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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@pmmaga the skipif processor apparently thinks that calling an undefined function in the skipif section means that the test shouldn't be skipped.
@Danack yeah, I guess we should change that
And of course the reason that fails to skip, is that runTests is looking for the string 'skip' to indicate whether the test should be skipped.
2 hours later…
FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE should match – #77217
2 hours later…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what have i done?
1 hour later…
Sometimes I wonder why I am reading that internals mailing list - "E_UNSILENCE_FATAL" wtf :-D
hello guys
is there anyone i can get some help on a wordpress woocommerce problem ?
guys, i have this data i.postimg.cc/J7xPgXfC/image.png , here i want to insert to my table like this i.postimg.cc/zXcms6sN/image.png and here is my code : i.postimg.cc/BnHhmzsM/image.png does anyone can help me ?
@wes @bwoebi so. How about those internal body clocks eh?
what do you mean? :B
i have a fairly decent lifestyle lately. i have to wake up early because i go running at 6:20 am... any later than that i get all the pollution
2 hours later…
keek Scot. and North England. to peep; look furtively.
password_hash returns null – #77218
2 hours later…
does php support wss?
wtf is wss
@Danack why? Sleeping from 1 to 6 in the night - There's no reason to only go to bed at 4 a.m.
@mega6382 what's wss? websocket over tls? :-D
@mega6382 well, PHP has no native websocket implementations, but the tls part is just tls, the crypto options of tcp streams
You'll just need to adequately configure the socket setup of your websocket library
Yeah, that's what I thought too, thanks :)
@bwoebi that's quite little sleep imo.
@bwoebi at your age you should really sleep more i think
yeah, I usually sleep a little more, but not more than 6 hours
Typically more like 12:30 to 6:30, but got late yesterday and somehow was awake at 6 today
at least during the week
getting myself a bit more sleep the weekend
do you wake up refreshed or not?
@Wes I do
At least I don't feel like I'd want to sleep some more hours and not feeling too tired in the evening
So I have this:
but yeah, weekends is more like 1:30 or 2:00 to 10:00 or such
#define IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG(const_name, value)\
	zend_declare_class_constant_long(php_imagick_sc_entry, const_name, sizeof(const_name)-1, (long)value TSRMLS_CC);
@Danack TSRMLS_CC? Seriously? :-D
what is that btw
Is it possible to combine a define with #if's to allow for version checking. The following is what I'd like to do, but doesn't work:
#define IMAGICK_VERSION_REGISTER_CONST_LONG(im6_version, im7_version, const_name, value)\
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x800\
  #error "MagickLibVersion > 8 not supported"\
#elif MagickLibVersion >= 0x700\
  #if MagickLibVersion >= im7_version\
      IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG(const_name, value)\
#elif MagickLibVersion >= 0x600\
  #if MagickLibVersion >= im6_version\
      IMAGICK_REGISTER_CONST_LONG(const_name, value)\
  #error "MagickLibVersion not recognised"\
i've copied it from other code in php-src but i don't know what it does
So, that I can use it like:
TSRMLS_CC i mean... answer me after you finished with danack
@Danack you'll have to put the #define line in every branch
@Wes it does precisely nothing.
As of PHP 7
yesterday, by Danack
@Jeeves Should I drop support for PHP 5.3 or should I continue to be obstinate?
It makes life easier for Remi downstream.
@bwoebi any suggestions on a solution that is not terrible to use?
like is there any way to use macros in #if's?
@Wes php.net/manual/en/internals2.memory.tsrm.php and blog.jpauli.tech/2017/01/12/threads-and-php.html might make it clearer, but I'm not sure it's relevant anymore.
i'm not sure if i want to dig into that, especially if it's gone now :B
i get most of code i copied from other extensions... except this tsrmls cache thing
divide a line in n equal parts -> is there a single word for "equal parts"
i was thinking section or segment, but none implies "equal"
that is congruent sections apparently... so nevermind
@Wes I don't think so.
yeah doesn't look like there is
btw for my conundrum:
#if (MagickLibVersion >= 0x700 && MagickLibVersion >= 0x708) || (MagickLibVersion < 0x700 && MagickLibVersion >= 0x699)
Is actually not too bad.....once I get used to it.
childNodes property not in DOMElement manual – #77219
@Danack that's fine as well
Well, no...but it's the least worst, probably.
.....aaaaaand, just to pull Bob's leg:
uh actually going through life on 4-5hrs of sleep per night is a perfectly way of doing functioning for having to doing. in your living time
Hello! Anyone with some WordPress experience? Is there a plugin which you can use to send REST Get requests and implement the result in a page?
@Falcon What is a get rest request?
Consuming a RESTful API
With sending a simple GET Request.
If it's only get is it by default not a restful api?
wordpress comes with a http client. Use it?
How do you mean it comes with a http client
But that's hardcoded in the engine/template right?
What does that mean?
Imagine you have a post in your wordpress blog. And you want to consume an external API like idk IMDB API in that specific post
How would you do that
Use the client I just shared and present the data?
I was actually hoping to find a plugin on the wysiwyg editor inside the post. configure it and done
How can that ever work?
Unless you find a specific plugin for imdb which happen to work with your theme how can a generic client ever know how to display what?
just return everything and place it with [requestname] or so
So basically you tell me to write PHP inside a post
I just dont believe you should insert php code in a post but hm
I never said you should
But in general. Wordpress posts are php
yeah I checked it, the API I want to consume does not have a WordPress Plugin.
IMDB was just an example
And what data to show well
it's only 1 phrase
actually 4 digits.
No it's not
The imdb api returns a json response with data
but I don't want to consume the imdb api. That was just an example
but yea
I understand what you mean
It's so easy with VueJS/Axios etc.
I am not a PHP developer so sorry for my newbish questions
@Falcon No it's not. With vue you still have to format the data
automatically parse the Json into variables.
you can easily do {{data.Title}} i.e.
So what is stopping you from doing the same thing in wp?
If you're using an external API why cant you just send the AJAX request with Vue @Falcon?
Problem for month March (DateTime::sub) – #77220
@Falcon same can be done in php as well and by proxy in wp
so I should be able to execute scripting inside a post? that'd be awesome
cant check right now : (
Also, there is a usually a file called "single.php" or something in the WP themes you will just have to edit that according to your needs or you can just use ajax or something.
@Falcon or you can just create a custom wp plugin according to your needs
yo officer @Jay
@Wes I was refering to your epic joke on twitter
damn, good memory lol
hey jayo
Can we not just do something like this in our post @mega6382 pastebin.com/3PDED5Ba
not sure if I should write a plugin just for 1 single blogpost.
@Wes you around?
Have you gotten any email from hacktoberfest yet?
after update php from 5.6 to 7.2.1, and after use `fwrite()` instead of create file in current script directory.....file created on htdocs folder(xampp default root folder)
$fh = fopen("1.txt","w");
$result = fwrite($fh,"Hello");
What happend?
but i read on twitter people are already getting their t-shirt
Yeah, I saw those tweets too
Its been almost a month and no update
any help? i can't write any file using relative path??
@Mostafa You are confused by what the current working dir is
@Mostafa It may be related to your ini config: secure.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.open-basedir
@pmmaga I reaaally doubt so as he wants it in the same place as the script that is being executed
> The special value . indicates that the working directory of the script will be used as the base-directory.
Although a bit unlikely, it's possible
@pmmaga But that would mean the initial script that writes the file could also not be exeuted
Honestly I am not fully awake yet, but I am willing to bet somebody else's kidney on it :P
hehehe :P
So @Mostafa either one of those ^^
but the only code he has shown yet is the one that writes to the file.. let's wait and see :)
As a general rule always use absolute paths to prevent the issue I told you about, which is what you should do anyways
@peeHaa thnk.checking..
@PeeHaa yeah, either way, that's the sane approach
Best way to do it is probably __DIR__ . '/1.txt'
@PeeHaa Thanks. Problem Solved :)
\o/ @Wes' kidney is saved
Nothing @Wes. It's ok. Just go back to sleep now
@PeeHaa meanie
speaking of t-shirts, i started making a php t-shirt
@Wes cool, can we see it?
it's just a weak sketch on my tablet at the moment
there is a elephant is all i can tell you right now
@Wes I literally just thought that there would definitely be an elephant, right before you said it
@PeeHaa Context? I missed something. I need a good laugh. Context, please.
32 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Honestly I am not fully awake yet, but I am willing to bet somebody else's kidney on it :P
@StatikStasis It's up there. You will get disappointed though :P
@StatikStasis search chat -> kidney
I'm eating some flamin' hot munchies ... they're yummy but my mouth is on fire now
You two (@PeeHaa @Tiffany) are as lazy as I am. Thanks @Wes =P
also there will be a hammer
because you know, php is a hammer
an hammer? a hammer? i hate english
Do you ship to TR? <3
a hammer
a hammer
@Wes a hammer. and not just any hammer, a claw hammer
@Wes Does it sound like a vowel?.
@Wes like @joewatkins' hammer?
@Wes Use "an" if the following word sounds like a vowel.
!!google rasmus php is a hammer
Search for "rasmus php is a hammer -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=rasmus+php+is+a+hammer+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• Afbeeldingen van rasmus php is a hammer -site:w3s… - No description available (/search?q=rasmus+php+is+a+hammer+-site:w3schools.com&lr=lang_en&tbs=lr:lang_1en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiPqbrggfreAhWKZlAKHTXNC38QsAR6BAgGEAE)
he might've thought the the "h" in "hammer" was silent
a hammer
@Jeeves lol
an excellent hammer
!!? double claw hammer
Search for "double claw hammer -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=double+claw+hammer+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• Afbeeldingen van double claw hammer -site:w3schoo… - No description available (/search?q=double+claw+hammer+-site:w3schools.com&lr=lang_en&tbs=lr:lang_1en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS67DugfreAhUJUlAKHRtRDmUQsAR6BAgEEAE)
a steel hammer
!!? test
@mega6382 Did you know? That test... doesn't exist in the world! Cuz' GOOGLE can't find it :P
an ergonomic hammer
@Jeeves fuck you
it's a quote from rasmus lerdorf though
"php is a hammer"
1 is the need to filter images I guess
2 is something else
@PeeHaa i haven't looked into printing yet
but i think i will use one of those services like teespring
like everybody does
which probably ship everywhere in the world
that given i actually finish the thing lol
@Wes Could you look at this from yesterday when you have a moment? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/184417/…
seventh image is php
@Danack I just have to say that "PHP: a fractal of bad design" is quite outdated
and wrong, imo.
pls explain
TL:DW version - everyone is terrible at determining what makes things good or bad.
> There's a reason that some of the most famous computer scientists in the world are also language designers. And it's a crying shame none of them ever had the opportunity to work on PHP.
@Tiffany that is actually kind of interesting: antsle.com/product/#antsleone Being able to deploy stuff that requires 128GB locally, without it ever leaving the office would be very nice, compared to having to do everything remotely.
@mega6382 and instead most of them are still tarting around with C++.
And we know how C++17 turned out:
@Danack so... why not just have a server cluster...?
(I say this as an employee of an organization that has comm rooms in several buildings, and almost everything is self-hosted...)
@Tiffany if you want to provide each employee with a separate isolated working environment, doing that on aws could easily cost about $1000 per developer per month.
@Danack I mean a local server cluster
no AWS
that's what that box is, right?
I haven't read the details but it said on one page it provides a kubernetes service in it.
I guess you could just buy powerful PCs - or you could buy that premade one.
@Danack that's how I interpreted the image as... but like I said ... I work at an organization where the comm room that my web servers are hosted are ten feet from me
@Danack that is so incredible
@Tiffany that managed to make my left eye hurt and made me a bit motion sick (which actually is an achievement)
@tereško didn't get motion sickness, but it did fuck with my head
I do (sometimes - like when sitting backwards in a bus), but only when I am otherwise sick (which is how I am now)
I was sick last week
Can you please open ltk and write "how to" in the first input? I'm seeing some strange characters like \u003cb in the autocomplete result. Any idea what's wrong?
@FlorianMargaine is it "powered by platform"?
1 hour later…
@Tiffany he's definitely gonna get spanked :P
sandpaper tongue on the butt
I don't think he would've gone back if she hadn't smacked him in the head a few times :D
"shit...there's mom..." (or dad)
Request IP address filter flag to exclude non-global IP addresses – #77221
but room 11 knows all -- During a period of (non-life-threatening) alcohol withdrawal symptoms, in the absence of benzodiazepines, is administering a controlled and small quantity of alcohol to the patient acceptable?
@DanLugg yes.
Serious answer?
Awesome, it seemed that way, but I couldn't find anything definitive online
people can die from alcohol withdrawal.
Yes, the symptoms are non-life-threatening (at this time) and the duration of the bender preceding was probably not enough to induce tremens
though, hypothetically, I might recommend just taking enough weed that you can't physically reach the fridge to get the booze out.
Hmm, not an option; and that would probably help the mood issues too
Well, replace them, maybe.
Replace the patient?
> Can I please have a patient that doesn't have so many problems? Like, WTF is dis shit
hypothetically, the anxiety from alcohol withdrawal is similar to, but slightly different from the paranoia that some flavours of weed induce.
@DanLugg reminds me...
@Danack Ahh, gotcha
I've been subsisting off xanax until my wellbutrin prescription was refilled
@Tiffany Noticeable results difference?
Sometimes, but I've built a bit of a tolerance :/
I don't increase the dose though. Benzo addiction isn't a trap I want to fall into, even though I'm kind of there.
Definitely, parlaying one addiction to another is generally worse than sticking with the first one. (regarding the transition of booze to benzos in my case)
I take it "as needed," sometimes once or twice a day, sometimes none
Withdrawal symptoms of xanax aren't too bad, at least in my experience. The worst I've had is maybe some irritability and/or insomnia.
Most of the time I don't notice the symptoms though
Well I have a long unshowered human currently detoxing from booze on a couch in the other room
Insomnia doesn't seem to be an issue, but that's probably just because of physical exhaustion to her system
Is it Phil Sturgeon?
I don't have benzos or anything analogous to administer, but I'm thinking hitting the store to grab a few beers (or similarly ABV'd) to ease the transition
@Danack No, he left last week
Speaking of which, I haven't heard much about him lately
Lately meaning like 3 years
Do you mean.....they've been on a months long bender, or just that they had a really good night last night?
@Danack 12 to 14 days of 40oz whiskey every day (with a 2 day period of non-drinking somewhere in the middle)
I mean, if you look at how they detox heroin and ... another opiate I can't remember the name of (morphine) ... they will treat the patients with methadone
@DanLugg he's on twitter, harassing people who like GraphQL.
@Danack I'd probably do the same if I wasn't using GraphQL
ServiceFromDat serviceToDate
2017-10-16 2017-11-15
2017-10-16 2017-09-19
I want to have the ability to select all the rows where ServiceToDate is an older date than ServiceFromDate in SQL.
@DanLugg k. Yes. Having just beer in the house, and no hard booze would be a plan. But that's getting into a 'seek medical help' territory.
@Danack Well I picked her up from the hospital 6 hours ago
If she has to go back there's precedence and I have contacts to expedite it
@Milly25 what have you tried?
@DanLugg you on twitter? might be more appropriate there - twitter.com/MrDanack
@Danack Forget zee old account, but it's all good
I gotta run to grab the aforementioned beer and grocery anyhow
Get some fruit squash also...
Fuck knows I need one after the past 336 hours
I've been getting her to eat frozen fruit in the interim
I'll do that too -- or wait, is that a UK thing?
I'm in Acme Acres Canada
concentrated fruit juice......whatever you colonials call it....
Hey! Just because we left home doesn't mean you gotta make fun!
I'll grab some of that too; and more fresh/frozen fruit
Later eleveners
@Danack lol, reminds me of something someone said in a youtube chat... "why do Brits call us 'colonials'? they're just pointing out that they were bad at fighting us in a war..." (doesn't apply to Canadians though)
I pointed out it could be "self-deprecating humor" but the Brit who used the "colonies" term didn't sound self-deprecating at the time...
I've seen some people use dateDiff but it's not working for me. @tiff
Outlook has a 10mb file attachment size, and I have a client using outlook to send files. I want to check if a file is over 10mb before attaching, which seems as simple as using filesize(...). But, I'm seeing that base64 encoded files are about 37% larger than the original, which would put the max at around 7MB. Is there any way, in PHP, to get what the size of a file would be after it is base64 encoded, or would I just have to base64 encode it then check?
Has anyone turned the elephpant into a decent logo/thumbnail sort of thing?
@Milly25 dateDiff looks like TSQL? are you on SQL Server?
@Alesana I don't think 10 MB is an Outlook limitation... I'm able to send files up to 25 MB in Outlook
doesn't really answer your question though :P
The Rust website has a new look. I couldn't help myself and see how we'd look in that skin:
@LeviMorrison need a flat logo or black/white logo
lol ... "the first language to popularize web development and web vulnerabilities"
hahaha, reading the descriptions you put
@LeviMorrison So, you like literally spent time on trying to make it like that?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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