@Tiffany Whatever. Talked to an ex coworker that said he did the same thing to him. Have proof, but wont pursue litigation. I have enough to get to the next job hopefully.
tl;dr: We've put together a code of conduct (CoC) that is a bit more comprehensive than our existing be nice policy because we feel that our current policy isn't meeting our needs.
Some background, our reasons for doing this and a link to the draft can be found below. We'd like your feedb...
@Allenph do anything, idbg still wants developers, but working on php is also a great idea ... insulting pull requests will be ignored ...
bookmarked for proper reading @Gordon ...
I actually was thinking about bringing up the topic again, but when I tried to expand our existing rules into a CoC, I could see objectionable things, but without them it's pretty meaningless ...
enforcing the rules on the mailing list is one thing, but it's not exactly useful if we don't extend those rules to those people "representing php" in the community, like on reddit (with php tag on their name), or at a conference (when attending explicitly as internals rep.)
and then it feels legitimately objectionable, not because anyone may intend to misbehave, but because it's kinda invasive
also we have no sway in those external communities, we could request that reddit mods remove a php tag from someones name for example, but they wouldn't have to comply, and it wouldn't really matter if they did if that user was still able to misbehave in exactly the same way, with exactly the same name ...
so, I don't really know what to do about that ...
I guess it depends what you want from a CoC, you could want as little as an enforceable set of rules for the mailing list, but I think I need more than that from it ... it's not worth the conversation for just mailing list rules (shit storm most likely) ... we want to be able to say "here is what is expected of you when representing php", and "here is what will happen if you fail" .... only I can't expand on either of those things without being objectionable and or running into road blocks ...
@Sjon refreshed your issue and saw the additional traces. So on the server side, the second sendto isn't read until after a while. Does your Go/alternate PHP client do it as 2x send, or 1x send with both payloads in the same packet?
As soon as it gets the (i assume) terminator for the command, it processes instantly and sends a response - it looks like the delay is on the server side, but if other clients don't suffer it my gut says it must be something to do with how the payloads are delivered
Anyone who likes speccing hardware wanna build me a laptop? I have two requirements: 32GB RAM and the ability to run at least 2, preferably 3 external monitors.
possibly, a bunch of websites keep giving me acronyms as if they should mean something to me
@tereško that would probably be my preference, in which case I would just need to buy some ram, but apparently I should have a horrifyingly expensive laptop
and it's not my money being spent so I'm not going to argue
> you'll have to run ~5 VMs, so having RAM is important, the rest doesn't matter as much by @FlorianMargaine, 35 minutes ago in a chat that you can't see
Hello, I need to use LIMIT (or something like that) on my JOIN so that it operates on "each of the joins" and not on all of the result records. How do I do it? (I have some categories and some posts and I want to show only the first post of each category.)
I would like to assume it's as simple as plugging stuff in and as long as the GPU supports enough heads it will "just work", but I realise that's wildly optimistic
@Sjon So the difference is, PHP is using get and Go is using getk, PHP is saying key and body length are both 13 (odd), and Go is saying 16 - Go is using the opaque field to match responses to requests
@Andrea "should i remind people the operator functions RFC exists" - probably would be a good idea. I think stuff like the current operator RFC needs to be part of a 'bigger picture' RFC rather than just a singular use-case.
@BalasureshAsaithambi you are doing some extra encoding that you shouldn't. https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQEapNsx7I7aZQ/profile-displayphoto-shrink_100_100/0?e=1536192000&v=beta&t=f4-wUSl5qIDSo_lsSGz7veg7vSJrx9uFaaV-sSIvl9o works as you would expect. (note the &v= instead of &v=)
Hey guys, I'll be on vacation in the US 'till August 1st, if you're in the New York or Los Angeles~San Francisco area and want to meet up for a beer or something, hit me up!
lol, I mean, people usually prefer, some Asian or European countries over US. And even when they think of going to US it is mostly, Hawaii or maybe LA.
@BalasureshAsaithambi hmm.. so, when you add the src to the image, you are writing there <img src="https://media.li....?e=1536192000&v=beta... so you are encoding your & into &. If you manage to avoid that, the image should display fine
@StatikStasis But I have been to some other countries, kind of countries that are preferred for vacation, like, Nepal, Sri Lanka and some other countries for other purposes like India and England.
Actually, I had never looked at these stats and US just didn't seem like a place for tourism as compared to places, which's primary income is from tourism. So, I was just presuming.
@PeeHaa Yeah... our beaches are crowded - which is why I usually go during September if I go. Also why I prefer Dominican Republic in January even more... but that... that does not look fun. I wonder if anyone there suffers from Claustrophobia or if they pretty much deal with that fear very early in life.
@StatikStasis Yeah, but that doesn't seem like an everyday scene, but more like from the time when there were less trains in India and the trains the main way of transport, and people were rapidly migrating. But, I don't know much about India, anyway.
omg... professional pushers. Those kid's in school that got in trouble for pushing other kids were just practicing and refining their ability for the good of the future commuters.
I want to check if a variable is an integer or a string consisting of an integer Since `ctype_digit($value)` returns false if $value is an integer, can I just do `ctype_digit((string)$value)`
@bwoebi If we don't want to target 7.3, then I think it makes more sense to wait longer (and have a longer vote), to avoid creating the impression of things being rushed in.
They are- but they were before my time. I'm not a movie connoisseur so I guess I don't feel obligated to like them. They are ok- just not something I'm in love with.
Oh nice- I worked today but got to leave early. Working the rest of the week. I have a staff of about 24 under me- I usually work the holidays so that more of them can be off.
I also loved Gladiator even though it was fraught with inaccuracy. I just remember watching it with my now wife and eating Ramen Noodles.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The aliens were capable of interstellar travel- how could we create a virus to affect their system? It was another language by an alien race- who knows how their computers would even work hardware or software wise.
It's funny- when Armageddon came out I loved it- I was a kid. I'm afraid to watch it now because of so many issues I now have with the movie. I don't want to damage my memories.
Jeff Goldblum put a hack together on his laptop after seeing only the images on the ship they had from the aliens. He just learned it that day from a few alien symbols along with all the nuances of their alien operating systems.