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4:00 PM
@Leigh He's not worth my time
@Truth if I don't call at least 5 people an idiot throughout the course of the day, I go home and take it out on my girlfriend
she already asked me today if Macs had built-in programs to do ftp and ssh... I said yea... they're called ftp and ssh respectively
@Leigh , that's nasty , especially since she knew what they are in first place
I guess she meant GUI, but I can't resist the troll
she's not stupid, she's doing a CS related PHD
(in a stupid subject)...
remind me never to burn DVD's with my laptop again... The speed is HORRENDOUS
4:06 PM
what's a DVD?
This weird little disk thingy that I have to use at work to install operating systems...
@Leigh it's like a flash-drive , but based on gramophone technology
wintoflash.com/home/en saved my a**, twice
reddit.com/r/programming/comments/w4mif/… <-- my first upvote on /r/programming
@tereško so what... like moving parts?
4:09 PM
it spins
@ircmaxell there doesn't seem to be anything here
exactly, it's not approved. And pining the mods does nothing. sigh
in highschool , we wrote things in assembler , which caused CD's to spin really really fast
@tereško I'm not a fan of things that spin, unless they're cooling me down
once the disc even broke
4:10 PM
Hey. If I had this string "17,18,19,20," how would I use explode to separate them?
heh, there were rumours of code that could make hard drives spin backwards, I never believed it though
@JoeyMorani $array = explode("17,18,19,20,");
@JoeyMorani , did you try THE MANUAL !?
That'd work for me @webarto but when I have to install operating systems I have to do it in a single day... And it's always at least 20 computers.. So i'd need 20 USB drives in order to do it in a timely fashion...
@Leigh , lol
4:11 PM
@JoeyMorani thanks, you just saved my girlfriend
@tereško lol @ that
I'm glad. :)
its $array = explode(',',$string);
btw , killer surname
4:13 PM
@PradyumnaSharma is there really no overloaded explode? there's an overloaded implode, I just assumed
@PradyumnaSharma , please read : slash7.com/pages/vampires
man, thats why PHP sucks!
posted on July 06, 2012 by till

Personally — I feel like I'm really, really late to get on the Doctrine train. I've tried Doctrine 1 a few years back and found it mostly too complicated for my needs. For all I know, I still find PEAR::DB and PEAR::MDB2 the perfect database abstraction layers (DBAL). Though of course they may or may not be totally up to date in terms of PHP etc.. The overall concept of an ORM never stuck wit

Oh. I just say your stared comment about your gf. xD
Thanks... I guess?
4:16 PM
@JoeyMorani apparently it backfired, you need to explicitly state the delimiter for explode, even though you don't with implode
so I was the idiot, well done :)
well I think I'll be making a pull request over the weekend to fix explode, and restore my honour
That's awesome!
lol nice @Leigh
4:16 PM
@Truth I shared it at work and got karma
@tereško Is that for me??
@PradyumnaSharma it was referring to Joey, he could have read the manual, but asked here instead
Yeah, I think when you google "exploding an array php", the first thing that comes up is the explode() function
Well, in my defence, I tried to read the manual but it wouldn't load.. :P
4:19 PM
I have an offline manual with me.. :P
same here...
@Justin we have some code at work that comes up a lot... it does explode(',', $children)
i like to explode($children) lol
xD Love the edit.
4:20 PM
ROFL explode($children)
Yes... it's fun, you should try it sometime
$up = new Exception(); throw $up;
lol... i'm going to use some of these in real work just to piss my "boss" off when he reads me code so he can't follow along.. i'm also going to stop commenting!
@Justin Yeah ,Lot's of children around my home.
4:22 PM
@PradyumnaSharma well you have plenty to practice on till you get it perfect
how can i prevent my htaccess from affecting any real files?
@DanBarzilay delete it
did you have a PHP question?
This chat is Fun.
but i have some rules there that i need
and there is no htaccess chat
nah I'm just getting agitated, I want to go home, but its raining
so I'm taking it out on everyone unnecessarily
4:24 PM
Why not just go home in the rain?
how can i prevent my htaccess from affecting any real files?
@DanBarzilay RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} -f something like that aughta work... might be wrong... but that'll only run the RewriteRule if it's not a file
@JoeyMorani rain is wet, I don't like to be made wet without my consent
xD Fair enough.
@Justin i already have that
@Justin i already have that
4:26 PM
you only need to say it once.. I got it the first time..
Let me load up my code and see if I even use it (i don't think i do)
yea i thought i havent tagged you
No need to - I'm like your nosy neighbor.. I read EVERYTHING
in my .htaccess i have: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
so try that...
@DanBarzilay so use a REQUEST_URI condition with !-f, and another with !-d, and then RewriteRule ^ - [L]
Aside from that.. GGIYF
so if the file exists, or directory exists, exit early
4:28 PM
i have this: ` RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d `
not working
and the rewrite rule?
how can i make it a code?
you have 2 conditions, whats the rule that satisfies those conditions?
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?page=$1 [L,QSA,NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app_dev.php [QSA,L] is how mine is setup... and it works fine...
perhaps you don't have mod_rewrite enabled?
4:29 PM
if you use !-f that means FILE EXISTS
@PradyumnaSharma is what for you ?
so you're saying, if the file exists, go to index
i do because the rule works
not if the file doesn't exist, go to index
no i have like this url: website/pages so it need to go to index.php?page=pages
4:30 PM
wait I got it backwards, never mind, I'm reading a bad comment
-f is exists.. !-f is not exists...
stupid comments
but when i go into a real file and still does that
I was asking are you referring me as a help vampire?
4:31 PM
oooh only 300 megs left on this dvd...
cant load the site..
@tereško the article
Loads fine Dan...
@DanBarzilay Use hidemyass.com
if askapache.com won't load, i have a sneaking suspicion hidemyass.com won't either
4:33 PM
What's the best open source CMS in some of your opinions?
@Justin Perfect answer
hidemyass worked :P
@Truth I only speak the truth....
@Justin Ok fine but if you're a a new web designer and you need one to make a site that's going to scale the best. What do you choose?
4:35 PM
Find a web DEVELOPER to do it for me?
@Justin Do you hate your life or is being a d!ck fun for you?
Honestly, if you have to rely on a CMS such as Joomla or heaven forbid Wordpress (which isn't a CMS no matter how much you mod it) -- you should rethink the industry..
@PolluxKhafra First get your hands dirty then try to clean them
I'm not a dick in the slightest... But you come and ask a bunch of people who custom build stuff frequently what the best open source CMS is -- you're going to get an idiotic answer...
There is no best for anything in terms of web , there is a best that suits your need which you will find out only after getting your hands dirty
4:37 PM
Let's all take this down a few notches, please?
Not everyone who builds a website is doing it because they want to code websites their whole life. Some people get ideas for websites on low budgets and need to do it themselves.
@PolluxKhafra I believe that if you wish to use a website, let alone make one, you need to learn the minimal, basic information that you need
I'm not saying start learning PHP and MVC right away,
Well then use wordpress -- I hear there is lots of horribly written plugins that'll do anything you want... also, you should use some cowbelljs.com in it -- it'll be awesome sauce then!
I'm saying you should read a couple of tutorials, install a few CMSs, and see what works best for you
@Truth I built this site on a wordpress install. My first site. fameordie.com. Now I'm getting told wordpress is going to hurt me in the long run. So this is why im asking.
4:40 PM
@PolluxKhafra Wordpress is horribly built, and does not scale well if you need anything custom other than blog posts and pages
You could to a better job using dreamweaver and html4 seriously....
wordpress is great if you're running a blog..
a website? no
@justin i saw something similar a few months back
^ just saying
@rlemon i mentioned that one ;)
4:42 PM
I was just mentioning it again in big bold yell-type
@rlemon I know and I've been trying to learn drupal for 2 days because of you and I think it's BS.
But, because you bolded it -- I starred it ;)
@PolluxKhafra yea I hate drupal... I personally am using CI to build my companies CMS.
That post is now my #2 all-time post, within 3 hours of posting... Gotta love HN
@rlemon Ok Im gonna try that.
4:43 PM
but if you are going down the drupal road talk to @FlorianMargaine he uses it a lot (so I hear)
you'll find him in the JS room.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Florian is a Drupal whore..
@rlemon I too use CI.
@rlemon my condolences
Alright thx for the info room. Justin...try getting touched by a female more often.
i hope you have an exit strategy
4:45 PM
CI is full of useless crap... but the stuff that I do find useful i find very useful. but yes CI a beast with a buncha stuff I never use.
I will admit that
but I know how to use CI... and time is $$$
I've used CI and still do periodically... my companies CRM is built using Symfony though -- first i've used it but it's damn powerful outside of the craptastic DQL..
that is Doctrine
I tried Symfony2 and found I didn't like the way it was structured... but I like CI's structure... go fig
yes, yes it is...
Symfony2 structure is a bit odd for sure...
Symphony just don't install on my machine.. :(
4:47 PM
@ircmaxell It looks like phpdoc does not particularly agree on the post :)
Yes i am a noob
I switched from ZF to Kohana only because I don't need to use Doctrine. @Justin
@NikiC link?
@ircmaxell chat ^^
I just need to finish my framework then i'll use it soley..
4:48 PM
@LeviMorrison: would you want to work on a prototype of that central tutorial repo concept?
@NikiC I don't get what you're referring to
@ircmaxell #php.doc on efnet
wasn't there, just joined
got to go now, laters
@nikiC seeya
@rlemon , i could suggest learning about OOP and researching MVC .. your opinion might change
then again , if you want to continue to love CI, do not learn anything about standards and code quality
4:53 PM
I know OOP and I've researched MVC extensively (although I do admit to not having the best knowledge on the subject... but I do have a strong understanding)
I just said CI was a beast... but a beast I know.
so your argument is invalid.
CI can be useful sometimes -- like I said I still use it on some things... But these days, I get so much more done using Symfony than I ever did with CI... But that might be because I'm a lazy coder...
and Doctrine isn''t that bad when you get used to it -- and you can always use the nativeQuery to run true SQL if you need to... or there is another one similar (cant remember off the top of my head) that allows you to run native PDO instead of the DQL.. so it's got some power behind it that i like ;)
If I wanted to write "native SQL" I wouldn't use Doctrine or Propel or...
I just (at this point) cannot be bothered to learn a new framework and port all of my pre-existing code to it.
Does PDO support the InnoDb engine (in mysql)?
@agam360 What do you mean by support?
4:58 PM
@rlemon @tereško is rarely wrong
@MikeB, can I work with both together?
@agam360 , the storage engine in mysql has nothing to do with connection
@webarto you're right to an extent... I've got a few functions that needed the nativequery to be used -- whereas many are $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('bundle:repo')->find($id); or ->findAll(); so having the ability if you need it -- is nice ;)
@tereško Thanks
@webarto but more often than not arrogant and narrow minded. Am I sitting here boasting how good the framework is? no it is retarded. but I like some aspects of it and it makes my job easier . When I have time to learn something new I will... preferably I like to not rely on any framework.. but the spikey haired boss men don't see me eye to eye when I give them proper timelines.
preferably I would like to learn Python and leave PHP behind me.
but I also hate whitespace denoted blocks.
5:05 PM
tereško what do you think about Symfony2 fmk ? I would like to hear your opinion
@Justin yes, of course you sometimes need something that ORM isn't capable of doing, or it is overkill...
@rlemon yes, it really doesn't matter that much, because PHP is hammer and everything is a nail...
in that analogy PHP is not the hammer... PHP is you smashing in the Screws with the entire toolbox.... Could be worse... could be client side Cough jQuery Cough
when in doubt: jQuery!
god said let there be light, and jQuery was born! in jQuery we trust!
Is that sarcasm ?
5:14 PM
its the truth
god said "let there be light" and John Resig said "Pfft. $.light(); abstraction FTW!"
you should use jquery for everything
you should use a dump truck to move the flower pot in your windowsill.
I do that all the time, can't believe it hasn't caught on yet!
5:16 PM
and you should also drive a segway everywhere
because they are best car
no but if i'm going to check the mail... segway is nice... if i'm cross-country touring i'll take a camper.
different tools for different jobs
not one tool for every job regardless of the size and effort.
hey, I like moving flowers with dumptrucks, gives me work to do later when they are destroyed in the dirt landslide
5:19 PM
sorry @EventHorizon I thought you were serious. (me mistaken you for hakre... )
@rlemon ha, no, I like to use sarcasm as well :P
with jQuery I can never tell... you either understand it's another tool to be used when it is justified... or you blindly love it for no good reason other than it's a cool buzz word... or you blindly hate it because you're a naive purist and have never worked under a deadline on code you didn't design.
@rlemon I don't enjoy working with code I didn't make, honestly, I prefer a hands on approach every time over plugins etc
@Event_Horizon 100% agreed.
and I can say; whereas I know I could not have written the jQuery source.. I have gone through most of it because I want to know what voodoo it does behind the scenes.
Abstraction where abstraction is not needed is painful ( for instance.... .prop() and .attr() )
@MikeB lol, wth
People get ornery when you interfere with their repwhoring
was closed uber fast...
and removed
i.e in the time it took me to type that comment the post was removed.
5:42 PM
@MikeB , here is the sad thing: he has gold badge in php
@rlemon lol
@tereško Like the girl scouts?
Hi! Just noticed the comment about ext/mysql being deprecated. It's discouraged, but not deprecated, so imho it's okay for people to both suggest alternatives and offer solutions using it (if the question is specific to ext/mysql, that is)
What do you think of this? :)
5:47 PM
@philip Code will live on for longer than the near future
@philip chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/4414114#4414114 Part of the community seems hellbent on removing mysql_*
Hosters upgrade their PHP versions and what will happen: OMG all these notices
The above question asks about ext/mysql yet the ext/mysql solution was denied.
Partly because most of the programmers who still use mysql_* give PHP a bad name
now please correct me if i'm wrong... but doesn't addslashes protect against injection attacks just as well as mysql_real_escape_string
5:47 PM
@philip , it is not deprecated yet
@rlemon Attack!
the process has begun
Where's Col. Shrapnel when you need him :(
@philip and thanks for tickets :)
@MikeB I'm right here
@philip , most likely in 5.5 release it will start throwing E_DEPRECATED warnings
5:48 PM
"Correct me where i'm wrong" meaning I think I recall reading that at one point in time.
@tereško that's certainly not true
@philip what is not true ?
I'm the guy who implemented/added the "discouraged" notes in the PHP manual, and work for Oracle/MySQL, and am intimate with this topic. :)
@PeeHaa hahaha
5:49 PM
@PeeHaa Looking forward to seeing it implemented :)
@tereško The part about E_DEPRECATED errors in 5.5
@philip , yeah .. and i would believe it because you just said so
anyway, i only meant to offer my opinion on the matter
i of course wish people would stop using ext/mysql but do not think the community needs to be so tough on people
some people must use it, still
well .. you shouldn't
@tereško has anyone else told you lately you're an ass?
some people lack a choice
5:51 PM
because you are
@MikeB Since then I´ve been wondering what would happen when I rename to Col. Shrapnel +'
@PeeHaa Nice knowing ya :P
That´s what I thought :)
@philip , and community should be tough on people who are writing bad code, otherwise you are just perpetuating the crap
5:52 PM
@philip: you're the same phillip from docs?
@ircmaxell hi, yeah, it's me
Ah ok, I figured as much
i'm here to infiltrate stackoverflow!
@philip o/
/me runs and hides
5:54 PM
@tereško wordpress requires/uses ext/mysql
roshambo... your blog brings back MANY painful memories
idk the best way to handle that, except to be slow/careful
@rlemon I still have a blog? Had forgotten :)
This is all I could find regarding the deprecation of mysql_* in the internals: Not adding E_DEPRECATED errors in 5.4, but revisit for 5.5/6.0 news.php.net/php.internals/53799
@philip , since when wordpress has become a standard for good practices ?
@philip The thing is IMHO when being slow and careful nothing will change
It will only change when people are "forced" at some point
5:55 PM
@MikeB yeah, i wrote that
I'll be a monkey's uncle
@philip Wordpress also dictates that it's a good idea to never use joins, and instead execute queries in loops
@PeeHaa adding those notices to the docs was a good first step
@philip I cannot disagree with that
ext/mysql is the most popular php extension, it's not a simple matter
@ircmaxell i didn't meant to offer an opinion that wordpress does it right, or is an example for how to write code, but it is rather popular
5:58 PM
WordPress as a blog is nice. slow but nice. You show me a self-written feature rich Good blogging engine and i'll shut up. I fucking hate WP... but I have looked for alternatives (ok static blogs like jekyl are nice... but they don't offer the features I need and pfft.... Ruby)
now I just don't run a blog because I hate WP et al
i would say ext/session is more popular
@rlemon blogger
@ircmaxell I tried it but I really dislike it. I don't like limitations on how I write my posts... I don't like all the filtering and crap if i'm the only author.
and I don't want to install plugins just to be able to write native code in the post.

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