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> I want to write a ruby mailcatcher alternative in php
I don't know the use case, but most likely that needs to be able to deal with anything and everything
@PeeHaa minimal implementation doable without loads of effort. If you want niceties like DNSSEC, probably lots of work
...but just use bind
or even windows server, that has a pretty decent and easy to administer DNS server
> In the current implementation, these workers use a separate thread pool from the MPM workers that you might be familiar with. This is just how things are right now and not intended to be like this forever. (It might be forever for the 2.4.x release line, though.) So, HTTP/2 workers, or shorter H2Workers, will not show up in mod_status.
Wonderful (on apache2 mod_http2 considerations)
@DaveRandom eeeeew
@PeeHaa what's the use case? Typically you only want your own DNS server on a LAN. Windows server is much simpler for running a LAN.
@DaveRandom No use case for that one. Just me wondering
For LAN I run dnsmasq which is "fine"
I will take unified DHCP/DNS with a GUI over building my own with the most complicated lego set in the world.
don't @ me
@PeeHaa in the wild
lol this is just awesomely JS. Look what I found in the project I am working on:
this.prop = !!yes_or_no
with no ending ; obviously
tbf we did that not long ago. $this->prop = (bool)$yes_or_no;
i didn't
we php. a lot of people did that
like who?
symfony for example was all like that, phpunit too iirc
was = partially still is
@Wes I buy/sell most days
stop bullying php :B
/me waves
/me waves back
@Wes If people were to stop bullying php, it would loose its popularity.
Not sure that's true, most people have given up bullying Java these days
@Leigh that's because java 9 has become decent
@Danack yes. I stopped after that one as to not watch then all in one go.
evenings room.
@ircmaxell @mega6382 are you oceans by chance?
possibly, not sure though.
Holy crap, I solved that regex crossword with the 5s and ²s haha
7 hours ago, by Jeeves
What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved.
(((.))((.)))\52?\5?\2* threw me off the middle tile, was looking at it as (\5)(2?), not (\52)?
so the solution was an ascii face with blodshot eyes and glasses? kewl!
Sean is the first part of your regex a troll?
Or accidental?
@Jimbo Not mine, one of those crosswords: regexcrossword.com/playerpuzzles/5877362190c9d
Clearly deliberate though :P
posted on February 19, 2018 by CommitStrip

i have no idea what's that :B
you are detecting if assertions are enabled? :\
ah, with old style assert compat
/me smacks @Gordon with a wet noodle
@kelunik that's horrible, can we have a debug{} block?
actually even better, a DEBUG constant
if false, i believe code is discarded by optimizer, right? so zero cost too
hmm... so following on my breaking stuff in lines from yesterday, I read the posts about PHP_EOL and.. it seems a lot of people seem to think that PHP_EOL is usable to find endline characters. But according to the doc, and this eval script, it really just finds newlines for the current system.
Hi guys,
please help me where i can download virtualbox.box I am installing laravel homestead.
please check this post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48869730/install-manual-for-laravel-homestead-with-virtualbox-box
how is that so widespread? wouldn't that usage break scripts at some point?
same :P what do you mean with "find endline characters" ? like, for file manipulation?
using if($char == PHP_EOL) { to find the end of a line in a string. that will work if and only if the strings comes from the system executing php
17 hours ago, by Trowski
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Read chunks looking for a new line in that chunk, failing if the chunk gets too long. That's really the only way to do it. You can feed it into a parser built with amphp/parser like @bwoebi alluded toward to make it even simpler.
people might rely on the fact that ascii ftp uploads fixes the newline character automagically
or something like that
i have no idea/recall how that works... i use binary mode
> If you are transferring files from Windows to a Unix based server, Ascii mode will strip out the CR (carriage return) characters found at the end of each line.
@PeeHaa Is that picture actually you dude? I haven't seen you in so long it could be
@Jimbo neh :P
Phew, I was going to say, you'd be on the front-page of reddit
@Sean damnit. I thought the same as you did. Thought for backrefs ≥ 10, you'd need to write \g{10}
@Wes Not sure if the optimizer does that for any constant, because it would have to re-validate all files in case the file defining the constant changes.
i recall nikic telling me that it does optimize that if the constant is defined in core
I seen a device located in the street named "recycle your gum here", what's gum?
@Wes Yes, because it doesn't change then.
so we just need the constant? :B
@Wes :C how come?
fixed now :B been at 0.5mbps for a week. it felt like the early 2000s
no compulsive twitter and facebook checking, no pr0n, etc :B
Italian engineering init
our infrastructure is terrible
Anyone heard of a way to have laravel create a migration file from an existing database? Like if I want to export the schema instead of migrate/rollback? In order to clean up all the previous migrations.
has phpNL happened this year yet?
youtube.com/watch?v=b1gDr1NXjjU @FélixGagnon-Grenier mind blowing game of thrones theory
ah no it hasn't
@Wes , Those people creating those theories have nothing better to do...
It's a made up story for god's sake lol
@Darius like using Laravel to create migrations?
They can make it whatever they want.
@JayIsTooCommon Yeah, but the reverse sorta thing. I have like 50 migrations already, and I want to have all of them combined into the latest table schemas, on one file.
So I can remove all 50, and replace with just 1. Like a ... checkpoint..
Why does a checkpoint need to be a migration? Just delete your migrations and update your schema?
Might need to reuse the project in several places.
So I want it as a base
So when I upload it anywhere, I can just run a migration to create everything needed.
Instead of dealing with mysql exports and etc.
probably wrong, but the building of your db should just be part of the app initial build process. Using a migration to create your database sounds weird
From what I've searched, when launching a laravel app on beanstalk, I have to run a migration to setup the databases. I guess I could directly access RDS instance and play with the stuff there.
Meh.. I guess. Kk.
mysqldump -d
I'll do it the old fashioned/correct way.
My mouse just inexplicably stopped working and now I suddenly care about accessibility
in particular, logitech's website is almost impossible to navigate with keyboard only
accessibility is one of the greatest argument for respecting semantics
@DaveRandom You're the kind of person to have about 58 other mice in a cupboard behind you though
it's simple shit though, like it not being possible to tell which element has focus because there's no visual indicator
@JayIsTooCommon I still haven't figured out what happened but the computer just complete stopped working with all USB mice, at least all the ones I tried (which was >10)
oh, how odd
yeh it's really weird, I eventually managed to make it work again with drivereasy and a shitload of pissing about
didn't even reboot or anything, just suddenly stopped working in the middle of regular usage
Bluetooth mouses same issue?
hai, guys. im learning php & solving programming problem in Hacker RANK. i FROM A non coding background. I dont know algorithm or data structure. I heard trhat this 2 are realy usefull for programming. So,how can i start learn these 2 ?
@Darius don't have any to test with, have resolved it now anyway
still picking through the logs trying to work out what happened
@Wes Assertions already solve that.
@DaveRandom Alt + Left Shift + Numlock
nite all
Oh! Resolved... If you need to use mouse and don't have one around - that a frustrating way to get one (number pad cursor as mouse control).
Does anyone have a good naming convention for groups in unit tests that allow you to control which tests get run. i.e. one that doesn't become a mess and difficult to maintain after about 5 minutes.
e.g. we don't want to have our full integration tests to be run on every commit, and probably not our external api services tests.
@IROEGBU , that's a cool way. Never knew you could use numpad that way.
@Danack testsuits?
I think that's what they are intended for in the phpunit.xml
though, we just create separate xml for each type of test and run what we need in the CI system
yeah... using this I usually just get stuff like test/application test/parsing and test/api and quickly I have no idea what I am testing
(the solution came about because there were .. emm ... legacy tests, that write to development-db for some activities or talk to http service which do)
@tereško So does a test only every belong to one testsuite, and then you choose which testsuites to run?
hi guys
please do you know in Yii2 where to put common code to have it accessible at frontend module, backened module or commands?
I tried to write a generic delete function but when using it I realized that there's a problem, the corresponding records of the target record in other lookup tables do not get deleted. When I want to fix it I have a feeling that it gets complicated, since for example, user of the function will be obliged to pass multiple field names b/c there's no guarantee that same names are used and etc... . So I wonder if I should avoid lookup tables or there's another way to fix this issue? TYIA
@Simon.B Foreign keys + cascade on delete?
@Darius Thank you Darius, I'll search about it ;-)
@Danack you separate the "level" of tests by xml file, and the you divide them among testsuites inside that xml file, if you really need
you could have same test-class used in multiple suites, but usually it's not worth the effort
you just have all the files from /tests/unit added in one xml and all test from /tests/integration in another, etc.
Morning 0/
i want to add 'strict' => true to email validation input

code like that:

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) :void
->add('name', TextType::class, [ 'label' => 'Name' ])
->add('email', EmailType::class, [ 'label' => 'Email', 'strict' => true ]) <<<
Is strict a valid option there? I'm not familiar with it, I don't think it's necessary.
@Ninjo You probably only need to add @Assert\Email annotation to your entity
@IROEGBU No it's not correct i get error, i need it because normal validation allow incorrect email format.
@Ninjo I don't understand "because normal validation allow incorrect email format"
@IROEGBU if i write test@test in email input it passed
you might be surprised what a valid email address looks like
@Ninjo it's a valid email.
test@test valid email?
@Ninjo sounds like a framework-specific stuff. You should try checking in the official framework's chat options first
this chat room is mostly oriented towards framework-agnostic topics
as for email's in general, just validating them against RFC is kinda pointless
in real world project you will actually focus on checking thing's like MX records and sending a "verification email" in general
match against RFC is just a "emm ... ah .. ok.. this kinda looks like an email-ish string" check
"root@hr@localhost" is a perfectly valid email, IIRC
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