outlook to get email, calender using the below document but I am stuck at some point
Error line is this one
if (empty($_GET['state']) || ($_GET['state'] !== $_SESSION['oauth_state'])) {
      exit('State provided in redirect does not match expected value.');
Undefined $_SESSION['oauth_state']
Before redirecting to microsoft auth page the $_SESSION['oauth_state'] has some token but when auth signin and redirect back to my url $_SESSION['oauth_state'] is undefined
who is this Martin Schröder guy that's mentioned in wiki.php.net/rfc/fiber? Anyone know? I don't think I've come across him before
How do we test that we are in compiling stage, again?
I need to add a string to my set only if we are in compiling stage -- this function gets called during compiling and runtime.
Ah, zend_is_compiling.
Content Security Policy question, if I have https://*.amazonaws.com/libraryh3lp.com/* whitelisted, should that cover https://s3.amazonaws.com/libraryh3lp.com/us/buttons/ask-a-librarian/green-ask-a‌​-librarian.png? or should I remove the asterisks and specify s3 in the domain?
(asking instead of just testing because I can't reproduce the issue on my computer, have to have a coworker test it)
> https://*.amazonaws.com/libraryh3lp.com/*
I don't think that's valid.......there isn't meant to be any path info in the CSP headers..
@Danack can I specify libraryh3lp.com in it?
or does it have to be a blanket on amazonaws?
I think it has to be a domain.
Also, I think people normally setup a CNAME to point at the particular bucket, to avoid having to use the amazonaws.com name.....though then that might not support SSL.
apparently if they didn't include a dot in their bucket name, that could be referenced directly as this-is-my-awesome-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com
it's some chat software our library wants to try out, I can't control their cname 😒 but maybe I can ask about altering it ... I dunno what work is involved though
though they could also setup an SSL certificate themself with a cname.
Ask them to setup a CNAME + SSL for it.
it should be possible now apparently. - stackoverflow.com/a/17066786/778719
Morgnins v2
Work gave me a sticker. Unfortunately I'm only good at one of those things.
@NikiC I'm trying to emit the variance check only if it is needed. There are some cases that it's not currently handling, such as bug62441.phpt:
namespace {
    interface Iface {
        function method(stdClass $o);
namespace ns {
    class Foo implements \Iface {
        function method(stdClass $o) { }

    (new Foo)->method(new \stdClass);
The issue is that the first time it checks for compatibility is at runtime, so I can't issue the opcode at that stage.
I think we may have to emit ZEND_VERIFY_VARIANCE for all types that extend or implement another type.
Of course, commonly these will be in separate files, so it will be emitted anyway.
@LeviMorrison For all types that are not early bound yes
If an interface is implemented it's never early bound (though we should relax that in the future). For extends it depends on whether the parent class is known.
@NikiC I found some final typos in the RFC errata:
"PHPs type verification" should be "PHP's type verification" (with apostrophe).
"past the maximal value" shouldn't have a comma after it.
"always generated an error" should be "always generates an error".
"++ and – operators" should (I think) be "++ and –– operators".
Does anyone know a good and free control panel?
I have been using vbox, and docker for so long, I have actually forgot the software I used to master
I need something like cPanel which is also open source
@TheodoreBrown Thanks, fixed
@NikiC How exactly is early binding determined?
is "early binding" a concept in PHP ?
@samayo webmin
Thanks. I'm going with centos web panel
Look at you @Shafizadeh, it was only some time ago you were a total noob, and now you are asking questions I don't even have an answer to.
good job, keep getting better
@samayo ahah .. it's all because of you and other guys (here) favor .. so, thank you guys :-)
@StatikStasis I will take a look at it .. thx
From answer "static values are looked up differently than $this variables/properties. In the compiler, they're bound early when you use self:"
@Shafizadeh I don't think I helped you at all, but thanks anyway. Also, make sure to learn other languages than just php, choose something less chaotic and stable
@samayo yeah I've started learning"JS ES5-6-7"
Learn C#. =)
my project needs it :-) .. btw @samayo are you aware of the project I've recently launched ?!
@StatikStasis Never :-)
Boltclock's game has some pretty chill music. newgrounds.com/portal/view/715591
@LeviMorrison Check the compile_class_decl code
It tries to look up parent class and in that case immediately inherits & binds the class
It's what I am working on right now to learn. I did a good bit in C++ (console apps) for a while so it was easier thing for me to pickup,
So if you have a chain of classes which all inherit from each other, they're all early bound
That's pretty much the only case :)
@Shafizadeh Not fully aware, I saw some google-like site, but good job and hope it works out for you
@StatikStasis C++ scares the hell out of me, it seems super complex and difficult
I am learning rust just as a hobby for now, and I am fine with it
Well... I will say I never got into doing GUI apps which were a lot more complicated. I started to learn using Qt but then got into doing something else.
@samayo thank you .. yeah it's going forward much faster than what was expected .. we've about 1.5k unique visitor per day (about 7600 page view)
But for console applications- I loved it. He helped me to learn a lot about the fundamentals.
I just never had a big project to use what I was learning was the problem.
@samayo Assembly scares me
@Shafizadeh I have always wanted to see someone from r11 making 'the next thing' as opposed to just github repos, so I am glad for you
@StatikStasis I don't even want to learn that if I was paid to do so.
@samayo 🙏
I give up too soon @StatikStasis
@samayo A friend of mine who is a brilliant mathematician (got his degree is mathematics) and programs a lot. Started a project years ago in Assembly for some government contract. At the time he told me was working on getting an object to fly from one location to another. All of the smalls steps in between that you can imagine. Ascend to x, descend to y, remain level, etc.
@samayo if you can, look up pluralsight, and try to have a subscription. The course by Kate Gregory is very good, explains things in baby steps that make the learning really enjoyable.
maybe pester your employer until they pay it for you, yearly subscription is a 3-4 hundred dollars. otherwise, the "Tour of c++" primer is really good for people that already know a language.
Turns out he was helping to design a new guidance system for some underwater vessels. Well... it worked. The results are not something you would shout about but... yeah- it worked.
@StatikStasis haha, I was scratching my head about "object to fly from one location to another"... i thought we had those already :)
@samayo We do- this was a new system for these new fleets.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I would love to learn C to be honest, but not C++. Do you know good tuts on C?
All done in Assembly.
The c introductory course on plusralsight is also very much on point, though I didn't listen as much as c++
When I start a web project, I typically put in two folders (more actually but simplicity is best); src and config. I have a file in config called "initialize.php" which basically makes all my config files get loaded through an autoloader, determines the enviroment, the ini settings (on shared servers) and helps with setting up my most commonly used customized functions, and even determines error logging.
Needless to say its important. BUT the problem is that requiring it on all my src php pages that need it is such a hassel since I have to keep track of folders. Is there an easier way to do this?
oh and it uses my autoload function to load classes dymanically
@TylerLazenby I believe, if I understand correctly that you are directly accessing php files, that you could gain ease of work by trying to work towards a "single point of entry" and use routing.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I THINK that is correct. I am just wondering how to go about either learning that OR maybe I do know how to do that and I just don't realize it
@BradAndrews Are you still out there? Are you learning in 2019 yet? =)
@TylerLazenby first part would be to move every and any php files out of the public repository, leave one index.php there with one line, that includes initialize.php (we tend to name it bootstrap.php) and try to make everything work without accessing files directly
that'll necessitate git, learning composer, and possibly using a routing library
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 「(゜。゜)」??
feel free to articulate questions in sentences :)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier So I have direct FTP access to this server that we are developing on. Do you mean it would be placed outside of the web root? Keep in mind that this is a VPS of sorts . . . but not really.
"it" meaning the php files? Yes. All of them, should be outside of the web root.
... oh I am assuming you have access to at least the root folder of the web root
@FélixGagnon-Grenier What if the client insists on use Wordpress as a frontend and wants us to build a backend system
OH I do
I think . . .
oh. I don't use frameworks, sorry. I don't know if they're generally designed to work out of the web root.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier neither do I, I have a web designer who takes care of that. I created the custom backend for something which wordpress doesn't touch, except through web hooks (its a mess)
@TylerLazenby github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial you probably want to be looking at that.
@Danack Thank you this helps a LOT
ldap_bind using ldaps or ldap_start_tls()=exception in libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll – #77440
stupid question
 private $conn;

function __construct() {
 $this->conn = $this->connectDB();
why conn doesn't has $ sign?
@PHPFan because that's a property of the class. that's the syntax how to call a property of the class in PHP.
well thanks
1 hour later…
posted on January 10, 2019 by HarmonyIO

**Don't use** Proof of concept

@PeeHaa Ooo… shiny…
Gonna need a couple of rewrites and a lot of fixes before it's ready though
Reason for not using a PSR-1 logger?
No reason. Just quick copy pasta from another project
At this point I am just happy at least one mail server accepts my glued together limited client
Gotta start somewhere.
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