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Also fwiw and depending on what you are doing you probably want to use xpath instead of traversing the dom manually
@PeeHaa Ok so node!== element, but then why not create another method called hasChildElements()
@FlorianMargaine ew?
xpath is great and does all the things
Unless you use php's ancient version of xpath
In which case it's somewhat ok and does some things
Yeah, I really like xpath, its like jquery for php :P
kick-mute this user
idk traversing a document always sounds like the wrong design from the get go. And xpath, despite being a "good" solution for this specific problem, is always freaking ugly.
Oh shit! Sorry @FélixGagnon-Grenier for missing canada day yesterday!
@mega6382 it's not that good.
@PeeHaa it's almost fireworks day here
when we told the Brits to "get off our lawn"
!!welcome ten5
Welcome @ten5, please read the Chat Guidelines
summer time!!!
no $$$ here though :)
I was thinking that good money could be useful now
but I am getting the pieces of the php puzzle together, I think
in the end, all is in the database, so this is a central point, and we pull it where we need it and so on, but I wont be continuing this...
script like this - pull vids from youtube and make a tube site with categories added from the admin; I can create that and expand, add tags and so on, so I will learn
I can figure it all out, I just need to put in the work
I realized I actually know the syntax too, and in the end this is all that is needed for this; just play with that and you will figure it out
OOP I am not sure, leave it for later?
Quick question - does all code in a TRY block execute or does it exit as soon as a exception is caught?
it exits as soon as a exception is received
@NickS. Execution stops at the point the exception is raised
PSA: whenever I see that name and a wall of text I just kick and move on
@Allenph "It's complicated" :-P but what I was talking about there was specifically JSON schema
@Leigh Thank you for the quick reply
@DaveRandom Isn't the schema of a format basically the format itself?
@Allenph JSON schema is like XSD
@NickS. Technically code inside a finally block is an exception I guess, if you have nested try/catch blocks, the finally blocks will still execute
it's a JSON structure that lets you define the structure of other JSON documents
and it's about as terrible as that description makes it sound
it's the kind of thing that's designed as a time-saving tool but in practice makes a lot of stuff take 10x longer
I'm sure eventually there will be a "next generation" thing which no-one will adopt, like relaxng, only they won't able to call it relaxjs because there will be 9000 javascript frameworks called that by then (assuming there isn't already)
quelle fucking suprise
REST means Relax
Hello guys, do you develop PHP on windows, linux mint, or mac?
I wonder if anyone can find a <noun>-js or <verb>-js that doesn't exist yet, that seems like a fun game
@DanielL.VanDenBosch All of the above
I'm going to go with wankerjs
Well... not mint, but other distros
@PeeHaa lol yeah, you better be sorry :)
@DaveRandom Ever played the Hitler game on Wikipedia?
@Allenph do tell
yeh that's the sort of joke that can go really wrong on the internet
@DaveRandom You find the most random Wiki you can think of, then you and another person see how few clicks you can get to Hitler with.
It's almost always less than 5.
So "6 degrees of Kevin Bacon Hitler"
Four clicks from South Acomita Village, New Mexico.
is data srored in session()->flash('key', 'message'); deleted automatically? In Laravel
@hello Yes that is generally the idea of flash messages
@PeeHaa Okay. Thanks.
If you want to be extra certain if will be deleted, use MongoDB as a back end for session storage, that way it might not even be stored in the first place
or you could do file_put_contents('/dev/null', json_encode(['key' => 'message']));
@DaveRandom Awesome. :)
@DaveRandom what makes you think no one adopted relaxng?
@Allenph would you play Secret Hitler?
@Tiffany My work actually gave me that for Christmas a couple years ago, so yes.
I've only got to play it once, and it was with a group of people who were mostly far-left, so it wasn't as fun. Like blindly follow everything the left says, far-left.
Why does that make it less fun? There's not really a political component to that game?
@Allenph being assigned a party/role is random, one dude almost refused to play anything but liberal
Uhhh...what? It's a game. You must have been playing with douche bags.
yarp, which is why I haven't hung out with them in a while :P
So were you asking me if I was a jerk when you asked if if I would play Secret Hitler?
@Allenph no
just wondered if you'd play it with your feelings surrounding government, even though it involves government only at face value
Nah. I don't care about stuff like that. I don't know how anyone could live and be that way.
flat earthers
I would like for php.exe on Windows to display the warnings in formatted html on windwos
obviously the terminal won't display that but anyone have any ideas?
I'm just doing php index.php right now.
@NikiC I just typed this and realised there might be more cases like these than we think..
Anyone here to look at it and if possible, kindly suggest - stackoverflow.com/questions/51141218/…
@rtheunissen hm, maybe
@rtheunissen The good news is that the change landed, so it's Dmitry's problem now :P
Haha yeah I'm not complaining at all - such a relief it's in.
Thanks again for your help on that.
@william .. there is an example of doing this on the set_error_handler docs
Anyone know how PHP compares strings under the hood with ==? Does it do a binary comparison?
!!lxr ==
@Tiffany Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
blah, figures, C uses ==, not easy to search for
@Kevin well, if you feel up to digging through lxr.room11.org/xref/php-src%40master/ext/standard/php_string.h or lxr.room11.org/xref/php-src%40master/ext/standard/string.c, have at it. I'm not sure if it's in there though, probably somewhere else, but I couldn't find anything close enough, and I'm not digging through 44 pages.
@Orangepill unfortunately it seem to ignoring this settings for warnings if you run it on the command line
I mean it at least ignores it for warnings
ext/zip link issues – #76564
@DaveRandom is that for == or ===?
@Tiffany The first
Otherwise it will be identical I gues
So I'm the primary recipient for the webmaster inbox, last week I received what I can only assume is a phishing email, attempting to lure me into responding. There seems to be a very large BCC list, because I've received a dozen or so emails since last Friday because people keep pressing "reply all." It's gone so far as someone saying "this is how I met my wife!" ... I almost want to junk the email chain, but it's entertaining.
@Kevin it uses zendi_smart_strcmp
!!lxr zendi_smart_strcmp
[ /Zend/zend_operators.c#2878 ] ZEND_API int ZEND_FASTCALL zendi_smart_strcmp(zend_string *s1, zend_string *s2) /* {{{ */
So yes a binary comparison.
Very slow DB queries – #76565
curl fails to connect to the right host – #76566
well, it was a good game
Hey @mega6382
@tereško I never did play the first one shame
Some of my friends did though.
They said it was good.
it is
Part 2 is?
@StatikStasis then get the first one and play "Enemy Within" expansion
I will check it out.
@StatikStasis first one, haven't played the second yet.
I always got attached to my characters... losing them was tough
@Wes posts like that reassure me
I will still be well employed in 10 years
of 251 persons that liked that tweet, only 25 decided to share their names...
it's all bots
@tereško That's funny because I can't find a place that isn't doing this.
I don't understand why $_FILES is sorted so oddly
I would think that with multiple files it would group arrays by files, each one having their own name, type, etc..
Is using Apache's RewriteBase in an .htacces an effective way to protect files in a directory that is set as the web root?
It's kinda easy to screw something up and make files public by accident
Just always put them outside the docroot
Yeah I normally wouldn't think about it but I'm on someone's shared hosting
@Alesana "shared hosting" , nowadays a reasonable dedicated hosting costs just as much as a somewhat good shared hosting, i wonder why people opt for shared hosting, makes no sense.
I don't know, I tried to convince them to switch to a VPS and nope
Ask them to give AWS free tier a try, maybe "free" can change their mind.
It's not even about the money, they just want to do the least possible for their clients
It's free to change the MySQL root password to not be "admin", but the client wouldn't even know so I wasn't given the green light
Heading home- see you guys in a bit.
@Alesana I bet even the outsourcing companies in India are better than that.
Oh my god seriously they outsource to this guy from India and I'm like "Oh finally this is code I can deal with"
then they start saying the most racist shit like "Oh these Indian people know how to make a bomb but not a website" when 1) that makes no sense to begin with and 2) the guy from India writes better code than any other person in the company. They're just being dicks to be dicks
Needless to say, I am back on the job market lol
So, apparently yes they are better than that :P
@NikiC github.com/bwoebi/php-src/pull/1/commits/… here it is - the diff is quite a bit bigger than I expected, took me a day more to fix everything :-)
Actually, there's no test for actual intersections yet, feel free to add, I'm off to bed now
@Alesana Well, I wish you luck, and hope you find a good company, which encourages learning and quality work. :)
@mega6382 Thanks! I'm hoping as well. I just know not to work for a web agency now
@Alesana D:
@Tiffany I'm so glad you never looked further into that job haha
For loop does not through error when Left bracket does not follow right paren – #76568
I've worked with an Indian vendor, and while their code was spaghetti and/or a clusterfuck, I'd never say anything like that
that's just horrible
It's extremely horrible :/
And the part that makes it worse is that in comparison, my team's code is so.. much.. worse..
lol yeah
epitome of contradiction
just remember to keep track of what you were paid so you can pay taxes on it, and save money if you haven't already
maybe set a reminder for yourself for February
hi,everybody i write this, dont is a question of php or other language is more personal.. I lost my motivation...I lost the focus....sometimes I question myself is this my true career..please some one suggest...or little motivation..thanks..!!!
@Tegito123 I think almost every programmer goes through that at least once in their career
hell, most people go through that once through their career, it's not limited to programming
Iif you can, remind yourself what it is about programming that you enjoy, if there's anything. If there isn't, then what would you rather be doing instead?
Yup definitely keeping track of everythinng and saving
maybe is that i need free my ram..
i work soo much years as devep... on differents languages...but now is otherwise do not want to continue
@Tegito123 take a vacation
maybe i need a vacations and beer.... :)
You don't even have to go anywhere if you're not financially able to, just take a week off from work and laze about at home, or work on something you've wanted to
Description of “!” And “|” of DateTime::createFromFormat – #76569
I'll be taking three days off this week from work, and I'm soooo looking forward to it.
I think it's true I need a break
Play a whole lot of Grim Dawn, watch some Battlestar Galactica, clean my apartment, cuddle my kitties, and maybe work on my VPS
thanks @Tiffany thanks soo much..!!
no problem :)
we all need breaks from time to time, otherwise we will burn out
Yes, please tell my work that :P
you said they were pretty laid back though?
posted on July 02, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

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