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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@PaulCrovella all i did in the past days is tools that help me test and build the css parser
rather than actually write it
some of the weird stuff i wrote includes
function getNonASCIICodePointSet(): CompressedCodePointSet{
    $set = new CompressedCodePointSet();
    $set->addAll(new ContiguousCodePointsSet(cp("\u{80}"), cp("\u{10FFFF}")));
    return $set;
function getNameStartCodePointSet(){
    $set = new CompressedCodePointSet();
    $set->addAll(new ContiguousCodePointsSet(cp("_")));
    return $set;
of course i needed none of that
@Danack this test is failing for me with imagemagick 6.8.9, is it possible I'm hitting the same issue that's behind this commit? github.com/mkoppanen/imagick/commit/…
001+ QUANTUM r is wrong for colorString 'rgb(25%, 25%, 25%)': actual 16383 != expected 16384
@DaveRandom oh. oh no.
just ignore it for now. It means an off by 1 in 16k error.
I can't ignore it, it fails the build :-P
which means I can't do a release
he's trying to build the extension with full tests passing.. if there's a test to ignore, it means forking the project to remove the test
you almost certainly need a different version of ImageMagick then.
the bug will be an off by 1 error in some of the macros they use to calculate color values.
@Wes instead of manually adding a single link in some documentation, I've written some scripts to automatically build and index the php manual to automatically generate the link.. then I decided I wanted a better abstraction for the php manual itself...
I suspect that "a different version of imagemagick" ain't gonna happen either
so now I've just shut down and stopped doing anything
@PaulCrovella could you ever finish it? :B
@DaveRandom dude. you're telling me that?
@DaveRandom they do point releases.....try one.
it's whether I can get it via apt
worst case I will just remove that test with a patch on jessie
let's see if I can build imagemagick 7.0.8-10...
@FlorianMargaine it's only jessie that's a problem anyway
stretch is building fine
so basically, probably don't bother :-P
apparently, make is running ./configure too...
thanks for following autotools best practices, ImageMagick
MagickCore/blob.c: In function 'WriteBlob':
MagickCore/blob.c:5535:6: warning: variable 'q' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
sounds like an easy one if one wants to contribute ^ :P
@DaveRandom I like upstream stuff... the bother is mostly to keep it up-to-date
what are they doing with comments
@Wes nothing is ever really "finished"... you just stop working on it
@FlorianMargaine it's called blob.c, it should read like cating a blob
coders/miff.c:164:14: warning: 'AcquireCompressionMemory' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static void *AcquireCompressionMemory(void *context,const size_t items,
@FlorianMargaine you...might want to avert your eyes.
compiling stuff is always fun, I almost always see warnings that could be fixed in a minute
although the one in blob.c looks like gcc smoking a bit, because the variable is definitely used
  (void) memcpy(q,p,length);
dat cast
oh wait
q is destination
and then goes unused
@DaveRandom I think that might be there to avoid a "no unused return values" warning? possibly...
and the off by one quantum errors are things that can break in ImageMagick's "bug" or point releases.
yeah.....you're not tricking me into looking at that code on a Sunday.
root@cb0a87baa4c7:/tmp/ImageMagick# convert --version
convert: error while loading shared libraries: libMagickCore-7.Q16HDRI.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
after a ./configure && make && make install
on the latest tag
@FlorianMargaine on a clean system?
sounds like make install is broken
I spawned up a stretch docker container to test that, so very clean system
root@cb0a87baa4c7:/tmp/ImageMagick# find . -name 'libMagickCore-7.Q16HDRI.so.6'
definitely sounds like a broken make install
ah, nvm
it installed in /usr/local/lib
so I had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
root@cb0a87baa4c7:/tmp/ImageMagick# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib convert --version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-10 Q16 x86_64 2018-08-19 imagemagick.org
Copyright: © 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC
License: imagemagick.org/script/license.php
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI OpenMP
Delegates (built-in):
@DaveRandom ImageMagick is super straightforward, the only dependency is autoconf, so if you want to vendor it, no issue at all
I really don't, because then we have to maintain it
I may have a quick-n-dirty fix tbh
@FlorianMargaine also I will point out again... it's only jessie that has an issue, and afaik we are at least attempting to eol that?
please say yes
even if it isn't true, just say yes so I can be happy
> I have verified that I am following the existing coding patterns and practices as demonstrated in the repository.
"I have verified that the code I am contributing is a shit mess"
"use single-letter identifiers for variables" is basically what you have to do
and toss in the occasional RCE vulnerability for good measure
"I have verified that my symbol naming is unreadable and my comments have a ridiculously high size/information ratio"
I don't do the security cargo cult
yay, PRs are green
@FlorianMargaine you will be impressed with just how hacky my fix for this is
also please can you give me push to ext-debianize, this is the 2nd time today I have wanted it
@DaveRandom done, but please do go through MRs even if you merge it yourself right away
I just don't want to do an ext release which uses an unmerged change
actually if you could sanity check #5 for me that would be good @FlorianMargaine
it "works" but there might be some edge case I didn't consider
@DaveRandom you want to do the same on kwargs
@FlorianMargaine well I wondered about that, at the moment it's irrelevant because there's only 1 usage and they are both strings, I'm not sure the behaviour would be intuitive
but I mean yeh I can do that
I'm mostly thinking about you or me in 1 month using kwargs={} and not getting the same behavior and retiring to raise sheeps in the mountain
kk, updated
@DaveRandom bad copy paste
3rd time lucky...
it uses arg from the previous loop
yeh, updated again
that was sloppy, pycharm even bollocked me for it and I ignored the warning
@DaveRandom that doesn't look like the correct behavior now?
how so?
it means merge(foo={"bar": "baz"}) will return {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}, not {"bar": "baz"}
That's the correct behaviour if you think about what merge({}, {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}) does
I mean, merge({"foo": "bar"}, {"baz": "qux"}) will return {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux"}, and merge({"foo": "bar"}, toto={"baz": "qux"}) will return {"foo": "bar", "toto": {"baz": "qux"}}
kwargs is for keyword arguments
i.e. named arguments
yes, which reference a key in the returned dict
I guess that's debatable, yeah
ok, merged
> I'm not sure the behaviour would be intuitive
I did say :-P
yeah but that's the existing behavior too
so :shrug:
yeh, it's fine
OK, imagick should get a 7.3 release in about 5 mins
that was the 2nd biggest pita so far :-P (amqp is way in the lead atm)
just setting up rabbitmq to work in CI, which I still haven't actually got working yet
@DaveRandom see slack
oh my god
I'm looking up some quick tutorial to setup a chrome extension (I last did it a few years ago, wanted to check if anything major changed), and I found this: medium.freecodecamp.org/…
 “manifest_version”: 2,
 “name”: “RaterFox”,
who the fuck uses these double quotes
that's vandalism
well, to be fair, what did I expect looking up "medium.freecodecamp"...
some authoring tools/publishing systems automatically translate proper quotes into those abominations.. most likely someone missed changing from a default setting
yeah, idk, I kinda expect blog authors to review their articles before hitting the "publish" button
those can be an easy thing to miss, depending on the font
how dare you be reasonable
Hey guys, do you have to do something to mysql database if you inserted a ton of data? In regards to optimizing. Or is the optimize button (in phpmyadmin) mainly for when you delete a lot.
so it cleans up all the dead space
@FlorianMargaine sorry. to hell with that bastard.
@Darius yes, you have to install a better rdbms
    $ranges[] = getUTF8RangeBoundaries(chr(0), chr(42));
    // 43 "+"
    $ranges[] = getUTF8RangeBoundaries(chr(44), chr(44));
    // 45 "-" => 46 "."
    $ranges[] = getUTF8RangeBoundaries(chr(47), chr(47));
    // 48 "0" => 57 "9"
    $ranges[] = getUTF8RangeBoundaries(chr(58), IntlChar::chr(IntlChar::CODEPOINT_MAX));
    $set = new CompressedCodePointSet();
now i can finally proceed with actual code lol
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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