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i noticed a little thing that happens when you echo html in php before your actual html for example
  <?php echo"<input type='hidden' value='myvalue' readonly></input>";?>
 before your actual <!DOCTYPE html><html></html>
it tends to move all the html in to the body tags <body></body> leaving the head tags <head></head> empty. how can i prevent this from happening?
posted on July 17, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@NikiC @bwoebi If we add contravariance that will basically kill any future attempt to add function/method overloading based on input types.
That's good or bad, depending on how you feel about that feature.
Also, I updated the RFC text for improved variance. I would appreciate any feedback you guys have there.
I'm interested in areas you'd specifically liked to be fleshed out and specified.
@Tiffany hi :)
2 hours later…
@LeviMorrison good :-P
@LeviMorrison please specify the autoloading behavior - and when exactly the check is performed
Currently we do not autoload types at all. Will we now? Will we check eagerly or lazily (i.e. only at first call-time)
Loading every single referenced type would have quite a performance impact for quick scripts which just execute a very small part of large libraries or frameworks
There are choices to be made, each option with their own advantages and disadvantages
So. Guys. Let me tell you that. And I am not the only one to think that. Many others think so, too.
Would and wouldn't just don't colude.
@Gordon that guy seems like a complete idiot
@mega6382 he seems to try to prove some point only he gets. or maybe some sort of ragequitting. that. or just drunk.
But I see no reason to engage with him. the post is unfit for the main page. dont give him any attention.
yeah, I've removed my comments
Told you he was evil.
A hardiness zone is a geographic area defined to encompass a certain range of climatic conditions relevant to plant growth and survival. The original and most widely-used system, developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a rough guide for landscaping and gardening, defines 13 zones by annual extreme minimum temperature. It has been adapted by and to other countries (such as Canada) in various forms. Unless otherwise specified, "hardiness zone" or simply "zone" usually refers to the USDA scale. For example, a plant may be described as "hardy to zone 10": this means that...
Though I am still puzzled whether@NikiC really tried to make a joke or serious. I mean, him making a joke would be uncommon. He's only ever about the serious stuff. He never jokes.
Any idea what does "PR" mean in this context?
> No offially support now, we suggest you give us PR directly.
"pull request", maybe?
ah yes thx
cheville Prosody. a word or expression whose only function is to fill a metrical gap in a verse or to balance a sentence.
time to get something done today :B
or this week...
@Gordon What about normalizing weights to the local gravity field strength?
@bwoebi sounds GREAT. Totally should be a FEATURE for PHP8.
On a sidenote, I suggest not to call it PHP8, but PHP GR8 so people will get it.
> Minnesota Public Golf Association
> Make PHP Great Again!!!
that's impossible
php is already great
@Wes fake news. php is overrun by bugs. and it has the highest number of unemployed functions
If my composer.json says "phpoffice/phpword": "^0.14.0", and I do an update, should I get 0.15.0?
Or are minor versions not considered compatible for version zero?
In which case, what's the right way to upgrade? Change the composer.json manually? Or do a remove then a require?
Hello All
Can someone please help me in my problem?
Q: Why the command prompt shows the file path of the configuration file php.ini at C:\WINDOWS when there doesn't exist any php.ini file?

user2839497I'm using Windows 10 Home Single Language 64-bit Operating System on my machine. I've installed the latest copy of XAMPP server on my machine which ships with PHP 7.2.7 I tried to execute the following command at command prompt : C:\>php --ini I got following output : Configuration File (ph...

> For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety in mind and treats ^0.3 as >=0.3.0 <0.4.0
@Gordon Yeah, I thought that was how it worked. Thanks.
I just manually changed composer.json.
@mega6382 "again"? when was it great before?
@PaulCrovella I hear PHP 4 was a hit, :P
mcdonalds burgers are a hit, that doesn't make them great
Default $_REQUEST is Misrepresented in Documentation – #76637
@PaulCrovella but it had register_globals. wasn't that great? we should go back to that
Any conferences folks have their eye on this year? Would love to have another meetup and sit around like a penguin again
@Sean I applied to php cascadia....would only be able to go to that if I was accepted. I think I am going to go to 2018.phpce.eu/en if they accept me or not.
oh god
I met a familiar face ^
Sorry for you
> People might initially be curious about having both array_slice and array_subslice, which will hopefully lead them to reading documentation...
3 messages moved to Trash
@Danack hmm.. never been to prague..
but I guess I'll wait to see a bit of the schedule
@FlorianMargaine the guy in the back with the pink striped shirt?
@Gordon great guy
@FlorianMargaine the BEST
@PeeHaa Could be worse, at least you are safely in another country
@FlorianMargaine @DaveRandom this is how i imagine it went: "i am the guy with the stackoverflow t-shirt" then shows up in a banana hammock and a stackoverflow t-shirt :B
@Danack no pls
@DaveRandom So, thin, you look like death. :P
@Sean I'm going to WeCamp.
@mega6382 I am the destroyer of worlds
ElwoodAlurn – #76638
@Wes yeah, but Hitler misspoke, you know
@DaveRandom Yay you got a t-shirt :)
@Jimbo I take that you mean that to mean he is actually wearing one and not just that he got one
I'm pretty sure he's worn t-shirts before though
we are talking @DaveRandom here so him wearing one in public is not a necessary given
@Wes I'm content when two nuclear powers are not up in arms.
@Gordon and we are not sure, if he is wearing any pants under there, it could very well only be a banana hammock :P
@MisterGeeky hi
> Swoole 2.0 or later supports the built-in coroutine, and you can use fully synchronized code to implement asynchronous programs. PHP code without any additional keywords, the underlying automatic coroutine-scheduling.
@Gordon the GR would have to stand for something for it to make sense
@Tiffany Golden Retriever
if people dont like that, we can still say we misspoke
General Relativity
@Jimbo that sounds very interesting, but it also seems alot like cron jobs or something
@Jimbo They did some amp demos a while back
@mega6382 Think async task scheduling instead of cron scheduling
@PeeHaa amp demos how?
Used some amp packages in their examples
Pretty sure they also support react
Linux question: I have three files that all start with "colorcoding" I'd like to copy them to another directory. Is there anyway to wildcard target those three files? maybe using grep and piping it into cp?
cp colorcoding*
wasn't sure if that would work
and hesitant to do something I'm not sure that it works in case I break something...
not my linux box
@PeeHaa thumbs up that worked, thanks
@Wes btw what is context of that quote?
@mega6382 trump said that there was no evidence that russia influenced us elections. that is what churchill would've said if he was as shit as trump
Guys, dont ever go to this site, thegreateststorynevertold.tv and never check the comments of this post on that site, thegreateststorynevertold.tv/…
or the content of that post for that matter
why would you link it? lol
@Wes hmm, makes more sense now.
then after a couple of days he changed his mind youtube.com/watch?v=008IVJyCbok @mega6382
with a really poor excuse lol
@Wes oh, so that's what @Gordon meant with:
7 hours ago, by Gordon
Would and wouldn't just don't colude.
now, I get it. lol
@Tiffany Yeah, I don't think I want to view it anymore. :P
@mega6382 yeah, sherlock. Also, spelling it 'colude' instead of 'collude' is on purpose cuz that's how it was written down on his speech sheet
@mega6382 I was curious what it said, but based on what you said, I didn't want to give it any of my viewing information or ad revenue even though I have an ad blocker

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