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@rdlowrey So frequency of use is involved in the decision? I'm not attacking/questioning anyone... I'm just very interested in the psychology behind it
yes weeeeekend! Finally I can stop coding and start coding
His answer almost instantly went up to 6.. why? Is it REALLY that good of an answer? Did people notice it was the same person asking and answering? Are people reinforcing his ingenuity?
Somehow. It's a bad answer.
@MikeB Actually I looked at that question, and wondered how such a long answer was posted to it in under a minute. I didn't even check the authors
@MikeB Oh, I dunno, I'm not the rep police ... just sharing my two cents. If everyone decides it should be downvoted I'll happily be a sheep and go with the flow :)
@rdlowrey nah nah nah, I don't want to get the pitchforks going. I didn't even downvote it
Something has to be blatantly bad or incorrect for me to downvote users less than ~500-ish rep.
please dont use offensive words like downvote in chat <.< snickers
@CarrieKendall How's the support ticket going for you?
@PeeHaa I love that feeling.
Jeff Atwood on July 01, 2011

The FAQ has contained one key bit of advice from the very beginning:

It’s also perfectly fine to ask and answer your own question, as long as you pretend you’re on Jeopardy! — phrase it in the form of a question.

So …

if you have a question that you already know the answer to

if you’d like to document it in public so others (including yourself) can find it later

it is OK to ask, and answer, your own question on a relevant Stack Exchange site.

To be crystal clear, it is not merely OK to ask and answer your own question, it is explicitly encouraged. …

@LeviMorrison oh, i haven't had a response in nearly 2 hours. after this
Really? Jeff? Maybe back then, but anymore?
@LeviMorrison That's my question. That's saying it's perfectly valid for me to publish every single one of my solutions in the form of a question and answer
Let's all start dropping questions and answers in there and find out how ok they are with it :)
@MikeB so long as they're not dupes :P
@salathe That's the beautiful part.. We can go down this list php.net/quickref.php and come up with UNIQUE questions for every one of them
And answer them ourselves.. and it would be perfectly valid
@MikeB lol nice
@MikeB Go for it.
@MikeB You should go for it.
@MikeB lmao
PHP Question Bombers, unite!
And when it's brought up on meta, just link Jeff
@LeviMorrison I already got suspended once :\
Then we can make everyone really conflicted by going and closing all of them so you have a reason to complain on meta. The mods will be torn between the undesirable behavior of the questioner and the undesirable behavior of the community in response.
they will side with who ever complains first if i remember correctly
// ldap_auth() == false means authenticated
if (ldap_auth($row['username'], $pass) == false) {
@CarrieKendall hehe
Thank you for writing that comment, whoever you were, but you were a jerk to make ldap_auth to return false on_success.
@LeviMorrison that's terrible
Legacy code is so full of WTF code.
It's acceptable design for an implementation class to have knowledge of (and return new) an instance of a null object in it's hierarchy, right?
I'm just happy it's documented.
Authentication by ldap sucks btw (or I'm doing it just wrong)
Either way something sucks
@Bracketworks I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "a null object in it's hierarchy"
@rdlowrey Given a node with parent reference. For transparency, all have getParent(), and protected $parent. If a given instances !($this->parent instanceof self) then I can instantiate and return a new NullNode() from the getParent() call.
It's a silly question, but I'm wondering if there's a common means to implement this pattern.
@Bracketworks Your solution in that case looks eminently logical to me.
I reckoned; I've just been lost in a haze of refactoring and abstraction these past 72 hours
Thanks ;) (note; meant private $parent in the base class, but didn't want to re-ping)
Thanks for the courtesy. For the record, I'm generally not bothered by re-pings. Unless people do it all the freaking time.
right, weekend
@rdlowrey ya that's annoying ;] Do you see what I did there?
@CarrieKendall Nice. I see what you did there. lol for escalation.
Geez, I must be more easily amused on Friday than other days.
@Leigh I just read that conversation and burst out laughing. +1
Oh, an overlooked entry in the "Bad Chat Advice" sweepstakes:
2 days ago, by designer
@user1428237 i wouldn't recommend books. But thats just me, i love reading about academic stuff but not development stuff. Try giving it a try yourself and read some basic tutorials online. Just try a lot of stuff. Find a webpage you like and try designing it the same way so you get around all those html tags.
Apparently, books are totally overrated for programmers.
Of all the programming material I've read the most impacting has been a book.
> Web Components are at set of technologies available (or soon to be available) in all modern web browsers. Using custom elements aka X-tags, templates, CSS decorators and the Shadow DOM they allow standard components (such as calendars, lightboxes and image galleries, modals, etc) to be defined and distributed as HTML markup - there is no W3C or WHATWG organisation to slow developers down, all these standards are defined by us.
Another query on null objects; seen mention that singleton is a viable pattern to manage instances as there isn't any state. In my case since instantiation is wrapped in the hierarchy, I can see potential value, however I'm highly skeptical. Thoughts?
It makes me sad that anybody would offer the advice "don't read books"
so now even the whatwg isnt good enough for them anymore. oh the irony.
@rdlowrey I need to finish that blog post
@rdlowrey a referral to tutsplus would have made that even better
Yeah, honestly books are probably the most underrated tool in the programmer's arsenal. The really good books can change everything about how you code for the better.
I have it started, just need to add more books to it
@ircmaxell will look forward to that one
@ircmaxell what books?
@rdlowrey that guy is just a brain-dead tard
WTF Facebook converts gif image to jpg during file upload.
@rdlowrey What? You mean reading Clean Code helped you out?
@LeviMorrison That was the one that really changed the way I code the most.
They took down the 'What StackOverflow is Not' question? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/128548/…
@Gordon Ones that I consider invaluable
@Somebodyisintrouble Probably because they don't want to be MySpace circa 2004
Is it normal across supporting languages that instanceof cannot be negated directly, and that the expression must be? (meaning, Y U NO !instanceof)
@Bracketworks Yeah, it's normal. You have to wrap it :/
@LeviMorrison C# follows suit with is
Can anyone help me with this plz?
Q: Replace includes_url() PHP function (to change wp-includes URL)

Aahan Krishincludes_url() is a function that retrieves the url to the includes directory in WordPress, the output of which by default looks like http://example.com/wp-includes/. The function's code from the core: function includes_url($path = '') { $url = site_url() . '/' . WPINC . '/'; if ( !emp...

anyone left like 4 minutes ago
how can I concatenate return value from function in echo?
@AahanKrish I don't know Wordpress but you can't 'replace' functions
@Ron What do you mean?
@MikeB Sorry, I meant filter function
I got the following function >
function tst()
return "tst";
echo "123" . tst();
@Ron That should print '123tst'
Yes, but It doesnt oO
but it does
@codinghorror Can you please treat this with a little more respect? Your blog used to be very good. But the FUD lately is quite sad...
it took all I could muster to not say Go F*#%$ Yourself Jeff...
okay, it does. my fault thank you and sorry :P
@Ron np - we all need sanity-checks from time to time
I just realized; does it seem odd that type-hinting a parameter, unless made optional by defaulting to null, won't accept null?
@Bracketworks No, by setting the default value to null you're implying that you can handle that parameter either being of the type you expect or not there at all.
@CharlesSprayberry Wait, maybe I'm brainfarting. In statically typed languages, isn't passing null not a compile time error? (probably a NPE though)
@nateabele Always like double claw "hammer" as accidentally apt metaphor. 1 Get nail puller 2 Misname it hammer 3 Complain it's a bad hammer
awesome! :D
@Bracketworks That I am not entirely sure about.
hi, everybod
I haven't dabbled in any non-PHP as of late...
All I know is function f(SomeClass $o){} f(null); throws fatal, and it doesn't seem it should. If f() goes $o->doSomething(), then yes, but..
is there any way to make ip2long function work the same as MySQL INET_ATON both on x64 and x32 machines??
@Bracketworks that's expected behavior. Your function declares that it wants an instance. Not an instance or null (f(SomeClass $o = null))
@ircmaxell Right, I'm just brainfarting on the comparison of that behaviour with other languages.
I think the other languages are wrong
(that doesn't seem to be the communal rant as of late ;) ...)
I have a serious problem here. please help... stackoverflow.com/questions/11265833/…
@bijibuji I'm not a doctor, but it seems you indeed have some problems there: phpmyadmin, mysql_* functions, lack of basic understanding of php
@bijibuji , that is not serious problem
please read abook about mysql
@bijibuji In cases like these you should always start with var_dump() it tells you what variables contain and is the start of basci debugging
hey guys :D
can ask a quick question?
Updated to ver 0.26.0 if anyone wants to critique the latest version Omen-Bootstrap: https://github.com/Event-Horizon/Omen-Bootstrap

I'm sure someone is going to complain about the notices. I'm not sure I like the text the way it is myself.
tnx PeeHaa. it says 'min' => null
somebody please help me :(
@bijibuji have you followed the first tip by aliasing it? SELECT MIN(stuff here) AS min ?
Actually, the issue is the query itself..
if B.product_id Is NULL then... how is this possible? B.product_id - 1
it will ALWAYS be null because of your where clause... It's only selecting WHERE b.product_id = NULL but because you have an ON A.product_id = B.product_id -1
that's what I mean...
I think he wanted to do B.product_ID IS NOT NULL
does anybody have any knowledge of soap?
Haha, on the same tweet @ircmaxell replied to, someone replied:
@codinghorror just stop worrying about us. thank you.
/me does this work?
so that doesn't work...
@Justin yes, and that step was done. I have another problem that cant show the contents or $row['min']
@mars the query works well in sql (phpMyAdmin) and I see the result there
when you run var_dump($row) are you still getting 'min => NULL
@bijibuji have you checked whether $select contains what you think it contains?
oh ok ;)
I personally think the WHERE clause is the issue.... changing it from IS NULL to IS NOT NULL should fix it... You can't logically subtract from nothing -- i'm surprised it doesn't error out in spectacular fashion..
@LeviMorrison I can't wait till I'm at home so I can see what it is that Jeff tweeted.
yeah but the weird thing is it works in phpmyadmin...
but it's still worth a try
phpmyadmin can't be trusted ;)
@justin Yes, I am still getting 'min' => NULL
Thats because of yourr where clause
change the WHERE to what's in my answer
and then check it
but in phpMyAmin it has correct value '1133...'
that's because phpMyadmin cant be trusted for testing your queries
i've written plenty that work fine in phpmyaddmin but not in implementation
change it to IS NOT NULL, and check it.. If it doesn't work then we can eliminate that as a problem and go from there...
changing it from IS NULL to IS NOT NULL did not work!
but it's a mathematical impossiblity to subtract 1 from nothing
okay then change it to: WHERE B.product_id != NULL
just to see what happens... same thing, different method...
@Justin lol
please , learn some SQL before giving "advice"
@tereško what? lol
Yeah 'cause I know nothing about SQL...
@Justin I believe WHERE B.product_id NOT NULL is the traditional way to say that same expression.
@LeviMorrison you're probably right -- I rarely use NOT or IS in queries...
so it probably errored out completely on the IS NOT thing
@Justin , you cannot compare to NULL , neither with = nor <>
@tereško Yea you need to COALESCE first, no?
maybe try doing where .... > 0
or rather >= 1
> 0 might work too...
no i'm an idiot
@Justin yeah
but I'm no SQL expert...
@Bracketworks , no , you need to use IS or IS NOT
COALESCE would be just a lame hack
let me look for a query that i've used this on...
Sorry, came in half way there.
it's all good
> Analogy: "I'm so sick of people speaking English. It's a clumsy language, a mutt of all others, and there are better alternatives that are more elegant and easier to use. I wish we all could write poetry in a better language."
> Who cares? People speak English as do people write PHP. It's pretty easy to create a great platform with it, and explaining its inner-workings is cocktail fodder. Performance is acceptable, PECL is great, the documentation is par, and the community is vast.
Well said.
WHERE s.setBy_id = u.id AND s.pitchedBy_id IS NOT NULL
is a query that I use it on, which works -- so I was right to begin with...
@Justin , s.setBy_id = u.id sshould be in the JOIN conditions
yeah it is -- but that's actually on a subselect... full query:
SELECT u.id AS `userid`, u.first_name, u.last_name, u.username, COUNT(s.id) AS `sets`,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SaleSet` s WHERE s.`setBy_id` = u.id AND s.`pitchedBy_id` IS NOT NULL AND s.`setStartedAt` BETWEEN :start2 AND :end2) AS `transfers`
FROM SaleSet s
LEFT JOIN `User` u ON s.`setBy_id` = u.`id`
WHERE s.`setStartedAt` BETWEEN :start AND :end
note that i didn't write the query... just fyi... but it's the only one in the entire project that compares to NULL
I think on the timeclock I wrote, i compare to > 0
postgresql > mysql
how do we usually call "secret keys"?
i hide them under my doormat
@David depending on the situation I tend to agree on the postgresql > mysql.. But try getting my boss to upgrade to it... I had to show him PDO and DQL but still get craptastic queries...
i mean md5(params . key) = varname?
So if parameter type covariance (narrowing parameter types in inherited methods) is a violation of LSP, would a need or preference of it (for the sake of brevity) equate with a fundamental design flaw?
should not be used.
for anything.
@David why not?
As a hashing mechanism, it's about as secure as a door made out of sandpaper.
See: LinkedIn
Might as well just echo $username . " : ".$password for all your stuff...
Please add a TM after secure and a pseudo in front
posted on June 29, 2012 by Nikita Popov

I’d like to point your attention to one particular comment on Jeff Atwood’s new “PHP sucks!” blog post, a comment by Adam Victor Nazareth Brandizzi: I am a Java programmer at work (could be no more corporate-y) and a Python developer in my projects (could be no more hipster) but I admire PHP and its ability of solving problems. It grows because, some times, some poor soul wants to create an

@hakre yes I know
I use my ultra-secure random noise listener
Which utilizes the sound of the wind blowing and rabbits whistling to generate truly random data
The same rabbits come around once every 363 days, and the wind patterns can be predicted by weather models
so is it truly random?!?!?
@David i don't need random string
this is a trick question isn't it?
@hookman what exactly do you want?
@David i have a script, it recieves get requests, if sha1(paramp . secretkey) = $_GET['key'] ....
@David how dow we usually call that checksum?
what is the key supposed to be
what type of checksum
missing something here. and sha1 isn't much better than md5
@David the sender also has $secretkey, this way only request sent from him will be valid
use sha512, ripemd160, whirlpool, etc
okay, so both the client and the server have the same secretkey?
but they should both generate it independently or...what?
oh good...here's someone using AJAX to get the user's password info to compare it with the entered value
that could never be abused to get everyone's password...
@hookman: what are you trying to do?
@ircmaxell i have some software which sends statistics to my php script
@Justin yes the problem is everyone defaults to "let's use MYSQL!!!111 ITZ DA BEST"
Can anyone explain me why mysql_num_rows() return 0 but using SELECT COUNT(*) returns the real number of rows? what's going on the the mysql_num_rows() function?
@ircmaxell i don't whant somebody else send it to my php script
@Justin but I've never found MyISAM useful for much of anything because there's no referential integrity
and InnoDB is slow
relatively speaking
@ircmaxell so i decided to md5(get_params . secret key) both on server and client
@ircmaxell i mean the client sends this hash as get parameter and the server checks it
hi @David :) Nice to see you here again
Thank you @NikiC
Apparently Flash crashes when I connect an external monitor
why does adobe suck so much
YAHOOO, i recalled it! token!)))))))))))))
@NikiC Nice job, you really nailed it with PHP solves problems. Oh, and you can program with it too!
@David yeah -- I agree... Problem is, most people learn MySQL then nothing else...
Just got a new PHP error I never saw so far: Fatal error: Cannot destroy active lambda function
@NikiC that is a really great post
I started programming at age 9 in C++ though...
not PHP
The problem is that theoretical computer science is actually about 80% useless in the real world
hence theoretical
@rdlowrey Thanks
@hakre That's interesting. How did you manage to do that?
@hakre you have to intentionally cause that error
@NikiC Don't ask, I'm creating a "short" version of this:
A: convert tab/space delimited lines into nested array

hakreYou have got a sorted tree list here already. Each next line is either a child of the previous line or a sibling. So you can process over the list, get the name of an item, gain the level an item is in by it's indentation and create an element out of it. 1 Line <=> 1 Element (level, name) ...

$function = function() use(&$function) { $function = null; }
And I try to push this into little lines of code.
While doing that, this happened.
@David That works?
No, that blows itself up
and gives the error he described
Cannot destroy active lambda function
At least I assume so
let me test...
I did it this way:
$function = function() use(&$function) {
    $function = function() {};
I'd say that this is a bug
@hookman I wouldn't do that
I say so too
Because objects ain't references.
How I would handle it is this:
The closure should add a ref to itself when it is called
That's potentially intended behavior
not that it makes sense
hold on
Client asks server for a nonce (random token). The server generates a random token, and stores it in memory (database), then sends it back to the client
i'm going to look it up
I want to swap the closure here my friend.
Why shouldn't it work?
Why is the active one desctroyed?
@David All behavior is potentially indended :D
@hakre It should work
the client then generates a derived key from the secret key and the nonce: $derived = hash_hmac('sha512', $nonce, $secret); then sends that back to the server along with the request
in my worldview
@hakre Report a bug pls
the server can verify it, and then removes the nonce from the database...
I might fix it then :P
gist: 1077618, 2011-07-12 08:34:07Z

$f = function() use (&$f) {
	$f = null;


// PHP Fatal error:  Cannot destroy active lambda function in /home/mike/test.php on line 4
lol -- I'm in my office with the door open... And theres a guy that works here, that is talking to other people on the call floor about him "co-owning" a bar...
@NikiC For stack integrety, I don't think you can reasonably do that
@ircmaxell Not sure what you mean
it's just a matter of inserting a Z_ADDREF_P and a zval_ptr_dtor at the right places :D
No, it's not. Because it's a reference
ahh, C macros.
and you don't want to break that reference...
I do not understand
from a logical standpoint
i don't think you're right
I don't want to break the reference, I want to make use of it. (aliasing in precise)
$f is just a variable holding the closure. The closure can still exist even if the variable doesn't anymore
or you're talking about doing it at the execution frame? Separating it there?
@NikiC you beat me to it
the function can still exist without the variable holding a reference to that function
thus the function can continue execution
This does work btw:
$f = NULL;
$a = function() use (&$f) {
	$f = null;
$f = $a;
this should work:
$a = function() { echo 'hello'; };
$b = function() use(&$b, $a) { echo 'blah'; $b = $a; };
@hakre bug report :)
@NikiC Somebody then will come, explain why it is correct and close the ticket. So why reporting?
@hakre You think we should fix it directly?
Just submit it ;)
@CarrieKendall you're doing support right? If SO gets banned in India, your wages will go up. True story :)
Okay I do a report, let's see what happens
good luck
@hakre What is $f after $f() ?
@Leigh $f is defined containing the value NULL.
@hakre why isn't that correct?
@Leigh it is
you missed the earlier part of this discussion
probably :x
Oh right, I get it. If $f is pre-defined it allows it.
Logically I think it should allow it, and I think the case where it throws a FATAL is incorrect..
does anybody what to do if the webservice replies with <soap:address location="uri"/> tags that contain a fictional URI?
@hakre disappointing a guy with 40k rep would write an answer that starts with "You could probably" :(
Well, it was worth for your comment ;) It was like hearing that buzzer noise meieieieeip and then "Bad Idea"
@hakre I meant him with 40k rep. :P I think I typed my comment as quickly as he typed his answer... what a rep-whoring douche
i'm offended! i'm a rep-whoring douchebag!
that's such a terrible way of checking the number of active sessions
My EYES B̸̵̷̟̜̥̫̟̭̜̼̬̱͈̱̭̺̥̍̐͐̇̈́͟͠Ȗ̵̬͔̠͚̭̣̜̟̭̱̰͆̌̿͆̅̓ͧͥR̶̷͉̝̙͔̣̤͔̯̲̳̘̯̅ͦ̽ͥ̿ͦͩͥ͝Nͭ̆̈ͦ̾̂‌​̢̏̑̐͒͏̗̺̬̞̩̦͎͕̪͙͙͍̱͍͘͢ͅ! — Truth 1 min ago
It looks better in the actual comment :P
@hakre I changed your report to verified so it hopefully won't end up as wontfix/bogus/notabug
@NikiC: I'd say it's something related to ref-counters. Before I assign the new value, the reference is unset. Garbage collection then probably want's to kick in.
@hakre Yes
As I said, all that needs to be done is add another reference when the closure is called and destroy it once it is finished
though that "all you need" might turn out to be very complicated or impossible ^^
I think lambdas should be able to polymorph
it just feels wrong if they can't... (yes tell me to go back to C or whatever...)
@NikiC Thank you, just saw you gardened it a bit.
@Truth: I like this one better: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COMEFROM
I couldn't figure out how I can have a look at that. Could you help me check that? — user951793 3 mins ago
When you compile PHP with the default config, WHY is it a 17mb binary? Yes I know there's lots of code there.. but wtf...
(after strip -s .. still like 5.5mb)
which is a solid 90 megs
i'm talking about PHP, you can't even compare it with .net... PHP is fucking functional and widely used
@Leigh Just don't compile it with the default config :D
I'm a fan of ./configure --disable-all ^^
@Leigh yes I know, and ASP .NET sucks
leigh@monkey:~$ php -i | grep configure
Configure Command => './configure' '--disable-all' '--enable-fpm' '--with-fpm- user=php' '--with-fpm-group=php' '--disable-short-tags' '--enable-libxml' '--wit h-openssl' '--with-pcre-regex' '--with-zlib' '--enable-dom' '--with-mhash' '--en able-mbstring' '--with-mcrypt' '--enable-sockets'
@NikiC I really have a fetish about it, I started coding with Amiga BASIC, and 3.5" floppys were how I distributed my warez in the playground, I really hate bloatware
I am realistic
There even is a law for this...
Parkinson's law is the adage first articulated by Cyril Northcote Parkinson as part of the first sentence of a humorous essay published in The Economist in 1955: It was later reprinted together with other essays in the book Parkinson's Law: The Pursuit of Progress (London, John Murray, 1958). He derived the dictum from his extensive experience in the British Civil Service. The current form of the law is not that which Parkinson refers to by that name in the article. Rather, he assigns to the term a mathematical equation describing the rate at which bureaucracies expand over time. Much...
Though there was also a better one
damn. i should have read the disclaimer on Jeff's twitter page earlier. would have saved me from being annoyed by him today
> Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Hofstadter's law is a self-referencing time-related adage, coined by Douglas Hofstadter and named after him. Hofstadter's Law was a part of Douglas Hofstadter's 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. The law is a statement regarding the difficulty of accurately estimating the time it will take to complete tasks of any substantial complexity. It is often cited amongst programmers, especially in discussions of techniques to improve productivity, such as The Mythical Man-Month or extreme programming. The recursive nature of the law is a reflection of the universal experienc...
@Gordon Not the "Indoor enthusiast." bit then ;)
trying to use a soap webservice where the wsdl contains URIs like these... intra-services:80/wsrise/services/service1 any idea how to make it work? anybody?
it's not on a local server
@mars I prefer soap in bar form
@Gordon That is true
I never liked atwoods writings ;)
At least there is lot of bs in them
And a few good in between ^^
@NikiC i also find myself disagreeing with him on a lot of issues on meta as well.
@Leigh you're funny... but i've been trying to get this work for a week now...
build it with websockets they said, it will be fun they said
use our webservice they said.... it will be fun they said....

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