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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

ping @kelunik haaaaalp
doing this fails silently and no error's thrown
        $requestBody = $this->request->getBody();
        $buffer = "";

        try {
            while (($chunk = yield $requestBody->read()) !== null) {
                $buffer .= $chunk;

        } catch (\Error $error) {
man, can't make any sense of this new aerys :B (mostly because I'm not familiar with amp at all)
@Ikari Have you tried stepping through it with a debugger?
what's the correct way to check if a float is representable as int without loss o precision?
(float)(int)$float === $float
stupid guess
Doesn't look like it
@Wes You are probably better off with something along the lines of...
$epsilon = 0.0001
((int)$float - $float) < $epsilon

i.e. if float is 1.1: 1 - 1.1 is always greater than 0.0001
But 1 - 1.0 should be less than 0.0001
Otherwise, you need to look at math libraries, unless someone has a smart idea about how to achieve this :)
why on earth is (int)double(1) equal to 0?
i think there is a better way than that though @Shane
floats confuse the hell out of me
Night All
i mean why the cast to int is different from stringification?
1 hour later…
@Shane a float doesn't represent .1 exactly, so adding them up will never quite equal 1
try with .5
@Wes The issue is with floating point inaccuracy in PHP... 0.1 + 0.2 is not equal to 0.3, for example.
@Shane that is in no way particular to php
Do math with computers they said . . . it will be more accurate they said.
@Wes this should be fine up through 2**53 (just make sure you check that bound, you'll get incorrect results above it)
or, rather, you should be good up to it
@PaulCrovella Of course not, however PHP is the language in which we are trying to implement this.
@PaulCrovella that approach does not work: codepad.org/WQL4VwDm
1 hour ago, by Paul Crovella
@Shane a float doesn't represent .1 exactly, so adding them up will never quite equal 1
I understand that - hence the epsilon value
I mean you're not testing any floats that are exactly equal to integers
as I said, try with .5 instead
(or .25, or .125, etc.)
Hi! Does anybody know of an extension that works with PHP 7 and allows me to open a window and paint pixels at (x,y) using (r,g,b) colors?
@SebastianBergmann there's github.com/krakjoe/ui, but I don't know how "working" it is at the moment
@SebastianBergmann what @PaulCrovella said and there is also github.com/Ponup/phpopengl which requires 7 but I never used it. YMMV.
> License GPL-3.0+
@PaulCrovella Thanks.
@Gordon Thanks, too.
github.com/mario-deluna/php-glfw also looks interesting.
But OpenGL is too much. I don't want 3D operations etc., not even lines or rectangles. Just pixels.
The ui extension by @JoeWatkins does not compile against recent versions of PHP: github.com/krakjoe/ui/issues/53
Got ui working with PHP 7.3.
huten mernings
@Wes hahahah
Happy Birthday @Ocramius
bwoebi halp
@Gordon But it's not really his 30th, right?
@Gordon BTW: Will you be at FrOSCon this weekend?
@SebastianBergmann the notification claims 30, but IDK
Hard to believe he's 10 years younger than me. Makes me feel old ...
I thought Marco to be a bit older. hmm.
@SebastianBergmann undecided yet. if the son wants to play in a ball pit, we might come
@SebastianBergmann well, I guess, you are. For developers we are old farts.
@SebastianBergmann maybe ... you are? :-P
Last weekend at Evoke ... was weird. Some people from Radwar, TRSI, Fairlight etc. are now in their fifties. Wouldn't call them grown up, though :-)
I dont care if folks are younger this year. I am turning 42. Can't get any better. I expect much wisdom to instantly pop into my head that day.
@Gordon And now, that you'll be so wise, you'll have an existential crisis.
@bwoebi I didnt happen yet. Stil a few months to go in ignorance
@Gordon Is that 42 eons?
Happy birthday @Ocramius! May all your days be filled with fun and L4ravel #php
I think he blocks any tweets with the word "laravel" in it xD
@Jimbo If his days are gonna be filled with L4ravel, then how are they gonna be fun?
@mega6382 they're filled with [bashing] Laravel
@mega6382 Well, that's kinda the point! It's more of a FU with a <3 as well
lol :P
doing this fails silently without any error as well $content = yield $requestBody->buffer(); :/
@Ikari uhm, can you please show me the full code?
    private function processEntry() {
        $requestBody = $this->request->getBody();
        $requestBody->increaseSizeLimit(1024 ** 4);

        try {
            $content = yield $requestBody->buffer();
        } catch (\Error $error) {
@Ikari how are you calling processEntry()?
I call that with this,
    public function process(): self {


        return $this;
right, you need to execute the resulting Generator
so basically yield $this->processEntry();
so, you should be doing yield from $this->processEntry();
ah, alright :P
I never really understood how in the world amphp works tbh
@PaulCrovella what about this codepad.org/WQL4VwDm ? (int)1. === 0?
I really loved how Aerys didn't depend on amphp so much so you could get by with not using stuff from it
ftr i get it's not 1. but i thought it would round to the closest int correctly?
@bwoebi :D
@Ikari uh, it was just a tiny bit more hidden, but it had the same pitfalls though
@Wes huh? where do you see (int)1. === 0?
but it had all teh docs as well. There was a doc on how to parse the body of a request, iirc. but now the docs are sparse at best :P
btw, do I have to return something in createEntry() as well? because I'm currently having this error [2018-08-23 07:54:11] server.error: Error: Call to undefined method Generator::getResponse()
@PaulCrovella it's 3v4l.org/d0AV4
@Ikari tbh, I consider the new APIs much less accessible. It's an overabstracted mess right now, if you ask me. But certain people like @kelunik consider that more pure. It gets to the point that I've been quite annoyed contributing to the http server project at all.
It's possibly more unopionated, but that's not what I want.
capitulate to give up resistance: He finally capitulated and agreed to do the job my way.
I kinda have the same feelings as well. Way too much components-y things.
@Ikari what are you calling getResponse() on?
@Wes 0.1 is not one tenth as it cannot be accurately represented in binary floating point, hence adding it up 10 times doesn't equal 1... it just accumulates rounding errors
@PaulCrovella ok but why (String)$x prints 1 then? 3v4l.org/MFhTp
oh well this doesn't work, tho I get a different error
$response = (new \Slop\ResponseHandlers\CreateEntry($request));
// [2018-08-23 08:04:15] server.error: Error: Call to a member function getHeaders() on null
@Ikari you need to atcually return the response too :-D
yield from $response->process();
return $response->getResponse();
3 messages moved to Trash
@Ikari highly inappropriate package name :D
lmao :P
I consider it extremely hard to argue that an opinionated monolith (while still allowing you to plug-in your own components if you desire so) covering the essentials is superior to a large set of components you have to wire together.
also, that worked! @bwoebi
thanks a lot.
Perhaps @ircmaxell can give me some advice on this?
also, not to mention the amphp/http-server-router package is a mess rn :B
had to add this, to even install it
  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "prefer-stable": true,
I caught my director renaming some tasks to 'Make x great again'
where x is a years old feature on which at least 5 entry level developers worked on
... mornings
@Wes because the precision setting... raise it and it changes
so float to int just gets rid of the fractional part? why isn't 0.9999999999 rounded to 1?
why would it be?
@Wes because that's the default behavior of cvttsd2si
@PaulCrovella because that's what people expect :B
@bwoebi ciekijrei923jod? :B
@Wes haha, no just the x86 instruction for scalar double to signed int with truncation
it seems like elvish to me, ngl
so when php checks if a float can be casted to int without precision loss, what does it do?
@Wes you expect a cast to int to automatically round? why? and by what rules?
@Wes exactly what we do in PHP too, cast the int to float and compare
@bwoebi $isCastableToIntWithoutPrecisionLoss = (float)(int)$float === $float; ?
@Wes do we actually perform that check anywhere in PHP?
@bwoebi when you have strict types enabled, doesn't it check whether one can pass a float that is also a valid int?
@Wes no, it only checks the range
cannot be > PHP_INT_MAX and <= PHP_INT_MIN
what's the range? :B
declare(strict_types = 1);

function foo(int $abc){}

i thought this was allowed
but it's the other way around, int to float
@Wes no, just the other way round
got it
It checks the range for weak types
@FélixGagnon-Grenier did you really agree with the sentiment of this tweet (r did you just bookmark it): twitter.com/ellle_em/status/1031945389677658113?s=19
because to me it sounded somewhat delusional (convince me that I am wrong)
@tereško It's not completely wrong, but quite a bit oversimplified I guess.
UBI is a concept that has been introduced by countries, which adhere to capitalism
socialism has nothing to do with UBI ... while in every country where it has been tried, the socialism has caused a disaster
actually, all current attempts in implementing UBI have also failed (mostly, due to lack of money)
and ... AIs can make "music, books and art" (such AI project have existed for something like 5 years and will be widespread before UBI gets implemented anywhere)
@tereško UBI actually promotes capitalism - the basic needs of humanity and a bit more are covered, you work for the niceties of your life.
... and, emm .. this counts as "modern art": inquisitr.com/1330025/…
(I have a similar artwork in my room)
@tereško yeah, you actually need to do that on a very large scale with a big transition time in order to make that a success.
(the UBI I mean)
@tereško the image returns a 410 Gone for me
@bwoebi I'm afraid it might not actually be possible ... and it would need a similar project to "Biosphere 2", to see, how it would impact the society
@tereško yeah well...
you can see why I view that tweet as delusional
@bwoebi No wonder, didn't you read the article? It was sold!
@tereško It's definitely a long term thing. But I think it'll come sooner or later
@bwoebi maybe. About 2 years about, I was a lot more optimistic about UBI, than I am now
Just like I expect that we'll work much less than 40 hours/week in future.
But I'm not expecting it'll finish that transition anywhere before 2050
I think that eventually, we'd reach the point that you just can't keep everyone busy with "real" work
@bwoebi now, that I agree with
One robot/AI/software would take the job of 100 or more people, and those become more and more common
Eventually, the majority of jobs would be those who maintain and program these robots, until they become self maintaining, and AI becomes sufficiently advanced
It's not a question of uniform income or not, there simply would not be enough jobs for everyone. You wouldn't need all of the population working.
there is a definite risk of "human zoo" scenario
@MadaraUchiha though, I have watched a lot of stuff from Isaac Arthur to be at least a bit optimistic
Happy Thursday!
Oh, I have no doubts that old menial labor jobs would die, and new more thinker oriented jobs would rise.
But governments move......
@tereško Yes, there is, but that's really far into the future. We humans are resistant to yielding control willingly. Future generations will be more used to that. We just have to ensure that we still retain all freedoms to do what we want (except, obviously, destructive actions).
@bwoebi ah, yes, the famous "human resistance": gizmodo.com/…
@MadaraUchiha I don't think it's the governments faults. Sure they might slow down it a little, but the technology isn't still there. It maybe exists, but isn't cheap enough to be actually that widespread.
Half of planet still didn't solve differentiation between construct and destruct though.
@bwoebi At least here in Israel, a Comp Sci degree alone is nigh useless to land you a job in any tech company big or small.
It would hardly and rarely even get you an interview.
@MadaraUchiha most degrees are completely useless, unless you get a job in your specialization
@tereško Yes
Bah, wrong paste :D
@MadaraUchiha The most important being prior work experience I guess?
@bwoebi Knowledge, which you are far more likely to gain with experience (not necessarily work)
I had no trouble finding my first job, with 40k points on Stack Overflow, good knowledge of PHP and OOP, and no degree or any prior work experience to my name,.
Between the first job and the second I made connections, went to meetups, met with people, which I think is supposed to be the actual primary purpose of the degree, meet people
But going to meetups and sitting with people for beers is much more fun and much more beneficial (not to mention orders of magnitude cheaper) than going to university/college and spending years of your life learning things most of which you'd forget.
I really struggle with networking
Every time I've tried it's just been people trying to sell me a service, not actually wanting to meet people. That or short casual 5 minute conversations about generic stuff then that's it
@Sean No meetups in your area?
Just hot singles
There's PHPNE who are a good bunch, on my bucket list to do a talk about something as they're always looking for speakers
Never really paid networking much attention but now I'm starting to look for a new job I'm at a bit of a disadvantage
@tereško Nothing new that children are much more susceptible for influence.
Not existing url – #76782
@DaveRandom can remove jeeves from 171307? sorry for that
@bwoebi that was not the point
Good morning... sort of. Still sleepy... think I'll give it another hour.
good morning and night \o
@Wes Truman Show, I watched it a long time ago, it looks like an episode straight out of black mirror, only a little lighter.
black mirror the tv series?
> straight out of black mirror, only a little lighter.
Damning with faint praise....
@Wes yes
Yes, if you are into that kind of thing...
...it is about looking at possible distant and not so distant futures, with some kind of negative aspect
Yes, I believe that kind of sums it up.
@Wes No
like any "original series" on netflix
First episode has a huge wtf level which makes it watchable rest is meeeeeh
I mean, I never went past season 2, is just not my kind of thing.
It's just not very good
I think I even tried the murican version was also meh
@Danack I just meant, that Truman, finally got to leave, which never happens in Black mirror. :P
too much of it covers the same ground
Cannot autoload traits – #76783
@pmmaga ^ ftr I already checked, it's nothing to do with us :-P
Morning again
is it possible to turn off the php bug reporting in a room that Jeeves is a room owner in?
but ... bugs <3
@Tiffany yes but I can't remember how :-P
you could turn jeeves off for however long it takes to get a room closed
my money is on jeeves will crash as soon as he tries to post in a frozen room
It'd be interesting to watch nontheless.
@MadaraUchiha Couldn't youi have made yourself an RO and invoked the !!leave cmd?
@mega6382 Best kill is overkill.
No chance of retaliation.
all i want to know now is if it crashes :B
Dad, can you put the cat out? I didn't know it was on fire
Seems like it didn't crash after trying to respond in a frozen room @Wes
So either a catch-all, or there's a check against frozen/deleted rooms
@MadaraUchiha a better solution would be to make you and me both admins off that room and then we can both do !!leave
and then freeze it
but no it won't crash, I'm pretty sure I tested all that stuff out
the inability to join a room, or post in a room, is just logged and ignored
I'm hoping it'll queue up messages and crash outta nowhere in like a month
@Jeeves has often left the playground and this room, by itself, and crashed. I wonder why it never left that room, during all those crashes.
it did
it just rejoined it
although you can't tell it to leave here
@DaveRandom This room is my home! I don't need your approval to be here!
...because it's configured in config.yaml
but if you use !!invite or "invite this user" then it's persisted to storage so it will survive a reboot, but you can use !!leave
ftr we did actually think all this stuff through :-P
the crashes would be less frequent if we ported to ampv2
yes, jeeves kept that room going for over a year because you thought all this stuff through
(I think)
@PaulCrovella yes I think we may need config.yaml "super admins"
god mode
what was the job title for people who had to clean up the horse shit from roads?
in ADHD, 1 min ago, by DaveRandom
it's not like installing Java or something, where the physical weight of your machine increases by a measurable amount
@DaveRandom No, they're the one's actually shitting on the road, and then charging the taxpayers to clean it up
on fire today
@DaveRandom oh, I found a better one.. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groom_of_the_Stool
@DaveRandom gdb --attach
Hello :)
@bwoebi in this case vim data/rooms.global.json is all that#'s required :-P
@DaveRandom can I bother you again today?
what if I said no and that you were bothering me by asking? how would you fix that????
but yes
although be warned I am in a silly mood and you may not get much sense out of me
@tereško I don't think I've bookmarked it? The part I was liking about the tweet, is mostly the second sentence, eg if people were working less on shit jobs / were working less hours in a week / less on jobs that don't add value to our life, imagine what we could do with more time.
I've got Fridayitis on Thursday, which does not bode well for you people tomorrow.
@DaveRandom Its hard to get sense out of you otherwise as well :P
my dream is to work three days a week. I wish humans could not work their asses off and have moer time to do things that are not just related to surviving.
yeha, I saw that part only as a filler
shorter work weeks are basically inevitable
@DaveRandom insert image where stick figure points his finger in the air like he's about to say something, then doesn't after realization hits him
@tereško can't, fucking, wait
@FélixGagnon-Grenier My dream is to stop working altogether, but shit, I need the money :P
Well, that first part in the tweet is mostly false. People in cuba are not actually doing so much more art.
yeh, they are too busy making cigars
@mega6382 Then, then you do have the wrong job. There are people with tens of millions in cash and even more in assets and they still choose to work.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what traumatized me about that tweet was implication of UBI and socialism being the same thing ... and that what we need are more talantless hacks doing "art"
yeah, that is some bs. I have grown an ability to ignore parts of tweets to keep my sanity as I roam twitter a bit more.
thanks for making sure I'm still alive inside
@tereško then again, maybe we don't need 7 billion people trying to become picasso, but it would still not hurt things. At least it would improve the decor :D
@FélixGagnon-Grenier most likely they would try to be Marcel Duchamp .... which would not improve the decor
dunno, I like a good toilet
can never have enough toilets, that's what I say
well, at some point, there might be a lack of... places to put the output of these? ;)
well right now < 20% of the rooms in my house have toilets in them
there's a long way to go
do you have er... emergency expulsion situations much?
no, just chronic lethargy
@Sean is in search for such I believe. :D
@bwoebi yes, that is possible... but its not that i hate programming, I just hate what my employer calls programming
@mega6382 Yeh, then you have the wrong employer :-P
Yes, I believe I do, :P
@mega6382 can't remember, did you pass the AWS certification you were studying a lot for a few weeks back?
I know that you said you're AWS certified, but wasn't sure if that was the same thing that you were studying for
since, based on the amount of different options they have, I'm guessing there's more than one AWS certification
Yeah, there are like 10 different AWS certifications.
going to get them all? :P
@Tiffany I've got 1 already, but the one I was studying for a few weeks and am still studying for, I will be taking that exam in a couple of weeks. Because apparently the course changed a lot 2 months ago. And I prepared for the old one, the training for the new one is out and am doing that.
@Tiffany nope, just this one and the one that I've already got. And after this, I will get google cloud platform's certification and then microsoft azure's and then that'll be it.
Azure is interesting. I sat in a MS webinar with a few coworkers that did an overview of the Azure platform. It had piqued my interest, but we wouldn't save any money if we switched hosting the website through them, unfortunately.
Like I said, I don't hate programming, I just hate doing it professionally. I would much rather do it as a hobby and as OSS. But not professionally. I believe I'll be better off as a sysops/devops professionally.
> The EPA Is About To Allow Asbestos Back Into The US
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The picture of a chicken is reference to youtube.com/watch?v=yL_-1d9OSdk presumably. Which is a joke taken faaaaaaaaaaar too far: esolangs.org/wiki/Chicken

Well I guess we need to go on a docs spree, to rename `%` to the remainder operator
Does this make sense or is there better terminology I can use?
"Simply put, we have scaling webservers and want to only have our clients whitelist a single IP in order to allow us to reach them."
not much better:
> We want our clients to only have to whitelist a single IP in order to reach our systems, rather than having to whitelist a varying range of IP addresses.
Just saw a job ad.
> "Tools we use: Lumen, Laravel, Symfony Console, and a custom PHP framework"
Sweet mother of god.
@Jimbo any thing in the job description like "must be laravel rockstar/ninja" or some BS?
> Donald is on our side! … He supported the head of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt, who stated that his agency would no longer deal with negative effects potentially derived from products containing asbestos. Donald Trump supported a specialist and called asbestos “100% safe after application.”
@Tiffany 100% safely dead after inhaling enough asbestos
I dunno, my brain is having trouble interpreting the double negative in the "false" section link
> We note, however, that all currently banned uses of asbestos will remain banned.
@Fabor Your clients have to whitelist an IP to reach your servers... rather than you having to whitelist an IP to let them reach them? odd
@Tiffany sounds like the real intention might be to let companies to invest into new products, that contain asbestos. Same reasoning as for lifting the outright ban on DDT
Not sure what I expected, but if you have overlapping table cells (td) due to colspan/rowspan, firefox actually overlaps their contents. hm.
@tereško I'm hesitant to use anything that has asbestos in it, though. Shit causes a load of health problems. There would have to be a ton of protections in place for it to be "safe," and given Trump and his current administration's track record, I have very little trust in it.
I'm pretty sure my ceiling (or at least part of it) has asbestos in it
Many old houses do here
@PeeHaa that explains a lot :P
@Leigh I've encountered this before, some internal IT departments have massively overcomplicated outbound firewall rules to keep themselves in a job.
Sure, but I find it somewhat disappointing, that every media outlet is treating it like a plot from Captain Planet villain, @Tiffany
@Tiffany :P
fwiw having asbestos isn't a problem at all by itself
it will be eventually though
It's when it gets ooold and it tears up or it gets broken and fly around when it gets a problem
Either through fire, old material or getting rid of it
That's when it becomes a problem
> or getting rid of it
"Hi, hello, yes, I was wondering if you'd like to buy this stuff, we'll line the walls of your house with it, it's perfectly safe unless you try to get rid of it."
@PeeHaa or doing any kind of alteration or repair near it
If you buy within the next 2 weeks, we'll enter you into our prize draw! The winners will get an unexploded WW2 bomb buried under their house. Winners won't be announced publicly until they attempt to excavate the basement.
@PaulCrovella That's the tearing it up part
30 mins ago, by Tiffany
> We note, however, that all currently banned uses of asbestos will remain banned.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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