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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

hopefully no more cat messages, I keep checking the tab to make sure there isn't a random message entirely comprised of zeroes
@Tiffany Harkening back to Killer Instinct?
... I spoke too soon
Jeez reddit hates PHP
@Tiffany Put a couple 1's in there and maybe you'll have some binary
the 1 is too far for my cat to prop his arm up on
but somehow 0 and enter are perfect -_-
I wonder if a room owner kicks me, it'll kick that instance out of the room so it stops
staaaaahp Ricky
@Tiffany ?
@JBis I have the chat room open on my computer at home, with input focus on the chat box. One of my cats likes laying on my keyboard.
@Tiffany ohhhh I didnt realize it was legit thought was joke.
@JBis I would find it funny, but it is spammy, and coming from my account. :/ and I don't have a way to stop it until I go home.
DOES YOUR MONITOR STAND HAVE A VERY NEEDED AIR VENT? twitter.com/WesNetmo/status/1033028037707751425
jesus i hate idiocy in design
@Wes it's a feature not a bug
the new reddit design is an abomination
they copied twitter, which copied facebook
@DaveRandom Morning. Would you mind helping with that soap thingy when you're free please. El bosso is asking about it :-/
@Wes That's for scraping an object over the ridges to make music when bored.
Did you try it?
@Wes Watch this master perform this art youtube.com/watch?v=TAexBL5eToE
@Fabor oh yeh sure, can look at it this eve
Cheers ears :)
I'm here for another 4 hours.
my cat turned on caps lock, and had the chat box cmpletely filled with zeroes... thankfully didn't press enter
and now locking my computer so that doesn't happen anymore
@StatikStasis damn i will watch this for days
lol, really? Not my kind of jam - just knew I needed to look up "washboard music" to find what I was looking for.
coredump in libphp7.so`sapi_register_post_entry – #76791
no i just enjoy stupid things :B
also still listening to this youtube.com/watch?v=OdYGnAFaeHU and singing it too :B
morning all.
Is there a reason people don't protect their API key?
Hey guys is it possible to create website wherein a person can upload a video and move frame by frame or jump to a given frames ?
@Smple_V Yes. ✅
okay thanks what should i be looking for ?
is there any specific library in php that i should be woking on ?
I think that would be more client side so not PHP
okay so mean like HTML5 or javascript ?
@Smple_V and etc.
@Smple_V Whats purpose?
> Allows users to step frame-by-frame through a video.
an application to gather information in a given frame of a video, so that other user can login and jump to the frame and view the relevant details
okay so Javascript will be the one that i should be researching for i guess !! @JBis thanks
@Wes oh yeah that was good.
HAHAHAHA amazing :B
plot twist: the guy knew
@StatikStasis I have a few questions, but I don't think that this room can handle that kind of language :P
@Wes That was my response in Slack to the person who sent it to me. =D
@mega6382 Yes, anal = butt
Now that it's actually practical for me to do so, I'd like to give someone else access to be able to do stuff with phpdbg.room11.org since it is currently the "official" documentation for phpdbg - @LeviMorrison @salathe @bwoebi @JoeWatkins please at least one of you ping me, I don't want to be solely responsible for it :-P
you don't need to actually do anything, I just want to give at least one other person the ability to do stuff if necessary
all it really requires from you is to give me an ssh key
also, has anyone seen Dejan/webarto lately? /cc @PeeHaa
Hey hey hey :)
well now I'm going to have to listen to Taylor Swift. thanks for that.
Why do people claim Scrum is a framework and not a methodology? Even Wikipedia claims that...
@DaveRandom You re welcome?
could be worse I guess
@DaveRandom Is that your daughter?
on your picture
i just killed the mosquito, she had my blood in it
@Wes lol- Wes you still fighting that thing?
not anymore
i hope it's the last one :B
Definitely the last. No more left...
@traducerad Welcome to the tech industry, you must be new here. We built an entire industry around things that bloody-mindedly do precisely what you tell them to, making it super-important to be very explicit and unambiguous, then we developed a highly opinion-driven culture where very few individuals agree on the precise meaning of any given industry-specific term. Everything here is broken. It is unclear whether there is any correlation between these two statements.
@DaveRandom But what about AI (if statements) will that allow us to expect more from the computers and less from us? /s
@DaveRandom long story short: "Call it a methodology if you want, that s not wrong."
@StatikStasis experiential evidence notwithstanding, people expect that already
@traducerad I prefer to call it a flobberdrick, that way nobody has any idea, afaict that's the only way to level the field
@DaveRandom Very true.
I put development methodologies in the same mental bucket as design patterns, basically they are all management speak and thus very woolly and not actually that useful
well, there's useful stuff in there, but if you start trying to define terms then you quickly end up trying to "apply" them like a hammer, and that isn't useful
I thought design patterns were treated like [insert religious ritual/custom] and should be adhered to if one wants to be taken seriously.
@DaveRandom By "applying like a hammer", I presume you mean "using them without fully understanding its filosophy "
Yeh that's precisely the problem with them
@StatikStasis They are more like guidelines to help you get started in your architecture
@StatikStasis I am not a native speaker pal :)
There is also this filosophy filosophy.ca
@traducerad I know =p I'm just picking with you. =)
someone (I think maybe @tereško?) said in here many years ago "design patterns are an effect, not a cause" or something along those lines, at the time I had no idea what that meant, but it's really true - patterns are an emergent property of code built with respect to lower-level sets of simple rules like SOLID
@StatikStasis I was actually thinking "hmm, weird spelling" when I pressed enter
Where are you located?
it just so happens that when you follow the rules, the same higher level patterns emerge regularly
@StatikStasis Belgium
@DaveRandom Gezondheid (in Dutch/Flemish)
@DaveRandom "the rules"?
@traducerad I'm a native speaker and I have to right click and correct spelling of a lot of words. So I'm kind of a hypocrite but Google allows me to be a sneaky one
@traducerad I love your chocolate.
@traducerad referring to the previous "sets of simple rules like SOLID"
@traducerad the late great Douglas Adams considered "Belgium" the rudest swear word in the galaxy
@DaveRandom Hmm interesting. I actually dont really write OOP
I like this mentality. I love standards but sometimes too many boundaries stagnate creativity.
but we do replicate OOP behaviour
@traducerad What is your coding language of choice?
@DaveRandom Now don't go all filosophical on his ass :P
@StatikStasis C
Oh ok, cool.
@StatikStasis It is pretty good I know :p
@traducerad See? @mega6382 likes to tease too.
@StatikStasis Funny because you see on SO that people love to quote fragments of the C standard when correcting someone or answering a question
IMO that s hilarious :p
I skipped C and did C++. Of course- you end up learning pretty much the same syntax.
I am reading the C99 std and may start doing that at work as well
@traducerad much of SOLID can be applied, at least in part, to many other paradigms - for instance, LSP is typically thought of in terms of classical inheritance but really is just about a "contract", SRP again is generally thought of in terms of making sure a given class doesn't do too much, but most paradigms have some kind of modular construct where care should be taken to avoid god objects that are tightly coupled to everything and his wife
@StatikStasis I guess PHP and cpp have more in common
Bjarne would say NOOOOO
@traducerad really very no
He actually says this in one of his books.
C++ is... absolute madness on stilts
@StatikStasis or at least, I'm guessing, US' interpretation of their chocolate
how does git recognize renamed files?
I liked C++ just never got beyond doing console applications.
Not sure if you've had imported chocolate
@Tiffany This. Same for Chinese and Mexican food.
And Italian food, apparently
That too.
There's a Twitter dedicated to how we butcher Italian food
Plus I like food from France... like French Fries.
@Wes if it finds a new file with the same sha as one that was removed, it will check the content (I guess?)
@StatikStasis but are those "chips"?
Do you just like foods with the word French in it?
ah so renaming and changing the files in the same commit is a bad idea, good to know
@DaveRandom Do you believe that is the type of things developers should understand by themselves step by step or is it OK if I read a book about design patterns which explains the common pitfalls?
I didn't have lunch... I came home from work cause I had a severe case of dumbs. Now I'm hungry.
@StatikStasis Dude, fries are a Belgian invention!
@Wes from a technical perspective I don't know, from a keeping-history-useful-for-humans perspective I would say yes
It may also be dependent on the diffing algo you use
C++ cont... storing in vectors, learning pointers... I would still create a lot of procedural code most of the time and did not capitalize on classes that C++ allowed.
git is ridiculously configurable, you can probably make it work however you want
I learned cpp in high school
@traducerad Belgian Fries? Never had them. (I was kidding about French Fries and France =P)
We were taught cpp in OOP the second part of the course and I did very poorly
@Tiffany Chips come in a bag.
@StatikStasis you mean crisps!
@StatikStasis It s time to come to Belgium to have some decent non-macdonadls fries and proper chocolate
@traducerad is that an open invitation? :D
@Fabor French Toast, French Onion Soup that's about it for me I think.
French dip or is that French onion dip?
@Tiffany ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Tiffany I learned BASIC in high school.
@traducerad use \\
@Tiffany Those are pringles.
@traducerad I have never found reading books to be that useful in general, but that's just the way I personally work. However I will say it's useful to read about stuff you don't understand as long as 1) you are OK with still not understanding it when you finish, and prepared to try reading it another 20 times and 2) you are able to keep in mind that so much of this stuff is subjective
@traducerad Yes Please! Will you send my ticket or reimburse me when I arrive?
personally I learn by doing, and I learned good(ish) OOP by writing a shitload of terrible OOP
rewriting your own terrible old code is (imo) one of the best educational things you can do
@StatikStasis You guys in the US earn at least 5x as much as me
@Wes Same name different case?
@DaveRandom True
@Danack definitely don't do that
please, like, ever, anywhere
@traducerad Not all of us. Tell me how much you make and I will tell you whether I make less or not. =p
@traducerad you earn like 5000 EUR annually?
no like rename a class name :B
@Tiffany no I'd need +/- 2 months to reach 5k
@Wes ah good point, it's can't be sha-driven
because it does pick those up, and that changes the file contents
@traducerad What's the cost of living compared to US?
We make about the same, I think
@StatikStasis US is big, what state are you referring to?
it must be done on the diff, with some difference threshold
@StatikStasis depends on area of US, my cost of living is probably way, way less than yours
if the diff is smart it should ignore any occurrence of the filename in the file itself
I'm in the southeast region.
rent for a two room apartment 90 square meters is around 900e/month
He lives in the everglades in a hut made from alligators he killed
Bedroom or rooms like living room, bathroom?
@Tiffany I meant 2 bedrooms
@traducerad where, Brussels?
My rent is 375 USD for a one bedroom apartment that's decent sized. Housing is incredibly cheap where I live.
@DaveRandom means it s time for hime to improve his software architecture skills. That way he ll get a better wage
@DaveRandom yes
@Tiffany smth at that price doesn t exist in Brussels
Unless you are a very lucky student
@traducerad that's not too bad, you'd be lucky to get a cupboard under the stairs for that in some bits of London
who ll be living in a +/- 10 square meter apartment in bad cinditions
PLUS I was allowed to bring my cats
@DaveRandom yup that s what I heard
I may move to the UK one day
I wouldn't want to live in London anyway though, for many other reasons
You guys have BAE systems and Lockheed Martin
@traducerad come to Manchester, it's awesome
@DaveRandom I am a non-caucasian guy
I d like to not be killed :p
@traducerad you... you like making bombs? :-P
@DaveRandom That s sort of what I do for a living yes
aerospace and defence are closely related fields
@DaveRandom I was going to insert the scene from Waterboy where he takes the Swamp Boat to the football game but I am having the hardest time finding a gif/clip of that scene. My google-fu is not working well.
@DaveRandom the aerospace and defence field tend to pay pretty well afaik
@traducerad Manchester is probably a decent option then, it's a very metropolitan city. There are some areas you probably wouldn't want to live in, but there aren't any that you wouldn't want to go to
Liverpool too ^
@DaveRandom Hmm alright then
@traducerad We have Lockheed Martin here too.
and Birmingham, but I really don't like it
I always heard Liverpool and manchester are "dangerous" places
@StatikStasis ITAR regulations
@traducerad in the 80s and 90s there were gang problems, in a couple of very specific areas, but that's all ancient history
Ill be going to the UK for the first time in the last 20 years very soon. I ll have a week to see: Dublin, glassgow and London
I mean it's a city, I'm not going to claim it's crime free, but there are no bits of it I wouldn't be happy to walk through
If I have some spare time I ll try to see Manchester :p
@DaveRandom I see
@DaveRandom So are you a Manchester United fan? I feel like I have asked you that before.
@DaveRandom how is Hampshire? I very often get job offers for Hampshire and Oxford
Do you guys buy .co tld's to supplement .com incase of typo?
@traducerad Dublin (which ftr is not in the UK :-P) is an excellent city. I've never been to Glasgow but I've hear it's decent. I personally dislike London, it's too big and impersonal.
@traducerad /cc @Fabor
@traducerad although tbh quite high on the list of words I would use to describe both of those places is "caucasian"
On a sidenote, my favourite English accent is the geordie accent :p
Decent. But Hampshire is big, depends where.
Can you speak Geordie?
question.. when people talk about domain models, would that class work with the same data as one would normally put in a schema (except that MySQL/MariaDB does not have this distinction between a database and different schemas)
Oxford is smaller than you think but a very lovely upper-middle class city.
@DaveRandom you have caucasian which is "dangerous" and "causasian" which is not so dangerous :p
South is more expensive than the north too.
Sep 23 '12 at 23:44, by DaveRandom
@vascowhite Honestly, I have searched high and low, I cannot find less of a sh*t to give. I will check again though.
@Fabor The closer you get to Belgium the more expensice it gets :p
@traducerad yeh I wouldn't call it dangerous, more... Brexity
I see, well I don't care about that kind of people
I would find it unpleasant if I were to live in a place where it is dangerous for me to be on the street at eg 10 pm
No, and note also that this is just my impression which is poorly informed at best
I'm a northerner, I'm genetically pre-disposed to prefer the north
UK is so small it's a negligible difference between some places if you're thinking about travelling around. If it's about the location for living... need to be more specific than just counties.
I have seen some homes in Southern England that were beautiful. Cannot remember if it was in Brighton or somewhere near there. It was on Grand Designs. I like the rural, cottage homes.
Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds are the 3 places I would recommend
Plenty of rural cottage homes all over England
that's true, if you want to go proper rural you can get mansions for peanuts (relatively) in some areas
Oh you mean you like this? goo.gl/i25jQz
Especially up north
Looks like Oxford
No, not like that.
@Fabor * Cheshire not included
Could be a few places though
Rural cottages from the town over where I grew up.
Dime a dozen.
I'm thinking more like this (house used in the film "The Holiday" i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/e3/89/…
Proper "village life"
@DaveRandom Brecon Beacons?
Guys I really need to sleep
Thatched roofs = spider haven. no thanks.
And here I'm deciding what to get for late lunch
I like the style of architecture that I see in areas of England which I also find in many of my favorite RPGs with taverns and shops.
Skyrim then
lol- yeah something like that.
@Fabor sounds yummy, but I'm swinging towards Jimmy John's
Not Peter Paul's ?
@Tiffany Jimmy Johns is good.
Me and the wife are eating when I get off or I would order some now since I skipped lunch today.
@StatikStasis indeed. Turkey Tom or hunter club, mmmm
@traducerad that is clearly Bruges, that's ostentatious even for gothic architecture, no mistaking that :-P
@Tiffany probably
@Tiffany I like the Gargantuan.
@StatikStasis haven't had it, too much for me
In Bruges - Great film
And if money is tight I would take this... I'm a simple man. upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/…
I think owning a castle would suck, by the time you've dusted half the house the first room is dusty again.
@Fabor Plus I hear they're drafty.
@DaveRandom what I said was most likely: "patterns are just names that you use as a shorthand, when describing the code, that has already been written, instead of magical solution blueprints"
@Fabor you could consider completing this new castle: hotspotholland.nl/en/234/almere-castle
/me waves
@Fabor several years ago I managed (and did most of) the installation of a wifi network here. There are some places where the walls are >6ft solid sandstone, and it's a grade 1 listed building so you can't have any wires visible in public areas, there's no power feed to most bits, and where there is power most of it is 80+ years old and doesn't carry powerline ethernet with anything approaching a usable SNR
oh and also we'd like to use these cheapo wifi cordless IP phones got on ebay that only support 802.11b kthxbye
that was a "fun" couple of months
@tereško yeh, that sentiment, which I did not "get" for an embarrassingly long time
It took months?
pragmatism is an essential skill which is not as easy to acquire as people like to think, and unfortunately it's on the wrong side of "mount stupid" so there's not all that much literature which pushes it
@Fabor survey, planning (including getting permission from Heritage England or whatever the fuck they are called now), infrastructure upgrades (contractors), installation, then lots of fiddling because surveying 2.4GHz is so unreliable you may as well not bother
so yeh, months, and not a lot of sitting around doing nothing either :-P
that's not even including the weeks of fiddling with the stupid wifi phones, which I did because we were getting paid but also I said from day 1 they wouldn't work properly and was eventually proven correct :-P
SIP over UDP does not play nice with 802.11b AP handovers
finally persuaded them to fork out for some decent kit that supported 11g wireless (this pre-dates n) and SIP/RTP over TCP and surprise surprise, it (mostly) worked instantly
They give you discount to stay there too? :P
@Danack it's still slow code coverage on my largest test suites
i think i can improve it in a couple of places
have you tried it on a mac or linux?
nope but i will once i do the changes... i don't think testing speed on a vm on windows host is going to be a good test though
i need to install linux on the other computer
@DaveRandom Maybe next week. Heading to bed now :)
shit a bug and it's not an obvious one
things i learned reading the css spec jsfiddle.net/r8wuxay1
what is the point of that small of a swear jar? or are you guys not working on a legacy project?
I find it quite common for some co-worker to quietly chant "блядь, блядь, блядь, cyka блядь", while, while looking at some file in a directory named /lib2
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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