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Oh you're the guy who randomly asked if I'm an asshole. Well my answer hasn't changed, I'm still an asshole.
I can confirm
@FlorianMargaine mmm, the fact that I can do github.com/DaveRandom/apcu/commit/… would seem to support that (from github.com/nikic/apcu/commits/no-unpool, which my fork definitely doesn't know about)
that also would explain why you can fork php-src in <1hour
@mega6382 Always. =p I start every session with seeing what I've missed.
Good morning Room 11!
@PeeHaa The dark weird one reminds me of what is playing in the background before you leave the club.
@PeeHaa I LOVE the Home 12 track.
@PeeHaa Halphp 15 sounds good so far too. The other one reminds me of that chill house music my friend played. I forget the genre of House it is called. Nice work. Have you ever thought about recording your own sounds to use in tracks? Watching game designers find random objects to record for sounds such as picking up loot, putting on rings, equipping armor- makes me interested in doing stuff like that. Not even sure how you would get into that field.
3 hours later…
@DaveRandom Merged
I wonder if this is going to break running tests in-tree though
Night all
2 hours later…
posted on August 19, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
does anyone know of a bug in the tracker about the issue described in stackoverflow.com/questions/28560975/… ?
essentially: a DOM element with a custom (i.e. extended) ownerDocument loses the reference to the custom class when returning the element rather than the document object
Hello all. I'm creating a page where a customer can edit their order before they pay for it. The page will delete as soon as the order is shipped, but what's the best way to protect against email collecting bots? It needs to contain the email address. There is no way around that.
Before I had this concern, I was going to have it be www.domainexample.com?id=7, but any bot could check id=6 and id=5 to see if they've been shipped yet, and id=8 to see if there is a new order yet.
1 hour later…
lunula something shaped like a narrow crescent, as the small, pale area at the base of the fingernail.
@JonathonPhilipChambers use a hash or base64 encode it or something like that
base64 is reversible and easily recognizable so don't do that
you need a random string like github.com/ramsey/uuid
which is a replacement for auto_increment ids
anyway, \o :B
@DaveRandom remi takes care of releases, opening an issue should do it ...
hey joe \o
@Tiffany thanks. I posted a more detailed version here security.stackexchange.com/questions/191867/… Got a good answer so far, but hoping for more.
I thought using an autoloader is to help me get rid of a long list of "include"s, but then there are long namespaces and I have to write a long list of "use"s, then what is really the purpose of an autoloader in the first place? Are namespaces more readable than real paths or what?
@NikiC git.php.net/?p=pecl/caching/… bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63003 none of those tests actually exist any more, they all disappeared when APC -> APCu, however if something similar were to arise in future then it could be dealt with by checking ReflectionExtension#isPersistent() and generating the appropriate -dextension=
although that wouldn't play nice if it was outside extension_dir, but tbh this is entirely academic at the moment and we can cross that bridge if/when
just having multiple vars to separate PHP args and run-tests.php args would solve the problem though
@JoeWatkins kk tnx
oh, Microsoft - it has been almost 20 years since I first time installed windows, and I still need to do it with an unplugged ethernet cable
@Narnia use composer, it will do the autoloading for you, as long as your code is nanespaced
@Tiffany So using composer I won't need the "use"s? Then how could its autoloader detect the namespace of each class?
@Narnia you tell it the src directory where your code is
Thanks. I'll check both.
First off, your code has to be grouped up in a singular folder
@tereško no, but you should skip pre-install updates
simply because it takes ages and doesn't give you anything that won't work equally well if you get it during a background update post-install
also if you are going to dual-boot windows and anything else, you need install windows first, because it obliterates grub and it is a fucking huge pita to restore it
it's much easier if you install windows first, installing grub over the top of it works sensibly
I'm getting a feeling, that you have no idea what you are talking about
why would I not use UEFI for boot?
it's the bootloader that's the problem, windows bootloader ignores a pre-existing OS
I forget the specifics, and you are largely right that I don't know what I'm talking about, however I recently ran into this and cursory research led me to many people saying "install win first and *nix 2nd and you won't have a problem"
I don't really do hardware any more, and I don't understand UEFI at all because it came along after I stopped doing hardware
however I have installed win10 from fresh 100+ times
bunch of smarmy, squeaky gits, curse their adorableness
hmmm, might be able to get them flea meds today, that would cut back a lot of my complaining
@Tiffany presumably the bathroom door was closed the other day then, or that the adult cat was reasonably chill?
@Danack it was closed, thankfully. Adult cats are kind of warming up to them, I've let the kittens out a couple times and my other cats just watch them... glaring but not hissing/growling at least
Though I don't want my cats to get attached cause the kittens should be leaving next weekend
@DaveRandom and this is why your previous statements make no sense
as for why to install windows without network: because that way you avoid installation of Cortana and major part of integration with MS accounts
nevertheless, I do know how to install windows and I did recently have a problem with dual booting windows and fedora because I installed them "the wrong way round"
that's because you are not using UEFI for boot management
ahh right, I don't know about cortana but the MS account shite has nothing to do with networking, or at least you can avoid it regardless, you just go to the "domain join" path and create a local user and do the "domain join later" option
I've installed win10 without network connected many times though, and I've never managed to not install cortana
you can turn it off obv, but afaik it's always there
I never gave any of thsi shit much thought though because I was mostly just burning old w7 workstations
Sorry, cat probably, you can move that to trash
I need to stop leaving the chat window open when I leave
Hello people. I am doing PHP unit testing. I am interested in code coverage. What is the name of the file where I should write the whitelisted files to test? And in which folder this file sould be in? (I am running everything with Composer). Thank you
phpunit.xml, it's usually placed in the root folder of the project
Thank you VERY much @Wes
if you are using composer, phpunit.xml should look like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit bootstrap="./vendor/autoload.php">
            <directory suffix=".php">./src/</directory>
you won't need more than this
Nice to know. Thank you a lot
if you are not using composer, consider learning it :P
Yes, that is a good tool, and I am using it in my current example, thank you
@tereško few month ago you gave a list of a good pc hardwares. How can I find it?
bash-4.4$ cat probably
cat: probably: No such file or directory
@Tiffany no it didn't work ^
my cats seem to like laying on my keyboard lately
Q: PHP code coverage: Error in setting phpunit.xml

Billal BEGUERADJIn order to whitelist the appropriate files for code coverage, I created phpunit.xml in my small project: ./tests ./tests/EmailTest.php ./test.php ./composer.json ./composer.lock ./vendor ./src ./src/Email.php ./phpunit.xml The content of phpunit.xml is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <

sorry, I deleted it
Thank you very much for the help, Wes. Goodbye everyone
IntlChar::ord(7) returns 7
of course it's my fault for trusting coercion
!!> echo ord(7);
this works
now if i wasn't completely useless with C, i would fix that
don't annoy me pls
Stop doing that weird thing
Lowercase or Lower Case
Hello! I have a dilemma. I work at a company where I have a user on a pc. I want in my free time to "play" a bit with coding, to work on a site, but I need a php server. I can not install one because I do not have the administrator right. I thought there might be something 0-install that would not trigger the dialog that I'm asked for the admin password. Do you have any idea? Thanks!
@Wes Probably two words. But lowercase and lower-case are also fine....
@BoteaFlorin for playing around in development you could use the PHP built in server. just google it but it's something like PHP -S -t public to have it serve from the 'public' directory.
@Danack I used that command on my home pc, but I have apache installed... Any instalation required to enable this command?
You would need to have PHP installed.
You could run it from a usb stick, theoretically. But you might be better off asking your company to allow you to install it properly.
Q: How to run migration in RabbitMQ with symfony?

sarinHi I want to run migration file as a background task using RabbitMQ in symfony but when i do the migration execution in console commands is waiting state. when i press ctrl+c and trying to stop the consumer the migration starts executing Please help me $command = array( 'command' =>...

Pls help me to solve this
Why this code for remove file extension create a Mixed Content error?
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+)\.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^ %1 [R=302,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
RewriteRule ^(.*?)/?$ $1.php [L]
ping @Danack
#lazyweb does the following set of failures mean anything to you? I'm guessing it's a missing dependency but just wondering if you have encountered this combination before so I don't have to debug it:
Test Imagick, annotateImage [tests/034_Imagick_annotateImage_basic.phpt]
Test ImagickDraw, composite [tests/177_ImagickDraw_composite_basic.phpt]
Test ImagickDraw, setFontSize [tests/206_ImagickDraw_setFontSize_basic.phpt]
Test ImagickDraw, setFontFamily [tests/207_ImagickDraw_setFontFamily_basic.phpt]
Test ImagickDraw, setFontStretch [tests/208_ImagickDraw_setFontStretch_basic.phpt]
- Element 'testsuite': The attribute 'name' is required but missing.
<testsuite name="Test Suite">
not sure if i should be sarcastic about that on phpunit's bug tracker
... interesting how the not so big software design talk changed my life. When I started collecting and slicing 3d models, I couldn't imagine things in an other way than separate stl files and gcode ones in their own repositories. Now, I can't imagine how I'd imagine it would be practical. I guess that puts me in the "not yet mature" reflection about it, having gone from one end of the axle to the other.
@MisterGeeky I will :)
The audio on that video is hard to listen to, but turned volume down, and listening now :)
Thanks for sharing by the way, stuff like this is always nice to listen to.
@DaveRandom they are all font related I think. Check that the font the code is using is present on the system?
@Danack Uncaught ImagickException: non-conforming drawing primitive definition text'`
still buggering about with it
@DaveRandom ....is your locale set to 'C' or something bullshit?
no idea tbh, it's a CI image
I've only seen that when a locale was set to france, and so some SVG drawing primitive was rendered with a floating point number rendered like <text xpos="5,5"></text> instead of 5.5
ah right
though it could be something else apparently.
You might want to install a better SVG renderer than the one ImageMagick ships with as: github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/issues/…
inkscape I seem to recall was in active development rather than deadish.
at the moment it's using imagemagick installed via apt
I'm well out of my depth with this one, basically just pressing buttons and hoping nothing catches fire
if you can, Centos (cough Remi) seems to ship more sane settings for ImageMagick.
no it has to be debian
I would dearly love it to be rhel :-P
What happens in this case, if $var is uninitialized? if($var){ /* do stuff */ }
question, why use imagemagick when there's jpegOptim and stuff
try it?
that one crazy vulnerability couple years back has me wary now.
@Wes else block gets executed
@rahuldottech don't reference uninitialized variables except to assign to them
if you are conditionally assigning something, initialize it to null before the conditional
and also don't do if ($var) unless $var is a boolean
as a general rule, pretend PHP is not loosely typed language
@DaveRandom Uh, actually, I had a statement which had if($_SESSION["loggedIn"]), and I was wondering what would happen if the session was destroyed before that statement.
make sure it isn't
Sounds about right :)
...however, you could use if (!empty($_SESSION["loggedIn"]))
empty() suppresses the error that would be emitted by referencing an undefined variable or key
!!> var_dump((bool)$foo);
[ 5.6.30, hhvm-3.18.5 - 3.21.3, 7.0.28 - 7.3.0beta2 ] Notice: Undefined variable: foo in /in/B6RZl on line 1 bool(false)
[ hhvm-3.22.0 ] Notice: Undefined variable: foo in /in/B6RZl on line -1 bool(false)
!!> var_dump(!empty($foo));
@Darius if you're just resizing stuff, sure use whatever, but imagick does quite a few other things than just resize phpimagick.com/Tutorial/gradientReflection phpimagick.com/Tutorial/edgeExtend phpimagick.com/Imagick/morphology?morphologyType=15 phpimagick.com/Tutorial/psychedelicFontGif
@DaveRandom For all intents and purposes, it appears that NULL is equivalent to 0 in if statements.
Which... works in my case
it is
when you do if ($expr) it's equivalent to if ((bool)$expr)
I'm curious to see who needs/uses those sort of features on a programmatic basis :D
@rahuldottech php.net/manual/en/…
@Danack I am fast approaching the conclusion that I am going to have to compile imagemagick /cc @FlorianMargaine :-/
You could look at the debian imagick repo and see what they do about those tests.
ah you may have made me realise my dumbass mistake, let me do this insanely long build process again
So... Because making sessions secure in PHP requires a ridiculous number of things to keep check of, I made something (a library?) to make them easier to manage. It's not much, but thoughts?
there's no authentication, though?
if I go to login.php then I'm just automagically logged in?
also, don't use global state like that
@DaveRandom Nup, this is just for managing sessions. Authentication is separate. I renamed the functions to make more sense.
i.e. never use global or $GLOBALS
@DaveRandom What do you suggest I use instead, in this case?
(also, just updated gist so that it makes more sense)
@DaveRandom yet another anti-globalization activist
go back to selling health supplements
<img src="<?php echo  SITE_URL; ?>/assets/images/blog/php.png" alt="php" title="php">
I have this string in my db but its not executing properly when I retrieved it
I also eval() but still no luck
@Exception try eval-ing this: echo '<img src="' . SITE_URL . '"/assets/images/blog/php.png" alt="php" title="php">';
@Exception I don't think you can eval() a PHP opening tag.
@rahuldottech you can encapsulate it into an object
@DaveRandom I'll look into it tomorrow. Thanks for the help. Goodnight :)
BTW!! SITE_URL is a constant
so I need to wrap it in php tag.
Hi all
Someone authoritative please correct the text from PHP Manual at the URL : secure.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.firstpage.php
Note: A Note on Line Feeds

Line feeds have little meaning in HTML, however it is still a good idea to make your HTML look nice and clean by putting line feeds in. A linefeed that follows immediately after a closing ?> will be removed by PHP. This can be extremely useful when you are putting in many blocks of PHP or include files containing PHP that aren't supposed to output anything. At the same time it can be a bit confusing. You can put a space after the closing ?> to force a space and a line feed to be output, or you can put an explicit line feed in the last echo/print from within your
This should be read as
Note: A Note on Line Feeds

Line feeds have little meaning in HTML, however it is still a good idea to make your HTML look nice and clean by putting line feeds in. A linefeed that follows immediately after a closing ?> will be removed by PHP. This can be extremely useful when you are putting in many blocks of PHP or include files containing PHP that aren't supposed to output anything. At the same time it can be a bit confusing. You can put a space after the closing ?> followed by a line feed to force a space and a line feed to be output, or you can put an explicit line feed in the last echo
@Wes pretty sure all the intlchar methods take either the integer code point value or utf-8 encoded string for the code point.. the problem is the extension's documentation is subpar
@PaulCrovella why would one want ord(5) to return 5?
unless you mean - that's the default and it happens to be very stupid in that case
any suggestion guys?
@Wes that
though, problem is mine that i didn't use strict types :B
strict types wouldn't help you there, int is a valid type for the arg
i mean i didn't pass the type i intended
and it's obviously my fault :B
ah, yeah
well the good news is you don't have to know c to improve the docs... you just have to put up with the doc editor
the bad news is that the xml docbook thing is harder to learn than C
how often do you get new batteries for your ups?
damn they don't last not even a year
the xml isn't so bad
it is :B
the online editor is unpleasant, I'll give you that, but the xml itself is mostly fine... plus you don't need much of an understanding of it in order to fix some strings in it
Good day
morns v3
what is the name of that tune, that is used very commonly in music boxes?
@StatikStasis <3
@StatikStasis I would prefer some live recorded instrument people though :)
i cannot do it without being sarcastic
that would be phpunit 7 though
@PeeHaa That's what I was talking about at first but that got me thinking about sound effects. I've thought about recording my wife or myself saying common words or phrases to use in tracks before.
I think you had a woman vocal in one of your tracks.
@Wes You know the difference between "seem" and "seam"? A developer friend of mine in Romania always uses the wrong one.
Have you guys seen how expensive the i9 processors are?
yes i do know the difference
=p I knew you asked about some English stuff and when he came to my mind I figured I would ask.
seem = appear, seam = joint
What areas are you still working on or do you have difficulty with?
of english?
eh, pretty much everything :B just a moment ago i was struggling with word order
I always have a difficult time with Spanish when it comes to verb placement in sentences.
...and I wouldn't say everything you seem to understand it pretty well from my perspective.
@Wes Never struggle with word order. 2¢ advice. You are welcome.
Evening. :D
like, word order doesn't matter? :B
I never said that. I said you don't (shouldn't) struggle. xD
@Wes that happens to me sometime
@Tpojka thanks that's helpful........................................................ :B
Just books and papers. Read on regular basis and it will come to you.
Daily papers/news.
Commas also matter. "Let's eat mom." <-- Something a family of cannibals might say. "Let's eat, mom." <-- Something a normal family would say to their mom when the food is ready.
because the sentences in my primary language will have the same meaning, whatever the order of the words is as long as its the same words, but in English, the meaning changes a lot bu just where "is" is, before the "it" or after etc
@StatikStasis that's oxford comma
@mega6382 no
@mega6382 sometimes to me happens it does
oxford comma is:
I like apples, pears, and bananas.
The comma after pears is an oxford comma.
\o @crypticツ
@PeeHaa @StatikStasis what's you hasslin me for? :P
o/ (I broke the combo.) =/
Have some studying to do. later
I bought a lockpick set and was able to pick my front door in less than 10 seconds. I'm now super paranoid =o(
and complicated?
@crypticツ Have you ever watched the lockpick lawyer?
i do... what is wrong with us?
@crypticツ He is really good but also makes me aware of how vulnerable my stuff is to someone who knows how to pick locks. The really good locks are about $300+ youtube.com/channel/UCm9K6rby98W8JigLoZOh6FQ
i need to write an algo and i have no idea on where to start
anyone want to learn laravel ?
Laravel ruined PHP, it's why I left it for Python.
@Fasilkk Ask Teresko when he comes in.
I am pretty sure CoC protects you now.
@Wes write some examples and tests first? Then hack some shit together.
thats the laravel politics.
@mega6382 don't do that.
1 message moved to Trash can
People asking if anyone wants help with laravel and offering their services once, is not spam.
ftr i said no because i thought he was going to spam something
@Danack bullshit, that was spam
I marked it as spam because the price was too high
@Tpojka that's really just provocation. why do you do that.
Sunday, unable to help myself, who knows. However even if it was provocation, there are provided several opinions and answers which should be wisely picked.
@Fasilkk I made (an internal) joke that @FélixGagnon-Grenier just ruined. Sorry for any inconvenience.
@Wes =D Nothing, we're normal.
i don't think so
I agree with @Wes on this
you people are not normal :P
But I am, of course :P
@Wes we're original...?
@mega6382 you are... umm... unique. =p
We are all normal. Mainly @mega6382
Hey. I was not spamming. i found im so productive/and motivated at work when I teach live programming someone else.
> Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.
did he actually post a link? i didn't notice
no, i don't think so.
so was he banned for the intention?
bah... that's a bit too harsh
He's not banned
looks like he was
suspended, just for a few minutes
@Wes he was suspended for spam
but he didn't spam
yeah, he did
he posted a link?
no, he didn't post a link. he came in and posted to advertise his services.
I'll be sure to take a screenshot for you next time.
so if i come in here and say, hey do you need help with php? just because i am altruist, am i getting suspended?
no, if you come in and say "do you need help with php? I will make you a master for $500. Join now and get started on your project today." you'll probably get suspended
but he didn't ask for money
yes, he did
aaaaaaah then you are right
why were you arguing about the content of a message you didn't even see?
hey kids, pssst.. want some laravel?
I'm calling the police
speaking of which, any news of Jay? he deleted his account and all
really? I will txt him
@pmmaga Don't you mean Officer Jay :P
And what is going on, samayo deleted his account too
@pmmaga Ahahahah.
@mega6382 Hehe If it all went well I guess so :)
@pmmaga think he decided to enter the police force.
@pmmaga It did went well, that's why he quit.
don't you remember?
Apr 30 at 10:30, by pmmaga
@JayIsTooCommon Congrats, Officer Common! :D
hey kids, pssst.. want some laravel?
@mega6382 yup, I remember that. But I guess there is training and some exams and stuff like that.
@Danack just fyi, apt install gsfonts
4. fucking. hours.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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