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I'm excited to hear it
It's actually pretty good
@kelunik except that you are forced to write that terrible code
while if(DEBUG){} would be immediately understandable
posted on February 19, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Ekin apple's fixed one of those already arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/02/…
Holy shit balls this is funny bankinfosecurity.com/…
@PeeHaa and the comments immediately descend into more crazy
"Rachel" is just golden :D
Such a smart boy
dude should hook up with that opencart guy, they'd get along great
hahahaha sure looks like it :D
@bwoebi I'm tempted to make my own PCRE (Paul Compatible Regular Expression) engine - it will not have octal support.
2 hours later…
$_SERVER mostly empty with default variables_order GPCS on FastCGI/CGI – #75982
Windows.php.net inaccesible – #75983
anyone have idea to gather remote ipaddress over network??
o/ Mornin'
thewless lacking in mental or moral vigor; weak, spiritless, or timid.
@PaulCrovella well, 20 more to go
Wanna hear a joke about paper? Nevermind, it's tearable
@Paul also thanks for pointing finger to those player puzzles
I was saving the last to challenges so I don't finish it
<!-- Mirrored from domain.com/themes/pro/index.html by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x ... -->
nice. copied websites as the first thing in the morning
Morning 11
bon journo
I am creating graphs and I am selecting data for various month together, jan, feb, march etc, but for example in Jan I had mulitple data occurences how to put it proportionally to the graph so that it fits with months?
ww.chartjs.org provides input data as labels -x -asis and values y axis , in example they provide input for x-axis as array ['jan', 'feb', 'march'] but for y-axis I have 10 values [5,4,4,6,7,2,9,1,7,4] how to correctly map it when in jan were first 8 values and only 1 occurence in february and one occurence in march?
8 elements from data come from january but on graph it looks like as if all values were evenly distributed 3 values january, 3 values february, 3 values march whereas it was 8 values january, 1 value february, 1 value march
Why would you assume we knew you were talking about chart.js?
Regardless, you should go to the JS room for JS related questions.
I wouldnt not, its just example and I dont know if its related to all graph or just one library but I think its general graph problem
It's a line graph?
its php plugin, I dont care how its displayed by javascript, this is question on data structuring
I realized I dont have much graph experience
Also graphs and charts are not technically the same thing
although some charts are graphs
So there would be 8 lines for January, and then only one would continue onto the other months?
but since plugin in example only allows inputing array of data and it doesnt care how they are proportionally related, I probably must myself take from mysql candidate for months
I guess I must take for each month only that many candidates, I must take number of candidates being biggest common counth of occurences for each month
I don't think that a line chart is what you want here
@PeeHaa Laa laa laa I can't hear youu these bugs don't exiiist
But I don't really understand what it is you want anyways so I can't say
What a nutjob
actually I am working on currency changes by months
in january currency changed 8times, in february currency changed only once, so I should have 8 points in january and one point in february but graph displays january values in february, equally divided 4 vs 5 points
The only way that I think you could represent that data in a line chart is representing the amount of times it changed per month, [8,1,1]
I really don't understand how the lines would connect with your use case
i try to sum it up, graph shows 3 hill peaks, they are all in january but grap displays one peak in january, one in february, and one in march so I have to use my high inteligence to come with solution
Function empty() throws E_NOTICE on undefined index of class const array – #75984
example when you have car factory and you have parkings lots for cars made in january, february, march for each month 3 parking lots, if you make 8 cars in january, its hard to park them , its same is graph as months are evenly spaced up and I cannot narrow /squeeze multiple points into single month, but I guess I will take representative sample of 3 for each month, or the biggest common count, or I will have to supply in some spacer points - interpolations
from api point of view what does creating resource means?
example to create new resource use POST and to change or update the resource use PUT.
I do not understand, what you are trying to ask
what does this resource means?
/users/431 is a resource
/users is a collection (of resources)
regarding graph in the end I guess I will just select average and group it by specific months
@tereško ah thanks, that's nice explanation.
Does anyone use Deployer and can that person tell me how one would configure the damn thing to make one single file in a directory writable? There is "writable_dirs", which doesnt work for files.. but there doesnt seem to be a "writable_files" ...
I got accepted to talk at PHPDay in italy! And I completely forgot I applied!
It's like a birthday
incoherent muttering
Congrats! :D
starting work is not a real achievement, but thanks ...
@PeeHaa Reminds me of that batshit crazy phpixie dude
@velmu Frameworks are like avocados, if you blink an eye they go straight from 'not yet' to 'can't really eat anymore'
anyone ever sealed a concrete pond ?
@JoeWatkins I did that many years ago
Weirdly enough.. yes..
excellent, tell me anything you remember about it ...
Did it in the same way as I fix missing features in code. Just toss in a heap of junk and hide it under a heap of dirt.
@DaveRandom I find them to be more like bananas, once you peel back the surface, they're full of mush, and from then on it gets shitty really fast
haha italien mg
pastebin.com/BNYTMURY I am trying to fill an array with seven arrays that will contain the values of the power function from the first to the seventh degree pastebin.com/BNYTMURY but I am only getting the last value of each array instead of all the values
$Aproduct[$i] the value of $i does not change between iterations of the foreach loop
you probably want either $Aproduct[$i][] or $Aproduct[$i][$key]
$Aproduct[$i][] did the trick
Thanks @DaveRandom
@R1ddler if you are using Hungarian notation, then commit to it:
$Aproduct = array();
for ($Ii = 1; $Ii < $Idegree; $Ii++) {
    foreach ($Aarray as $Ikey => $Ivalue) {

        $Ivalue_degree = pow($Ivalue, $Ii);
        $Aproduct[$Ii] = $Ivalue_degree;
here, fixed it for you, @R1ddler
Hi gang. I've got xDebug set up, and I can pause execution with a breakpoint, but it seems to automatically unpause after 30 seconds or so. Anyone know why? I'm using PHP Storm.
set time limit maybe?
hey dutchman
@jjok other than I can tell you that definitely doesn't happen on my work machine, no. I know that doesn't happen on my work machine because I have left them overnight before.
set_time_limit() sounds like a good call though
the default is 30secs and I would imagine the implementation is SAPI-dependent
Pretty sure xdebug nukes the time limit
@DaveRandom Mmmm... I've never had it happen before. But I just set up a new environment and dev machine.
what are you doing, local debug session of CLI or remote of some web server?
@jjok yeh something like that seems likely, something outside PHP/xdebug's sphere of influence
I would have thought apache will log something in that case
Presumably PHP's max_execution_time doesn't matter does it? As the code is paused, rather than executing?
It would make sense that it's Apache that's timing out, as it's just waiting for a response.
@Wes was it possible to tell phpstorm to add function imports at the end of the user statements?
@PeeHaa uh?
Sorry use* statements
you mean ordered
use function XXX; all after use Class;
Sorry for terrible explanation :P
nope, but if you do optimize code or something, it fixes the imports for you, i believe
code > optimize imports
Ah yes
Weird it cannot do that by default
Because you're weird :P
I haven't seen you in a long time and this is the first thing you tell me? :(
That's real friendship
You can say to me "maaaan, you got more fat since last time"
Did you? :P Is it all the wurst?
No more wurst and bier at work :(
Do something about it
Actually I lied, just no bier, which is worse
yeah. How would you do wurst without bier
that's the wurst
@jjok xdebug should be able to control how that behaves, it will most likely adjust it's behaviour so it still works but ignores time spend at a breakpoint, but I don't know for sure
@DaveRandom Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's an Apache thing. Thanks.
@jjok have you met our lord and saviour fpm?
although this is a super-weak argument in favour of it, there are much better ones :-P
Apache can use fpm
It just feels dirty
Also, I have remote xdebugs connecting back from inside docker, no strange timeout, so that environment works
Nailed my second 10k on Sunday \o/
Nicely done
What time did you get?
I started doing 5k (as a minimum) each morning before work, starting in December, it's been painful
Hi, completely offtopic but I need a native english speaker. On an invoice you have a total, a [amount which has already been paid] and a remaining. What is the part between the brackets called?
Damn, you've gotta rest between runs :P
Hah, well all those years of suffering project managers seems to have got your estimations pretty good
Ehh, the painful bit is mostly the getting up at 6:30
hello all , I need help please
@Martijn Is the part in brackets the bit that's remaining?
@Martijn It's just that - amount already paid / amount paid
No. Say the total is 100eu, and ive payed 35:
Total: 100
someWord: 35
remaining: 65
It's really that simple? lol was expecting an actual word for it (in dutch we have one). Thanks
i have no idea about php for it's not my field , i need to write a php acript file so i can save xml files sent from android app in to mysql database
thank you all
@Martijn Total/Received/Outstanding
...is what I would probably use
@DaveRandom You are outstanding
@DaveRandom Ha! No, I haven't yet.
@PeeHaa Did you hear about the scarecrow who got that award? He was outstanding in his field.
Is that in !!dad? it should be
Heh, was just googling to make sure "outstanding balance" was appropriate, but it seems the "balance" part adds other meaning. So I concur with outstanding
Did you hear about the Mexican train killer? He had locomotives.
These should be in the !!dad
JSON parser not following preposed RFC – #75986
how do u think why when u save on ms notepad and pick utf-8 format they add bom ?
@Darius This brief answer of yours opened a new page in my knowledge about SQL :D I feel like I love those who programmed SQL :_( :p
don't worry, it will pass
soon you will be back to hating everyone, like a normal person
Q: Is using internet proxies a sackable offence?

LukeI'm based in the UK and am about six months into my first job as an Apprentice Software Dev, and came straight into it from college. All through high school and college we would easily bypass the school's filtering software by using proxies, and as soon as one got blocked we'd just move on to ano...

Damn the top answers in that are overly brutal
> One fellow was fired for telnetting from one computer to another within the LAN
pfffft, he should have ssh'd :P
@Sean probably 'murica so no biggie. we have seen it in the movies.
@Sean I know, I commented saying leave the company, all these suit assholes saying he'd be fired
what a joke
Also, upvote my comment :D
@DejanMarjanovic UK dude
Does anyone use Justinrainbow/validator for validating json response? If so......how do you get it to do anything. e.g. I'm doing gist.github.com/Danack/4fd50280026ba582be8a12dee12f9478 and it gives no errors.
I'm almost certainly missing something trivial.
Do I need to make a top level object definition that says, 'this object returns a type of article' ?
@Jimbo :O I can't find it
@Jimbo Just because you can drink beer and grease the keyboard with wurst doesn't mean you can do proxy gimmicks... oh wait
@DejanMarjanovic In every company I've worked, except one (where they put an admin password on the comp and required "IT support" to put in the password for every installation, it was a f* nightmare), they didn't care about this BS. These places are "suit nobs" places
Don't work as a suit nob
Also, that place that had the password on, I just reset the bios password by taking out the battery, then did a little admin password change with Windows' sticky keys (google it), and made an account so I could do my fucking job
Some places put in security for the sake of security, and if it gets in the way of you doing your job, it's not worth it
@Sean It's on the question :)
wtf kind of crappy bios loses the password by removing the cmos battery? :-S
If something is going to be hacked, it will.
was it a 486 or something?
is that sarcasm?
ah good old times.. cmos battery tricks..
@DaveRandom Was a modern laptop, why is that not normal? It's something I've always known
a Dell
not afaik, it certainly doesn't happen on the HP8000 mini towers we have in our office
I haven't removed the battery from any other mobo in 15+ years though
@Jimbo TBH I'm not disagreeing with them.
can someone try if skipping tests in phpunit produces this message?
There was 1 skipped test:
1) xxxxxxx
@Jimbo I open pornhub on my company laptop but if some page "doesn't want to be opened" I just turn on my laptop... common sense?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've only really worked in relaxed places, apart from that one I mentioned. Culture is important to me - can get paid just as much without having a huge list of 'security' that get in the way of your job
if said 'security' gets in the way, change the policies, don't try to circumvent it because one so oh knows better than management, yes?
"This gets in the way of me doing my job" is a sound argument, if you can actually back it up.
@Wes I can't see anything like that. Do you have a different option for output though?
PHPUnit 6.3.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

...SS............................................................ 65 / 76 ( 85%)
...........                                                       76 / 76 (100%)

Time: 1.4 seconds, Memory: 12.00MB

OK, but incomplete, skipped, or risky tests!
Tests: 76, Assertions: 248, Skipped: 2.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier very, very true
ah, it works with --verbose
i swear it used to print those even without verbose :\
@FélixGagnon-Grenier You can't. They're often set by a CTO who doesn't know what they're doing and it's a blanket policy, or there's some ISO standard they must comply with due to certain clients
time to update phpunit though, i might have found a bug
And the company culture also usually goes hand-in-hand... must have dress code, must sell soul to work there etc
I've experienced it, even wrote a question about it let me find it
@Jimbo Working in a company where ISO is literally what puts bread and butter on everyone's table, I don't understand how little regard you seem to have for it :P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I have little regard for it for me. I easily went somewhere else where I was happier and didn't have to put up with that
If your employer, company, lives and thrives by respecting such standards, one should do everything to abide by them, be it only by self preservation
@FélixGagnon-Grenier he's more of a margarine kind of guy
I understand that some people may be desperate to work there because they have families and can't afford to get a job somewhere else
Or else don't believe in themselves enough to move and get a job somewhere else
Or else don't want to put in the effort etc etc (many reasons)
But I don't, and I don't like it, and that's okay
Q: As a developer, how can I ask for more freedom when confronted with a tight IT security policy?

JamesI've just joined a new company of around 100 employees, 15 of which are developers (including myself). A very frustrating aspect of the job is the IT security policy. As developers we need access to the latest and greatest tools to get the job done - we know what we're doing. However, we are res...

Found it
The funny thing:
> The most important thing to note here is: we all use VMs anyway to get around this!
(and they were aware of it)
And my response later on in a comment:
> An additional note, I switched to another company 8 months later. Having things in the way of doing your job (which you do every single day) just isn't worth it :-)
> we know what we're doing
I am consistently surprised by people's inability to grasp seemingly idiot-proof concepts
evenings room.
@DaveRandom context?
@Jimbo well something specific and very dull at work was the trigger but also, apparently, generating memes.
posted on February 20, 2018 by CommitStrip

Bleh, immutable RFC again.
god again
God is indeed immutable.
prove it
!!> God = 'something else'
[ 5.6.0 - 5.6.30, 7.0.0 - 7.2.2 ] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /in/gA3cq on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ hhvm-3.18.5, hhvm-3.22.0 ] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /in/gA3cq:-1 Stack trace: #0 {main} <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ hhvm-3.21.3 ] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /in/gA3cq:1 Stack trace: #0 {main} <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
@Wes see, can't be reassigned
otoh, also doesn't exist in the first place
i hate myself. i just spent a good hour trying to find a bug in phpunit... turns out it was in my code
@LeviMorrison for the record, i am totally pro object constant references, but not like that. that's just stupid.
public const $foo; // can only be assigned once (ideally in the ctor), can contain a mutable object
the reference is immutable, not the content
@Wes I like that GUUID method you taught me that always keeps the objects in a valid state...here's a wildcard though...
I need to interface with other applications that do not allow me to provide an ID, they only return it to me.
that's an external id, in your application you can use your own
@samayo why are you ignoring me? :(
Does PHP ever return 'NAN' for some reason when mucking about with numbers?
check the result of acos(1.01)
<?php echo acos(1.01); ?> outputs NAN
so the answer to your question is yes
Ta, didn't know that!
neither did I, the first google search I did brought it up lol
@Sean sqrt(-1)
it should really throw an exception in my opinion
@Bonner웃 It would in Java
it would in C# too
Not really sure what I'd like, honestly.
@Naruto I'm not
Giving new chance to wiki.php.net/rfc/immutability with some updates.
I want to know the best practice to do the following:
I have a machine that I use for development; actually it is pretty slow with Vagrant because it isn't so powerful and my project is pretty heavy.
I wanted to know what is the best practice to have a remote development server, but without having to push via FTP or GIT at every line change: I tend to edit two-three lines and then check if something is wrong. Actually, with GIT or via FTP can be pretty boring. More, I use phpStorm as a IDE. So using FTP would make me miss so much features like checking if the class exists, namespace
Thank you!
The real answer is get a better pc
Also fairly sure you can connect phpstorm over ftp
But that sounds painful at best
AHAH great

Yes, in fact it is painful...
But, I wonder... how do remote developers teams do?
I mean, like... a company has development servers in its servers farm and it has remote developers. The project is very big. How do they do?
They develop locally and use git
So they use a powerful machine anyway?
If they need it yes
So every remote developer downloads the source code and develops in his machine, then pushes to the development server?
Yes. Or more likely creates a PR
Yes, right, because in that case there are permissions
@Optiroot the have CI systems
CI systems?
continuous integration
What naming convention do you guys use for your primaries in SQL?
@tereško I don't know if pretty well... I tried to understand it some weeks ago as I remember but it wasn't successful; how does them work?
@Allenph I use <table in singular>_id .. and preferably the same name for the foreign key
for example for table Accounts I have PK field as account_id ... and in table AccountGroups I have columns named account_id and group_id
@Optiroot wat. Please use English.
@SilvioMarijic You weren't supposed to edit that RFC! </badjoke>
seriously, that sentence made no sense

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