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@tereško can't remember if you said if you liked Stargate Atlantis, but this book series may be relevant to your interests
gun control. its a bit late for that... there are billions of weapons already out there
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i'm finally actually reading game of thrones... gave up with english :B reading it in italian... 250 pages in... it's identical to the show lol
some stuff is disappointing, like "the king shits and the hand wipes" doesn't really work in italian :D
1 hour later…
@Wes yes, the first few episodes / seasons (can't recall) were quite identical. shit gets really haywire at some point
so far it's basically identical to the show
with just a bit more details
well, not many details. the tv show's pace was very slow in the first seasons
you get basically all the information
I mean, what?
there's more about the background stories
@Wes the very first scene of the book, the young knight from the watch, fighting below the tree
but maybe that's about to change
well, ish
there's like, literally a hundred more details about how the poor lost person that gets his head chopped off by Ned gets there
i don't know if that story is relevant
why, of course it is
they cut it off in the show because it isn't
white walkers let the man walk
oh, you mean, the fight?
well that happened in the show too, they let the guy go
yes i mean the fight
... I have a deeply different understand of relevancy, apprently ;)
that it's not in the show, does not mean it's not relevant, yes?
the double negation there sets a trap. thread carefully
no, i mean that knowing about the douche royce guy didn't really contribute to the story
heh, indeed ;)
but i'm sure that's gonna change.. can't wait the book diverge a bit from the tv show
i am a bit bored because i'm reading stuff that i know already :P
it's so annoying that they've changed the names
of everything
winterfell is "big winter" in italian -__-
yeah... that is partly why I never read the french translations of things
"Neige tombée" is probably the worst name of any thing you can think of
it's very annoying
hodor in italian is "find a way"
......trova un modo, trova un modor, trova un hodor
they managed to save their ass with that one lol
it was pretty effective :D
worked almost as good as hold the door
@Wes loooll!!!!
amazing :)
btw @Wes, does "race marshall" actually is a used term, or was that just bravado?
in italian and surely french marshall is a military rank
not to be confused with marshmallows @FélixGagnon-Grenier
marshal here is one of the highest military ranks
it's below general only i think
ranks. I believe Full Metal Alchemist is the closest thing to a glorious appeal to rank, and army, one can get.
brb binge watching fma.
such... glorious opening
@FélixGagnon-Grenier chinese gp in 1 hour
like, located in china grand prix?
... is that strange?
china is yuge and the chinese gp is one of the most sumptuous ones
although it is relatively new
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Brotherhood?
I loved the original FMA's opening
@Tiffany what's "brotherhood"?
I like FMA:B better, but FMA's opening is better, in my opinion
@Wes nah, was just asking :)
you must watch FMA:B
@Tiffany oh. sorry?
it's closer to the manga
does it give the feels as well?
and a lot better, in most people's opinion
oh god yes
I do recall getting these a lot with fma
gods, that knife throw
@FélixGagnon-Grenier f1 races in ever "stranger" places. like azerbaijan...
that was game of thrones before the time
there are some parts in FMA that I liked that weren't in FMA:B, like when Al finds the kitten
what's the name, I can't recall
yeah :<
and the girl
yes, hughes. that might have been my biggest pain since Pullip pullman's heroes separation
the deadly sins characters are different than the first series, but it follows the manga
I know, it's been like 10 years, but it's still too soon
I didn't read what you said before you edited it :P
I was being preposterous. The anime is very old, I was overly sensitive about speaking of a character's death
@Tiffany I... never read the manga... hides
I haven't either, but Brotherhood is just so much better
the story actually makes sense, where as the first anime like went onto a weird tangent
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the-artifice.com/…
well. both are on netflix. that's a definitive win for brotherhood ;)
That's how I'm getting my boyfriend into it, lol. He likes the premise of it, being a history nut
also the dub for Brotherhood is pretty good
that was my primary concern
... I have no basic of japanese (or however it is called?) yet there are some translations I feel as off...
possibly, the first one I heard/read serves as basis for further appreciation
I dunno, never got to finish the first. I was watching it on adult swim back when I lived with my dad years ago and had a TV with cable in my room, above my bed. So I'd watch adult swim and fall asleep. I have fond memories of that. But didn't get to finish it. I know I can watch it on netflix but...shrug...I had spoiled most of the ending for the first for myself, and didn't really like it
Brotherhood is a bit over-the-top as well, but it makes more sense
freaking animes :P
anyway, beditme, good night
@Tiffany damn, a tv above a bed. that's one thing I wish my "let's be an adult" phase will procure
@Tiffany first episode quickly reinforced exactly all of the prior emotions I had about all the characters involved
@PeeHaa proof that RTFM is always better than clever solutions
today is being kind, so far ...
$doc = \CommonMark\Parse(<<<DOC
  * > block
    > > block child
  * > quote

$query = new \CommonMark\Query(<<<EOQ


$firstChild = $doc->firstChild;
$firstTree = $firstChild->firstChild;


$start = microtime(true);

$query->exec($doc, function(\CommonMark\Node $node){
	if (!$node instanceof \CommonMark\Node\Paragraph &&
Function Size:  30
Function Space: 1200 bytes
Stack Size:     11
Stack Space:    88 bytes
Total Space:    1320 bytes
 #0	 FCN	 0	 1	|loop
 #1	 CON	 1	 -	|(List)
 #2	 FCN	 1	 2	|loop
 #3	 CON	 2	 -	|(Item)
 #4	 FCN	 2	 3	|loop
 #5	 CON	 3	 -	|(BlockQuote)
 #6	 FCN	 3	 4	|loop
 #7	 FCN	 4	 5	|loop
 #8	 CON	 5	 -	|(Paragraph|Text)
 #9	 ENT	 5	 -	|-
 #10	 NEN	 5	 6	|-
hey, what is your opinion of this, if you have time, this is php.net; does it make sense?
normally we do rewind-valid-current-key next-valid-current-key with the Iterator - php.net/manual/en/class.iterator.php
and here it goes rewind-CURRENT-valid-current-key next-CURRENT-valid-current-key
the MyIterator class is not described but it would look something like this (this was written by somebody from here - eval.in/988393
does it make any sense to display the same value of the CURRENT twice (this is how it is in the example)
I mean, can there be situations when this makes any sense or has its use or just a bug / typo on the php.net?
I am learning, so this is something that I dont understand
@ten5 sigh I said it before - it is a documentation error, foreach does NOT call current before valid.
ok, thanks a lot!
I was going to ask you - "The point with iterators is that you do not care how the methods are called, you only care about each single method separatly"; What did you mean?
I am only familiar with the Iterator and IteratorAggregate, I am not sure if this is all or most of them, or if there is like 1000 more or an unlimited number, so I dont have a good view on this
each method is a single functionality. You implement that, not the iteration
I am limited to Object Iteration, php.net for now
but you have rewind-valid-current-key next-valid-current-key
so you have the order, built in
that is not important
"how they are called" - they are called in this order
I guess
no they are called using foreach()
so rewind, valid, current, key are separate functionalities, this is how it works, and you just "create" under that
I mean, it is what it is, but I did not understand what you meant...
I dont mean to bother too :)
but I am going over all this stuff...
different scope, assigning a return value to a variable?
I just added the call so that the output matches. It has no meaning in this case. However in a real implementation here are cases that valid() could use current() to fetch the value and then validate it.
I dont mean to bother, you just came in and I am bugging with the questions like this
but basically "$var=$this->current();" versus "$this->current();" which would also output the needed thing
so for now, I am thinking - the scope is different, and it is about assigning the return value of a method to a variable and this can have its use; I am still not sure why you applied that (the output matches, I will look into this, but I am not sure what you meant yet)
2) the bug is documented, the Example #3, would you know the url where this is described?
3) "The point with iterators is that you do not care how the methods are called, you only care about each single method separatly"; ;;; I am not sure how broad the "iterators" are. I mean is it just the Iterator and IteratorAggregate or all these other things like SPL and probably custom written too (so unlimited number)
"how the methods are called" - rewind-valid-current-key next-valid-current-key - you meant that, "how they are called" - in this order, so it would not metter if this would be the other way around like key-current-valid-next. I mean, again, it is what it is, I know how this works, but I did not get what you meant
and I am studying like this, if I dont understand I dont skip it
I will check the video again, and go over what you wrote...
i have like 9 months of experience in this
strictly studying the php
I am goood on the websites part, like all the aspects, seo, social media marketing, scripts, linux admin, most of the things
but the php I am fairly new
and this takes time
3, 5 years maybe
I will be taking a break, thanks!!!
pantofle a slipper.
What are clouds made of? Linux Servers, mostly.
1 hour later…
@shadowhand do you know if it is possible to have a rule like Squiz.Functions.MultiLineFunctionDeclaration.SpaceAfterFunction but ignore it for anon functions?
Morgen room
You'd have to alter it yourself
In fact, I found PHPCS to be a fucking nightmare
The amount of work you need to do just to make a minor customisation
Same :(
It would help if there was some visual gui to guide you set it up
Exactly, was going to say a wizard
Would have to be some very clever analysis to make it work
I feel like this is somethign @Wes should do :P
is it something i will never finish?
Might be :P
As I see it a complete example document where you can step through it from top to bottom and adjust code style rules
Probably a PITA
like, space around parentheses and stuff
Yeah. So top to bottom: 1) do you want to enforce strict types? 2) do you want strict types declare on same line as php open tag? 3) do you want spacing around equalsign in declare? 4) do you want file docblock? 5) do you want author in docblock? 6) do you want license in docblock etc
Basically describing the entire document and code style while clicking through it and showing the effect live
do you have a list of all things
Not really no. There are several rulesets people can use. I think the common ones are: psrx, squiz, pear, slevomat and maybe the object calisthenic one
oooh wait
Something like that, but will visual guide of actual documents
So you can see what you are doing
And an easy way to modify rules
Hmm, the "Example" links (tooltips) are the best you can get out of that tool.
Someone could always improve it though ;)
so how are you supposed to edit if it's just presets
18 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Probably a PITA
I'd consider moving to php-cs-fixer.
Somebody told me that yesterday too
It's better documented and well maintained. The disadvantage is that it's not useful to the IDE.
I don't care much about IDE
But does that actually just report in a sane format or does it want to automatically fix things?
It also doesn't fix things like long lines or larger symbols.
I don't want it to touch my code
It was made to fix things only. You can run it in dry run though.
I'd recommend a combination of two tools - a local code fixer and an online code quality check (scrutinizer, sonarqube etc).
if you have a list i might consider doing the visual thing
I don't want to fixer at all though
@Wes k. Will report back
this is the problem with these things
@PeeHaa Then you'd be better off with the online tool.
@PeeHaa there is a great opportunity for someone to rewrite phpcs using the AST for the basis of how it works, rather than the tokenizer. Which would allows for easier GUI tools also....
Also what online tool? :P
@Danack That was what I was thinking \o/
3 mins ago, by Christian
I'd recommend a combination of two tools - a local code fixer and an online code quality check (scrutinizer, sonarqube etc).
And @Wes has been dicking around with the ast for a while now and he is great
cc @Wes
@Christian Why only online?
The reason is that there isn't one good well-maintained tool to check code quality locally.
I don't want to push wes into doing sooo much work though
And you'd want to push that complexity to a third party.
@Christian scrutinizer uses the same tools afaik
@PeeHaa the ast doesn't preserve code style and stuff though
like, whitespace is all lost
@Wes I thought it did now? (also, deja vu)
@Wes Oh. I thought it also preserved whitespace nowadays somehow
i'm not sure what's the state of that. need to ask niki
@PeeHaa Yes, but it's the same argument as running your own gitlab server vs using the online service. It's faster and offloads complexity, maintenance and hardware requirements elsewhere.
It's a linter, not a git platform
Yes, but you want to stay stuck with just one linter (that's quickly becoming obsolete)?
Why would it become obsolete?
Unless I maintain it myself I don't see why
Also your suggestions of scrutinizer is... meh. That service has become more shitty every time I have used it
I wasn't impressed with the amount of rules available.
Seemed to me that php-cs-fixer offered much more rules.
@PeeHaa 'kay, there are many other services...
Maybe I am missing something here, but you can add whatever rulesets you want
Also I want to lint locally instead of waiting for feedback of some external service
Maybe I am getting old :)
@PeeHaa Then that answers that. :D
There's also phpmetrics, by the way (which you can run locally). But it's more of a code quality tool than a linter.
I love d3js
I wish I was smart enough to make something cool with it
The thingy I showed yesterday is based on it. ;)
@Christian I might have missed that. Linky?
15 hours ago, by Christian
user image
Oh that's cool
Simple Q guys, I installed php7.1-fpm + apache2 on a new debian box. POST request parameters don't come through
I've enabled headers, request, the fpm one... still nothing
And it's my setup, as the POST request works elsewhere. It's empty
WHat's that? Dependencies? Contributions?
What am I missing? :)
@PeeHaa Modified PHP build to log when objects get created, destroyed or (un)linked via properties.
That view is the result of running a random PHPUnit test.
Oh cool
@Jimbo Never seen that one before :P
is @DaveRandom around?
> POST request parameters
Those are actually found in the request body. What have you tried?
Maybe try reading `php://input`? eg: http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.httprawpostdata.php
> apache2
well, there's the problem.
Yeah, php://input shows the raw data
@Jimbo Encoding?
@Jimbo Interesting
I can't see what it's sending, all of $GLOBALS, $_REQUEST etc are empty.
but input works
What about $_SERVER?
and it's only a small bit of json, so not max_input_vars or max_size or anything in php.ini
@PeeHaa I have a question re patching PHP. Let's say I want to support different PHP versions, that means I'll end up with a php-src fork and multiple modified branches. Is there a way I could simplify this?
$_SERVER dumps fine
also shows [CONTENT_TYPE] => application/json; charset=utf-8
Wait... AFAIK PHP does not automatically parse json body.
@Jimbo That's the problem
It only support form encoded thingy.
Ah so they didn't set to x-url-encoded-whatever on their end
@Christian No idea. I don't do c
@PeeHaa Lucky you. :P
@Jimbo Depends... are you submitting a form or not?
If you want to use JSON use something like php://input (or some framework/library/component that does it for you).
It's a web hook from a jet brains tool (upsource)
> . When an event occurs inside Upsource we'll send a JSON payload to specified URLs using HTTP POST.
Then I just saw in their example request payload
> Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
4 mins ago, by Christian
Wait... AFAIK PHP does not automatically parse json body.
Thanks guys, that was a weird one
It's not :P
I was going to type "usually jet brains stuff works well" then decided against it
Well one might argue php is lacking there
5 mins ago, by Christian
Wait... AFAIK PHP does not automatically parse json body.
@Jimbo problem is not on their side
The world's going crazy. Some restaurant is offering 1 vegan cookie for 4.5 eur. wtf.
Just eat your cookies with a steak on it like a normal person
Assuming the cookie is around 10g, that's its worth in silver (1g => 0.43 eur).
Error and shutdown handlers triggered on object destroy – #76224
@Christian As expected, seeing how cookies are more valuable than silver.
I mean, if you could have 10g of silver or 10g of cookies, which would you prefer?
Hmm, tough decision if you put it that way. :D
But the silver is much easier to resell and will keep at the same value for a much longer time
So you have to decide if you're making an investment or purchasing perishables.
1 hour later…
@PeeHaa i don't know ... but why would you want to?
Because I write function as function foo() {} as anons as function() {}
So I don't want anons to have a space after the function keyword, but I do want it for "named" functions
But if you don't know either I will just disable the check and continue my life :)
I thought maybe I was missing something obvious
ooooooh there is work being done on ffi again \o/
/me likes
Hola Felix
@PeeHaa Am I missing coffee? what's the difference between foo() {} and function() {}
... oh right, the space after function, not the name
@FélixGagnon-Grenier One is an anon function the other is named
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yep
someone please hit me with a "stop discussing stuff on twitter" brick
!!should I stop tweeting?
God, yes!
@PeeHaa so what? it's a code standard, just live with it and worry about important stuff.
In my current project CS is part of the important stuff as people don't stick to it
Making reviews a pita
@PeeHaa: I've seen you chattering about some phar builder. Are you using one, if so which one?
I am currently using macfja/phar-builder
!!package macfja/phar-builder
[ macfja/phar-builder ] CLI tool for create phar of your composer based project
Which works for me for now. But eventually I want to sign my phars which is something that lib doesn't do yet
yo phomies
so I'm about to start doing coverage for cql ... and before I do that I need to finalize the api that it will have ... do suggestions....
$doc = \CommonMark\Parse(<<<DOC
  * > block
    > > block child
  * > quote

$query = new \CommonMark\Query(<<<EOQ



$start = microtime(true);

$query->exec($doc, function(\CommonMark\Node $root, \CommonMark\Node $node) {

printf("%.7f seconds\n", microtime(true) - $start);
current state ...
it would be better not to change the interface of Node either ... because it's declared final and meant to be stable ...
if it matters, internally the query is called a function ... because that's how it's executed ... but we can't have \CommonMark\Function because reserved words ...
is $query->call too strange ?
@Wes no opinions ?
oh and there's no point reusing the visitor interface because leave() will never be executed ...
my opinion could be not what you want to hear :B
well, now I want to hear it ?
i'm not really into this stuff. i preferred it if it was $node->children->get(3)->filter(...) etc
@PeeHaa I see, just recently did my first phive phar, these are signed. I wrote a builder my own, but it doesn't have the signing. I do it after the phar build on Travis which also deploys it on Github.
you know it's a tree, there is no ->children
you could make it a magic property ... however ... try to write the same code in any language you like, that does the same thing ... it will be an error prone mess, and inefficient, nested loops or recursive calls ....
and it will most likely be wrong ...
don't get it, how is /children(blockquote) different from ->children("blockquote") or something
@hakre tbh the only reason I use that library is that I first tried another library which didn't work and I noticed @kelunik used this one and that one worked for me :P
Sans the signing which I really want to look into
And having a way to self update would also be great
What I do like is that it uses the composer config for config and stuff to include
/children(BlockQuote) just executed extremely low level code, didn't allocate any php objects, didn't enter and exit zend ... ->children would have to be calling high level zend code to make the magic property ->children work (that's not a thing, it's a tree), it may allocate php objects, and definitely creates another function call
@PeeHaa On the phive website there is a description on how to do that. If you can actually read it is pretty straight forward (turned out, I couldn't ^^).
@PeeHaa Phive does the updates, so a no-brainer. All I do is push a tag to github and travis will build the phar and sign it, then deploys the phar and sig to github releases which are then supported by phive.
How does travis sign the phar though?
Do you have a private instace where you can share the key?
@PeeHaa To my defense it was already pretty late.
@PeeHaa Travis has an encrypted file feature, I used the travis CLI tool for that, just followed a guide on their docs.
3 objects are created as a result of that deeply nested complex query (even if the input is simple) ... and it wouldn't matter how complicated the input got, it would still only create a tiny number of php objects, you just couldn't do that if you wanted to have the kind of api you are talking about ...
@PeeHaa It's all public. Github repo, Travis build.
@hakre ooh
not that I'm totally against it ... how are you going to write those filters, /children(BlockQuote) could be used as a filter, or feel free to write it out in php, create a bunch of objects and mess ...
@JoeWatkins just seems too complicated
ie the same reason xpath is a pain
the average wes is too unfamiliar with it :B
but yeah maybe it's just me
remember i don't know what i'm doing...
well it's slightly different, xpath is complex because dom is complex ... if you're familiar enough with the cm ast that you're going to need/want the kind of api you are talking about, then you shouldn't be finding it complicated ...
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

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