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posted on May 06, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

posted on May 07, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@JoeWatkins so, it's done now, right? :-)
I created a patch for resourceless ext/sysvshm and need some help, I don't know how to solve the issue when current API calls shm_detach($resource) and the same for shm_remove($resource) it calls list destructor and then $resource variable holds an unknown type resource and everything is cleaned up and I don't know how to solve it using OO API, because I cannot change variable to null or anything else, it still holds an object.
@JoeWatkins maybe you can help me?
@DaveRandom maybe you can help me?
Or somebody?
@Tiffany firstly,Docker is not exactly virtual machine. Each Virtual machine run it's own OS while containers will use resources of same host OS. A Docker app can consist of one or more containers.
hi , i am using xpath to extract h3 from a webpage , but i need to omit the line if it contains the word news , how can i do that .. here is some piece of code

$title= $xpath->query("//h3");

foreach($title as $title) {
echo $title->nodeValue."\n";
i am getting each title in new line , but if the title contains the word "news" , i doesnt want to print it out
$match ="news";
if (strpos($title, $match) === false) {
i am unable to make it work with strpos as its completly hiding/displaying all titles if conditions fail or pass
You foreach $title as $title, why
@J.Ende to echo each title , as the page has 10-15 h3
any one can pls look into my code pls
@bwoebi it's done yeah :)
I'd like to expand to take refs of arrays and strings also, but probably later in the week, the basic functionality is there ...
@DaveRandom If you fail to find a new home for lxr in the following days, give me a ping. I can arrange something.
@brzuchal I don't understand the problem ... detach sounds like destructor and remove sounds like a normal method ...
@Srinivas08 Can you please show the code including where you output the names?
i am extracting all h3 from a web page , here is sample :

North Korea resets clocks to match South Korea's time zone
LPG Penetration in Odisha has reached to 58.55 % says Dharmendra Pradhan
Important News:Maharashtra
Skill India organizes an Ajeevika and Kaushal Vikas Mela in Bhubaneswar

my requirement :
As you can see , there is title called important news , I need to omit the line if it contains the word important :
North Korea resets clocks to match South Korea's time zone
@Srinivas08 It is better to post your question on stackoverflow with all the neccesary details. Drop the link here if you want anyone here to look at it. That way you will have many more people looking at your question.
$dom = new DOMDocument();
<h3>second important</h3>

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

$nodes = $xpath->query("//h3[not(contains(., 'important'))]");

foreach ($nodes as $node) {
	var_dump((string) $node->textContent);
h3[not(contains(., 'important'))
what does ., mean in contains ?? pls tell me
current node
contains takes an #id ...
or element name, or ... xpath ...
@JoeWatkins how to make the match term case insensitive , currently i have to words called important , one is capital and another is small
i need to omit both
//h3[not(contains(translate(., 'IMPORTANT', 'important'), 'important'))]
I think it's important
@JoeWatkins thanks , it worked ... i was trying to get all h3 and then work on them to remove the lines ... but this method is really simpler than it ...
@JoeWatkins yes, exactly but when I've got object $shm = new SharedMemoryBlock(1); what should be in $shm after calling $shm->remove(); it cannot be null it's still an object even after I call destructor and I don't know how it should work
the object, in a state that would throw an exception if you attempt to use any methods other than possibly a re-attach ...
Hi My boss tell don't build back-end we will use Api can someone explain for me please
I think @Gordon is an Api ...
This is mine free storage handler and after that when I call other methods on $shm object how should I check it? Because in here the intern->shm_object_ptr still points somewhere or should I set it to NULL somehow to detect it?
le morning
that should be the body of detach, but don't actually free the object ... then update other methods to handle that state most likely unless they already handle nulls
@JoeWatkins so if I set the pointer to NULL I should check that in all methods and it should be enough?
@brzuchal I would think so, I would add throw an exception ... it seems exceptional ...
@JoeWatkins Cool, thx
amphpeople? what determines when a request starts and ends?
Hello people,
If i have 3 tables for one element that i require for example:
Exercise Files etc
Should i create an entity per table or one global entity?
@Gordon in the webserver?
also what exactly do you mean with start and end?
@bwoebi request comes into amp. amp says start handling… does things… flush response. done.
I take there must something in the socket server that denotes start and end of the handling of incoming requests
!!lxr function_exists
that's not a thing, php function only ...
strtolower name and do lookup on EG(function_table)
(same for methods, but on zend_class_entry->function_table)
thank. is that performing better or worse than instanceof_function given that I just want to know whether I can call a certain method on a object?
do instanceof
are you going to call it over and over ?
if you're going to call the same method, think about creating zend_fcall_info, zend_fcall_info_cache somewhere ... makes calls much faster ...
once per a certain function call. which might or might not mean all over and over
so you should instanceof, then build the fci, which will require the hash_find_ptr on the function table of the class to store the handler, then next (any) call, you just set retval and args and zend_call_function(), and zend_fcall_info_args_clear() after zend_call_function() == SUCCESS ... that leaves fci/fcc in usuable state ...
I'll try that. thanks again.
But this is for iOS, not web. :/
Some frontend guy needs to duplicate it for the web. Its just so amazing.
> duration: 0.2, curve: .easeIn
@mega6382 exists already. it was web originally
@Wes Yeah, but that is a bit buggy and requires some paid dependencies.
didnt know that
@Linus that's why I have Docker under "development environment" not "virtual machine"
@Wes also the codepen 404s
do any of you do pomodoro time?
@Tiffany virtual machine enviroment where do you do that?
AAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH twitter.com/WesNetmo/status/993465206398386176 cc @Tiffany
@Linus what do you mean?
@Wes lol, I linked emojitetris to a friend of mine who loves tetris
he hasn't said anything though, probably cause he's deployed
rule no.1 in tetris is, never put more stuff over empty blocks
my work computer won't translate the unicode used for the next pieces :/
why don't they have the rotate feature?
they do
it just can't rotate when it's at the very top
my website broke
.. what a useless way to waste time
if you know what this is from, you win my respect
@tereško when you are just wasting it, useless or otherwise whats the difference? :P
I hate Futurama
Good morning!
Good afternoon!
Good evening!
Hi all
In drupal, when you are using update.php, it uses a DbUpdateController internally
why is that a ... webservice ? (Request is being passed on)
@Tiffany :P
@mega6382 we arent friends anymore
shut up, you fell asleep ...
@Wes :D <3
@samayo I saw you were doing comp mode, sure you can handle it? ;)
oh lol
I think I figured it out
and fuck I clicked on that starred twitter password bug. IT IS MONDAY !
moin o/
@Naruto I am trying. It depends on how good your team is
I play more Fortnite that OW btw, and 700 games and still 0 wins ... that game is brutally difficult
sounds more like Fortnite's matchmaking system is utterly broken
Exactly! They don't match you with someone of your level like many games do including OW
or battle royale games are based too much on luck
I'm not disputing that there is some skill involved with battle royale style games, but it's not the same as say... Overwatch
That, and the fact the game is very popular and has a huge userbase, who put in way more hours than anyone reasonable can
like if you spawn near a gun, your chances of survival become exceedingly better
@samayo maybe they do but you just suck playing the game ;)
not at 700:0 rate
he should have got a single win by just blind luck
@samayo you probably should give it up and try something else to play
the win is to actually stay alive at the end of the game from 100 people
Yeah OW is pretty cool, and I bet that @samayo is still only using Orisa. :P
Yes, still using Orisa and getting better
@samayo isn't OW based around picking a character that is best for fucking up the enemy team's current best player?
Is there a way to force overriding a constant with specified name in extending class?
@samayo I remember in the beginning, someone else chose Orisa, so you left the game because you didn't wanted to use any other hero. :D
Networking stuff is scary :(
not-PHP related question: I need to provide a timeline for when things need to be completed for a project. I'm finding that Word is unsuitable for how I want to map things. Is there another piece of software I can design out a literal timeline? like maybe InDesign? maybe Visio?
isn't that what issue trackers are for?
I can't use one for this...
@Tiffany look up "Gantt chart", there are tons of tools out there
@Tiffany visio, ms project :P or Trello.
@mega6382 Yeah, she is pretty underrated imho ...
@shadowhand our IT department is the only one who uses a ticketing system, and I need to include other departments within the organization, who don't have access into it
also can you give FN a try? It is pretty addictive and team mode is so fun you'll love it
uhm, that sounds like a company problem
trello is decent, if you just need a really freeform task manager
though i am loath to recommend Atlassian products on principle
I need to create the map, not use a software that other people have to use... cause I won't get buy-in for it
Gantt Charts looks like the way to go if we don't have any Visio licenses
Clubhouse.io is by far the best system I've found that's not insane
@ircmaxell And what is the best one that is insane?
@PeeHaa Atlassian
@shadowhand I work for an outdated organization... 😛 there are enough people who are...resilient...to change... to cause enough problems in trying to implement a different way.
but on a different note I am looking for another job...
@ircmaxell our company uses Clubhouse and i agree with you... i haven't really found any reason not to like it
@Gordon anything atlassian is both terrible and insane
come work with us :)
@PeeHaa to be fair, Trello wasn't made by Atlassian, they just bought it
I gave up on job descriptions claiming competitive salary. cuz they never compete…
@shadowhand True
@Gordon fair, i wish that wasn't in the job description, but i was overruled
@shadowhand I'll keep it in mind, I'm trying to find something closer to the west
@Tiffany remote welcome, i work remote
plus I doubt I have the requisite skillset for what your company wants
@Tiffany don't doubt yourself :) we mentor
@samayo Yeah, just as soon as my new pc is complete. I am coming right back into gaming. :)
@shadowhand How much remote, do you accept? Only within US or outside too?
@mega6382 US only at this time, partly because of HIPAA and partly because we're not set up for salary payments outside the USA
@ircmaxell do gantt charts inherently need date/time values to determine how they should appear in the chart?
like "duration" determines how long a part of the project will be... which currently I can't estimate for
did anyone buy Clean Architecture yet? worth buying? @tereško? @Patrick?
I bought it, but still have not finished reading it
I have gotten about 50-80 pages in and most of that has been somewhat remedial
I can ping you, when I actually finish it, @Gordon
@tereško The one by Robert Cecil Martin?
yeah, it's from UncleBob
Seems to have very good reviews, though.
I bought @Patrick's book in January, still haven't read it. :)
he sent me a PDF .. it's still unread in the mail :(
I am a really lazy person
same here. I only checked it for references to r11 and myself. found none. very disappointing.
I asked for a free copy the same time you did, but he didn't send me one. I bet he sent your wife a copy too.
sad :(
@Tiffany either date/time or duration
@ircmaxell I guess I'll have to go back to this when I can add dates or durations to stuff.
I'm being strained by all this meta shitstorm lately.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Something new or just more "Welcoming"?
Probably just more "Welcoming"
I'd say, all of it. The terms of service, being welcoming, all these *ists accusations, meddled with mod / user interactions that get more and more difficult each passing day
Just now, I saw the "show me my privilege link" on meta.se and the first thing that came to mind was "white privilege", and I'm fed up. people change the meaning of words, to the point that we associate words that individually have no negative connotation with negative concepts
edited to protect the kittens
Seriously is a tag now on meta
when being too politically correct becomes a problem
!!urban wheaton's law
it's dead, Jim
!!blame @DaveRandom
@Tiffany its seems to be offline for 2 days.
Is it?
@Wes Only watched that part you linked.
@PeeHaa see timestamp of wotd
I spend about 50 50. But I have pretty much 100% coverage.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, I think that blog did more damage than the "taking a stand" mess did
ocellated having eyelike spots or markings.
Dad, can you put my shoes on? I don't think they'll fit me
Please explain.
@PeeHaa What was the problem?
anything in the logs?
Probably reconnect logic as usual
Yeah, but didn't look :)
9/10 times the same issue
mmm, reminds me, I need to check a server to make sure it's doing what it's told
@PeeHaa The other week SO pushed a bad chat build that had people and bots confused. Someone even got a mod account for a while
wait wat
I call bullshit
SO never touches chat
they fixed the auto-scroll issue
@Tiffany They did
@PeeHaa Then they will soon enough.
@Tiffany whats that?
Did they also fix the click on message on mobile?
Upgraded the jQuery version IIRC
@mega6382 ?
@mega6382 chat wasn't auto-scrolling down when someone sent a message
@PeeHaa Wuzzat?
@PeeHaa not that I've seen :(
When I click a message the top should change to up/down and star etc bar
The star etc bar shows and right away hides again
And it doesn't?
Lemme see
@PeeHaa You know for all the "welcoming" stuff. You know, they might add better flagging options soon enough.
you have to select up a message, then down a message to get it back, or down a message and up a message,... same deal
@PeeHaa cannot reproduce
Works fine for me
@mega6382 I have been long enough around to know how it probably will happen: long term nothing changes, in 2 months a "we failed" post is being done and we are another year or so further for the next attempt
@MadaraUchiha I can provide a screen capture from my phone after work sometime
@Tiffany What phone/browser?
same for you @PeeHaa
@MadaraUchiha Try again
samsung s something
@MadaraUchiha Moto G5 ... Pro? something... Chrome, Nougat
Managed to get it to happen
Looks like dirty state of some kind
Looks like jquery mnkeys
It thinks it's open, when it isn't, then it closes itself or something
@Danack Wes just sent me your video about when to stop unit testing stuff. Curious...do you test your mappers?
@PeeHaa hahaha, yeah, that very well could be.
@PeeHaa IKR
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Apr 26 at 16:29, by balpha
@Catija last build was reverted, we're clearing all login sessions created since then
@Allenph I think I need to write a blog post to answer that properly......I don't have generic mappers or ORMS across the application. I think if someone wanted to describe what the fuck my code is doing to access the database, they would be tempted to use the phrase "command query separation".
Basically each DB operation gets defined as it's own thing, and then gets called as it's own thing. e.g. here is a thing that adds a 'strategy' to 'watchlist' gist.github.com/Danack/b2301fce6262d44e1c03a240bb37558e
They get tested with isolated DB tests (aka unittests that do hit the DB).
aka the vast majority of the application isn't even aware of the entities, let alone mappers/table gateways to load them.
Regardless of how you organize the queries though, you are indeed testing them.
I have a CQRS model in my application...I interpreted it quite a bit differently than you I think.
I still have a mapper and repository for the read model, but its function is very different than a normal one. I inject a mediator into it so I can dispatch an event to the mediator that tells it to refresh a read model.
Then I have a staight up mapper for the write models without a repository decorator.
(all I hear is "overkill")
I don't think it's overkill. I reiterate, I've found it one of the most useful aspects of unit testing.
ESPECIALLY with my API mappers.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier That's a Google listing of overkill memes? o.O
@Danack Woah. That's a little different.
I think Patrick advocates for something similar in the book
Yes. Tbh the main problem with organising code like that is naming each of the 'commands' or as they're currently named 'repos'.
I rather like the concept of abstracting "I want a list" behind a type rather than a method
anyone know if appveyor breaking is a standard thing? github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/pull/3115
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah. Pretty similar. He has a blog post about it too. Let me see if I can find it.
> "We'll fine your family if necessary."
Did anyone ever give you any resources on exceptions Felix?
not that I really remember. I've one or two answers about these, and lately started to use built in exceptions more.
I think I should start a blog, I believe it will be great learning experience for me.
Finally I will have something other than this hell of legacy code.
Teresko and I have talked about it at length.
Seems there's really no great way to do error handling.
Or logging.
I'm sure there's some context to that, because right now I can only think of a strong "I've no such problem" in response to that statement.
... but now that you mention it, there is some very ugly code very high up that catches all exceptions. I prefer not to think of it.
Yeah, exactly. I had that exact same idea when he first started talking to me about it.
ugly in the sense that if there's an exception in say, the templating system, and that you need the templating system to generate the response informing the user, stuff gets irky
That's just a bug
yeah. bugs happen
The other problem is that there's no good way to not use exceptions in the constructor...another is that it's strange when you have to throw a collection of exceptions because there's no way for the consumer to know whether to expect a certain type or always expect a collection.
what's the problem with exceptions in constructors?
it's not like we were doing c++ or a language where you actually have to think about memory, and exceptions need to be carefully planned
That you should only throw exceptions when something is exceptional. Our Lord Martin Fowler adovcate the notification pattern pretty heavily, but there's not a great way to do that in the constructor.
I'm more of an atheist
I don't like it when I have a question that gets different answers from different people in here. It breaks the illusion that there is a knowable right way to learn.
Exceptions are one of those things.
... just noticed Your Common Sense was banned for over a year.
I resentfully blame the people on Twitter and all the whining users who can't stand being wrong for making this guy unable to participate.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier He always gets banned for over a year, but the ban usually ends in a few weeks or months.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I am willing to bet it was all on him :P
meh ;)
I'll admit he's a... particular individual
@PeeHaa I'll say its a little of both
Is anyone else experiencing Darkula theme problems with their JetBrains products? I think an openjdk update broke it under Debian =o(
Nope, although I've instinctively learned never to use openjdk and always install oracle's jdk
figured out the problem, JetBrains app changed the default runtime from jdk9 to jdk10. It's never done that by itself.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you probably need to make that be more obviously sarcasm.
I have a longstanding problem with sarcasm, indeed
@bwoebi got mac we can access remotely still by any chance ?
and has anyone got a freebsd install I can use for an hour or something ?
03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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