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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Are you guys still building multi-page sites or everyone pretty much migrated to SPAs?
Of course people still build multi-page sites.
@Wes Watching Drive now.
Is there any characters(s) that return true in this function is_numeric() that are non actually numbers?
1 hour later…
@Wes Not my kind of movie... too dark.
you don't say that about ryan gosling @StatikStasis
ryan gosling is my man crush
Are you guys still building multi-page sites or everyone pretty much migrated to SPAs?
2 hours later…
Tiny floofy kittens
laeotropic oriented or coiled in a leftward direction, as a left-spiraling snail shell.
Hey, where is facebook's admin panel at? like wordpress has /wp-admin, do they have one, or do they have an off-site local site/app which connects to their server
trying to figure out if website and admin panel should exist in same app, and if admin app should be on a local network which ssh tunnels to the live app.
@Darius Why does how Facebook do it matter to you? You're not Facebook. Do what makes sense for your project.
In all my projects the admin lives in the same repo as the frontend site, which makes sense to me since they usually share a lot of code. I usually use subdomains which allows for it to optionally be put on a separate server at a later date as the project scales.
I would use APIs and firewalls over "ssh tunnels" (simpler implementation, allows for queuing tasks and use callbacks if feedback desired).
FB doesn't matter, just curious about large sites like ebay and amazon.
and gotcha
and queuing makes sense.
didnt think of that
@Darius the web platform my employer is switching to has a "push" scheme
Blah, sec
I was on mobile and premature enter
the administrative side is on one server, and it pushes to another server which hosts the public website. The public website is pure HTML, the administrative side is built in Java.
The administrative side pushes the HTML files to the public website
our current web platform (CMS) has the admin built into the public website, hosted on one server, and it's built in pure PHP
but we've had growing pains. I'm strongly considering switching the database to its own server
@Darius The admin can be either a separate site or builtin........separate makes sense if you want to have separate CSS. "if admin app should be on a local network which ssh tunnels to the live app." - that makes no sense.
it really just depends on your needs, and performance
What I meant by that, based on an article I read online. Have two different sites with differing CSS etc. 1. App on live server. 2. Admin panel separate site on a VPN at home. They said to use SSH tunneling from home to connect to database of live server.
that sounds silly
That way admin panel functions + mysql operations that can cause some damage don't live on public facing side
That's why I'm consulting with you guys here, to see how silly that really is
That way, if a person breaks into a moderator's account, nothing too bad can happen because mods can "hide" stuff, whereas admin can "delete" stuff.
> Admin panel separate site on a VPN at home.
Unless you're going to be the only admin.
if you replace "home" with "office" that any better?
some small server in the office that people on the network connect to
@Darius you're building a distributed system when you don't need a distributed system.
Why would you do that to yourself?
ugh, my fingers smell like kitten food
need to thoroughly clean them
@Tiffany My cat's breath smells like cat food.
@jjok these kittens reek of kitten food too... one of them practically hugs the can while eating
It's pretty adorable
It's nice to see them come out of their shell though :)
@Tiffany fresh out of the water.
yesterday i watched the weirdest movie ever... it's so weird it's good... have you ever seen "remember me"? with pierce brosnan and the twilight guy
@hakre lol, yup. Even after laying on me, wrapped up in a towel for a half hour or so, still looks soaked
@Wes Handmaiden's Tale or w/e show is weird AF too
posted on August 12, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@LeviMorrison thank you!
@Tiffany niiiiiice
@hakre i know the struggle
big problem 1 with phpunit: data providers are executed all at once before the first test is executed
so you easily end up with thousands of objects constructed before the first test runs
@Wes can you yield them?
no @Gordon it converts to array anyway
big problem 2 with phpunit: it collects coverage data way too pedantically
nope, they are converted to array
phpunit wants to know the count of your data providers, in order to show you 80/100 tests executed
so it constructs them all just so that it can know the total count of tests and data
I think I understand what you mean
forgive my poor english
it's fine.
i am sure about that because i tried to change it
your english or the generators?
the generators :B
it wouldn't be able to know the total count of tests if it didn't count(iterator_to_array($dataProviderData)) etc
but by far the worst problem with coverage is imo "this line is covered by tests a b c d e f g" is also several hundreds of arrays with a lot of data in them
@Gordon yep
paratest doesn't need to print the total amount of tests, and each dataprovider is constructed in a different thread, so it's faster and less heavy on memory usage
@Wes My wife said "Only good thing about that movie is got to stare at Ryan Gosling the whole time."
@LeviMorrison can you do something to remove the italian translation of php.net altogether (right now it's just hidden from the <select>)
it's an amazing movie :(
@Wes isn't that @salathe?
both (afaik)
@Gordon I wander what is start up sound. :D
I think if we removed all array_* functions from php, people would have to write better code ...
@Gordon lol
lol "butt kickin' on the gravel."
I need to echo the username inline with HTML many times. Is there a shorter way of doing it that <?php echo $user; ?>
You are doing it wrong
@StatikStasis OK, you better not make this a thing, Friday is hard enough as it is. :P
Shorter would be <?= $user; ?>
So no Saturday thing and now no Monday thing... come on!
@PeeHaa BUTT*
You need to learn escaping data and stop letting your users get hacked
@salathe Sorry <3
I am having trouble with simple html dom
Stop using it
@PeeHaa wdym?
@tomsawyer yw
@JBis Your cat is walking on your keyboard
@PeeHaa I think he said "what do you mean"
I am in a situation where i have to use it
@tomsawyer No you are not
That's like saying: I am in a situation where I have to use a toothpick to dig a hole from europe to china
@PeeHaa Santize username? Isn't that done during sign up process.
Not sanitize. Escape
@PeeHaa...lol its one of those necessary evils
@PeeHaa that's funny. I am doing this as a pet project from by backyard
Sanitizing is a business rule (you can sanitize any way you want/need/like)
but seriously i need some help
Escaping is about security
@Gordon What is it with you germans and holes...
@tomsawyer the help is: stop using simple_html_dom and use ext/dom
@PeeHaa yes I know what escaping is but I don't understand what could be a problem. Like if someone uses Injection?
Thanks @Gordon
@Gordon You're in Germany so remember not to dig straight down, face north, dig, turn right, dig some more.
@PeeHaa its not about the holes. Its about the engineering.
So what could be a problem with <?php echo $user; ?> or <?= $user; ?>
I seem not to be able to think of late...or perhaps there is no answer
@Wes I don't mind violence in movies, but I was taking the movie seriously until the blood level went to "The Evil Dead" levels.
Maybe I would have went into the movie differently if I thought it was going to be like comedy horror.
@PeeHaa Cn you explain what the problem is?
@StatikStasis If I'd dug straight down I'd end up some 750 miles southeast of new zealand
Dig a hole antipodesmap.com
I was looking for that word- antipode
I would almost be in Australia.
Just to the left
@Gordon You used miles...
your best bet would be digging from argentina to end up in china
You in Munich?
I'm just clicking the map trying to line it up 750 miles
Oh wait- southeast
@Gordon ?
@StatikStasis pretty much all of germany ends up roughly 750 miles from NZ :)
Me and the wife have talked about moving to New Zealand before.
I told her if we did I want to live in a house that's in the ground. Not a dirty house filled with dirt and worms...
But if you need to know, I am close to Cologne
roughly 100km
@JBis Yes
@Gordon :)
@PeeHaa SQL? I am using prepared statements.
No, xss
@Wes I still need to write the article (after fixing my blog so I can put the article on the internet), but by default now I put @coversNothing around test classes, which really cuts down on the amount of data generated, and then put @covers the appropriate thing for test. Which usually means only one or two tests covers a line.
lemme try
you need about the latest version of phpunit. there was bug (imo) that made coversnothing take priority over covers on a test.
now it would be amazing if that was automatic
i probably can guess class name and method from "(.*)Test::test(.*)"
it's probably okay the other way round. People who don't care about precise test coverage can be happy in their ignorance. People who care can just copy and paste that line.
it's redundant
it's not that i call my test method public function testBubba(){}
so writing
/** @covers Foo::MyMethodName */
public function testMyMethodName(){}
is an annoyance
> it's redundant
yes with the method name
........it's emphasis. pinky finger to mouth.
for some reason not many have seen that movie... unless they are jared leto fans
> for some reason not many have seen that movie... unless they are jared leto fans
That's.......not the biggest mystery of our time. You pretty much said the cause and effect there.
@Andrea Do you have office plants? Office plants are something of a hobby of mine ^_^
@LeviMorrison bonzai trees?
However it's spelled, bonzai, bonsai
Haven't started anything that intensive yet. Mostly pothos, sansevieria, and succulents.
My boss has a bonsai tree on the window sill of his office and bamboo in his office
This is neat packing stuff: i.imgur.com/sWzOxD4.gifv
@StatikStasis Sure! Fuck the environment!
I was also going to comment on that.......starch packing peanuts are so much better than that.
This stuff is probably too expensive. We just use void fill paper for most things.
And regular bubble wrap for very fragile items.
@PeeHaa How do I prevent it?
(and thanks for suggestion)
And I would link to some plants as well, but people might object to linking to herbiesheadshop ...
@JBis It depends on the context. If it's html htmlspecialchars() and ltrim javascript: if it's in attributes
If it's inside javascript json_encode() with some specific flags
There are probably libraries out there which you should use
And remember it all depends on the context in which you are in order to prevent specific attacks
There is no silver bullet
@PeeHaa Was talking about this with The DMZ at security SE chat.
I think as long as I sanitize the username (letters and numbers) I should be fine with that respect.
Not sure what this means exactly
in The DMZ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 18 mins ago, by Benoit Esnard
Well, if I craft a self submitting form on my website, which will send valid credentials to your website, with a malicious script as username
Yes you would. Unless either you or the next person or the boss decides to change the requirements and you are all fucked
@JBis do you know what an injection attack is?
@PeeHaa welp its great that the chain of command goes like this Me→Users. :)
@Tiffany partly, yes.
Some things from the DMZ:
It's not limited to SQL, though SQL is the most commonly known (I think)
@JBis k.Don't trust what I am saying
FWIW, @PeeHaa knows his shit regarding security
well, do you know how escaping works?

the gist. You want characters to be treated as text rather then a command or syntax in a command like ls /Foo\ Bar.txt. You escape the space so it is treated as part of the file name not as a new argument

It's not dangerous by itself, but it could still be dangerous if you managed to find other minor vulns on the website, like a session fixation vulnerability

Do you have any CSRF protection on the login form?

I do not have that thing (not sure what called) where each form has a hidden input the makes sure the form in from the website and not from s
@PeeHaa wdym. I wasn't questioning you. Just saying that there's no one above or below me Imma one man operation.
in response to Unless either you or the next person or the boss decides to change the requirements and you are all fucked
Yes. Which I was implying what is going to happen
sorry if I came off as challenging your expertise.
"(not sure what called)"
CSRF Token. Cross site request forgery.
It's not so much expertise as it is experienced enough to know it will bite you in the future
@PeeHaa Ok.
So what's the solution?
Escape as late as possible for the context you are in
@Sean yep. I guess I should implement that. Although not 100% sure the implications if I don't.
Be it sql, html, javascript, csv, anything
@Jbis look up Top 10 OWASP and read it
@JBis I can execute things on your behalf (or any elevated / random user)
I'm too lazy to Google it from mobile
@PeeHaa Intresting I would have thought do it the earliest possible time. so when doing the <?= $bla; ?>?
@PeeHaa how?
@PeeHaa how?
Earliest possible moment in time is useless as yuo don't know the context it will be used in
but I don't want someones username in the DB to be <h1> Hi </h1>
@JBis Either letting you click a link if you are one of the people who run actions on get requests or I lure you to my site where I will submit a form to your site (using your session)
@JBis That is fine
2 hours ago, by PeeHaa
Sanitizing is a business rule (you can sanitize any way you want/need/like)
If you only want usernames using cat emojis go for it and enforce it
It's unrelated to security though
It might still be a valid reason to prevent certain characters
@PeeHaa ok. A bit confused on this. "letting you click" Is "you" referring to a user? | "if you are one of the people who run actions on get requests" ? | I will submit a form to your site (using your session) ?
@PeeHaa yes.
@Tiffany will do shortly
@JBis What is preventing me from having a form like this on my site:
@JBis I log in to site A. I navigate to site B. Site B has some malicious JavaScript which sends a form submission to a form on site A.
<form action="https://yoursite.com/delete-all-users" method="post"></form>
And submitting the form when you are on my site
It will run the action using your session
@PeeHaa but Im not submitting my login token cookie to your site.
You do don't have to
@JBis The browser carries the token
The cookie is attached to https://yoursite.com
It does it all automagically and transparently
It doesn't give me anything
I submit the form to your site
I see
Gotcha. I get it.
The browser sees your site and sees it has an active session cookie which it uses
I get it now. So easy solution: CSRF.
Thats not too difficult.
Most things about security are not too difficult. But all important nonetheless
Going to be pedantic... CSRF is the name of the attack, CSRF token is how to prevent the attack
@PeeHaa yep. Thanks for help and taking time to explain to me. :)
@Tiffany thx :)
@PeeHaa Also. I don't like how I am checking tokens, but I think it is safe. If you don't mind can you tell me your opinion.
excerpt from checkToken.php:
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT user FROM tokens WHERE token = ?");
#$stmt->bind_param("s", $username);
if (!$stmt->bind_param("s", $token)) {
    echo "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error;
$token = $_COOKIE['token'];

if(strlen($bla)>0) {
// Correct
} else {
$error = "Token was Incorrect";
Top 10 OWASP covers the threats you should focus on the most, it will list the attacks by their difficulty for attackers to implement, frequency they are used by attackers and the impact the attack has on your application
specifically I don't like checking base on $bla's lengths.
That's vulnerable to timing attacks probably
@PeeHaa what do you mean?
Google timing attack
I don't know how mysql works internally, but I am pretty sure it will be vulnerable
The simplest explanation would be your token is 123456 and somebody provides abcdefgh. The code will check the first character and it does not match so it will bail our early
I see
Now instead I pass 12345h and it will take longer
Excerpt (edited) from signin.php
posted on August 13, 2018 by CommitStrip

//if login successful

function logmein($username) {
// Create connection
	# $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password,$dbname);
	$conn = new mysqli($GLOBALS["servername"], $GLOBALS["username"], $GLOBALS["password"],"login");
	$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO tokens (token, user) VALUES (?, ?)");
	$stmt->bind_param("ss", $token, $username);
	$token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16));
Just use random_bytes() instead
And unrelated to security don't open and close your connection every time you need it
It's wasteful
sorry basically started with sql the day I wrote this
(2 days ago)
In that case you can still at least use PDO instead of mysqlli
@PeeHaa will keep in mind. Thought had to close stmt before new query.
@PeeHaa isn't that a big debate?
No there is no debate
Use mysqli if and only if you need specific mysql features
Or if you are one of those people who like cutting themselves
@JBis You would know it when you need it
@Feeds If anyone is curious about this, then GDPR only covers the relationships between clients and companies. Employees aren't covered, and their data is kept on for legal reasons typically
@PeeHaa Where would you suggest I go to learn PDO?
Asked this when we had GDPR training, if we could invoke the right to be forgotten after leaving a company.
@Sean what happens if you're the only one making commits? 😒 (joking)
I hear w3schools has a great tutorial on it
usually it's taxes related
@PeeHaa Is PDO syntax same?
I think we mostly tend to share this one wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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