@DaveRandom Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in C:\wamp64\www\SerialMaster\vendor\daverandom\serial\src\Device.php on line 50
but when I'm getting connection using terminal, I received data in just a sec
This article has some good points about Microsoft's culture change over the past decade and offers lots of hope that everything at GitHub will continue on as it has been. google.com/amp/s/thenextweb.com/dd/2018/06/04/…
Componere is a PHP 7 extension, available on pecl and documented in the PHP manual ...
The code below changes the definition in the class entry table:
/* just making the example standalone */
class Model {}
class Car extends Model {
public function something() {}
@JoeWatkins they didn't embrace oss for along time, yes, I was talking about recent times, They seem to have been turning towards oss, maybe as a marketing policy or something. Anyway, I don't like microsoft much.
rallied against, spent money trying to destroy, called linux "a cancer" ... you have a very romantic view of possibly the biggest, nastiest corporation in the world ...
I've never met an evil programmer, I know people who work at microsoft, intel engineers ... they are not evil ... you just can't say the same about the corporation they work for, they have done actually evil things, and it's difficult, approaching impossible to erase that ...
#PHP is ugly? Yes, just like any other naturally evolved language in the world. Take English for example. A local Germanic dialect at first, it was influenced by Norse,Latin,French and become quite a mess. You could spell fish as ghoti, but who cares? Half the World is speakin'it
@2dsharp I believe you are taking it in the wrong sense, Microsoft is a corporation just like any other corporation, looking out for its interest and long-term prospects. Surely, they might have done and will do some things that aren't justified and can be considered "evil" as well, it is still not unlike most other corporations.
And you should not condemn the employees of Microsoft in this too, as they are only looking out for themselves and their own long-term prospects and don't really give a shit about the organization and its actions as a whole.
Anyone using CodeIgniter? I'm having trouble with AJAX data. When I var dump it, I received the data but when I'm trying to echo it, I don't receive any data at all.
having a problem in sockets. getting an error "Connection reset by peer php socket" https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50659538/connection-reset-by-peer-php-socket/50661993?noredirect=1#comment88350547_50661993
@ThW right, obvious now you say it, maintaining a lookup table keyed by tag name would be relatively cheap in terms of mem usage and added complexity to tree manipulation ops, and would massively reduce the complexity of most xpath resolutions
@DaveRandom Nothing, there's no collisions right now. I just don't like having it publicly usable & perhaps doing something unexpected in future if someone drops it in a form key
I need to fetch the response from the URL but for that I need to send another request first so I am not able to find it out which request is going first and what parameters has to be sent
@DaveRandom Would it just be fine to not need to rewrite the url as a query string and take it from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] instead? Is that what you're saying?
@Sean generally what I do is I have my web server config structured so that if the requested URI does not exist under docroot, the request is routed to launcher.php (which is outside doc root) and all the routing logic is done in PHP
I need to fetch the response from the URL but for that I need to send another request first so I am not able to find it out which request is going first and what parameters has to be sent
@Sean so in that case you don't need to do any rewriting at all, you should be able to put all that logic into your router, probably in a much more readable and much more efficient form
@bwoebi another question to which the answer is almost certainly no: is there any way to determine (in userland, at run time) whether the previous stack frame is is strict_types mode? Use case is being able to cast/throw appropriately when string[] arg contains a non-string element
@DaveRandom not really what you want but, I did add it to Reflection so at least there would be a way to tell from userland. Never pushed for it though, still have to make a PR out of it
@DaveRandom Reflection does not contain any information about strict types, so only choice would be parsing the file the previous stack frame is contained in
I need to fetch the response from the URL but for that I need to send another request first so I am not able to find it out which request is going first and what parameters has to be sent
@bwoebi wouldn't it be better to match the declaration and have ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getStrictTypes and return 1, just in case we ever have declare(strict_types=2); @pmmaga
there is a clearly defined conversion path from null to the empty string, it's not clear how you would create an instance of an arbitrary class from "no value" though
A specific page documenting type nullability semantics is probably in order, it's a sufficiently complex topic that is not intuitive to people coming from other languages, especially OO-first strongly typed languages
ftr @jjok (once you understand the rules) I do actually think PHP does this better than other languages, in that implicitly nullable reference types mean that your code is littered with if (foo == null) tests, whereas in PHP you can be 100% certain that a value will always contain something unless the signature explicitly allows a value to be null
The lack of a functioning [NotNull] in C# is one of my biggest annoyance with it
We're seeing 10x the normal daily amount of repositories #movingtogitlab https://www.dropbox.com/s/uzg9vc5oljr8lin/Screenshot%202018-06-03%2015.52.52.png?dl=0 We're scaling our fleet to try to stay up. Follow the progress on https://monitor.gitlab.net/dashboard/db/github-importer?orgId=1 and @movingtogitlab
With 124 thousand employees, at 21€ per Month for the largest Github plan, Microsoft buying Github is the equivalent of pre-paying ~6,5 years of licenses in advance. ;-)
@Wes at lunch I will look at how practical it would be to create a sort of pluggable proxy layer between phd that will invoke custom code by passing reflection-like data structures into it
@jjok it only seems weird because you are used to languages that consider null to be a valid value for any reference type. Conversely, having started in PHP, it took me a long time to get used to the idea that I need to check for null all the time
OK well good luck with that, it may be "simpler" but sheer quantity makes it impractical IMO, and also having a single canonical reference source seems like too big a benefit to ignore
@Aurelius What he means and what the difference is that if you write it like ^[^.\s]+\.[^.\s]+$, it will be ok. But if you remove the `` from before the . in the middle, it will start matching any character.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan.
@Wes Anyway, I want to ask you something, as I have often seen that you are quite good with frontend. I was thinking if you could tell me where I could find some free html templates for like a corporate looking website. I have tried colorlib and haven't found anything interesting.
hmm, ok, thanks. Its just that I want to throw something together quickly without having to do much configuration or whatever, for my personal site, that I am trying to build.
@Exception I highly doubt there is anyone in this room who has not made a similar mistake at some point. It is one of those lessons that is only really truly learned by experience.
@jjok mixed feelings about that. Might make sense in a component that is specifically designed to be an entity data mapper, although I wouldn't write it in the ctor like that.
I personally think, you must start doing it because this will give many developers many ways to think differently while writing code and optimize it (if necessary)..
@Exception Most of what these guys say can already be found on one blog or another. The ideas that are suggested here aren't some unorthodox practices, but are quite mainstream nowadays. So, you can pretty much find some decent articles on these issues, if you were to google a little.