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youtube.com/watch?v=OMaycNcPsHI what happened to music?
time, I guess
i'm not sleeping yet because i want to go jogging in 3 hours... i am messed up
are array literals opcached? e.g. $a = [1,2,3,4,5];
jquery suddenly stopped working on my local host, but it still works on the live website. I cannot figure out what I did and it's doing my head in. Any tips on isolating the problem?
I'm just getting an internal server 500 error, which isn't helpful
I'd post a question, but I know I don't have enough information to replicate or even diagnose the error yet
Update, it has nothing to do with jquery. Everything inside my "includes" folder generates internal server error
Solved. For some reason I put an .htaccess file inside the folder.
I have no idea why I did that
The date constant format is different. DATE_RFC1123  – #76926
good mornin room...
@Wes sure
only if immutable data?
with that i mean, is the array actually instantiated multiple times?
or it's just one instance, static, for all processes
the latter
well that's great
so i need to get rid of tons of apcu abuses
I'm creating separate folders for my classes under src/ directory. The basic rule is wether the class is used in the administration panel or the front-end of the site
Does the "Frontend" name makes sense, or there is something more appropriate?
It's a small WordPress plugin, so it's just a couple of classes - no need to separate more than that
someone give me an idea pls - how do i var_export a string using " rather than ' ?
don't want to use php-parser for this thing only :(
maybe can use pack or some sprintf thing?
use backslash to escape the " character
example: \"
not what i asked :B
sounds like a bad idea
is it for debug?
kinda, generating code. i should leave as it is...
yeah, I don't know how you would separate which " is lexical PHP code and what is string
so @bwoebi
static $r = [
            '\\x{0}', '\\x{1}', '\\x{2}','\\x{3}', '\\x{4}', '\\x{5}', '\\x{6}', '\\x{7}',
            '\\x{8}', '\\x{9}', '\\x{a}', '\\x{b}', '\\x{c}', '\\x{d}', '\\x{e}', '\\x{f}',
            '\\x{10}', '\\x{11}', '\\x{12}', '\\x{13}', '\\x{14}', '\\x{15}', '\\x{16}',
            '\\x{17}', '\\x{18}', '\\x{19}', '\\x{1a}', '\\x{1b}', '\\x{1c}', '\\x{1d}',
            '\\x{1e}', '\\x{1f}', '\\x{7f}',
static here is pointless these days?
@Wes yes
should be even so-slightly slower
great \o/
Yo party people.
So, I have a Composer script that runs on pre-autoload-dump, that intercepts the files autoload array, and expands wildcards (example: "/src/**/functions.php")
And it works in the root package.
But if I have another package that does the same -- say, app depends on lib, and both have pre-autoload-dump set to do the same thing -- then I get the un-expanded files entries from the lib package dumped into my app files autoload listing.
If both app and lib define "files": ["/src/**/functions.php"] to autoload.
And if lib has /src/foo/functions.php
And if app has /src/bar/functions.php
Then my resulting autoload_files.php (in app) looks like this:
'...' => $vendorDir . '/src/**/functions.php',
'...' => $vendorDir . '/src/foo/functions.php',
'...' => $baseDir . '/src/bar/functions.php',
Which, of course, causes the main autoloader to blow up when it can't find /src/**/functions.php
Is there a final sweep phase when I can scrub the un-expanded entries out? Or something like that?
doesn't that force you to dump autoload every time anyway?
if you are trying to emulate function autoloading
Well whether it dumps or not, the problem is the non-root packages don’t get their files entries expanded by the pre script on the root package event
Or they are expanded but the wildcard entry gets added too
what i am saying is, if you are required to do dump-autoload manually anyway, why don't you make it completely separated from composer? that is, a separate script that compiles the include list automatically?
Oh, it’s not needed to be separate
It fires on install, update, etc.
what i am saying - why? why not compiling the "files" list just once statically in the composer.json file?
Well, I figured the “Worlds Greatest Package Manager (tm)” would be able to sort it out on autoload dump, seeing as it’s an event you can subscribe to and all, lol
anyway, i am asking because i tried to do that exact thing, and then ended up doing something entirely different
Here’s a better question: is emulated function autoloading via composer for root and dependency packages a solved problem using composers tooling, or do I need a separate build script?
Ah, gotcha.
github.com/Netmosfera/PHPCSSParser check the "composer-*.php" and "composer.json" files
those require's are generated automatically
then i have to do dump-autoload just once when i add
"files": [
Ahhh, I see
Could someone look at this: nickkartha.github.io/LexLuthor
Interesting and simple as fuck.
the tool i use for that is github.com/PHPToolBucket/Incload which is a process i always keep active, that updates those two .php files every time a .inc.php is created or removed
it works... mostly... something is wrong with it :B i have messed up the paths somewhere, i think it doesn't find the right cwd
bedtime \o gn
Now that I think about it, I could probably move the wildcard entries to somewhere other than files, like extra, so they get passed to the script but not appended to the result.
I’ll give both a spin, and see what works
Night @Wes
let me know what you end up doing. i plan writing an alternative autoloader for composer. one that supports actual class maps, with less overhead, with hooks for preprocessing, function/constant inclusion
can even emulate actual function autoloading... although it doesn't make sense doing it with opcache
1 hour later…
Hi. How mysql store json? I mean json type smaller than json in text field?
@Wes unlike opcache, whatever you put into apcu requires copying from shared memory. if opcache can cache it, it's much better to use opcache
Something unexpected went wrong with the WOTD service: Allowed transfer timeout exceeded: 120000 ms
Good mirgingall
Good morning y'all*
@KoenHollander hi, you know, you can just edit your message to fix this, you don't have to post another message
!!welcome @KoenHollander
Welcome @‌KoenHollander, please read the Chat Guidelines
I see, thank you :)
I'm kinda new on the chat :P
How do i set the value on a Named placeholders? $stmtPG->bindParam(':type', $type);
using $type?
The value should be in the DB?
Because i need to get the value that are into a column, or i could just write it, $type = $_GET['post']; seems not work
Moin 11
that's a word I haven't seen in a long, long time
Any tips for warming hands up in a cold office? They start freezing as soon as I let go of my tea mug :<
keep hold of the tea mug
@Susi What are you trying to do and where is your data coming from?
@GNi33 "if it works, why change it", amirite?
exactly. The alternative would be to turn on the heating, and who wants to really do that, right?
@Sean mitains
@Sean juat put them between your thighs for a minute or so, every once in a while.
@Sean fingerless gloves
@PaulCrovella aka mitains
That's one thing I miss about my iMac, it was a great hand warmer in the winter
@FlorianMargaine I mean like these amazon.com/Vital-Salveo-Stretchy-Circulation-Fingerless/dp/… .. mittens here are these amazon.com/Bruceriver-Snowflake-Thinsulate-Size-Grey/dp/… (though hybrids exists, fingerless with a mitten flap, they're bulky overkill for an office)
looks like mitains is not a word
do you mean mitten?
@FlorianMargaine I think mitaine is french for mitten
mitten = "moufles" in french
mitaines (in french) = fingerless gloves
interesting. the internet failed me then.
@FlorianMargaine thats mittens
I guess that's a "fake friend"...
so, yeah, my bad @PaulCrovella
I meant fingerless gloves :P
@PaulCrovella that's not quebec only, real France has the same thing
Start a fashion revolution in the US @FlorianMargaine with mitains
@Tiffany sure.
@Tiffany are you taking care of the logistics and production chain?
@FlorianMargaine sure
cool, ttyl
hope you'll be done by then
@FlorianMargaine isn't that saying that in real french they're fingerless gloves but in quebecish they're mittens?
I have a French friend who lives in Quebec (as in, she's from France but lives in Quebec), she complains about how Quebecois butcher French
I wonder what it is in louisiana creole
though I doubt they have much use for mittens or mitaines
They could be changing with the weather being stupid
@Tiffany I hope you mean the language :P
@sunshine use gist please, don't paste a block of code like this, please delete it
use gist or pastebin
@mega6382 lol, yes, the language
!!welcome @sunshine
Welcome @‌sunshine, please read the Chat Guidelines
yeah I can't find any kind of mitten in online creole dictionaries.. this just isn't a problem they have
dammit, I probably have shingles again
Fucking blows, the pain feels like my skin is on fire
Holy crap man, hope you're getting proper treatment for it (if any)
shingles is seriously dangerous
Did you never get chickenpox when you were younger?
I did
@Tiffany you sure its shingles? Get a checkup maybe
but the virus stays in the system, and can reactivate along a nerve branch
I've had shingles once when I was like 26
@mega6382 yeah, I am. It's either a very itchy rash, or shingles. My supervisor guessed it before I did the last time. I thought it was just an itchy rash, she knew it was shingles.
judging by it only affecting a certain part of my body makes me think shingles, allergic reaction would affect more areas
I rolled low on my constitution
OK, so, how do you treat it?
Need to see a doctor first, they prescribe the stuff to treat it. I have to make an appointment this morning. I'm debating on going to urgent care when it opens, but I'm not sure that it's urgent care worthy since all I need is a diagnosis and prescriptions
hmm, I wonder how many people haven't committed suicide because they want to see the end of the game of thrones. #mega6382'sShowerThoughts
I wonder how many changed their minds after that last season
No 24/7 urgent care? :O
@PaulCrovella lol, yeah, maybe
@R.P nope
There's the ER, but that isn't the same
Normal working hours?
It's open like 18 hours of the day
The getMonth() method returns the month [...] as a zero-based value - javascript is kidding me, right? With PHP I don't encounter such surprises...
@NikiC i did not know it could optimize arrays like that... that's amazing
morning all, hey paul
and so the day starts with a major wtf
@bwoebi lol, class extension method proposal on internals
I think I found a gem:
@NikiC umm, I think he needs uopz ... at least what he proposed is missing loads of considerations
@bwoebi Syntax: wotd on|off|status [frequency]
@PeeHaa Where's this command to force Jeeves to retry the wotd if it failed before?
!!wotd off
Word Of The Day service is now disabled
!!wotd on
@mega6382 You must specify a time
@Wes Failed to parse 24h as a valid time
@Wes Failed to parse PT24H as a valid time
Sup guys, had this question for a while. More a DDD thing. Can someone help me figure out my retardation apart from how I'm trying to hack things into this DDD perspective?
Q: Repository that performs API calls internally - DDD

James Please note: although my question relates to DDD, I am also interested in this from an architectural and OO design perspective. This question may also be a simple case of CQRS and/or interface segregation. Code examples are in Swift as this is the first language that comes to my head right thi...

it worked
what did?
but he didn't post it
ofcourse, it did :P
Because yield $this->setServiceNextRunTime($room, $time);
I'm guessing you need to set it to like now + 5 seconds
@Wes that's cause he is stupid :P
5 messages moved to Trash
By the looks of it, I don't think you need to switch it off either
probably didn't work :B
maybe it's still timing out
lets wait a couple of minutes to atleast get an error
I'll tell you what the retry mechanism is, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow
Something unexpected went wrong with the WOTD service: Allowed transfer timeout exceeded: 120000 ms
there it is
!!wotd on 08:00
Word Of The Day service is now enabled
@PeeHaa please, look into it
Restarting now! o/
Jeeves should fallback on timeout too then, and probably have a shorter one
@bwoebi what about at least parameterizing internally no_utf_check so that i can write an extension that skips the check on surely valid strings?
Aw, cute
@Sean but what is it timing out on? the request to dictionary.com or something internal? cause there is an alternate for dictionary.com in there as well, if all else fails. So, to me it seems like something internal
lol, someone trying to abuse Jeeves in the ADHD room
@Tiffany that not a polite way to call C++ developers
    return \Amp\resolve(function() use($room, $addTag) {
        $response = yield $this->httpClient->request(self::API_URL);

        try {
            $message = $this->getMessage($response, $addTag);
I'm going to say that the timeout happens on httpClient->request, outside of the try / catch block for the fallback
So urgent care physician thinks it's a regular rash because it's on both sides of my body, and he's not wrong on that, it's pretty rare for shingles to activate on both sides of the body, but not impossible. I probably should've waited another day or two. If it is shingles, I want to get it taken care of ASAP to reduce the amount of time I have to be in pain. I'm going to be annoyed if I have to go back to a doctor in a couple days because the rash hasn't gone away after taking steroids.
The next place that catches the exception matches the message prefix that Jeeves said, so I'm like 90% confident that's what's happening
also, the wotd is working in other rooms though
got me there
@Tiffany But rashes don't/aren
aren't supposed to hurt. Shingles mess with nerves which causes them to hurt though, which could be that..
I've started a painful yet effective way of treating some weird bumps/rashes on my arms/elbows.. i think i may have psoriasis but it doesn't look like it, no creams or anything has helped that doctor gave me, so I ended up using the cryogenic wart removal treatment to burn the hell out of it until it makes a scab and heals up perfectly lol..
@Tiffany how is the ADHD room becoming popular?
@Darius which is why I think it's too early to tell for the urgent care physician. Who knows, maybe because I think it's shingles, placebo effect is causing it to hurt because I'm expecting it to?
@mega6382 vOv
Is it really a php group
@sarinsurendran that's what we were told, but no one has ever confirmed it.
@sarinsurendran yes, this is "Parents Helping Parents", we are currently planning a church picnic - main dish will be Timmy
whats timmy?
Q: cache Issue in symfony doctrine Repository find

sarinWhen i use doctrine repository to find the results the same data comes even after updates the database. $this->em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager('dynamic'); $this->attachmentsRepository = $this->em->getRepository('AppBundle:Attachments'); $attachmentObj = $this->attachm...

Can you please help me with this
how to find array value is empty or not? in the following arrays
Array ( [0] => 70 [1] => 71 [2] => 72 )
Array ( [0] => )
!!docs empty
[ empty() ] Determine whether a variable is empty
Morning Pee Ache Pee
^^^ @sunshine
@sunshine though you're probably looking for isset
!!docs isset
[ isset() ] Determine if a variable is set and is not NULL
yes i tried but it doesn't works
!!docs array_key_exists
[ array_key_exists() ] Checks if the given key or index exists in the array
Here’s another flavor too
!!docs empty
[ empty() ] Determine whether a variable is empty
But this only checks for non-existent keys in an array (returns false then)
maybe, thats what yu are looking for @sunshine
THIS MY CONDITION if(empty($role)){
echo 't';
echo 'f';}
and this is my empty array
That made things less clear
if value found it prints this
Array ( [0] => 70 [1] => 71 [2] => 72 )
or else it prints
Array ( [0] => )
Array ( [0] => )
that is not an empty array, it has one element inside it
then how can i found if element is empty or not in array?
Question for the room 11 ancients; do we still harass people for silly questions, or are we all #2018 and stuff now?
isset($array[0]), maybe
important question: pizza or sushi ?
pizza, duh
Sushi pizza
@sunshine but that might not be right in every case, you might have to refactor your code even.
Seriously though, it depends on topping choices, otherwise you’re saying “ocean or bread?”
@DanLugg I don't understand your question. What do you mean by "harass"?
you mean close-vote?
No no, silly questions in here
okay @mega6382
And by harass I mean harass, but it doesn’t matter, I should probably do other things.
Also, I may have just broken my pinky-toe so, I’ll attend to that
Q: cache Issue in symfony doctrine Repository find

sarinWhen i use doctrine repository to find the results the same data comes even after updates the database. $this->em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager('dynamic'); $this->attachmentsRepository = $this->em->getRepository('AppBundle:Attachments'); $attachmentObj = $this->attachm...

Does anyone use the Docker image for Composer? It doesn't know which version of PHP you're using, does it? So presumably you have to specify it in composer.json?
Why would you use a docker container to run composer?
That's just going out there working hard looking for problems
@jjok yes you'll need to tell it what php version you're wanting to support
It's not a silver bullet but you can specify it in the config
You can also do it on the CLI if you wanted to do it at runtime, but I'm not sure if it updates the config too
I've started using docker containers to run ansible playbooks, mega helpful when you're on windows
Is this chat in app form anywhere? Can I get push notifications on my phone? Annoying that work is blocking it.
Go go gadget proxy
Any symfony developer here
@Sean Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Thanks.
@PeeHaa Then you don't have to install git etc on your PHP container.
How is that related to composer on docker?
Composer needs git installed.
And zip?
Yes, but how do you get the other files into the container?
Composer should be run as part of the build just as the rest of the files
Then whatever's running the build needs PHP installed on it.
It needs to do that anyway for running the tests
@FlorianMargaine awww I love that word. We rarely use "mouffles", and prefer "mitaines", but I always feel warmer when I believe I wear "mouffles"
@Sean I've only been here a few days. I want to get the lay of the land before I start proxying to stuff. Haha.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier but mitaines specifically means fingerless gloves...
naming help pls. do these look legit?
"\\\n" -> class ContinuationEscape
"\\'" -> class EncodedEscape
"\\u{6B}" -> class CodePointEscape
\ followed by ' is ' (???)
\ followed by u{27} is also ' (???)
\ followed by LF is nothing (continuation)
Can you use Chrome's dev tools to send frames out to an open WS connection? :o
@Sean Can't you just go into the js code and edit it?
Yeah, was just wondering if you could.
Does firefox even support changing of JS?
I thought chrome did
Chrome does I believe
you can not change running code?
you can only evaluate more code
You can add breakpoints and change vars, but I don't know about changing the actual code
@PeeHaa chrome doesn't, but you can add new js via the console, but not edit the running code
@FlorianMargaine yeah? both mitaines and mouffles mean that yes?
@mega6382 It doesn't?
I was commentating on our smaller usage of the glorious "mouffles" term :)
To the extent of my knowledge, I'll have to say no
I just did it :P
:O, how?
like, what you did? :B make a licecap
Go into sources -> go to a js file -> hit ctrl+s
@PeeHaa just tried it, doesn't work, added a console.log, nothing was logged
Did the code run?
no idea, but I pressed ctrl+s
Yes, but did the part of code run you edited?
I added a function, and then ran that function in the console, and it said "error function not defined"
did it work for you?
Ah it only does for callback etc
@mega6382 yeah
> You can use the built-in JavaScript debugger in Chrome Developer Tools under the "Scripts" tab (in later versions it's the "Sources" tab), but changes you apply to the code are expressed only at the time when execution passes through them. That means changes to the code that is not running after the page loads will not have an effect. Unlike e.g. changes to the code residing in the mouseover handlers, which you can test on the fly.
Also they sure fucked up the chrome UI
jesus christ
I thought they only did the mobile version, but it's also the desktop version :|
@PeeHaa I like it :/
eeeeeeew :P
there is something wrong with cpu usage in phpstorm 2018. it starts normal but after 5-10 hours it goes really high and i am forced to restart it... does that happen to any of you?
@NikiC Should I propose the deprecation of `var` in a different RFC from the https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecations_php_7_4?

well, ordering food in turned out to not be an option =(
why is so important to deprecate var?
@tereško why?
@Wes There are some points:
- Modern applications explicit declare them as public, instead of implicit
- It would align with the keywords we use to declare functions, constants, and future typed properties
- var isn't that used in modern applications, there're even Sniffs/Fixers from CS Tools to forbid it
@GabrielCaruso We already tried to deprecate the var keyword in the past: wiki.php.net/rfc/var_deprecation
Not sure sentiment has really changed since that vote.
@tpunt Oh, didn't know that. Thanks for the link, it'll save me time to write the RFC. Forget that, if it was already voted, don't see why do it again.
@tpunt @GabrielCaruso I'd wait a few years with that - once we are in PHP 8 we may consider slowly phasing it out
@bwoebi One point that I'd like to deprecate it (but I wouldn't put it into the RFC) is with Typed Properties, people would start to use instead of public, what I kind don't like the implicit over explicit
i still write new code without "public" on methods
i don't care about the best practices, but i'd rather have the same style of all the community
I would prefer that we keep var around. For grammar purposes these are definitely easier to parse:
var DateTime $foo = new DateTime(/*...*/);
var $foo: DateTime = new DateTime(/*...*/);
@LeviMorrison Talking about typed variables you mean?
what about the var prefix for lexical scope in short closures @LeviMorrison ?
var $x = 1;
(function(){ $x++; })();
echo $x; // 2
that seemed a nice idea to me
\o/ probably don't have shingles
@Tiffany I thought you could only get that is you were 500 years old?

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