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@NikiC Yes, but not Zend karma.
1 hour later…
@tereško This sounds like a great idea. Thank you. (noted that there is a illegal hardware store which directly works with a shop center in the UK, it usually has the updated version of hardware)
moin Joe
!!urban nghh
[ Nghh ] 1) A word that is not easily explained, however normally expressed by someone on a really hot, humid day, when they are asked to do something and they really can't be bothered, as it would mean moving from their current position. 2) Neither a yes or a no. Can be used to avoid or at least delay making a decision, or when you don't really have an opinion- can also be paired with '[uhh]' or '[that's a good question]...'.
!!urban shafizadeh
[ shafizadeh ] A sweet, innocent, and good-natured middle-aged woman who is married with two or more children.
lets pin this.
wait lol
I hate to be the one to break the combo, but I got questions that need asking ...
@NikiC if you have a little time, would you have a look at a lexer for me ?
@JoeWatkins ya
I'm blocking on how to set state on T_CHILDREN, it should either terminate there, or allow the last two rules ...
`/firstChild/children[firstChild/firstChild]` -> good
`/firstChild/children` -> good
`/firstChild/children/lastChild` -> bad
@JoeWatkins Isn't that something the parser should check, not the lexer?
well I thought that, but ... it doesn't work :D
if you look at the diff of the parser from the last commit to the latest, you'll see I tried to enforce that in the parser ...
I must be missing something ...
as I read it /firstChild/children/lastChild should be a syntax error ... but it isn't ...
it just stops parsing at children
mea culpa an acknowledgment of one's responsibility for a fault or error.
Have you read that book about Stockholm syndrome? It was pretty bad at first, but by the end I liked it.
@JoeWatkins hm, not seeing it
I'm so glad
given the current parser definition, I'd expect that to be an error
yeah me too
I must have mis-configured something, I guess, but I dunno what ...
it's baffling, it's a simple parser ...
Good weekend folks?
I can't really remember any of it ... some code happened, I didn't sleep much ...
Yeah, mine was very much alcohol based
I slept through most of it.
i.sstatic.net/aCOHW.jpg mine was full of these
finally spring times
@Shafizadeh what you need are: CPU cooler for "AM4 socket", PSU (power box) with "80 Plus Gold" certification that is either "semi-modular" or "fully modular". And you need chassis in the size "microATX" or "ATX" (if you can get Fractal Design, it would be optimal).
for all these you will want to get a list of available options, so that you (or more likely - me) can look up the details at home
Modular PSUs are the greatest
Of all the components I've changed over the years, my PSU hasn't changed since I first got it about 12 years ago
@Shafizadeh oh, and you need a PSU in the range of 600W to 800W
what you actually will need is 350-400W, but the best efficiency is at the 50-70% usage
@Sean that's a tad worrying, test it
PSUs have wear
Even really good ones
Also yeah - what @tereško said about getting one so it's running at 40-70% load
okay I'm going to stop looking at it ... my head hurts and it's not even lunch time ...
Eh, it was high end at the time :V I'll give it a once over tonight I guess
@Sean Just looked up when I bought mine... October 2008, Corsair modular 750W, cost me £70, nearly 10 years worth of heavy use
Compile option '--with-fbsql' is unrecognized but docs says PHP7 is supported – #76200
@tereško Ah I see, alright, I will send this list for my friend in that store.
@Leigh yeah, you probably should replace it :D
just in case something goes wrong
@Shafizadeh btw, a good "rule of thumb" is to have a PSU that costs about 10-15% of the entire system.
... it's the part, that is responsible for not burning down the rest of your .. emm ... investment
I'll probably wait for 10nm CPUs then do my big upgrade. Rig is approaching 6 years old on the whole
so you can tell your friend, that you are interested in PSUs, that cost in 400'000 to 700'000 rial range
I'm not good it two-parts words.
- Does "burning down" mean "destroying"?
- Does "look up" mean "search" ?
@Shafizadeh "destroying with fire", and, yes
@Shafizadeh start Googling.
@tereško well, 40,000 is really cheap in here, it's the price of a "mouse (without keyboard)" .. I hardly think he can find a PSU in that price
you missed a 0 there :D
I said 400'000, not 40'000, @Shafizadeh
@JayIsTooCommon I ask questions, even the ones that I (almost) know theirs answer
@Shafizadeh well don't. That's not what this room is for and it is not fair on other members of the room.
You've been told this god knows how many times, so this is a waste of time anyway.
@tereško 400,000 Rial is the same as 40,000 Toman. That store (and the most of stories in Iran) work with Toman unit
wait, what
you have two different currencies ?!
I assumed it was all in rials
actual morning
@JayIsTooCommon you know, I just ask once per 10. I mean, I when I have 10 questions, I just ask one of them. I mean, all I'm trying to do is not asking in here
in that case I meant 400000 toman
ya know, normal countries have one currency
@Shafizadeh get rid of the once. If you know there's an answer via Google, then you should be using Google. Stop being lazy.
@tereško Yeah, We have two currencies, one is the formal one (Rial) which banks use it, and Toman is for people in daily jobs, for buying,
@Shafizadeh So, this is you trying not to ask question?What will you do if you actually tried?
@JayIsTooCommon no no, it's not about being lazy, it's about being confident. Google isn't good in Persian, then I search first, I understand something, and I ask here it too, to be sure about it.
@Shafizadeh Yeah, I remember I had a couple of bank notes of 100,000 Rials each.
@mega6382 :D
Oh Lawd!
@Shafizadeh and I repeat, don't. That's not what this room is for. You didn't search "What does burning down mean?" before asking it here. You asked what it means straight away, without doing any independent research yourself. lazy.
@JayIsTooCommon I did it before asking, and I understood it means "destroying".
@tereško Ahhhh, So, is it really just worth around 40 cents?
But true, this room isn't for English questions
ok, I will not ask here about English (as far as I can ;-) kidding)
@mega6382 another nice example of communism in action
the horror.
@Shafizadeh No, feel free to ask English questions. But don't ask questions without looking up the answer yourself first. And that doesn't mean Googling for 10 seconds and then asking for clarification.
@JayIsTooCommon I'm pretty sure he's a research bot trying to find out how subtly annoying someone can be before they get kicked.
@JayIsTooCommon I see what you're saying .. ok :-)
@Danack sorry if I annoyed you .. It wasn't intentional.
@Shafizadeh You keep doing things people have told you not to do. You're either a troll or just a rude person.
@mega6382 and South Africa is starting to implement the same policies that Zimbabwe did about 30-ish years ago
everyone keep in mind it's monday morning
@Danack I'm not rude at all, people who work with me (at our office) believe so and they even share his personal problems with me. But probably my religion or my culture seems funny to you, which yeah, it can be possible. Anyway, all I'm trying to do is "being better yesterday". So, you would see a better version of me every day. :-)
I think you meant "being better than yesterday"
yes yes, "than" is missed
> /firstChild/children/lastChild
.. see the line about eating grandma
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: failed to compile query at /lastChild in /opt/src/php-cmark/cql.php:27
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/src/php-cmark/cql.php(27): CommonMark\Query->__construct('/firstChild/chi...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /opt/src/php-cmark/cql.php on line 27
yay ...
that this has taken me hours is wrong ...
@JoeWatkins so what was it?
I was returning partially compiled path even when lex/scan fails ...
it's still not quite right ...
/children/ should be an error, but still isn't ...
so in other words, I don't know and decided to work around it ...
but will have better errors this way anyway ... unexpected $end is not useful ...
wait, I got it, now it's an error ...
I just check if the cursor is in the right position after yyparse ... is that legit ?
@JoeWatkins but aren't you throwing an exception on error?
In yyerror that is
shouldn't that already cover it?
it should ... but it just didn't
now I just let yyerror return ...
ltrim removes extra char – #76201
I think this is a better way, I can't determine the next expected tag (unless I can do that from yyerror?), but I can be specific about where the error is in the query down to the character ... which is more useful in the general case ...
tag, token, bunny ... I'm tired ...
or I can have best of both worlds, just set parse error from msg in yyerror
I feel great .. my room at the office looks like a garden in the spring season :-)
hey how can you detect the response type (whether error or success) from an ajax call using dataType HTML?
status code
.. also not sending around chunks of HTML is a good solution
@tereško why not? isn't that what it's designed to do?
if you're parsing html from ajax, probably not. Depends on context
@Shafizadeh my office like zoo.
@bob It's expected that in the case of an error, the server responds with an appropriate status code, 400 for bad request, 404 for not found, 403 for forbidden, etc.
You can then examine the status code in the response, and if it's (generally) not 200, it's an error.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, that has been be set manually in the php otherwise the ajax has no idea what's going on right? with http_response_code()
@bob no, not really. It was designed to receive data (originally in XML format, these days people use JSON)
@tereško Ah ok, i'm just unsure of how to display a 'chunk' of something using json.
@bob why would you need to display it?
@bob Correct
@tereško Thanks
@tereško I get what this is showing, but how does it fix in with dynamic data?
@tereško til
you're welcome
@Sean needs a polyfill for ie mind
Is there a polyfill for IE which removes the browser and installs a better one?
I just started using <template> though, and it's awesome. So much cleaner
@Sean IE is part of OS
@Linus I am the lizard
@Linus this is just awesome!
@mega6382 :P
@Linus I cannot find myself among these animals
I can't find myself or most of my colleagues either
Probably because they've focused on mainly negative portrayals
@Gordon :-p trying adding more to list,and maybe yes they only covered negative aspect as Leigh said.
whoa, content security policy just alerted us to something stupid lol
!!urban whoa
[ whoa ] 1. To express surprise (interj) 2. To express astonishment(interj) 3. To indicate a desire for one to end that of which they are speaking (interj) 4. Evolved from a song to describe something that you're not quite sure exactly how to describe (adj) Whoa can also be spelled "woah" though there are many arguments started by bored people about which way is correct.
Dev had a stupid chrome plugin which turns images into pictures of nick cage, turns out that extension has been injecting a JS bitcoin miner into his page loads. He complained that the CSP error is appearing in his console all the time while in dev and he doesn't know why
The extension is dropping the mining script into the page and it's being blocked by the CSP of the site. Woohoo
I thought Chrome Plugins had to be reviewed prior to being available?
also, drop the plugin name :)
um what
that meme is everywhere now
Hey guys. How can I group these times into a smaller array based upon a duration of 30 minutes? pastebin.com/2ZdKhWrh
@Ekin but... but.... our arrays start at 0 :|
yeah :|
PHP - A story and language of misunderstandings
Why they hatin on the PHP though?
> Hey OP here, thank you for helping me to show my friends that every joke uses “array starts at 1”, “php sucks” and a trending meme succeeds in this subreddit
@mega6382 because PHP
Yeah, seems like reason enough. :P
@Jay You want a nice way or an easy way? :)
an easy way
but some of the times skip
so if it skips it needs to start again with the duration groupoing
@Jay Spoken like a true PHP Developer
convert to unix timestamps, integer division by 1800, numbers that end up being the same are in the same 30 minute block
Is it possible you could show me an example pretty plz?
ah my version doesn't have intdiv
(int) ($x / $y) can be used instead of intdiv for reasonably small numbers
ah I see that
omg omg omg @JayIsTooCommon
This is very good @Leigh but how can I make it so it starts again if there is no 30 minutes?
I'm hungover
@JoeWatkins tell me about it
@Jay I have no idea what you mean by that, where in your example data is there "no 30 minutes", and what is your expected output?
from 11am it skips to 11:25am
technically it should stop if there is no 30 minutes
and start again
But 11:25 is within 30 minutes of 11:00
@JayIsTooCommon "it" is a two letter word, comprised of the letters "I" and "T". Most commonly used as a pronoun to refer to a single definite (usually non-human) entity, "it" is also frequently used as an acronym for "Information Technology". Published in 1986, "it" is the name of Stephen King's 22nd novel, later turned into both a television miniseries and still later a movie duology, that second of which is yet to be released.
the times need to be continous
basically I am trying to make a preset appointment time
So they need to be in blocks of of 30 minutes, except if the times are not continuous, and then they need to be in their own block?
@DaveRandom i prefer it when you post nudes.
so do I
if there is no time of 30 minutes then there would be no block for that
Wait, do you really mean, all times for a 30 minute block must be present?
@DaveRandom Paris Hilton is an Information Technology girl?
yea thats what I mean
if its under 30 minutes then there is no space for the appointment so no need to show it
@Gordon Or a scary clown?
@Gordon Yes, if you're looking for information about her technologically. I hear she might have pictures on the Internet
So divide timestamps by 300, start a counter, when you get 6 you've got a slot, reset counter. If the timestamp/300 is not equal to previous timestamp + 1, reset counter
Assuming they are going to be 5-minute aligned, per your sample data
could you adapt your code for this please mate?
Sure, mail me for my hourly rate
@Gordon no no, I covered that, she's "a single definite (usually non-human) entity".
how do I mail you?
Write me a letter, just put "Leigh" on the envelope and pop it in a postbox, they know who I am
Gordon will make sure it gets to him. There's only 1 PHP dev in London
@Leigh can't seem to sort it
checks in the mail
That'll be 2 pints 50 please
that doesn't output right?
seems to work
I added some values to make sure it complied with your specification
To change it from 30 to 25 do I divid the values?
25 minute slots? change the 6 to a 5
and the 1500 to 1200
thing is the duration value is posted through and can be anything
multiples of 5?
is there a way toput this in a function and have the duration as a param?
always 5-10-15-20-25 etc..
So what you're asking me is... is there a way to put that code in a function... and have the number 6 ... and (6-1)*300... come from a parameter
Where is the real Jay?
I've just realised that you're not @JayIsTooCommon
This one is not so common.
@JayIsNotSoCommon is still an asshat
Do you often wear him as a hat?
No but I've been watching your mum and she likes to do that
Probably would
Wait, how old are we again? I've been writing so much shit code I forgot
I'm the real jay
No, I am the real Jay and @PeeHaa's mum is the real Jay, too
I'm Jay
@Gordon the days when you can make monty python parodies and be understood are disappearing, just fyi ...
@JoeWatkins Well that was something different...
@JoeWatkins sad, isn't it? But I take delight in thinking that there will be at least one or two old farts like you or@Danack that will (hopefully) chuckle or smirk knowingly.
@Leigh what I was saying is there a way to put the code in afunction and have the first param send the date array and the second param to send the duration e.g: time_slots($dates, 25)
This escalated quickly.
@Gordon I did, I did giggle, internally ...
that's all I was hoping for :)
@Jay Yes, of course there is. You can do it, I believe in you.
I also believe
I believe, but I won't say in what
it doesn't matter ...
I'll give it ago will paste you the out come
He believes in XML, the bastard
@Jimbo shut up, you nitwit
@Ocramius I think, the word you were looking for was "degenerate"
What ever happened to ass-cactus?
Better than asshat, anyway
Jun 23 '14 at 8:33, by Jimbo
You absolute ass cactus.
@Jay hmm
The situation with @Leigh and @Jay is like:
Leigh: you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself.
Jay: how do i do that
@MadaraUchiha Deprecated in PHP 7.1
fwiw, @Jimbo is a degenerate ass cactus hat… he was in düsseldorf for burgers and didnt invite me again
@Gordon I had a degenerate ass once, was off work for weeks
btw a bunch of people tried to contact me in various ways over the last few days and I haven't responded so... sorry about that, have been super busy and also I generally suck
@Gordon It was actually closed "due to technical issues" so good thing we didn't organise
all of düsseldorf was closed?
yeah, I am looking forward to the next lame excuse why he didnt invite me
The best burger place in dusseldorf was
@DaveRandom you need to learn how to Germany
@DaveRandom Gordon is probably confusing düsseldorf with Hamburg again
nothing frikken works in Teutonia when they don't want it to be working
@Jimbo which is?
For example, it is clear to me that Sunday is buggy
@Ocramius your code is buggy
@Gordon Grindhouse, for the BBQ Burger Deluxe - where we went last time!
With @thw
@Ocramius the entire universe is buggy af
@Jimbo right, so that only leaves two dozen other burger places to go
\NumberFormatter::getSymbol() returns wrong international currency symbol – #76202
piss off Jeeves
@Gordon yes, that's why I earn money by fixing it, you dumbo!
What do you thing, that I write OSS for fun? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA naive people
Pretty solid gig, get a bunch of dumbos using your code, subtly break it, charge them to fix it
The Oracle model
@DaveRandom did you drive past me and wave yesterday?
not unless someone invents a time machine at some point in the future and then I go back in time and do that just to screw with you
which is not beyond the bounds of stuff I would do
Or there's someone who looks a bit like you driving a shite car around Bristol beeping and waving at people randomly.
I have massive cold so am not exactly compost mentist at the moment, so have no idea who that actually was....
Also, fuck the paypal api.
Anyone got a public repo with some good validation structures? Struggling to get an OO approach that I like for pre-insert validation... declaring validation class names in constants smells bad C:
@Danack you call it API?
@Ocramius I don't have the energy to swear enough to name it properly...
@Danack I've got some of that stuff for my garden. Real good.
@JayIsTooCommon Form validation?
@Ocramius btw the changelog developer.paypal.com/docs/release-notes/release-notes-2017 is kind of interesting. And probably could be used in a "when is not the right time to use Scrum" talk.
@IROEGBU More talking about where / how the validation is done. But just read some of @tereško's ramblings, and I'm liking validation happening in the entity
@JayIsTooCommon Form is an entity
But, I get what you are saying.
How is a form an entity?
I'm basically saying you can treat Entity validation same way you do for forms
Do people use Factory Muffin or Faker? Or neither? Or other?
@IROEGBU ah yes, agreed.
@jjok Home muffin is loads better
suggests VO for validation. "No, we're going to use traits for performance reasons"
!!google unbreakable domain models
Search for "unbreakable domain models -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=unbreakable+domain+models+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• Unbreakable Domain Models - Mathias Verraes - 9 jun. 2013 - Watch the video on Youtube. Abstract. Data Mappers (like Doctrine2) help us a lot to… (http://verraes.net/2013/06/unbreakable-domain-models/)
• PHP UK Conference 2014 - Mathias Verraes - Unbrea… - Data Mappers (like Doctrine2) help us a lot to persist data. Yet many projects are still struggling… (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ63ltuwMaE)
@JayIsTooCommon it's a conclusion that I have arrived at by banging my head at this from couple years
So I was under the impression that PHP preferred early returns over if/else blocks in functions…

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