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03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@all I need a favour can anybody help me in this actually I want to build up my logical skill in php programming like in string & array related logics .
@AkshayParate Please don't tag all. Just start coding. It's the best way to learn.
thanks for your response
Pick a simple project like a blog or something and just code and Google until you've learned what you wanted to learn or you finish it, then pick another project.
@PeeHaa Can't be worse than Mantis.
actually i have task like if we have a long string contain double character or triple as so. we need to eliminate double character . for that i spent whole day but all in vain. so i thought to just build up my logical skills and then i asked that question
Just code. It'll sharpen your problem solving if that's what you mean by "building up logical skills."
Also I don't understand the description of the problem you're trying to solve. Give me what you have and what you want.
ok i take it your words as "start coding" . es that was the task .. according to task =>
if $string = 'aacdeefghss'; and we want to eliminate aa & ss from the string how can i do that
I'd hasard the person who give you the assignment had regular expressions in mind
or, loops
@AkshayParate you might be interested in googling about "looping over a string in php"
as for the logical aspect of this, there is a way, when looking at one of the characters in this string, to know if that specific character is being repeated
here, you would need to define, in plain words, how and what does "double character" means, in essence, and translate that in computer terms
@AkshayParate Why not ee since it's also a double character?
@AkshayParate Depending on what the requirements are you may want to look into regex
@PeeHaa I'd say using a loop and looking at precedent index is probably an easiest win in the situation
Why Felix? That's a one liner.
Because Akshay here most definitely is just starting out, and the good old "I've a problem, so I decided to use regex. Now I have two problems" is correctly accurate from time to time :)
it never told to me why would he want that specific problem may be he want to implement that logic in project .. and thanks for your answers
Meh. A lot of people never learn regex and wish they did. I'm one of them.
Q: Remove repeating character

Imran Omar BukhshHow would I remove repeating characters e.g. letter k in cakkkke for it to be cake using regex?

oh well... and here I was, trying to get them to find a solution ;)
Knowing how to Google is the best solution.
@Allenph thanks a lot for your time
thats work and its shows how bad i am in googling
This is not one of those questions, but there are some questions that can be difficult to find an answer to depending on the knowing the right keywords. Sometimes the keywords about the problem match so many other questions and you end up getting tons of answers about the same thing which ends up being the wrong thing.
yes you are right @StatikStasis
I had one Friday that took me a while to find out. It seems trivial now but it took me a bit to figure out if I disable the submit button using JS (onSubmit) that it would submit the form but would not pass the name of the submit button in the form. All other fields were passed. This is a problem when you have two submit buttons on the same form.
...and need the name of the submit button for it to know which segment of code to run based on the submit button name.
I used print_r(get_defined_vars() to see it wasn't passing the submit button name. But googling for it took me a bit.
this case i can relates to submit and reset buttons where we can differentiate by their name attributes
@AkshayParate You know you can search Stack Overflow through Google by typing something like this, right? Example: "How to do some question blah blah blah site:stackoverflow.com"
@AkshayParate Yeah I am going to have to prevent multiple submissions using some jquery without disabling the button. Or there is an approach that is purely PHP by using a token and matching them.
SO SEO is too high even if don't type stackoverflow.com it provide the 1st link and then you trying out to find the solution and you will find other solution that is not realted to what you are looking for
thats is what i always getting
What are you googling for exactly?
Try this google.com/…
@Allenph @StatikStasis yes i got hte solution but the link you provided i.e related to particular character lets imagine if you have other couples of character you need to rectify than.. i find solution in @allenph link
Good! Glad you found a solution.
@mega6382 Yo!
@mega6382 Up late aren't you?
its just 11 pm, i usually sleep at 3 am :)
What time you have to be at work?
1 pm
Oh- that's nice then.
I have to be in at 7am.
Well 730ish. I just usually get here a little earlier.
Thats' very early, 9 - 10 am seems like a decent time. But 7 is too early.
For many industries in the US, 7am isn't that early.
Depends on the field.
I work, so I would have comfort in life. Getting to office at 7 am is not comfortable. :)
How much vacation/holiday time is standard for employees where you're at?
15 days
40hr work week?
Also, if you don't take the leave days, you can cash them in at the end of the year. But you can't transfer them to the next year.
About about you? What are the standards where you work?
Ours does transfer but only for one extra year. We have buyback programs but HR facilitates them at random. It's not at a set time each year.
Huh.. that's quite restrictive. At my place we have some 24 vacation days, we can be at the office at least at 10:30 and leave days can be taken up till end of March (I think) next year.
I've been with my company for over 12 years now. I get 20 vacation days, a week sick time, personal days, and a couple of floating holidays.
On the other hand... I resigned last month, this month is my last there.
Actually, my last in Berlin too. That sucks a bit.
I have close to 30 days right now to spend. Waiting for a buyout.
But I have very good healthcare, so, these other things don't matter that much in comparison.
I have a decent healthcare plan. It's expensive.
I wouldn't put too much weight on healthcare.
I mean, with a decent enough salary, it's worth paying for the occasional once-or-twice-in-a-year accident personally, compared to hundreds every a month.
I'm thankful I don't have any health issues. However, it becomes more important as you get older. Well... actually you never know when an accident is going to happen so it's best to have coverage.
@mega6382 I theoretically get 10, but realistically I get like 20.
Medical bills are the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in the US... or was a few short years ago. Probably still is.
@Allenph hows that?
Because they're pretty lax.
And they give us like two weeks for Christmas.
@StatikStasis The US is a failed system. Bills or health insurance, you're fked either way.
Didn't used to be that way. I don't believe in centralized healthcare, but you definitely can't try and do both.
@Allenph thats quite cool.
Drives people to go to the hospital when they don't need to. Take it from someone who used to work in the ER. 90% of the people that come in there are dehydrated.
And the rest of them are just fat.
@Allenph Well it works. If you need life saving treatment, you will always get it.
I have an aunt who died in Canada because she couldn't get it when she needed it, so...no. It doesn't.
And sure, you pay extra buck in case you want better treatment or something in case of disability.
@Allenph Here in Germany, I just hop to a clinic, (without an appointment), present my health card and get checked for flu or so in less than an hour.
And I'm sure your tax rate reflects it. We shouldn't get political in here, open another chat if you want to talk about politics.
@Christian Now thats the benefits of universal healthcare.
@Allenph Its not political, its just general facts.
@Allenph It's almost the same thing in my home country, with NI....and the tax rate is way, way lower (however healthcare only applies to state-owned general hospitals).
worth reading if you think socialized medicine is dumb: npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/04/20/524774195/…
@Allenph Exactly! My friend is an EMT. He picks up the same people each week most of the time.
Poor triage and poor knowledge of what constitutes a medical emergency is not a good excuse though.
@shadowhand Meh. I don't think that's the reason that happens here, and no ones worse off than the poor when you socialize anything.
Milton Friedman has some bomb videos on this subject. Don't agree with him completely, but.
and while on the subject, having a system that pushes patients to buying antibiotics for no reason is also not a good excuse to not have public health insurance.
there's concrete proof that single payer systems work far better than multi payer... just look at the profits of insurance companies, the health outcomes of the US, and per capita cost of health care and tell me that the US system is working well.
I don't think it's working well.
Like I said, the worse thing you can do is mix both types of system.
the only way that multi-payer works properly is when the gov't sets caps on procedure cost, which was done in Malaysia (IIRC) and was hugely successful.
@Allenph well that i agree with
As with most things here, it's that strategy of mixing government subsidies with private companies that makes things the worst.
Here it's almost comical at which lengths doctors have to go to avoid conflicts of interest.
I don't believe in shifting the subsidies higher, I want to get rid of them all together.
Just listened to a very weird song by Donald Glover "This is America"
Anyway, back to PHP/C. This memory leak won't patch itself up. :D
"you tried to trigger a build but the request was rejected"
@JoeWatkins Some sort of German CI SaaS?
from travis ...
It IS German. :D
apt-get install failed
nothing wrong with configuration, it has worked a bunch of times ...
I was able to download the gz file... odd.
hmm, forked the repo and ran the build - same failure: travis-ci.org/uuf6429/uref/builds/376042203
something about a bad mirror, can't fix it on travis ...
@JoeWatkins have you considered installing llvm in a different way? eg; github.com/travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-com/issues/975
@JayIsTooCommon SE says they've replied and that it still awaits followup from you.
good morning
@JoeWatkins teamviewer or such would be fine, but not interested in giving out direct access to my personal machines
@MadaraUchiha eh, I last sent two emails to [email protected] no response. Strange, is there another email?
@JayIsTooCommon That one should do it
Do you have an SO email? I’ll cc
Mail in history ^
@MadaraUchiha what are you 2 talking about?
@MadaraUchiha done, thanks again for your help
@JayIsTooCommon 👍 checking
is it worth notifying a business that their website's been compromised, and that a phishing page is being served from within their site?
depends on how much you care
global.sitesafety.trendmicro.com/result.php reports durofusic.biz.hr as safe, but [a url that I'm removing because it is a phishing page] is not
ah... can't really do anything about it, I went to the safe page and it's just a generic wordpress site with no content, not even any contact details if I wanted to notify someone
Find the web shell and fix it for them.
not sure how...yet...
it's a little funny how much generic spam our webmaster account receives, like the Nigerian prince type scams
You should post the best one.
ahh, I gotta find the one that said "massage"
So much fail.
reading the junk mail in the webmaster email will be something I'll miss
@Wes Is having an aggregate that always needs another aggregate's ID to do a query a sign that they should be one aggregate?
I really feel like these two are separate, but they are always queries in relation to another aggregate.
@Tiffany Give them a one word essay, with 1500 links to other one word essays.
Oh, and hash them all.
Tell them you essay is in an Ethereum contract and must be bought with $1,500 worth of Ether.
That's a winner right there.
I'll add that to the reading list.
I am as well
Clean Code, Pragmatic Programmer, then Patrick's book.
@Tiffany Don't buy it.
I just bought a used copy for like $3.
amazon.com/dp/B007KJHGNI sharing this one because it's hilarious. A mix between horror and comedy, like self-aware comedy
You asked about lusitanian earlier right @DaveRandom?
I bought the better one before I gave you the link. xD
> Would sex toys come alive in the Toy Story universe?
- David
@Allenph lol, thanks
I can't remember if I have an ebay account, and if I do, I need to find the account credentials... :S
@Tiffany Use a password manager woman geez
And yes that needs a comma :P
@PeeHaa I do, but I can't remember if it's in there...
too lazy to check right now, will do it when I'm off work
@Allenph looks like an older edition
... speaking of which
@PaulCrovella For 4 dollars who gives a fuck?
!!reminder check for ebay account at 17:00-6
Reminder 42434339 is set.
@Tiffany 🤣
@shadowhand that converted into an emoticon for some reason in my browser... and it's a box
@Allenph I would think the best book to be amazon.com/Pounded-Butt-My-Own-ebook/dp/B00UYC1ASU
@Tiffany your OS stinks
@MadaraUchiha You're right. I was blind and now I see.
@Allenph People who value their time to read a book, at over 4 dollars?
Meh. I'm sure that book will get the job done.
LOL @ this review:

> I found the anatomical explanations to be particularly interesting and accurate. The visualizations were astounding.
You guys have seen the sugar free gummy bear reviews right?
@Allenph if price is your top priority regular-expressions.info is free
Meh. I already bought the book.
I always buy used books like that.
oh, also rexegg.com .. not sure why I always forget about that one, it's a very good resource too
Thanks @PaulCrovella.
@Allenph not sure if this was suggested yet, but this site's good too - regex101.com - it doesn't teach it like the others, but it lets you play around to see if a regex will work
like jsfiddle (for HTML/CSS/JS) or 3v4l (for PHP)
Oh yes. I know of that site.
I use it when I want to suffer through making a regex.
it gets me by when I need to come up with something, but I definitely need to get in the deep end
and now this day can fuck right off
this morning gave me another kick in the ass on applying to other places
regexr.com might also be helpful.
Is it weird to have a mapper update method that updates only certain fields?
Some other fields other than the ID cannot be changed.
Does it make more sense to make a related entity/aggregate or to have a method name that conveys that only certain fields can be updated?
@Allenph no
it's totally fine
@Allenph booo
@Wes I just saw it this morning.
I watched the part you linked specifically and then turned right around and asked Dan if he tests his DB.
Which he does. Think I'm going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
@Wes Would you make it an object or just a straight up string argument to the method?
@Allenph what
micro-optimization is micro-optimization which I would think isn't even always an optimisation.
@Wes deleteById(String $relatedAggregateId, String $id) vs. deleteById(SomeObjectThingy $thingy)
what do you think. always ask the minimum necessary dependency
you only need the id, then ask the id. no need for the whole object
@Wes No, that's not the other aggregate.
It's an object that has both ids in it.
Like what you'd do for a search.
why would you do that
Don't know when to do that and when not to do that.
I know you do it for a search, so.
@shadowhand now I can see it :D
you have a severe case of ocd @Allenph
just divide and conquer
and cram stuff in there until it works
@Wes Probably.
You've all given me a complex.
code is horse shit
keep it simple
That's easy to say. The way to keep it simple is complicated.
@Tiffany check for ebay account
hi @Jeeves
@samayo atom sucks but they have cool themes.
Yeah, stopped using it ... along sublime which was my fav for a long time. I am just happy with VS now
You know how to send an answer in real time with php / mysql to another user (like a chat). I did not understand how I can send the response to the other user in real time.
You have to use other technology than PHP if you want a real-time communication that doesn't involve refreshing the page (which I am assuming you don't want).
You can use: AJAX [JS] + PHP for a start
@samayo socket?
Yeah that too. But I don't know about Web Sockets they seem complex-ish, so does XMPP ... I would go with Ajax for a dirty job.
Its like masturbation. It's quick and ugly but it gets the job done.
which technology would you recommend? I knew that the php runs the information in order and gave no other possibilities, so I asked.
@samayo But with ajax I could not see an update in real time, I would be forced to make timed queries on the database
I have a chat app I created in my early days of programming. It was made using PHP + MySQL and AJAX
Yes, you have to make timed requests, that's the ugly thing about it.
@samayo Also I had created a two years ago in php mysql and ajax, but not updated in real time, but now I need it in real time ...
@samayo I was forced to use setinterval, not really the best solution.
Use XMPP or something equivalent. Because there is nothing to do from PHP's side
yesi try
Also its not really that bad to use setInterval for that purpose. I was getting annoyed having to constantly make request with that method but its not as resource hog/intensive as it initially seems
@User Use websockets
@PeeHaa thank you
for start i try to download reactphp i hope is good.
03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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